


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  atrial septal aneurysm, and persistent left superior vena cava).
2 he upper part of the right lung entering the superior vena cava.
3 he septum, the left atrial appendage and the superior vena cava.
4 electrodes in the right ventricular apex and superior vena cava.
5 limited cluster between the right atrium and superior vena cava.
6  defect, Robin sequence, and persistent left superior vena cava.
7 e sulcus terminalis, RA free wall, and right superior vena cava.
8 ter placed inside the coronary sinus via the superior vena cava.
9 lse impression of a correct placement in the superior vena cava.
10 reases in venous return from the arms to the superior vena cava.
11 ent required reoperation for stenosis of the superior vena cava.
12 entricle (3), right atrium (2), right atrium/superior vena cava (1), and right atrium/inferior vena c
13 (pulmonary artery=26, pulmonary vein=21, and superior vena cava=12).
14 observed (innominate vein 13.9 +/- 4.5 J vs. superior vena cava 13.6 +/- 8.3 J, p = NS).
15 re also prominent, including persistent left superior vena cava (13%) and partial anomalous pulmonary
16 (169, 353); ascending aorta, 191 (121, 261); superior vena cava, 137 (77, 197); ductus arteriosus, 18
17 tus arteriosus (16/47, 34%), persistent left superior vena cava (14/47, 30%), and abnormal branching
18 ed heart (innominate vein 13.0 +/- 6.5 J vs. superior vena cava 17.9 +/- 5.1 J, p < 0.01).
19 , 56 (44, 68); ascending aorta, 41 (29, 53); superior vena cava, 29 (15, 43); ductus arteriosus, 41 (
20 hat the Doppler flow velocity pattern in the superior vena cava (affected by intrathoracic pressure)
21 n during right phrenic nerve pacing from the superior vena cava, all patients underwent diaphragmatic
22 described fat pad located between the medial superior vena cava and aortic root (SVC-Ao fat pad), sup
23                                      For the superior vena cava and brachiocephalic veins, the recons
24  technique into the left subclavian vein and superior vena cava and evaluated for up to 90 minutes.
25 nly, closed-chest, large-vessel anastomosis (superior vena cava and pulmonary artery [PA] or bidirect
26 f an intravascular balloon positioned at the superior vena cava and right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ) r
27                                However, when superior vena cava and right atrial oxyhemoglobin satura
28 o have the tip placed at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium.
29 formed with a transformation that linked the superior vena cava and the coronary sinus from the CT mo
30                               Similarly, the superior vena cava and the coronary sinus were also reco
31 rachiocephalic vein or its junction with the superior vena cava, and over half of them drained below
32 diac valves, septal defects, persistent left superior vena cava, and patent ductus arteriosus, were p
33 n electrodes were placed in the RV apex, the superior vena cava, and the great cardiac vein (CV).
34 stance from these venous access sites to the superior vena cava-atrial junction (CAJ), and evaluated
35 e mean distance from all access sites to the superior vena cava-atrial junction was 18.0 cm.
36 s with Fontan circulation, 87% +/- 13 of the superior vena cava blood flowed to the right PA (range,
37                                              Superior vena cava catheterization interventions between
38 ack/tortuosity measures, pulse generator and superior vena cava coil location, and angle of lead exit
39 ndages, the junction of the right atrium and superior vena cava, crista terminalis, tricuspid valve i
40                   Transmural pressure of the superior vena cava decreased during inspiration, whereas
41 prospective study, respiratory variations of superior vena cava diameter (SVC) measured using transes
42                 An active can coupled to the superior vena cava electrode served as the return for th
43 shocks were delivered from right ventricular-superior vena cava electrodes after the last S1 stimulus
44                                              Superior vena cava filters should be avoided.
45                                              Superior vena cava flow passed almost exclusively into t
46 ed to determine whether Doppler recording of superior vena cava flow velocities can differentiate chr
47  Pulsed-wave Doppler recording of mitral and superior vena cava flow velocities in 20 patients with c
48 nts) or atrial fibrillation triggered from a superior vena cava focus (1 patient) adjacent to the rig
49 luid loading (index of collapsibility of the superior vena cava&gt;/=36%), inotropic support (left ventr
50 d in the right ventricular (RV) apex and the superior vena cava in 12 pigs.
51 ensional geometry and flow rates through the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, left pulmonary a
52                              Persistent left superior vena cava is a rare but important congenital va
53         Percutaneous filter placement in the superior vena cava is a safe and effective method for pr
54 tral venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) in the superior vena cava is predominantly determined by cardia
55                 Adjunctive ablation included superior vena cava isolation in 6 patients, cavotricuspi
56 h the proximal electrode at the right atrial-superior vena cava junction (superior vena cava position
57 subclavian vein (29.0+/-2.5 J, P=.0001) or a superior vena cava lead (30.7+/-3.7 J, P=.0001).
58 anoeuvre, blocking venous return through the superior vena cava, may allow brief retrograde transmiss
59                                    Transient superior vena cava occlusion has been reported following
60  nitroprusside nor blood withdrawal from the superior vena cava or carotid artery elicited USV from p
61 fidence limits would lead to large errors if superior vena cava or right atrial oxyhemoglobin saturat
62 lmonic stenosis, persistence of a left-sided superior vena cava or transposition of the great arterie
63 hout relevant index of collapsibility of the superior vena cava), or increased vasopressor support (r
64 is, eustachian ridge, crista terminalis, and superior vena cava); or arm 3, standard approach + ablat
65 lateral atriotomy to the inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, or tricuspid annulus or by ablating
66 of treatment strategies including continuous superior vena cava oximetry (SvO2), phenoxybenzamine (PO
67 sone, fluid resuscitation and fluid removal, superior vena cava oxygen saturation, goal-directed, coa
68  3.01-486; P=0.005), whereas persistent left superior vena cava (P=0.85), ventricular septal defect (
69  We report on a rare case of persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) with absent right superior ve
70 icantly lower than with the electrode in the superior vena cava position (13.4 +/- 5.7 J vs. 16.3 +/-
71 n was lower or equal to that achieved in the superior vena cava position in 75% of patients.
72 he right atrial-superior vena cava junction (superior vena cava position) and once with the proximal
73      In one subject, a congenital left-sided superior vena cava precluded right-sided capture.
74                                              Superior vena cava-related symptoms occur in only 50% of
75              Oxyhemoglobin saturation in the superior vena cava, right atrium, and pulmonary artery (
76 sue swelling with resultant narrowing of the superior vena cava-right atrial (SVC-RA) junction.
77                                    Aortic or superior vena cava rim deficiencies were more common in
78 superior vena cava (PLSVC) with absent right superior vena cava (RSVC).
79                  A young woman with a benign superior vena cava stenosis due to a tunneled internal j
80 al breakthrough at the junction of the right superior vena cava, sulcus terminalis, and RA free wall,
81              PTH levels were measured in the superior vena cava (SVC) before and at varying times fro
82 oid), and (3) a presaturation pulse labeling superior vena cava (SVC) blood.
83 ary vein (PV) origin, those arising from the superior vena cava (SVC) can precipitate atrial fibrilla
84                  The connecting site was the superior vena cava (SVC) in 39 veins (59.1%), right atri
85                           PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Superior vena cava (SVC) is one of the most important no
86 as to investigate the causes and symptoms of superior vena cava (SVC) obstruction or occlusion and re
87 ion of central veins of the thorax including superior vena cava (SVC), brachiocephalic (BCV), subclav
88 ices result from vascular obstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC).
89  central if they resided anywhere within the superior vena cava (SVC).
90    The catheter was positioned either in the superior vena cava (SVC, n = 6), coronary sinus (CS, n =
91 e of PE due to upper extremity thrombosis or superior vena cava syndrome (median follow-up, 15 weeks)
92 irway disease, and the other had a transient superior vena cava syndrome after a bidirectional Glenn
93  were followed up clinically for evidence of superior vena cava syndrome and PE.
94                                Specifically, superior vena cava syndrome may warrant radiation, chemo
95                                              Superior vena cava syndrome was more common in the non-c
96 al radiology department with symptoms of the superior vena cava syndrome.
97 gnificantly greater respiratory variation in superior vena cava systolic forward flow velocity in chr
98                                  Inspiratory superior vena cava systolic forward flow velocity was si
99 isease show a marked increase in inspiratory superior vena cava systolic forward flow velocity, which
100        On advancing the catheter through the superior vena cava, the P-wave amplitude (lead II) incre
101        Fifty patients underwent intermediate superior vena cava to pulmonary artery anastomosis at st
102 eeded for nonsurgical crossing from a donor (superior vena cava) to a recipient (PA) vessel and endov
103  between PVs plus empirical isolation of the superior vena cava was performed in all.
104 rch, aortic coarctation, and persistent left superior vena cava was significantly associated with wom
105        All four pulmonary vein antra and the superior vena cava were isolated using an ICE-guided tec
106 rams in the left atrium, coronary sinus, and superior vena cava were targeted for ablation.
107           All pulmonary veins, including the superior vena cava, were successfully isolated.
108 ent a case of visualization of a clot in the superior vena cava with collateral flow to the liver dur
109 line confirmed the presence of a clot in the superior vena cava with retrograde flow into the azygous
110 A model of chronic indwelling CVC in the low superior vena cava with thrombus in situ was established

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