


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , but such winds are required to be slightly supersonic.
2                                     By using supersonic air flow, the nebulator produces drops that a
3 atitude origin, implying that emissions from supersonic aircraft could reach the middle stratosphere.
4 can), 2-dimensional shear wave elastography (Supersonic Aixplorer), and liver biopsy after an overnig
5     Benzene clusters are generated by pulsed supersonic beam expansion, ionized by electron impact, m
6                   This beam was crossed by a supersonic beam of D2.
7                              In a coexpanded supersonic beam, we have studied the rotationally inelas
8 ture by using a buckminsterfullerene (C(60)) supersonic beam.
9 New PES data are obtained using Ar-seeded He supersonic beams to achieve better cluster cooling, resu
10  cryogenic buffer-gas cooling or decelerated supersonic beams).
11 horse in motion and the 1887 photograph of a supersonic bullet.
12 n cluster (C13) has been observed by using a supersonic cluster beam-diode laser spectrometer.
13 /-0.6 microm were accelerated by a hand-held supersonic device to impact freshly excised porcine skin
14 n nucleation occurs near the shock front and supersonic dislocation motion lasts just fractions of pi
15 alysis, but many of the peculiarities of the supersonic dislocations are dominated by nonlinear effec
16 an the speed of sound if they are created as supersonic dislocations at a strong stress concentration
17          Since the theoretical prediction of supersonic dislocations over half a century ago, there i
18 ))(m)(-) clusters carried out in an ionized, supersonic entrainment ion source.
19 ng a reaction tube designed to constrain the supersonic expansion and increase the collision cooling
20  and trapping conformational population in a supersonic expansion are discussed.
21 ra of molecular clusters generated in a cold supersonic expansion by means of highly resolved spectro
22 aporization of a graphite target followed by supersonic expansion of the vaporized material within a
23 mics reveals that the low temperature of the supersonic expansion plays a key role in forming these c
24 d out in the cold, isolated environment of a supersonic expansion to explore its intrinsic UV spectra
25 roadband rotational spectroscopy in a pulsed supersonic expansion unambiguously identifies all three
26 ration of a hydrocarbon precursor undergoing supersonic expansion.
27  (ZG5-NHMe) in the isolated environment of a supersonic expansion.
28 ulsed valve to cool and isolate CH(2)OO in a supersonic expansion.
29 ed out on the isolated molecules cooled in a supersonic expansion.
30 -NHMe (alphabetaL), isolated and cooled in a supersonic expansion.
31 cals with HONO(2) and stabilized in a pulsed supersonic expansion.
32 porization of a graphite rod and cooled in a supersonic expansion.
33 nal spectra of the water hexamer recorded in supersonic expansions.
34 yager 1 crossed the termination shock of the supersonic flow of the solar wind on 16 December 2004 at
35 This model is suitable for both subsonic and supersonic flows with or without chemical reaction and/o
36                                              Supersonic gas motions left over from the Big Bang preve
37                                Using uniform supersonic hydrogen flows we can now report direct exper
38 using the ultrasound (US) system, Aixplorer (SuperSonic Imagine S.A., Aix-en-Provence, France), TE us
39 antly higher when an SC6-1 probe (Aixplorer; SuperSonic Imagine SA, Aix-enProvence, France) was used
40 s through the local interstellar medium, its supersonic, ionized solar wind carves out a cavity calle
41 d from formic acid and sulfur trioxide under supersonic jet conditions.
42 ectrometry coupled with laser desorption and supersonic jet cooling is described.
43 er cluster ion beam has been developed using supersonic jet expansion methodologies that enable ion y
44 citation and dispersed emission methods in a supersonic jet to investigate the electronic states invo
45 citation and dispersed emission methods in a supersonic jet to investigate the nature of the electron
46  detection of five different structures in a supersonic jet.
47 een observed by rotational spectroscopy in a supersonic jet.
48 : molecules in condensed phases, isolated in supersonic jets and helium nanodroplets, and, recently a
49 lusters are produced in a laser-vaporization supersonic molecular beam and characterized by photoelec
50  report the detection of gas-phase HOON in a supersonic molecular beam by Fourier transform microwave
51  carbenes, H2C5 and H2C6, were detected in a supersonic molecular beam by Fourier transform microwave
52 equilibrium on rutile-TiO2(110) by combining supersonic molecular beam, scanning tunneling microscopy
53 ourier transform microwave spectroscopy of a supersonic molecular beam, the rotational spectrum of th
54 a pulsed discharge ion source coupled with a supersonic molecular beam.
55  employs a traditional micro ESI source with supersonic nebulizing gas.
56 lecular dynamics simulations which show that supersonic partial dislocation bursts play a role in tri
57 tions of shocked silicon to reveal transient supersonic partial dislocation motion at approximately 1
58                                 We show that supersonic radial propagation of CMEs away from the Sun
59 eir frequency range as the qubit reaches the supersonic regime, similar to Cherenkov radiation.
60 ver stiffness measurement (LSM) evaluated by supersonic shear imaging (SSI), FibroScan, and acoustic
61 oximately 34 degrees N), then re-entered the supersonic solar wind about 200 days later at approximat
62      We argue that the spacecraft exited the supersonic solar wind and passed into the subsonic regio
63 n shock that marks the abrupt slowing of the supersonic solar wind and the beginning of the extended
64                     A transition between the supersonic solar wind and the subsonic heliosheath was o
65 ellar medium, continuously emitting ionized, supersonic solar wind plasma and carving out a cavity in
66 to heat the corona but also to originate the supersonic solar wind.
67  operating engines, the fuel jets can exceed supersonic speeds and result in gaseous shock waves.
68               The films are deposited by the supersonic spraying technique, which facilitates the rap
69 om the Sun where the solar wind changes from supersonic to subsonic flow.
70 ting apparatus to selectively launch them at supersonic velocities (~400 meters per second).
71 ume is liquid water, with gas accelerated to supersonic velocity in nozzle-like channels.
72   Simulation results show that the localized supersonic water hammer created by an asymmetrical bubbl
73 unexpected finding is that the flow is still supersonic with respect to the thermal ions downstream o
74 curs where the solar wind changes from being supersonic (with respect to the surrounding interstellar
75 alistic internal mass distribution or highly supersonic zonal winds.

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