


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 such as vector averaging, winner-take-all or superposition.
2 iterative maximum clique search and fragment superposition.
3 nt coverage and fidelity of structures under superposition.
4 rinciple, incompatibility, entanglement, and superposition.
5 x, except the region of the lateral cortical superposition.
6  sensitivity through the principle of neural superposition.
7 e ME states that are in a quantum mechanical superposition.
8 returned superposition is, in fact, the best superposition.
9 ize and complexity of the resulting motional superposition.
10 ignments is not guaranteed to be the optimal superposition.
11  to classical transition--forbid macroscopic superpositions.
12 guishing between the different twisted light superpositions.
13 d reference structure that could be used for superpositioning.
14  model and the principle of time-temperature superposition (263 references).
15 ion methods deal with missing data simply by superpositioning a subset of points that are shared amon
16 ing positions prohibits the calculation of a superposition altogether.
17 ve field of 118 degrees , MLG1s have a large superposition among neighboring elements.
18 essive strain followed by a time-temperature-superposition analysis using a minimum-arc-length-based
19 tructures in common between proteins through superposition and closeness of either coordinates or con
20 d in quantum systems, where the phenomena of superposition and entanglement can provide enhancements
21         Quantum computers, which harness the superposition and entanglement of physical states, could
22  the massive parallelism afforded by quantum superposition and entanglement of quantum bits (or qubit
23       Hallmarks of quantum mechanics include superposition and entanglement.
24 for accurate evaluation of the adequacy of a superposition and for reliable analysis of structural si
25 uaternion method for calculating the optimal superposition and RMSD that is designed for parallel app
26 difference between the score of the returned superposition and the score of an optimal superposition
27                          If we assume charge superposition and use the best measured value of the ant
28 PASS, HHalign and PSI-BLAST, using structure superpositions and comprehensive curator-optimized align
29 ms usually exhibit quantum behavior, such as superpositions and entanglement, only when they are suff
30  for demonstrating mesoscopic centre-of-mass superpositions and for testing quantum gravity.
31 ees of freedom associated with these quantum superpositions and strongly influencing qubit relaxation
32 ess to complementary information about their superpositions) and can make records of this information
33 y, for example, order/context, interference, superposition, and entanglement, can be used in cognitiv
34                                The projected superposition approximation (PSA) method was used to the
35 instruments and calculated by the projection superposition approximation (PSA) method.
36                        By using the Kirkwood superposition approximation, we built an analytical mode
37 rrangements that are not required for neural superposition are a side product of the developmental al
38  that rely upon residue equivalence, but not superposition, are developed.
39  quantum information theory tends to rely on superposition-basis and entangled measurements, which re
40 nd/or refined to provide the best structural superposition between a pair of protein structures as as
41 RSD models the bacterial abundance data as a superposition between a sparse matrix and a low-rank mat
42 ity of equivalent residues (after rigid-body superposition), but also evolutionary relationship and h
43 ed superposition and the score of an optimal superposition can be explicitly computed and used to det
44                                         This superposition can distort the cues by which we localize
45 timulus together without suffering from the 'superposition catastrophe'.
46 We demonstrate an artificial eye inspired by superposition compound eyes and the retinal structure of
47  of each cluster obtained from the structure superpositions correspond to energy minima on the potent
48  susceptible to decoherence, whereby quantum superpositions decay into mutually exclusive classical a
49 s matches the period of the oscillation, the superposition enhances a later part of the oscillation t
50 lays signal splittings indicative of quantum superposition/entanglement of the two SMMs, and parallel
51  for missing London dispersion and basis set superposition error (BSSE) in a physically sound manner.
52 sition eyes), lobster and shrimp (reflecting superposition eyes), and houseflies (neural superpositio
53  inspired by moths and lacewings (refracting superposition eyes), lobster and shrimp (reflecting supe
54  superposition eyes), and houseflies (neural superposition eyes).
55         The data conform to time-temperature superposition for the main (alpha) process and to a scal
56  the user to view, rotate and enlarge the 3D superposition for the optimal (and suboptimal) alignment
57                      Rather, an S(1) <--> ME superposition formed through a quantum-coherent process
58      Using the principle of time-temperature superposition, G' and G'' at different temperatures and
59 erposition is dependent on alignments, and a superposition generated based on erroneous alignments is
60                                         This superposition highlights the high risk for synergistic e
61             Sequence alignment and structure superposition identify the simplicity of the monomeric B
62 vin-LeChatellier effect and time-temperature superposition in polymers.
63                       It is known that these superpositions in 2-dimensions produce space-variant pat
64                      The creation of complex superpositions in harmonic systems (such as the motional
65 consistently aligned among a set of pairwise superpositions in order to realign pairs of proteins thr
66                   These results push quantum superposition into a new macroscopic regime, demonstrati
67 tates of a single trapped atom, mapping spin superpositions into spatial superpositions using ultrafa
68 that brings a two-qubit product state into a superposition involving partially swapping the qubit sta
69                 However, multiple structural superposition is dependent on alignments, and a superpos
70 t-mean-square-deviation (RMSD) after optimal superposition is the predominant measure of similarity d
71 d and used to determine whether the returned superposition is, in fact, the best superposition.
72                                              Superpositioning is an essential technique in structural
73         Here, we investigate the conductance superposition law for parallel components in single-mole
74           Alignments are evaluated by visual superposition, Levenshtein distance and root-mean-square
75 other qubit candidates, they possess shorter superposition lifetimes, known as coherence times or T2,
76 re implemented in THESEUS 2.0, a program for superpositioning macromolecular structures.
77  Series, Schapery's Theory, and the Modified Superposition Method), and changes in neutral zone and v
78 should not be reliant on a single structural superposition method.
79                    A negative effect of this superpositioning method is the introduction of ambiguous
80                                      Current superposition methods deal with missing data simply by s
81                 These new (to our knowledge) superpositioning methods combine the benefits of varianc
82                           While conventional superpositioning methods use ordinary least-squares (LS)
83 lyzed using different protocols, including a superposition model for the evaluation of the cooperativ
84 des additional evidence for a conformational/superposition model of methylphenidate with cocaine-like
85 d identities, as well as their structures by superposition modeling were compared among human lipocal
86 se novel melatonin receptor ligands based on superposition models and conformational preference.
87                                    Molecular superposition models guided the design of novel melatoni
88                                 We use orbit superposition models to determine that the black hole at
89 entually allow a cell to be represented as a superposition of 'basis vectors', each determining a dif
90                  It was accounted for by the superposition of (1) the sequential emergence of silks o
91     The acentric structure is described by a superposition of 168 atomic displacement waves (frozen p
92                                          The superposition of 4h and 4s in the colchicine-binding poc
93   This modulation exceeded a simple additive superposition of a constant response onto ongoing gamma-
94                            The waveform is a superposition of a fundamental and its second harmonic o
95  three electrodes, the network consists of a superposition of a localized (upstream) and global (all-
96 er, it becomes universally unstable with the superposition of a shear stress parallel to the crack fr
97 a time series whose time-varying mean is the superposition of a small number of oscillatory component
98 hought experiment (where the cat exists in a superposition of alive and dead states entangled with a
99  it decomposes the data tensor into a linear superposition of all outer products of an eigenarray, an
100 antaneous ground state-initially a symmetric superposition of all possible assignments of N qubits-is
101 centrations, previously thought to reflect a superposition of alternating ion- and water-occupied sta
102 ic cyclononatetraenide ring by the symmetric superposition of an alkyl ammonium bridge.
103 , each with energy-dependent charge, being a superposition of an electron and a hole.
104 ground state, that can be represented by the superposition of an ionic configuration Yb(III):4f(13)(C
105 ing such a system--one can prepare a quantum superposition of any two ground states of the Ising chai
106                                              Superposition of ApxC with substrate-bound GNATs, and as
107           These polaritons are formed from a superposition of cavity photon eigenmodes (a supermode),
108 gs and crossings that can be understood as a superposition of charge and spin configurations of the t
109 gic, we mapped an arbitrary qubit state to a superposition of coherent states, known as a "cat state.
110  been observed for a system entangled with a superposition of coherent states, known as a cat state.
111                                              Superposition of common elements between the two structu
112 on to interpret disjunctive movements as the superposition of conjugate and vergence commands.
113  limited and usually rely upon least squares superposition of coordinates.
114   Equilibrium operation is confirmed through superposition of denaturation/hybridization transitions
115 deling the gene expression measurements as a superposition of different cell populations growing at d
116 order figure motion (FM) reflects the linear superposition of each component; (2) the EM-driven compo
117 n the clocks, whereas the quantum mechanical superposition of energy eigenstates leads to a nonfixed
118                              We put forth a "superposition of ensembles" hypothesis to rationalize th
119                          Alternatively, this superposition of error terms may result from an addition
120 ar, one can end up with the Ising chain in a superposition of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases--
121 , resonating valence bonds (RVB) formed by a superposition of fluctuating singlet pairs have been a p
122 chnique can be used to generate an arbitrary superposition of Fock states.
123 onditions of interest for hemodynamics, to a superposition of Gaussian components, easily amenable to
124                                 A stochastic superposition of gravitational waves from all such binar
125                                              Superposition of HCN channel labeling with VGLUT1 staini
126 d as an interference pattern, reflecting the superposition of independent effects and random noise, w
127 l angular momentum states characterized by a superposition of independent OAM.
128        The complex laser mode is achieved by superposition of Laguerre-Gaussian modes and manifests e
129                                     Coherent superposition of light from subwavelength sources is an
130 temperatures is typically interpreted as the superposition of long-term warming due to increasing gre
131                            However, coherent superposition of longitudinal and transverse modes in a
132 ation so that it describes the collapse of a superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states
133 ical properties, as normally result from the superposition of many acoustic features in auditory scen
134 n southwest Japan have been interpreted as a superposition of many low-frequency earthquakes that rep
135 We used type I plaids formed by the additive superposition of moving gratings to investigate this que
136  where the photons are created in a coherent superposition of multiple high-purity frequency modes.
137 esynchronized state activity consistent with superposition of multiple overlapping packets.
138 osed to environmental stress, leading to the superposition of N isotope exchange effects upon kinetic
139 y, we produce an interference pattern in the superposition of one beam from each source.
140 uencies can be simulated successfully with a superposition of only two distinct g tensors.
141 ach allows for the program itself to be in a superposition of operations, and as a result it can be u
142                                              Superposition of orbital eigenstates is crucial to quant
143 nt distribution on the complex laser mode by superposition of orthogonal circular polarizations with
144  profile of beams can always be defined as a superposition of orthogonal fields, such as optical eige
145 ns are quasiparticles consisting of a linear superposition of photonic and excitonic states, offering
146 uccessfully reconstructed using the weighted superposition of plasmonic output images as specified in
147 ion switching between two and three SOPs and superposition of polarisation switching with SOP precess
148 quantum and classical worlds by projecting a superposition of possible states into a single (probabil
149 tance is updated by the local time-dependent superposition of pre- and post-synaptic spikes within a
150 lgorithm for near-optimal solution returns a superposition of provable quality.
151 ing mode forms dynamically as a phase-locked superposition of quasi dispersion-free waveguide modes.
152 charged group in the peptide cation and that superposition of remote local Rydberg-like orbitals play
153 reshold along the edge closely resembles the superposition of sensory input and an internally generat
154  to dips (or vice versa) and result from the superposition of signals originating from many individua
155 triterpenes, for example, is hindered by the superposition of similar absorption bands of carbonyl fu
156              These evolutions are due to the superposition of slowly-changing moisture fluxes, mainly
157 ing a model that explicitly accounts for the superposition of spike waveforms.
158 r results constitute strong evidence for the superposition of states of nontrivial macroscopic distin
159  properties such as quantized energy levels, superposition of states, and entanglement, all of which
160        The negative thermal gradient and the superposition of temperature programming result in a qua
161 ring the instances returned by the search by superposition of the 3D structures and the alignment of
162 ances the positive effects beyond the simple superposition of the benefits of two approaches.
163                                              Superposition of the catalytic domains of Pus10 and othe
164                                   Structural superposition of the complexes revealed that the bound l
165                                   Anatomical superposition of the cortical projections from the overl
166                                              Superposition of the crystal structures of beta4Gal-T7 a
167 ceptor groups of the substrates, and 3) good superposition of the diphosphate molecule with the beta-
168              The MMN is then modelled as the superposition of the electric fields evoked by neuronal
169 y upon an apparent G peak which is in fact a superposition of the G and D' peaks.
170                                              Superposition of the ligand-free (apo BmrR(E253Q/R275E))
171                                              Superposition of the most cooperative mode profiles show
172                        Sequence analysis and superposition of the NDV and hPIV-3 HN dimer structures
173 ed statistics and also improved the relative superposition of the normalized CPC, especially for the
174 erved patterns of control could arise from a superposition of the output commands from the guidance s
175  (Lys9, Lys216, and Asp150 in FomA); 2) good superposition of the phosphate acceptor groups of the su
176  the SBPVL, which is govern by the nonlinear superposition of the pitch and the number of blade eleme
177  electron transport cannot be described by a superposition of the properties due to independent point
178                                 A structural superposition of the SbnG active site to TCA cycle citra
179 pectra for x = 4 - 16 can be reproduced by a superposition of the spectra for x = 2 and bulk water.
180                                    A perfect superposition of the structures of 1 and 2 revealed by c
181                                              Superposition of the structures of SpoIIIAH and EscJ rev
182                                              Superposition of the structures reveals significant diff
183                                              Superposition of the ternary Naa50p complex with the pep
184 otropic network model, we show here that the superposition of the three slowest anisotropic network m
185                                         This superposition of the three states gives rise to the thre
186 , GTP, and ATP, demonstrating nearly perfect superposition of the triphosphate moieties with that of
187                                            A superposition of the two active sites for these proteins
188  to a three level system of which a coherent superposition of the two carrier states constitutes a da
189                    The dark mode, which is a superposition of the two optical modes and is decoupled
190 racold atoms results in a quantum mechanical superposition of the two possible outcomes: each atom co
191 med fMRI approach uniquely revealed a linear superposition of the two RPE components in a smaller net
192 e and the first reaction step, respectively, superposition of the two structures indicates that denit
193                                              Superposition of the two structures shows no conformatio
194 gh recombination of an exciton in a coherent superposition of the two valley states.
195 ogarithm of a response at a given state as a superposition of the values of the logarithms of the exc
196 es reconstructed in a cortical patch are the superposition of these simultaneously present network ac
197                                 Importantly, superposition of this functional data onto the three-dim
198                                              Superposition of this unliganded GAF-A with the previous
199                       Data were modeled by a superposition of three noise components due to 1) planni
200 ble enveloping structures resulting from the superposition of three parallel folding pathways.
201 tion transfer necessary to create a coherent superposition of three zero-field triplet pair states |x
202                             We find that the superposition of torsion in a rotational DAC (RDAC) offe
203 oise, we prepare a pair of calcium ions in a superposition of two decoherence-free states, thereby re
204 e of the spin direction and corresponds to a superposition of two different elementary half-quantum s
205 t the ground state in plutonium is a quantum superposition of two distinct atomic valences, whereas c
206 eory the signal photon is then in a coherent superposition of two distinct wave vectors giving rise t
207     The illusion was proposed to result from superposition of two hypothetical oscillatory impulse re
208                  Subjects looked at a hybrid superposition of two images representing familiar indivi
209       The photochemistry is described by the superposition of two independent parallel photocycles.
210 peroxidized cluster is now rationalized as a superposition of two local minima, where Glu76-Fe4 coord
211 ibits a biphasic behavior characterized by a superposition of two Lorentzians.
212 ed as being dissipation-free because it is a superposition of two lowest states without dipole transi
213 s can affect water-gas exchange rates by the superposition of two mechanisms: (1) hydrodynamic effect
214             Our synthesis indicates that the superposition of two modes explains much of the variabil
215 rustes analysis involves finding the optimal superposition of two or more "forms" via rotations, tran
216 al time algorithm for finding a near-optimal superposition of two proteins.
217                We examined the non-collinear superposition of two unfocused paraxial light beams when
218          This phenomenon is explained by the superposition of two waves, the wave reflected by the ai
219 motion, sidewinding, can be described by the superposition of two waves: horizontal and vertical body
220         The data were analyzed in terms of a superposition of two-dimensional Gaussian distribution f
221 hanism involving non-resonant excitation and superposition of vibrational degrees of freedom.
222 t infrared laser source to create a coherent superposition of vibrational motions in a pentacene/C60
223 traces at any site could be predicted by the superposition of waves that were evoked by spiking in a
224                                              Superpositioning of human apo- and holo-CRBP1 revealed m
225 d.) those theories which would deny coherent superpositions of 170 nA currents over a approximately 1
226 ese geometries are compared to each other by superpositions of catalytic atoms to find "consensus" ge
227          During the evolution, non-classical superpositions of coherent states (that is, multi-compon
228 iques demonstrate that information stored in superpositions of coherent states can be extracted effic
229         The ability to create and manipulate superpositions of coherent states in such a high-quality
230 h various amino acids, can be represented by superpositions of decaying exponentials with time scales
231 s follow from computer simulations of random superpositions of degenerate eigenstates of three simple
232 memory using Schrodinger cat states (quantum superpositions of different coherent states of light) in
233                                      Quantum superpositions of distinct coherent states in a single-m
234             Excitations in complex media are superpositions of eigenstates that are referred to as 'l
235 n-flip fluctuations correlated with coherent superpositions of electronic states to initiate local fe
236 esults demonstrate reliable decomposition of superpositions of Laguerre-Gaussians, yielding the inten
237 tions can be influenced by creating suitable superpositions of molecular states--femtosecond-laser-ex
238 f quantum states, consisting of all coherent superpositions of multiple stable steady states.
239 n state of the incident light, four kinds of superpositions of OAM states are realized using a single
240 alize polarization-controllable multichannel superpositions of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states
241 -electronic' qubits consisting of near 50:50 superpositions of the electronic and nuclear spin states
242 nt between light fields and atoms in quantum superpositions of the ground and highly excited (Rydberg
243 stration of the transmission quality, we use superpositions of these modes to encode a short message.
244 cult, due to the infinite number of possible superpositions of two structures.
245 photons and extended this protocol to create superpositions of up to four coherent states.
246  vacuum, electrons in silicon occupy quantum superpositions of valleys in momentum space.
247 interference patterns associated with linear superpositions of valleys in the donor ground state.
248 terative Lanczos search algorithm that finds superpositions of vibronic modes that optimize the elect
249 k can be used in place of a delicate quantum superposition, often called a 'Schrodinger cat state', t
250                          However, structural superposition on bacterial Holliday junction complexes a
251                                   Structural superpositions onto the distant homolog FtsH imply that
252           Programs base similarity scores on superposition or closeness of either Cartesian coordinat
253                           Mesoscopic quantum superpositions, or Schrodinger cat states, are widely st
254                            Additionally, the superpositions predict that the catalytically critical A
255                                  The quantum superposition principle allows massive particles to be d
256                          The validity of the superposition principle and of Born's rule are well-acce
257 their wave nature and thus tests the quantum superposition principle at large scales.
258                                            A superposition principle connecting the spectroscopy betw
259                   In addition to testing the superposition principle in a new regime, large quantum s
260                                          The superposition principle is a fundamental tenet of quantu
261 rve interference, provide a way to probe the superposition principle on macroscopic scales and explor
262                                  The quantum superposition principle states that an entity can exist
263 ction with the most conventional form of the superposition principle when exotic looped trajectories
264 erence is a fundamental manifestation of the superposition principle with numerous applications.
265 riginally conceived for tests of the quantum superposition principle, is sensitive to these collision
266      Furthermore, using the time-temperature superposition principle, shape recoveries under differen
267 e items are represented simultaneously (the "superposition" problem).
268 uares (LS) as the optimization criterion, ML superpositions provide substantially improved accuracy b
269 croscopic regime, demonstrating that quantum superposition remains possible at the distances and time
270                                 Performing a superposition requires a one-to-one correspondence, or a
271 es in atoms.Generation of mesoscopic quantum superpositions requires both reliable coherent control a
272 rts Root Mean Square Deviation after optimal superposition (RMSD) and Template Modeling score (TM-sco
273 at describing the microscopic world, quantum superposition runs counter to intuitive conceptions of r
274 lysis, their alignment and refined structure superposition, sequence and structure conservation analy
275 at macroscopic length scales and in ordinary superposition situations.
276 assume that evidence develops over time in a superposition state analogous to a wavelike pattern and
277 of time that a quantum system can exist in a superposition state is determined by how strongly it int
278 g the chain to a central spin initially in a superposition state.
279 nd order-dependent, individual states can be superposition states (that are impossible to associate w
280 s, including the generation of large quantum superposition states and tests of quantum gravity.
281 is robust against errors and encoded quantum superposition states are preserved beyond the natural de
282 ion principle in a new regime, large quantum superposition states are vital to exploring gravity with
283 cillator, and create complex multi-component superposition states in atoms.Generation of mesoscopic q
284 hey are based on creating quantum mechanical superposition states that are fully coherent and lack in
285 the atoms in the first condensate in quantum superposition states that comprise a stationary componen
286 proach will allow the preparation of quantum superposition states, which can be used to experimentall
287         X-ray crystallography and structural superposition studies made it possible to explain the ve
288 uctures nucleotide by nucleotide using local superpositions that accommodate the flexibility of RNA m
289                               Following this superposition, the SpoIIQ chains also form a closed dode
290 tum computing schemes, which rely on orbital superpositions to, for example, gate the magnetic exchan
291                Finally, we have improved the superposition tools, which now give users a more powerfu
292  shows that ~60% of the S(1) <--> ME quantum superposition transfers one electron through the S(1) st
293                             Time-temperature superposition (TTS) phenomena observed for amorphous syn
294 a viable route towards macroscopic high-mass superpositions using available technology.
295 om, mapping spin superpositions into spatial superpositions using ultrafast laser pulses.
296 llent detection fidelities for both pure and superposition vector states.
297  general solution for determining an optimal superposition when some of the data are missing.
298 ent to generate the seemingly complex neural superposition wiring of the fly visual map without an el
299                                              Superposition with structural homologues in oxidized and
300                                 A structural superposition with the P. fluorescens kynureninase revea
301 ta suggest that the state exists in coherent superposition with the singlet populated by optical exci
302 algorithm is able to identify different mode superpositions with an accuracy of more than 80% up to t

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