コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 een strand separation and B-Z transitions in superhelical DNA.
2 ity and promotes the formation of D-loops in superhelical DNA.
4 formation of displacement loops (D-loops) in superhelical DNA and by strand exchange between colinear
5 are enzymes of quintessence to the upkeep of superhelical DNA, and are vital for replication, transcr
7 rotein catalyzed the formation of D-loops in superhelical DNA, as well as strand exchange between sin
9 n the presence of IHF, the same increases in superhelical DNA densities result in larger increases in
11 ge-based techniques to structures present in superhelical DNA has been hindered by the fact that the
13 preference of the linker histones to bind to superhelical DNA in comparison with linear or relaxed mo
16 though aggregation can be made to occur with superhelical DNA, it can do so only at near-saturation l
17 "persistence length", and argues that long, superhelical DNA may be regarded at once as locally stif
20 hich was highly proficient for ATP-dependent superhelical DNA relaxation and decatenation of interloc
21 ivity, that the ability of p63DBD to bind to superhelical DNA suggests that it is capable of binding
22 quilibration behind the relaxation of native superhelical DNAs suggests that it may require cleavage
23 ved behavior of binding of linker histone to superhelical DNA that is consistent with both the divale
25 direct competition, linker histone binds to superhelical DNA to the complete exclusion of linear DNA
26 for the promoter region of the PARP gene in superhelical DNA where the dyad symmetry elements likely
27 bility of DNA gyrase to constrain a positive superhelical DNA wrap, and also suggest that the particu
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