


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ived neurotoxin (EDN) was measured in sputum supernates.
2 ubule-associated proteins (MAPs), high-speed supernates (250,000 g) from neuroblastoma and glioma cel
3 ro, whereas Ab neutralization of CCL2 in the supernate abolished the alternative activation of macrop
4                                       DEK in supernates and exosomes was purified by serial centrifug
5 ontaining cellulase, and centrifuged and the supernate assayed for ferritin by a commercial radioimmu
6                                              Supernates collected from the incubations were analyzed
7    Electron microscope observations of these supernates failed to demonstrate the presence of nucleat
8  combinations, 24 hours before harvesting of supernates for ELISAs and cells for flow cytometry.
9                                     Only the supernates from "differentiated" N18 cells were polymeri
10 s of Arg-Gln on VEGF levels were measured in supernates from hRPE cells by using ELISAs.
11                    Furthermore, the inactive supernates from other cells did not inhibit polymerizati
12 ent of camelysin and InhA1 levels in culture supernates from sinR-, inhA1-, and calY-null mutants sho
13 res, or their separated components-cells and supernates-have been directly analyzed by matrix-assiste
14               The sample is centrifuged, the supernate is transferred to an autosampler vial, and 10
15 approach, analyzing protein fragments in the supernate of activated platelets using mass spectroscopy
16 extracellular adenosine concentration in the supernate of cells deficient in ecto-5'-nucleotidase, bu
17 extracellular adenosine concentration in the supernates of these cells after transfection and surface
18  without activators (IgE-activated mast cell supernates, phorbol myristate acetate [PMA; to activate
19         IgE-activated conjunctival mast cell supernates upregulated the expression of TNFR1.
20 P to homogeneity from gastric fundic mucosal supernates using type II A-kinase regulatory subunit (RI
21 ytohemagglutinin (10 microg/ml), and culture supernates were assayed for interleukin-5 (IL-5) and int
22 nsible for the hemolytic activity of culture supernates when the bacterium is cultured in appropriate

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