


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cal environment where CaP will become highly supersaturated.
2 f these three proteins, which are themselves supersaturated.
3                                 CaCO3 became supersaturated and formed a precipitate at the mixing in
4 xistence curves showed these solutions to be supersaturated and the phase separation to be nonequilib
5 existing as hydrogen-bonded cyclic dimers in supersaturated aqueous solutions and, as a result, cryst
6  and uric acid dihydrate (UAD) crystals from supersaturated aqueous solutions containing methylene bl
7 w gold and silver nanocrystals nucleate from supersaturated aqueous solutions in three distinct steps
8           We conclude that glycine exists in supersaturated aqueous solutions mainly as monomers, not
9 mechanism of methane hydrate nucleation from supersaturated aqueous solutions, we performed simulatio
10 lesterol output that resulted in cholesterol supersaturated bile and gallstones.
11  C1 like 1), were significantly increased by supersaturated biles compared with crystallized biles.
12 reated with crystallized biles compared with supersaturated biles.
13 igate sodium chloride (NaCl) nucleation from supersaturated brines using seeded atomistic simulations
14 m a core-shell structure, in a fluid that is supersaturated but stable.
15 , the required water vapour would need to be supersaturated by many orders of magnitude under thermod
16 erein, the bioinspired synthesis of a highly supersaturated calcite (Ca0.5 Ba0.5 CO3 ) called balcite
17 row larger over time during immersion in the supersaturated calcium oxalate solutions.
18 namel rods, were exposed to a PPi-stabilized supersaturated calcium phosphate (CaP) solution containi
19 ruptly as the stratosphere cools and becomes supersaturated, causing rapid dehydration that removes a
20 n the diffusion-limited zones led to locally supersaturated conditions at specific locations even whi
21 he kinetic modification expected to occur in supersaturated conditions in the ice-vapor system.
22 on of the excess free energy associated with supersaturated conditions when the crystal grows with it
23                               Under slightly supersaturated conditions, theory predicts that elongati
24                                              Supersaturated, crystallized, or micellar model biles we
25 and growth of hydroxyapatite crystals in the supersaturated environment of the oral cavity.
26 Renal tubular fluid in the distal nephron is supersaturated favoring nucleation of the most common cr
27 ystems can be extended to include metastable supersaturated gaseous states not too far from the gas-l
28      Furthermore, the careful control of the supersaturated Ge layer allows us to obtain perfectly si
29  with response increasing monotonically with supersaturated gold dopant concentration.
30  laser-based hyperdoping method incorporates supersaturated gold dopant concentrations on the order o
31 found that the headgroup densities of these "supersaturated" heterogeneous SAMs (SHSAMs) are enhanced
32 volved and were living in a stratified ocean supersaturated in dissolved silica 3,416 Myr ago.
33 ws that, while O2 is approximately 2.4 times supersaturated in the water below the ice, only 11% of t
34 d may provide closure for differing sub- and supersaturated kappa measurements.
35 hat photonucleation of organic crystals from supersaturated liquid solutions may be caused by optical
36                           Crystallization of supersaturated liquids usually starts by heterogeneous n
37 tops prematurely, leaving the solutions in a supersaturated, metastable state typically 20% above sol
38 ems containing only micelles or vesicles, Ch-supersaturated model biles [3-10 g/dL, 10 mol percent Ch
39 in human bile, pathophysiologically relevant supersaturated model biles are commonly employed to stud
40 ltration, we measured the IMC of cholesterol-supersaturated model biles that were physiologically com
41 tions of oxidized species of nitrogen (i.e., supersaturated nitrous oxide and approximately 1 mmolL(-
42 tion of an aqueous agarose gel prepared with supersaturated potassium chloride.
43 se, similarly to segregation behavior from a supersaturated quenched alloy.
44 rom optical spectroscopy measurements of the supersaturated region.
45                   Solid particles exposed to supersaturated (RH > 100%) conditions and cycled back to
46 limited mutual solubility, the production of supersaturated solid solutions followed by the segregati
47 ime elapsed from the moment of creation of a supersaturated solution and the detection of a solid pha
48 drug to lipid ratio achieved was 0.17 from a supersaturated solution at a total drug concentration of
49 r depletion of inorganic trivalent ions in a supersaturated solution can be used to switch the surfac
50  we have found that the ultrasonication of a supersaturated solution of 1 is necessary for the gelati
51  comprising (i) docking of clusters from the supersaturated solution onto the evolving crystal, (ii)
52 gonite formation were identified in a highly supersaturated solution using an alcohol-water solvent,
53 e, usually crystallize simultaneously from a supersaturated solution.
54 re by a ratchet-like mechanism driven by the supersaturated solution.
55 harged polyethylene glycols (PEGs) in silica-supersaturated solutions (the starting solution containe
56 ringent crystals of the precipitate from the supersaturated solutions confirms the precipitate to be
57 d by ASD dissolution was compared to that of supersaturated solutions generated by antisolvent additi
58                    The phase behavior of the supersaturated solutions generated by ASD dissolution wa
59 bit the precipitation of hydroxyapatite from supersaturated solutions of calcium and phosphate in vit
60 wth of aragonite on calcite seed crystals in supersaturated solutions of calcium carbonate.
61                      In a Caco-2 cell model, supersaturated solutions of the active principle were ge
62  are difficult to reproduce, because gels or supersaturated solutions often form, making it impossibl
63 (containing 4-7 H2O per CaCO3 unit) forms in supersaturated solutions through the association of ions
64 ty and a strong tendency to crystallize from supersaturated solutions, presents significant technical
65 hen single crystals were recrystallized from supersaturated solutions.
66 phate co-precipitates arise spontaneously in supersaturated solutions.
67 ng exposure, the dissolved gas can achieve a supersaturated state and can form gas bubbles in blood a
68    The results show that the films form in a supersaturated state before transforming to a solid film
69        Equatorial surface waters were highly supersaturated (up to 800%) in both species, with the wa
70 bria and formation of aerosol particles from supersaturated vapour via nucleation.
71 ation nuclei (CCN) into cloud droplets under supersaturated water vapour conditions is described by c
72 vered lakes causes dissolved gases to become supersaturated while at the same time removing gases tra
73 ces, and xylem sap is saturated or sometimes supersaturated with atmospheric gas and may contain surf
74                            Casein makes milk supersaturated with Ca-phosphate, which was critical to
75 y tubes, in recirculating solutions that are supersaturated with calcite (Omegacalcite = 13), demonst
76 fluid in the distal nephron of the kidney is supersaturated with calcium oxalate (CaOx), which crysta
77 ults show that pond waters were consistently supersaturated with CH(4) (up to 725%) resulting in an a
78 ateau, we found that most of the rivers were supersaturated with CO2, CH4 and N2O during the study pe
79 s and greater than 50% of surface waters are supersaturated with methane regarding to the atmosphere.
80 ted surface waters of the world's oceans are supersaturated with methane relative to the atmosphere,
81 the atmosphere, much of the aerobic ocean is supersaturated with methane; however, the source of this
82    Urine from mammalian kidneys is regularly supersaturated with respect to calcium oxalate monohydra
83                         Rivers are generally supersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide, resulting
84  composition kinetics technique, in solution supersaturated with respect to COM (sigmaCOM = 1.44).
85 ns undersaturated with respect to enamel and supersaturated with respect to fluorapatite can enhance
86 ution took place in solutions that were even supersaturated with respect to HAP, and the rates exhibi
87 terized by the presence of proteins that are supersaturated, with cellular concentrations significant
88  system drive the material transfer from the supersaturated WL into the elongating NWs growing horizo
89 temperatures the Ge reservoir in the planar, supersaturated WL is abruptly consumed and generates NDs

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