


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 HWs should be compensated, trained, and well supervised.
2 latively rare when CHWs are trained and well supervised.
3 data during training, making our method semi-supervised.
4                            For instance, the supervised 10-feature model derived from animal species
5 ountries, associate clinicians were commonly supervised (100% [four countries] for surgery and 90% [2
6        Five d/wk of aerobic exercise (3 d/wk supervised, 2 d/wk unsupervised) for 30 min/session (mod
7 provements in diet, exercise, and weight and supervised a review on the economic efficiency of these
8 y as fat (<10% saturated fat)] combined with supervised aerobic and resistance exercise (60 min; 3 d/
9                                  Progressive supervised AEx training (60-75% VO2max intensity) was gi
10          Here, we present a novel functional supervised algorithm, called Functional Epigenetic Modul
11 lished in 1985 as a governmental agency that supervises all national transplant activities in the KSA
12            Although originally developed for supervised analyses, i.e., to test the association betwe
13                                However, in a supervised analysis of ASXL1 mutated versus wild-type ca
14                                              Supervised analysis reveals a significant number of pseu
15  screens have based on a single parameter or supervised analysis with predefined Golgi structural cla
16 ntified and explicitly controlled for in any supervised analysis.
17 oftware, Atlas-IT, was developed to inspect, supervise and analyze the atlas.
18                       In total, 11 different supervised and semi-supervised classifiers were trained
19                                 It leverages supervised and semi-supervised feature-based classifiers
20                                      Through supervised and unsupervised analyses, we demonstrate syn
21 ata, and PARTIE provides mechanisms for both supervised and unsupervised classification.
22 teaching have been considered in research on supervised and unsupervised learning.
23 enges in the application of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods, as
24                                 By combining supervised and unsupervised methods, it reliably detects
25 es an efficient mapping solution with a semi-supervised anomaly detection scheme to filter out false
26                       On the other hand, the supervised approach of LDA allowed a clear grouping of t
27 e unsupervised clustering was confirmed by a supervised approach with the use of a top-scoring-pair c
28 ng categorises patients into four subgroups, supervised approaches confirm the need of both endoscopi
29 omain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), supervised automated segmentation of individual retinal
30                                  Integrating supervised behavioral classification with multivariate a
31 s lack experienced faculty who can train and supervise bioinformatics students.
32  on moral philosophy that will accompany and supervise biomedical research.
33 s) using a hierarchical clustering algorithm supervised by a new classification method, FunFHMMer.
34  participation in physical activity classes, supervised by a physiotherapist.
35 data, we found that 68.3% of all concessions supervised by authorities were suspected of major violat
36            Firefighters and station officers supervised by each manager were included in the study vi
37 e was change in sickness absence among those supervised by each of the managers.
38 ere assigned to small, homogeneous caseloads supervised by experts.
39  parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), PARAFAC supervised by linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and di
40 y provided by community health workers, when supervised by specialists, in low-income and middle-inco
41                                          The supervising cardiologist (S.C.) made a management plan b
42  involved in the control of gene expression, supervising cell fate decisions and differentiation.
43 ) mid infrared spectroscopy and multivariate supervised classification (partial least squares discrim
44 ge processing application that uses a robust supervised classification algorithm (Support Vector Mach
45  individuals was compared with that of three supervised classification algorithms: Random Forest Clas
46 approaches based on several state-of-the-art supervised classification and feature selection methods.
47                                              Supervised classification based on support vector machin
48                          We proposed a novel supervised classification method for microbial community
49 tients (Cohort #1, n = 70), we constructed a supervised classification model involving the most predi
50                                            A supervised classification model specified apoptotic and
51                      Finally, we developed a supervised classification model, which achieved 84% and
52                                              Supervised classification PLS-DA models were built with
53                                The method of supervised classification PLS-DA was employed to classif
54 alling is challenging, we applied a range of supervised classification techniques, including Support
55 ween CP and AgP and subsequently carried out supervised classification using machine-learning algorit
56  eggs by Raman spectroscopy and multivariate supervised classification with Partial Least Squares Dis
57 e preprocessing, endmember extraction, and a supervised classification), we extensively analyzed the
58                                            A supervised classifier was implemented to automatically d
59                                          The supervised classifier was then used, to our knowledge fo
60 rk describes development and applications of supervised classifiers on DFIR imaging data, comparing c
61   In total, 11 different supervised and semi-supervised classifiers were trained and assessed resulti
62  data exploration is not possible after such supervised "cleaning", because effects beyond those stip
63 ovided locally in private offices or faculty-supervised clinics without modification.
64                                              Supervised cluster analysis was used to generate paramet
65 h efforts in different brain areas have used supervised clustering methods based on standard paramete
66                                         Semi-supervised clustering of discovery (n=168) and validatio
67                                         Semi-supervised clustering, based on KRAS(G12D) mutant expres
68                            Registered nurses supervised community health workers and offered mobile c
69 sher-ratio (F-ratio) analysis applied to the supervised comparison of sample classes algorithmically
70 ustry self-regulatory bodies are tasked with supervising compliance with marketing rules.
71 f reports have demonstrated the potential of supervised computational methods to deconvolute tissue h
72 ults of non-human species, though only under supervised (conditioning) procedures [3].
73 Gene set testing is typically performed in a supervised context to quantify the association between g
74 atment with AL unless it was combined with a supervised course of PQ.
75                                              Supervised daily supplementation with 60 mg of elemental
76                                      Various supervised data reduction algorithms were tested and com
77                          We then construct a supervised deep learning architecture comprised of an em
78            The PLS1-DA algorithm was used as supervised discriminant analysis to identify the differe
79 ut with overlapping zones; consequently, two supervised discriminant techniques, i.e. partial least s
80 1 nonsmoking minors aged 14 to 17 years made supervised e-cigarette purchase attempts from 98 Interne
81 V(O2peak) = 3.5 +/- 0.5 l min(-1)) underwent supervised ET (6 weeks, 3-4 sessions per week).
82 ance measure for segmenting all cells in the supervised evaluation.
83          Endovascular revascularization plus supervised exercise (combination therapy) was associated
84  revascularization (selective stenting) plus supervised exercise (n = 106) or supervised exercise onl
85                                     However, supervised exercise (SE) is known to provide comparable
86 12, and December 22, 2016, to 1 of 4 groups: supervised exercise + GM-CSF (exercise + GM-CSF) (n = 53
87 rcise + GM-CSF (exercise + GM-CSF) (n = 53), supervised exercise + placebo (exercise alone) (n = 53),
88  obese and overweight women before and after supervised exercise 5 d/wk for 16 wk combined with modes
89                                              Supervised exercise consisted of treadmill exercise 3 ti
90 pants opted for a 16 week moderate intensity supervised exercise intervention, while seven participan
91                                              Supervised exercise is recommended as a first-line treat
92 erapy of endovascular revascularization plus supervised exercise may be more promising but few data c
93 nting) plus supervised exercise (n = 106) or supervised exercise only (n = 106).
94  an improvement of 1237 m) compared with the supervised exercise only group (from 285 m to 1240 m for
95 related quality-of-life scores compared with supervised exercise only.
96 evascularization plus supervised exercise or supervised exercise only.
97 randomized to either 6 weeks of preoperative supervised exercise or standard treatment using sealed e
98 o either endovascular revascularization plus supervised exercise or supervised exercise only.
99                                              Supervised exercise program and advice about self-manage
100                                            A supervised exercise program and advice did not confer ad
101 ssess the impact of a preoperative medically supervised exercise program on outcomes after elective a
102 e findings do not support the routine use of supervised exercise programs after removal of immobiliza
103 f endovascular revascularization followed by supervised exercise resulted in significantly greater im
104 were randomized to a group that received 1 h supervised exercise training (n=10) or one that received
105                     A period of preoperative supervised exercise training reduces postoperative cardi
106 ganisms using Markov Random Fields in a semi-supervised fashion.
107 n of predictive performance is required when supervised feature selection has been used.
108                                              Supervised feature selection of a SNP subset in the G-BL
109             It leverages supervised and semi-supervised feature-based classifiers, including our new
110 ral blood of a cohort of subjects undergoing supervised food challenge for FPIES.
111                                 We propose a supervised framework, pMim, built upon concepts of signi
112 moderate physical activity (PA; 80% aerobic; supervised/free gym membership).
113 ality metrics, detection of unsupervised and supervised fusion transcripts, detection of intragenic f
114                         This work focuses on supervised generative binary classification models, spec
115 nts exercised below prescribed target during supervised HIIT and 80% above target in MCT.
116 tive trajectories of the same profile during supervised immunosuppression minimization diagnosed reje
117               Primaquine is efficacious when supervised in clinical trials, but its effectiveness in
118 ed by the graded exposure, either at home or supervised in hospital depending on severity, using a mi
119 vided (needle and syringe exchange programs, supervised injection, and available medically assisted t
120                   Unsupervised or improperly supervised insertions of the central catheters by traine
121                   Hence, we devised a novel, supervised, integrative learning framework to perform wh
122 ents were not statistically different during supervised intervention or at follow-up at 52 weeks (HII
123 esent multicenter trial compared 12 weeks of supervised interventions of HIIT, MCT, or a recommendati
124 4 on 10-point Likert scale) when compared to supervised introduction (median 3.8, P < 0.0001) or home
125 l of performance is close to that of lightly supervised IS methods and has proven sufficient to aid a
126                   Our study innovates a semi-supervised iterative pattern learning approach that is u
127 es from the raw atom distribution, driven by supervised labels.
128                             Once found, this supervised learner is employed in an inverse optimizatio
129 undamental idea of our approach is to find a supervised learner that links the scattering pattern of
130      To increase the predictive power of the supervised learner, the scattering patterns are filtered
131 We evaluate the performance of 11 well known supervised learners and show that a multiple-classifier
132                               In addition, a supervised learning algorithm based on the "random fores
133 arget genes to putative enhancers via a semi-supervised learning algorithm that predicts gene express
134 dual animals in a social context, and used a supervised learning algorithm to classify several well-d
135 ror prone, which is problematic for training supervised learning algorithms (the so-called garbage in
136 ) and built models using these features with supervised learning algorithms.
137 hylation and TF binding, we proposed a novel supervised learning approach to predict TF-DNA interacti
138 rcome these limitations, we herein propose a supervised learning approach, termed snvForest, to prior
139                                      Using a supervised learning approach, we discovered a DNAm signa
140 ing of genes and gene ontology terms using a supervised learning approach.
141 ustering and then characterize them by using supervised learning approaches.
142                               In particular, supervised learning based models for TF-DNA interactions
143 rogeneity in the data, we introduce a novel, supervised learning footprinter called Detecting Footpri
144 an be successfully implemented within a semi-supervised learning framework that exploits the intrinsi
145 tworks are trained by a novel combination of supervised learning from human expert games, and reinfor
146        These neural networks were trained by supervised learning from human expert moves, and by rein
147                                          The supervised learning further improves contact prediction
148 ition, we introduce a new algorithm based on supervised learning in flexible probabilistic models and
149 ab) is an open source package for performing supervised learning in structured prediction tasks.
150 rm a hyperdimensional feature space in which supervised learning is performed for cell classification
151  (Bayesian Analysis of Gene EssentiaLity), a supervised learning method for analyzing gene knockout s
152  coupling data, but not quite as well as the supervised learning methods of MetaPSICOV and CoinDCA-NN
153            Our GGL method can also integrate supervised learning methods to further improve accuracy.
154 icance of candidate clusters is tested using supervised learning methods, and a multiple testing corr
155 tion via the use of multiple kernel learning supervised learning methods.
156                     These findings support a supervised learning model in which activation of the US
157 y improved the predictive performance of the supervised learning models.
158 ich provides an error signal as in classical supervised learning paradigms.
159                     This is because standard supervised learning requires 'ground-truth' functional a
160                           Here, we present a supervised learning scheme for the feedforward and recur
161 response Gaussian processes are used for the supervised learning task and a simple setup is introduce
162 field that requires the development of novel supervised learning techniques for addressing challenges
163 osis and prognosis model, incorporating semi-supervised learning techniques to improve their accuraci
164                    We combine the model with supervised learning techniques to risk-stratify patients
165                       Variable selection and supervised learning techniques were used to select relev
166 uires computational features trained through supervised learning to emphasize the behaviorally import
167 ntegrates joint multi-family EC analysis and supervised learning to improve accuracy on proteins with
168                                  Ultimately, supervised learning using a subset of biomarker and EMR
169 riate and multivariate statistical analysis, supervised learning, correlation networks, clustering an
170 ation algorithms, including graph-based semi-supervised learning, graph sharpening integration, compo
171                            When trained with supervised learning, we demonstrate that a DNC can succe
172 ives a winner-take-all circuit that supports supervised learning.
173 was 99.1% similar to those assigned based on supervised learning.
174 blematic for existing methods of regularized supervised learning.
175 roblem-solving therapy delivered by trained, supervised LHWs plus an optional 6-session peer support
176                           Here, we show that supervised machine learning (SML) can be used to build r
177 racking and profiling of behavior by using a supervised machine learning algorithm, are able to deliv
178                              The system uses supervised machine learning and rich features largely ba
179                                            A supervised machine learning approach for automatic predi
180 , builds on these features and adds enhanced supervised machine learning capabilities (Classifier), a
181  provides functionality for unsupervised and supervised machine learning for data exploration and pro
182 e its accuracy, efficiency, and versatility, supervised machine learning has drawbacks, most notably
183                                              Supervised machine learning is a powerful and widely use
184                                              Supervised machine learning is commonly applied in genom
185                                              Supervised machine learning is widely applied to transcr
186 w that deep convolutional neural networks, a supervised machine learning method, can solve this chall
187 Both evolutionary coupling (EC) analysis and supervised machine learning methods have been developed,
188 n this study, we apply state-of-the-art semi-supervised machine learning methods to the Alzheimer's d
189                                          The supervised machine learning model, recursive-support vec
190                                              Supervised machine learning models were constructed base
191                                          The supervised machine learning neural network developed is
192 ary hypertension could be predicted by using supervised machine learning of three-dimensional pattern
193 duced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines for supervised machine learning pattern recognition to accur
194 he authors used support vector regression, a supervised machine learning technique, to address this q
195                  We applied unsupervised and supervised machine learning techniques to the copy-numbe
196 of the mitotic cell cycle phases by applying supervised machine learning to morphological features ex
197                                     We apply supervised machine learning to predict peptide S/N based
198 e needs interpretable classification models (supervised machine learning) and features with rich biol
199               By using advanced data mining, supervised machine learning, and network analysis, this
200 and their locations in the text required for supervised machine learning.
201 ified as either adverse or non-adverse using supervised machine learning.
202 mental data to train a variant classifier by supervised machine learning.
203 mily evolutionary coupling (EC) analysis and supervised machine learning.
204                             First, we used a supervised machine-learning algorithm to predict a NUE g
205 s of TF-miRNA interactions, we extended semi-supervised machine-learning approaches to integrate a la
206                                          The supervised machine-learning model was first trained with
207  combining different ranking approaches in a supervised manner via using LTR.
208 able to combine various ranking methods in a supervised manner via using the Learning to Rank (LTR) a
209 el where a decision boundary is learned in a supervised manner.
210 trometry (PS-MS) combined with a chemometric supervised method (partial least square discriminant ana
211                                          Our supervised method for thin lung tissue classified NETs w
212               Reference-based algorithms are supervised methods that determine the underlying composi
213 n of DNA methylation data has led to several supervised methods, but these methods do not easily perm
214 t out-of-sample extrapolation utilizing semi-supervised ML (OSE-SSL) to learn the low dimensional rep
215                                        Three supervised ML models were developed utilising endoscopic
216 accurately represent IDC expression, and (4) supervised ML-based classifiers that linked the automati
217                                  The created supervised model yielded correct cross-validation result
218 nts were randomized to either a 6-month semi-supervised moderate exercise protocol (EX, n = 66) or a
219 olving 21 post-menopausal women, 16 weeks of supervised moderate intensity exercise training was foun
220                                            A supervised, moderate- to high-intensity, combined resist
221              To investigate this, we develop supervised, multi-task, convolutional neural network mod
222                                            A supervised multiclass pathway activity inference method
223                             Unsupervised and supervised multivariate analyses were sequentially perfo
224 tical software packages for unsupervised and supervised multivariate analysis.
225 nding data was subjected to unsupervised and supervised multivariate statistical analyses.
226 e target data to train, validate, and test a supervised neural network.
227 r ratio (F-ratio) analysis and facilitates a supervised nontargeted analysis based upon the experimen
228                              We develop semi-supervised normalization pipelines and perform experimen
229 ormalism underlying our approach facilitates supervising of multi-read allocation with a variety of d
230 owever, all existing approaches, even weakly supervised ones, require several hundreds of hand-annota
231 feature extraction and classification of the supervised or unsupervised type.
232 ndividual ions as an additional parameter in supervised orthogonal projections to latent structures d
233 upervised (Principal Component Analysis) and supervised (Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis)
234                                         Semi-supervised pattern recognition has been proposed to auto
235 ata obtained with NIRS were analysed using a supervised pattern recognition method, Discriminat Parti
236     Once the analytical data were collected, supervised pattern recognition techniques such as linear
237                    In a second step, several supervised pattern recognition techniques were used to c
238 by principal component analysis (PCA), three supervised pattern recognition techniques, Partial Least
239                                     Applying supervised pattern recognition, we found highly signific
240 pocaloric normoproteic diet and 60 min/wk of supervised physical activity).
241     Care delivered in the presence of senior supervising physicians was more comprehensive than care
242 duce the influence of subjective judgment of supervising physicians.
243           When input synapses are subject to supervised plasticity, however, dense wiring becomes adv
244 ffing PPE, and a system of trained observers supervising PPE donning and doffing was implemented.
245  on increasing the quantity and diversity of supervised practice and improving the teenagers' prelice
246 nary evidence suggests that the TDP improves supervised practice and the driving performance of preli
247 dies have failed to show an effect of parent-supervised practice driving on the driving performance o
248 examined mean differences in the quantity of supervised practice, differences in the overall proporti
249 ensing programs have provisions that require supervised practice.
250 ncrease the quantity and diversity of parent-supervised practice.
251                                           In supervised prediction applications, our multitask approa
252 ), alone or in combination with 14 d of semi-supervised primaquine (PQ) (3.5 mg/kg total).
253 nts in the discovery set were subjected to a supervised principal component (SPC) analysis to predict
254 MA for a previously validated CCRCC-specific supervised principal component (SPC) risk score prognost
255 hypomethylation with activation of oncogenes.Supervised principal component analysis (SPCA) is a popu
256                                              Supervised principal components analysis was used to ide
257                                              Supervised principal components and lasso penalized Cox
258 nt, hospital, and procedure covariates using supervised principal components regression.
259 -living weight-loss patterns to in-residence supervised programs, we applied the following 4 differen
260    Experiments demonstrate that the new semi-supervised protocol can result in improved accuracy and
261                      We developed a new semi-supervised protocol that can use unlabeled cancer protei
262 anual-based coping intervention delivered by supervised psychology graduates, or treatment as usual (
263                                            A supervised random forest algorithm with a 10-fold cross-
264 intensity maxima and classifying them with a supervised random forest classifier.
265  and a moderate- to high-intensity, combined supervised resistance and aerobic exercise program (OnTr
266                                   During the supervised scenarios, lower team performance checklist s
267     We excluded studies that did not include supervised schizonticidal treatment without primaquine.
268 er, with a rich feature approach for NER and supervised semantic indexing for normalization.
269 d recurrent challenges in the application of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised machine lea
270 anpower and/or hypervigilance on the part of supervising senior residents or attending physicians, th
271                        AT consisted of three supervised sessions per week at 20 to 45 minutes per ses
272 ontrol intervention (PR comprising 8 wk, two supervised sessions per week) or the trial intervention
273 This scenario is different from the standard supervised setting, where each classifier's accuracy can
274 overtreated, in turn suggesting the need for supervised step-down.
275 ites were monitored to develop LUR models by supervised stepwise selection of GIS predictors.
276 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise and supervised strength training twice per week) or usual ca
277                     Our approach is based on supervised structural feature extraction using deep lear
278 h unsupervised (hierarchical clustering) and supervised (support vector machine) analyses of these di
279           We introduce an approach that uses supervised temporal topic models to transform large corp
280                                Psychiatrists supervised the team and conducted interactive video psyc
281 he data sets for chemometric assessment with supervised tools.
282 USTUS is a gene finder that usually requires supervised training and uses information from RNA-Seq re
283 m, where an oracle or expert is employed for supervised training in lieu of direct observations, whic
284    To determine whether GM-CSF combined with supervised treadmill exercise improves 6-minute walk dis
285                     Among patients with PAD, supervised treadmill exercise significantly improved 6-m
286 either when used alone or when combined with supervised treadmill exercise.
287 chizontocidal efficacy and safety of a 3-day supervised treatment of the fixed-dose combination artes
288                                              Supervised visits in major teaching EDs compared with at
289                       In a sample of US EDs, supervised visits were associated with a greater likelih
290 pared with the 25,808 attending-only visits, supervised visits were significantly associated with mor
291                               Association of supervised visits with hospital admission, advanced imag
292 eaching ED, minor teaching ED (half or fewer supervised visits), and major teaching ED (more than hal
293 sits), and major teaching ED (more than half supervised visits).
294 teaching EDs, a weighted estimate of 9% were supervised visits, compared with 82% of visits to the 34
295                                              Supervised visits, defined as visits involving both resi
296 ediatric EDs in the sample, 3374 visits were supervised visits.
297 y the proportion of sampled visits that were supervised visits: nonteaching ED, minor teaching ED (ha
298  10 men who had undertaken 20 weeks of fully supervised, whole-body resistance exercise training (RET
299                                              Supervised withdrawal (ie, detoxification) from opioids
300 low abuse potential, is effective for use in supervised withdrawal settings.

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