


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to 20 days after fourfold dilution to induce supersaturation.
2  usual metabolic abnormalities that increase supersaturation.
3 trations, especially at high values of cloud supersaturation.
4 reased calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturation.
5 ge to a common upper limit at extremely high supersaturation.
6 d using drug solutions at varying degrees of supersaturation.
7 rmed simulations at controlled and realistic supersaturation.
8 rine pH, which would lower calcium phosphate supersaturation.
9 00 nm in a confined volume while controlling supersaturation.
10 hanges that would increase calcium phosphate supersaturation.
11 turation and determine the biological oxygen supersaturation.
12  (<5.5) and an increase in urinary uric acid supersaturation.
13 ro growth rates for very small reductions in supersaturation.
14 sed to measure nucleation rates at different supersaturations.
15 uring nucleation rates at different solution supersaturations.
16 chemical equilibria to maintain constant low supersaturations.
17                                      Vacancy supersaturation, activation of a long-range diffusion pa
18  was observed on glycine diffusion up to 24% supersaturation after five days.
19 age- and sex-matched control subjects, urine supersaturation among the patients was not increased; th
20 can remove the physical contribution to O(2) supersaturation and determine the biological oxygen supe
21 n alter the relationship between water vapor supersaturation and droplet size (i.e., the Kohler curve
22 -point depression of glycine-water up to 30% supersaturation and found that glycine exists mainly as
23 L(c) grow with a rate determined only by the supersaturation and independent of their length.
24 shell, and the mediation of this droplet for supersaturation and nucleation of the nanotube species m
25  urine calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturation and stone formation is complex and diffi
26 dy the effects of potassium citrate on urine supersaturation and stone formation, we utilized 95th-ge
27 d a change in the solvent strength, leads to supersaturation and subsequent crystallization.
28 mbers were found to increase with increasing supersaturation and temperature.
29 valuated, focusing on the maximum achievable supersaturation and tendency of the system to undergo li
30 lay a central role in mineral growth at high supersaturation and that a classical complexation model
31                                              Supersaturation and water velocity affect crystal organi
32 ents form stones in the absence of increased supersaturation, and in those patients, one might assume
33 lithiasis is often associated with increased supersaturation, and it is assumed that this increase ov
34 done would decrease urine calcium excretion, supersaturation, and perhaps stone formation.
35 te for 18 wk and measured urine chemistries, supersaturation, and the upper limit of metastability of
36 The model accurately estimated the degree of supersaturation as a function of time during conditions
37 atio of RTV and ATV achieved only 50% of the supersaturation attained by dissolution of the single dr
38  of cholesterol crystals at 10-20 days after supersaturation by dilution, supporting the role of smal
39 howed that silicon fortuitously controls the supersaturation by reversibly reacting with H(2)S to for
40  critical concentration is determined by the supersaturation concentration.
41                               To map out the supersaturation conditions conducive to particle nucleat
42                           However, at higher supersaturation conditions, algae removal was diminished
43                  The dependence of t(ind) on supersaturation could be described within the framework
44                                           At supersaturations Delta mu/k(B)T of 1.1 -- 1.6 -- 2.3, th
45 were consistent with a decrease in effective supersaturation due to magnesium incorporation.
46 mit is consistent with larger variability of supersaturation due to the slow microphysical response.
47 onstrates the advantages of maintaining drug supersaturation during active loading.
48 uggesting a binding mechanism that decreases supersaturation, especially at pH 5.
49 l cord, we observe that they have an average supersaturation even greater than the average supersatur
50    Conditions under which the model exhibits supersaturation features are elaborated.
51 l for published experimental data exhibiting supersaturation features are illustrated.
52                                              Supersaturation fluctuations in the low aerosol/slow mic
53 the droplet size distribution due to reduced supersaturation fluctuations.
54 l was used to predict the maximum achievable supersaturation for ASDs containing two and three drugs.
55 d potassium and with lower urine oxalate and supersaturation for calcium oxalate and uric acid.
56 an be obtained between experimental critical supersaturation for cloud drop activation and that calcu
57 aturation, which increased to (0.4 +/- 0.1)% supersaturation for the most organic-rich aerosol sample
58 ordered ice only under conditions of extreme supersaturation, for which a nonequilibrium liquid layer
59     The growth of molecular crystals under a supersaturation gradient within the same space and times
60 ntrations, but at the same time question the supersaturation hypothesis that has been proposed to exp
61 e from atmospheric bubble entrainment or gas supersaturation (i.e., O2) or both.
62 and matrix repair and indirectly promote PPi supersaturation in aging and OA cartilage.
63 rtilage matrix inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) supersaturation in chondrocalcinosis.
64 external carbon inputs fuel widespread CO(2) supersaturation in continental waters, and the resulting
65 rophic bacteria in the long-observed methane supersaturation in oxygenated waters.
66 nd the dependence of critical step length on supersaturation in precisely controlled solutions.
67                               The persistent supersaturation in the former class of cirrus is consist
68                              Biological O(2) supersaturation in the surface ocean reflects the net me
69 oorly water soluble drugs, which may undergo supersaturation in vivo.
70         Growth of ice from vapor at moderate supersaturations in the temperature range relevant to ci
71 -silicon (AuSi) catalyst particles as the Si supersaturation increased, which is the first step of th
72                            The increased CO2 supersaturation is most prominent in Lakes Huron and Mic
73 from aqueous solution, despite conditions of supersaturation, is kinetically hindered at low temperat
74 ephrolithiasis, a condition in which urinary supersaturation leads to stone formation in the urinary
75 d they greatly reduced the reaction rate and supersaturation level to induce anisotropic growth.
76                                      The low supersaturation level, triggered by the evaporation of a
77 der the conditions of predicted metacinnabar supersaturation, microbial Hg methylation increased with
78 initial multi-site oxide nucleation, vacancy supersaturation, nucleation of a single cavity, sinking
79 d was developed for creating and maintaining supersaturation of a poorly soluble camptothecin analogu
80 transport is unaffected, and thus results in supersaturation of bile with respect to cholesterol and
81 er and injected solutions can induce mineral supersaturation of constituents and drive precipitation
82  rates increased linearly with the degree of supersaturation of drug in the external loading solution
83 ugs, thereby reducing the maximum achievable supersaturation of each drug.
84                         Instead, cholesterol supersaturation of gallbladder bile was due to marked de
85  5.0 +/- 1.0 kJ mol(-1), thus increasing the supersaturation of monomeric alpha-synuclein within the
86 udy which, for the first time, documents the supersaturation of N2 in a lake.
87 to decrease the concentration and, thus, the supersaturation of precursor gases.
88 the former is suggested to create a spike in supersaturation of the actual sulfur precursor H(2)S and
89 t that the agarose gel reduces the effective supersaturation of the aqueous potassium chloride.
90                                              Supersaturation of the droplets leads to rapid one-dimen
91 upersaturation even greater than the average supersaturation of the native interaction partners in mo
92 e fibril nucleation rate as functions of the supersaturation of the protein solution.
93  qualitatively explained on the basis of the supersaturation of the solutions with respect to calcium
94            In particular, we stress that the supersaturation of the wetting layer (WL), whose relevan
95                         The urinary relative supersaturations of calcium oxalate (P = 0.03) and brush
96 ing of the effects of pressure and inert gas supersaturation on organ function and knowledge of the a
97 significant differences in calcium phosphate supersaturation or upper limit of metastability between
98  the SND in less than 30 min, with sustained supersaturation over 4 h.
99 mers into heterotrimers, which is based on a supersaturation-precipitation pathway that shifts the dr
100       A stochastic differential equation for supersaturation predicts that the standard deviation of
101 yl ester (CDME) in increasing the metastable supersaturation range of l-cystine, respectively, effect
102            This high IS also resulted in low supersaturation ratio and thus favor heterogeneous nucle
103 tation, which did not occur until a critical supersaturation ratio of about 2.36 was reached in the s
104 rogeneous nucleation with CaCO3(S); however, supersaturation ratios between 120 and 200 are required
105 s disease during chlorthalidone therapy, the supersaturation ratios for calcium oxalate and calcium p
106                      We studied the critical supersaturation required for nucleation and found no obs
107       Passage into a cooler region created a supersaturation, resulting in rapid deposition of the ma
108 four harmonics, shows good agreement for the supersaturations (S = C/C*) of S = 3.75, S = 3.48, and S
109 H)2) can be employed to control the solution supersaturation, setting the conditions for continued gr
110                                              Supersaturation significantly modifies the IFL propertie
111 surements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) supersaturation spectra called Scanning Flow CCN Analysi
112       This study investigated the effects of supersaturation, temperature, and pH on the nucleation r
113 table hydrogen flow provides a favorable low supersaturation that promotes dislocation-driven trunk n
114 redictions of classical nucleation theory at supersaturations that extend above the solubility of amo
115 ayers, we demonstrate that within a range of supersaturations the only mechanism of generation of gro
116  and phosphate serum concentrations are near supersaturation, the balance of inhibitors and promoters
117      At high protein concentrations and high supersaturation, the dimerization model does not describ
118   When the concentration of Ag atoms reaches supersaturation, they agglomerate to form seeds that the
119  Our simulations were performed at realistic supersaturations to enable the first direct comparison t
120 . from theoretical predictions with the high supersaturations typical of the growth of this protein s
121 r concentrations, low extinctions, and large supersaturations (up to approximately 70%) with respect
122 oxide nanotubes and nanowires by controlling supersaturation using a flow reactor and confirmed using
123 resence of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) required higher supersaturation values; however, the shift from heteronu
124 tions wetting each hydrophilic island, while supersaturation was controlled by slow antisolvent diffu
125 r with potassium citrate; however, uric acid supersaturation was lower.
126 nucleation to homonucleation with increasing supersaturation was still evident.
127               The decrease in the achievable supersaturation was well-predicted by the thermodynamic
128                             Depending on the supersaturation, we observed a variety of condensate mor
129 rmore, calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturation were higher with potassium citrate; howe
130 ed to the variations in solubility and hence supersaturation which might build up prior to nucleation
131 t particles act as CCN above (0.3 +/- 0.05)% supersaturation, which increased to (0.4 +/- 0.1)% super
132 x changes in urine chemistries and resultant supersaturation, which may not be beneficial in preventi
133  artificial pond, we observed systematic gas supersaturations, which seem to be linked to adsorption
134 sk include increased urinary calcium oxalate supersaturation, while urinary citrate, magnesium and vo
135  the calcium and carbonate ions required for supersaturation with respect to aragonite.
136 the calcium hydrogen phosphate fell, whereas supersaturation with respect to CaOx was unchanged.
137 -SO4 ion pairs in solution, which lowers the supersaturation with respect to magnesite, will have the
138 were conducted under conditions of predicted supersaturation with respect to metacinnabar (beta-HgS(s
139 f (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 precipitates, solutions' supersaturation with respect to precipitates, and the su
140                                              Supersaturation with respect to the calcium hydrogen pho
141 ts with CaOx kidney stones, the reduction in supersaturation with respect to the calcium phosphate so

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