コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
3 ciated viral type-2 (AAV2) vector to produce supernormal amount of bFGF or VEGF intrinsically in the
4 ality, while cold fibres exhibited a briefer supernormal and a late subnormal phase (H1), similar to
5 C response to excitatory drive, resulting in supernormal and incoherent recruitment of multiple PFC o
6 y towards supernormality, with 10/21 already supernormal at 0.25 Hz, 17/24 at 0.5 Hz and all were sup
13 the major determinant of conduction, causing supernormal conduction, depressed conduction, and conduc
16 comparisons between categorical AD cases and supernormal controls, and (2) quantitative phenotypic fa
22 subset of inner retinal cells accompanied by supernormal ERG responses suggests that ANT1 may be loca
27 ls are on an H-2(d) background, they exhibit supernormal levels of Ly49A and possess normal cytolytic
31 ransitions in excitability from subnormal to supernormal observed empirically following a conducted a
32 on and before distilled water injection, and supernormal (P < 0.05) after distilled water injection.
33 exposure, intraretinal manganese uptake was supernormal (P < 0.05) and did not increase with increas
34 0.05) different from the P17 control but was supernormal (P < 0.05) over the central capillary-free r
37 a normal MD may produce a subpopulation with supernormal perimetric performance, a criterion of a nor
40 In some CMIs but in none of the CMRs, the supernormal period was directly followed by a peak in la
43 ime, that MRI deltaPO2 detects a significant supernormal retinal oxygenation response in patients wit
44 membranes at the RPE-OS interface, transient supernormal rhodopsin content and OS lengths, the presen
48 es to GAD65 remained low, but they developed supernormal splenic and pancreatic lymph node T-cell aut
49 wing evidence supports the hypothesis that a supernormal version of this pattern has been selected fo
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