コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 odifying evoked activity in auditory cortex (superior temporal gyrus).
2 site influence on the evoked response in the superior temporal gyrus.
3 in the left hemisphere, especially along the superior temporal gyrus.
4 tivity in lower-level sensory regions of the superior temporal gyrus.
5 neus, parietal lobule, precentral gyrus, and superior temporal gyrus.
6 ively correlated with activation in the left superior temporal gyrus.
7 was correlated with atrophy in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.
8 sites that probably index activity from the superior temporal gyrus.
9 tegorically organized in the human posterior superior temporal gyrus.
10 ificant difference in the volume of the left superior temporal gyrus.
11 terior cingulate, precuneus, left insula and superior temporal gyrus.
12 nt in a multisensory association area of the superior temporal gyrus.
13 n fissure or the upper bank of the posterior superior temporal gyrus.
14 structure is differentially processed in the superior temporal gyrus.
15 gulate, periaqueductal grey matter (PAG) and superior temporal gyrus.
16 ces, anterior cingulate, insular cortex, and superior temporal gyrus.
17 ea 36 projects only to rostral levels of the superior temporal gyrus.
18 s in the entorhinal cortex, area TE, and the superior temporal gyrus.
19 s in temporal lobe structures, including the superior temporal gyrus.
20 gyrus, left medial parietal cortex and right superior temporal gyrus.
21 rder and tissue volume in the right anterior superior temporal gyrus.
22 ied the frontoparietal operculum, insula and superior temporal gyrus.
23 hippocampus, the subtemporal cortex and the superior temporal gyrus.
24 tion of a single dipole generator within the superior temporal gyrus.
25 abelt region just lateral to the belt on the superior temporal gyrus.
26 to tissue volume asymmetry in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.
27 , as well as in the right Heschl's gyrus and superior temporal gyrus.
28 nged arterial transit time (ATT) in the left superior temporal gyrus.
29 ral inferior frontal gyrus and contralateral superior temporal gyrus.
30 gular gyrus, planum temporale, and posterior superior temporal gyrus.
31 ruit this region and instead activated right superior temporal gyrus.
32 as the white matter underlying the posterior superior temporal gyrus.
33 neural networks, was strongest in the right superior temporal gyrus.
34 n left primary auditory cortex and bilateral superior temporal gyrus.
35 ed gray matter volume reductions in the left superior temporal gyrus (13% difference) and bilateral f
36 smaller gray matter volumes in the posterior superior temporal gyrus (16% smaller on the right, 15% s
37 ter reductions were found bilaterally in the superior temporal gyrus (6.0%), but not in the hippocamp
41 e effect more precisely to the left anterior superior temporal gyrus, a region previously implicated
42 These findings provide new evidence that superior temporal gyrus abnormalities may result from ge
43 of the planum temporale, Heschl's gyrus, and superior temporal gyrus, additionally controlled for han
46 n in matched comparison subjects in the left superior temporal gyrus, an area important for language
47 reas combined, left cingulate gyrus and left superior temporal gyrus and a fewer NODs in the right su
48 temporal lobe (excluding the volumes of the superior temporal gyrus and amygdala/hippocampal complex
49 I volumes were calculated for gray matter of superior temporal gyrus and for the amygdala-hippocampal
51 reases in the primary auditory cortex (i.e., superior temporal gyrus and Heschl's gyrus) correlated w
52 ens to these neural representations past the superior temporal gyrus and how they engage higher-level
53 volumes of gray matter in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus and in medial temporal lobe stru
54 tudy provides evidence that areas within the superior temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus are h
55 ontrast, the response time courses along the superior temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus were
56 lly, the activated areas included the entire superior temporal gyrus and large portions of the pariet
57 previously reported abnormality in the left superior temporal gyrus and may be a vulnerability marke
59 ith Down's syndrome, the correlations of the superior temporal gyrus and planum temporale volumes wit
60 Focally decreased thickness was seen in the superior temporal gyrus and posterior cingulate cortex i
61 y subjects in right temporal lobe, bilateral superior temporal gyrus and posterior superior temporal
62 permethylated in two other cortical regions (superior temporal gyrus and prefrontal cortex), but not
63 am that originates in the caudal part of the superior temporal gyrus and projects to the parietal cor
64 ipital gyrus, left anterior cingulate, right superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus durin
65 tural integrity of a posterior region of the superior temporal gyrus and sulcus predicted auditory sh
66 mporal voice areas (TVAs) are regions of the superior temporal gyrus and sulcus that respond more to
68 ampus and amygdala) and neocortical regions (superior temporal gyrus and temporal pole) were examined
69 l lobe structural brain abnormalities in the superior temporal gyrus and the amygdala-hippocampal com
70 y of temporal lobe structures, including the superior temporal gyrus and the amygdala/hippocampal com
71 significant main effect of diagnosis in the superior temporal gyrus and the amygdala/hippocampal com
72 past risk modulated with the activity in the superior temporal gyrus and the angular gyrus, respectiv
74 ed disproportionately reduced volumes of the superior temporal gyrus and the frontal lobe relative to
75 of this study was to investigate whether the superior temporal gyrus and the planum temporale, both p
76 cortical gray matter volume loss in the left superior temporal gyrus and thus may not be developmenta
77 PD had significantly smaller GMV in the left superior temporal gyrus and widespread frontal, frontoli
78 ecorrelation of neural networks in the right superior temporal gyrus and, to a lesser extent, other a
79 ction (left superior temporal gyrus to right superior temporal gyrus), and positive correlation betwe
80 rior hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and superior temporal gyrus, and an increase in white matter
81 ed in addictive disorders, including insula, superior temporal gyrus, and anterior/mid-cingulate cort
82 campus, bilateral middle frontal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, and cingulate gyrus/anterior ci
83 erior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and fusiform gyrus during memor
84 significantly smaller average temporal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, and hippocampal volumes than no
85 ponses in bilateral primary auditory cortex, superior temporal gyrus, and lateral prefrontal cortex f
87 rior superior temporal gyrus, right anterior superior temporal gyrus, and left hippocampal volumes du
88 measuring the volumes of the temporal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, and mesial temporal structures
89 f the precentral and postcentral gyri, right superior temporal gyrus, and opercula, which differentia
90 lateral prefrontal cortex, ventral striatum, superior temporal gyrus, and parahippocampal region.
91 " (in anterolateral Heschl's gyrus, anterior superior temporal gyrus, and posterior planum polare) an
92 ortical gray matter nuclei, corpus callosum, superior temporal gyrus, and pre- and postcentral gyri.
93 primarily in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, superior temporal gyrus, and superior parietal lobule.
94 in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, superior temporal gyrus, and supplementary motor area, a
95 f the inferotemporal cortex, portions of the superior temporal gyrus, and the granular region of the
96 as the inferior frontal gyrus, the posterior superior temporal gyrus, and the inferior parietal lobul
97 maller volume on the right side of the total superior temporal gyrus; and 3) a positive correlation b
98 e regions include the parahippocampal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, anterior temporal poles, and th
99 temporal gyrus and a fewer NODs in the right superior temporal gyrus as compared to those born preter
100 isphere language areas, right precentral and superior temporal gyrus, as well as left caudate and ant
101 plied the inference; and (2) within the left superior temporal gyrus at the coherence break or when p
102 latency of the left and right middle latency superior temporal gyrus auditory ~50ms response (M50)(1)
103 ht middle frontal gyrus (BA 9/46), the right superior temporal gyrus (BA 22), the right insula (BA 13
105 acquired from multiple positions within the superior temporal gyrus (BA21), dorsolateral frontal lob
107 rtant for language processing, including the superior temporal gyrus (beta=-88.8 muL per risk allele,
108 tter volume differences in the left or right superior temporal gyrus between the subjects with schizo
109 rtex (BA 17/18), left hippocampus, bilateral superior temporal gyrus, bilateral lenticular nuclei and
110 atter-white matter ratios in the rest of the superior temporal gyrus, but this pattern was not observ
111 ontal cortex and aberrant recruitment of the superior temporal gyrus, caudate nucleus, and thalamus.
113 in gray matter volume over time in the left superior temporal gyrus compared with patients with firs
114 reased in the planum temporale and posterior superior temporal gyrus contralateral to the direction o
115 e found that anterior cingulate, insula, and superior temporal gyrus correlated with emotional apprai
116 temporal pole, inferior parietal lobule, and superior temporal gyrus) corresponded to regions associa
117 them (except the rostral inferotemporal and superior temporal gyrus cortices) are components of the
121 ry gating would be evident in M50 sources in superior temporal gyrus, demonstrating ratios similar to
122 eases in regional cerebral blood flow in the superior temporal gyrus, dorsal anterior and posterior c
123 contrast, the DPFC connects with the rostral superior temporal gyrus, dorsal bank of the superior tem
124 inferior frontal gyrus, premotor cortex, and superior temporal gyrus during a picture description tas
125 al thalamus and putamen, and left insula and superior temporal gyrus during these tasks was significa
127 ay matter volumes in the right orbitofrontal/superior temporal gyrus extending to the amygdala, insul
128 from right primary auditory cortex to right superior temporal gyrus (feed-forward) and from left pri
129 ongly associated with hypoperfusion of right superior temporal gyrus (Fisher's exact test; p < 0.0001
130 l association areas - from Heschl's gyrus to superior temporal gyrus for the auditory spelling task a
131 st analysis revealed additional decreases in superior temporal gyrus for the hearing loss group compa
133 umes relative to normal controls in the left superior temporal gyrus, frontal regions, cerebellum and
134 ssive volume reduction of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus gray matter in patients with fir
135 d inferior temporal gyri, the left posterior superior temporal gyrus gray matter in the schizophrenia
136 ia and that low volume of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus gray matter is specific to schiz
141 ical gray matter volumes, including the left superior temporal gyrus, have been reported in magnetic
142 lumes were determined for the temporal lobe, superior temporal gyrus, Heschl's gyrus (HG), and the pl
143 associated with a lesion area comprising the superior temporal gyrus, Heschl's gyrus, insula, and str
144 n, the authors studied two components of the superior temporal gyrus: Heschl's gyrus and the planum t
146 ditory cortex and surrounding regions of the superior temporal gyrus; however, the manner in which th
147 t inferior frontal gyrus and left middle and superior temporal gyrus in a pattern that is consistent
148 ased between left inferior frontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus in autism, and large-scale conne
149 gnificant reduction in left asymmetry in the superior temporal gyrus in both patients and controls.
150 included the anterior, posterior, and total superior temporal gyrus in both the left and right hemis
151 tence of volumetric alterations in the right superior temporal gyrus in children and adolescents with
153 demonstrated greater activation in the left superior temporal gyrus in response to BSL than hearing
157 to greater understanding of the role of the superior temporal gyrus in the premorbid vulnerability t
158 input to area TH is from the rostral part of superior temporal gyrus, including the auditory associat
160 orbitofrontal cortex, and uncus, and in the superior temporal gyrus, insula, and anterior cingulate
162 orphology of the posterior cingulate cortex, superior temporal gyrus, insula, fusiform gyrus, and cau
163 contrast, we found that increased posterior superior temporal gyrus interhemispheric functional conn
166 , the data suggest that the right hemisphere superior temporal gyrus is particularly involved during
167 tial processing, whereas the left hemisphere superior temporal gyrus is particularly involved during
168 orale, the posterior superior surface of the superior temporal gyrus, is a highly lateralized brain s
169 he prefrontal cortex and inferiorly into the superior temporal gyrus), left medial superior frontal g
170 ompetition in left supramarginal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus (MTG
171 sal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, superior temporal gyrus; left frontal and parietal operc
172 ence of low gamma modulations in the ACC and Superior Temporal Gyrus may associate with increases of
173 ty in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and superior temporal gyrus may contribute to the taste perc
174 -sided volumetric abnormalities found in the superior temporal gyrus may reflect a particularly early
175 nounced in the posterior portion of the left superior temporal gyrus (mean=9.6%) than in the anterior
176 hree brain areas (i.e., hypothalamus, insula/superior temporal gyrus, medial prefrontal cortex).
177 ormative activity in the anterior portion of superior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, right oc
178 pecific tuning to individual vowels, whereas superior temporal gyrus neurons have nonspecific, sinuso
179 r the subjects with Down's syndrome, neither superior temporal gyrus nor planum temporale volume was
180 aging was used to measure the right and left superior temporal gyrus of 29 young nonpsychotic subject
183 found that the volumes of the right and left superior temporal gyrus of the subjects at risk for schi
184 as to investigate gray matter volumes in the superior temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe (left and r
185 ndicated the causal relationship between (i) superior-temporal gyrus of either hemisphere and auditor
186 impaired after removal of either the rostral superior temporal gyrus or the medial temporal lobe but
187 ic regions of the temporal lobe, such as the superior temporal gyrus or the right temporal lobe, did
190 r "where" (in planum temporale and posterior superior temporal gyrus) pathways as early as approximat
191 n areas hMT+/V5+ and implicate the posterior superior temporal gyrus/planum temporale in auditory mot
192 specifically, IA participants recruited left superior temporal gyrus/planum temporale, matching the p
193 e posterior cingulate, precuneus, insula and superior temporal gyrus preferentially differentiates to
194 tion preferentially engaged a portion of the superior temporal gyrus previously implicated in visual
195 the parainsula, and rostral portions of the superior temporal gyrus project both to the lateral, bas
196 ere localized primarily to lateral posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG) and modulated binaural-cu
197 highly predictive contexts in left posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG), an area previously assoc
199 g controls in the superior frontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus, regions previously linked to sc
201 chizophrenia (N=14) and comparison (N=14) of superior temporal gyrus revealed a smaller molecular mas
202 ateral superior temporal gyrus and posterior superior temporal gyrus, right anterior superior tempora
203 isions of the parabelt, and in cortex of the superior temporal gyrus rostral to the parabelt with par
204 activity at single electrodes over the human superior temporal gyrus selectively represented intonati
208 showed sustained delay-period activity, the superior temporal gyrus (STG) activated more vigorously
210 ty between the left AI/FO and left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and between the left AI/FO
211 re connected with the dorsal TG, the rostral superior temporal gyrus (STG) and dorsal bank of STS, an
213 egions beyond HG and PT, specifically in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and planum polare (PP).
214 involved in speech processing, including the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the posterior inferior
215 entified as differentially expressed between superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the remaining cerebral
216 e sleep fMRI method show that defects in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) in response to language ar
217 nsiderable evidence has implicated the human superior temporal gyrus (STG) in speech processing.
218 musia [5-8] suggest that the right posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) in the human brain is spec
222 gnetoencephalographic brain responses in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) is uniquely consistent wit
225 Previous studies revealed that posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) responds to acoustic scale
226 itory regions on the supratemporal plane and superior temporal gyrus (STG) were investigated using Gr
227 left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG), and inferior parietal lob
228 in humans, as in monkeys, is located on the superior temporal gyrus (STG), and is functionally and s
229 damage in neglect patients lies in the right superior temporal gyrus (STG), and not in the right post
230 audal superior temporal sulcus (STS), caudal superior temporal gyrus (STG), and posterior cingulate,
231 iated with neglect is the mid portion of the superior temporal gyrus (STG), on the lateral surface of
232 ial-surface electrodes placed on the lateral superior temporal gyrus (STG), or from both simultaneous
233 etry of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and superior temporal gyrus (STG), the sensory and visual co
234 nemes) is consistently localized to left mid-superior temporal gyrus (STG), whereas activation associ
245 x [PCC], inferior parietal lobule [IPL], and superior temporal gyrus (STG]) were drawn on the MRI sca
246 voked potential at Cz, M50 at left and right superior temporal gyrus [STG]) and 100 msec (N100 at Cz,
249 sk-specific activation increase in the right superior temporal gyrus/sulcus (STG/STS) during speaker
250 n increase in neurotransmission in the right Superior Temporal Gyrus (t=1.403, p=0.00780), Fusiform G
251 ler gray matter volume in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus than did the patients with first
252 l responses, most notably in right posterior superior temporal gyrus, than an identical shift that oc
253 ding that neurons in the rostral part of the superior temporal gyrus (the superior temporal polysenso
254 nts) in the middle and posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus, the adjacent part of the middle
255 ally significant gender interactions for the superior temporal gyrus, the amygdala/hippocampal comple
256 e of temporal lobe structures, including the superior temporal gyrus, the amygdala/hippocampal comple
257 red with the rostral and middle parts of the superior temporal gyrus, the caudal portion has little c
259 stcentral gyrus, the paracentral lobule, the superior temporal gyrus, the middle cingulate gyrus, the
260 the right posterior superior temporal sulcus/superior temporal gyrus, the right medial anterior tempo
261 the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and superior temporal gyrus; the right ventrolateral prefron
262 mic regions (sensorimotor, Broca's area, and superior temporal gyrus), these behavior- and location-d
263 from nonprimary auditory cortex in the human superior temporal gyrus to determine what acoustic infor
264 performance and a feedback connection (right superior temporal gyrus to right primary auditory cortex
265 on and an inter-hemispheric connection (left superior temporal gyrus to right superior temporal gyrus
266 thors obtained bilateral measurements of the superior temporal gyrus (total, gray matter, and white m
267 l acoustic features of speech from posterior superior temporal gyrus toward anterior superior tempora
270 h schizotypal personality disorder showed no superior temporal gyrus volume differences, but prelimin
271 minently in schizophrenia research, and left superior temporal gyrus volume has been shown to be smal
272 onship between language-related symptoms and superior temporal gyrus volume is similar to that seen i
273 association between abnormal speech and left superior temporal gyrus volume, a finding similar to tha
277 measured prefrontal, inferior parietal, and superior temporal gyrus volumes and examined the pattern
283 ty in the medial prefrontal cortex and right superior temporal gyrus was observed in children with AS
284 he total and gray matter volume of the right superior temporal gyrus was significantly lower in patie
285 r the visual spelling task from calcarine to superior temporal gyrus was stronger than all other effe
286 ight middle temporal gyri and left posterior superior temporal gyrus were present in schizophrenia bu
287 ne and in rostral and caudal portions of the superior temporal gyrus were studied by the autoradiogra
288 Neurons in the lateral belt areas of the superior temporal gyrus were tuned to the best center fr
289 al processing occurred in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area) and motor prod
290 nts during the stories: (1) within the right superior temporal gyrus when a verb in the text implied
291 ly 50% in severe Alzheimer's hippocampus and superior temporal gyrus when normalized to expression of
292 increased coupling within the left posterior superior temporal gyrus, whereas perceptually equivalent
293 imotor interface areas (e.g., left posterior superior temporal gyrus), which was reliable only when t
295 malities have been reported in the posterior superior temporal gyrus, which includes the Heschl gyrus
296 ual cortex, and the posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus, which is known as a region invo
297 quire retrieval of learned associations, the superior temporal gyrus, which responds well to sounds,
298 s from the human nonprimary auditory cortex (superior temporal gyrus) while subjects listened to spee
299 ing generators of the auditory MMN along the superior temporal gyrus with no evidence of a somatosens
300 Both pronunciation tasks activated the left superior temporal gyrus, with significantly greater acti
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