


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                 Our findings support a model by which CaM binds to Akt to facilitate
2                                  Our results support a model by which drug-evoked synaptic plasticity
3                         Thus, these findings support a model by which the selective stabilization of
4                                     Our data support a model demonstrating that heat shock factor 1 (
5                      Together, these results support a model for allostery in PheH in which phenylala
6                 Together, these observations support a model for Cas9 specificity wherein gRNA-DNA mi
7                            Together our data support a model for contact guidance in which the ECM en
8                                     Our data support a model for GCs to stabilize HIF through activat
9                                  Our results support a model for induction of contact activation in w
10                                  The results support a model for multiple myeloma progression with cl
11                           These observations support a model for native HIV-1 assembly wherein HIV-1
12                   Taken together, these data support a model for native infection wherein structural
13                                These results support a model for precipitation of proteins by proanth
14                           These measurements support a model for PROPPIN-membrane binding, where the
15 -PTP with ESCRT-0, ESCRT-I and ESCRT-III and support a model for regulation of ESCRT function by disp
16                                     Our data support a model for sHSP function wherein cell stress tr
17                                 Our findings support a model for SIRT2's tumor-suppressive function i
18                                 Our findings support a model for taste coding in larvae, in which dis
19  genes and is required for their expression, supporting a model for transcriptional switch between Ml
20 anta and heterologous expression in bacteria supports a model for a beta-diketone biosynthesis pathwa
21 t-chain lipids in activating the transporter supports a model for regulation within the highly dynami
22                                  Our results support a model in which 5-hmC regulates differentiation
23                                     Our data support a model in which a heritable 5' noncoding mRNA e
24                                   These data support a model in which a single neuronal stem cell can
25                        Together, our results support a model in which acute inflammation after injury
26                               These findings support a model in which an AGO2 phosphorylation cycle s
27                           Together, the data support a model in which AP-1 family members contribute
28                   Taken together, these data support a model in which autophagosomes were directed to
29                                   These data support a model in which B1 and VRK2 share additional su
30                                  Our results support a model in which biological outcomes of caspase
31                                  The results support a model in which bitter Grs interact, exhibiting
32                                     Our data support a model in which BRD4-NUT-stimulated histone hyp
33                                   These data support a model in which cancer cell invasion into local
34                                   These data support a model in which CD8(+) T cells upon activation
35                                  Our results support a model in which Cdk-counteracting phosphatases
36                        Furthermore, our data support a model in which Cdk5 activators play nonoverlap
37                                     Our data support a model in which central command circuits recrui
38                           Together, our data support a model in which clusters of GBSs observed with
39                     Rather, our measurements support a model in which collision with a trailing ribos
40         Finally, single-molecule experiments support a model in which conformational sampling between
41                  Taken together, our results support a model in which correct peptidyl-proline hydrox
42 ns of cytokinin with auxin and ethylene, and support a model in which cytokinin regulates shootward a
43                           Together, our data support a model in which DACH1 stimulates coronary arter
44                                     Our data support a model in which dephosphorylation of Cdk sites
45                     Taken together, our data support a model in which DiRas1 expression inhibits mali
46                                     The data support a model in which Dlx recruitment of Sp7 to osteo
47          Gene expression and mutant analyses support a model in which DnaA and Rok cooperate to repre
48                                  Our results support a model in which Dok1 phosphorylation normally s
49                        Together, our results support a model in which dorsally expressed gdf6a limits
50 ich domain of Nip100/p150(glued) Our results support a model in which dynein destabilizes its microtu
51                         Overall our findings support a model in which each SAMP repeat plays a mechan
52                                     The data support a model in which EAP deficits lead to poor funct
53            The findings in these index cases support a model in which early development of occult hip
54                          These data strongly support a model in which EBNA3A is tethered to DNA throu
55  predominant source of BMP6 in the liver and support a model in which EC BMP6 has paracrine actions o
56                                  Our results support a model in which elevating astrocytic alphaBc co
57                               These findings support a model in which Ent5 clathrin binding performs
58                                   These data support a model in which expansion of Ag-specific B cell
59                                     Our data support a model in which FAK Y397 autophosphorylation is
60                                     Our data support a model in which FAT4 in the stroma binds to DCH
61                   Taken together, these data support a model in which FGFs, possibly from axons, acti
62                           Our results do not support a model in which fluorogenicity arises from the
63                         Together, these data support a model in which FoxQ2 initiates an anterior pat
64                                  Our results support a model in which FtsL, along with its partners F
65                                These results support a model in which GpsB negatively regulates perip
66                                     Our data support a model in which H2S exerts its cytoprotective e
67                               Thus, our data support a model in which HD5 prevents furin from accessi
68                        In total, our results support a model in which HopG1 induces changes in the or
69                                   These data support a model in which HSCs are titrated against a per
70                                   Their data support a model in which IL-34 production by Tregs promo
71                               These findings support a model in which information flow from SL to SP
72                                 Our findings support a model in which initial inhomogeneities in inpu
73                                  Our results support a model in which inter-chromosomal microtubules
74                                  The results support a model in which intracellular iron promotes inf
75                Taken together, these results support a model in which IRS2, MTOR, and cyclin D2, but
76                         Together, these data support a model in which Ist1-Did2 interactions during E
77                                     Our data support a model in which KAE609 exerts its antimalarial
78    Coupled with previous studies, these data support a model in which L. donovani amastigotes readily
79                                 Our findings support a model in which Ldo proteins modulate the activ
80                                     Our data support a model in which LDs provide a lipid buffering s
81                                These results support a model in which leaving the stem cell niche and
82                         Instead, our results support a model in which long, active regions of transcr
83                       Together, the findings support a model in which low early-life n-6/n-3 ratios r
84                                  Our results support a model in which LsERF1 acts through the promoti
85                               Thus, our data support a model in which Ltc1 is a sterol-dependent regu
86 mage response, and our findings collectively support a model in which m(6)A RNA serves as a beacon fo
87                           Our results do not support a model in which Mad2 catalytically generates a
88                                 Our findings support a model in which Mcp1 and Vps13 work as function
89                                   These data support a model in which metavinculin tunes the actin bu
90                               These findings support a model in which mouse MX1 interacts with the in
91                                  Our results support a model in which MOV10L1 RNA helicase activity p
92 ilaments are important for shape control and support a model in which MreB organizes the cell wall gr
93                                These results support a model in which MUC1-C-induced TAK1short right
94                                  Our results support a model in which MW deteriorates performance in
95                 Taken together, our findings support a model in which neighboring binding sites inter
96                          Together these data support a model in which neogenin acts as a scaffold to
97                                  Our results support a model in which NMC is dependent on ectopic NUT
98                                  Our results support a model in which NMDAR signaling, independent of
99                            These experiments support a model in which NPC1 protein functions to trans
100                                 Our findings support a model in which nuclear EGFR acts as a transcri
101                Taken together, these results support a model in which OGT modifies HIRA to regulate H
102                  Taken together, our results support a model in which oxy-Mb is a novel regulator of
103                                  The results support a model in which perceptual filling-in is aided
104                                     Our data support a model in which phosphorylation and dephosphory
105                         Together, these data support a model in which physiological levels of Ca(2+)
106                                   These data support a model in which PlrS senses conditions present
107                      Together, these results support a model in which podocytes sense the disruption
108  the bypass phenotype on the PBP1b structure support a model in which polymerization activation proce
109                                     Our data support a model in which polyQ peptides containing stron
110                                     Our data support a model in which PRC1 and PRC2 reinforce each ot
111                       Together, our findings support a model in which PrgU proteins represent a novel
112                               These findings support a model in which Ptch1/2 mediate secretion of a
113                       Together, our findings support a model in which R-loop accumulation and subsequ
114                                 Our findings support a model in which R. equi virulence is conferred
115                                     Our data support a model in which RA on the dorsal side of the em
116                                These results support a model in which RAD54L and RAD54B counteract ge
117                                   These data support a model in which RAN translation at CGG repeats
118      Combined with previous work, these data support a model in which RDN1 arabinosylates MtCLE12, an
119                                  Our results support a model in which ReAsH fluorescence depends on t
120                                 Our findings support a model in which repression of activin signaling
121                                     Our data support a model in which RNA editing is executed via mul
122                                 Our findings support a model in which sensory neurons express overlap
123                                   These data support a model in which SHH signaling plays both positi
124                                     Our data support a model in which signals in the tumor microenvir
125                                     Our data support a model in which simultaneous interactions betwe
126                    Collectively, our results support a model in which SirA targets DnaA Domain I to i
127                       Together, our findings support a model in which sliding helicase-loading interm
128                         Altogether, our data support a model in which small neutral hydrophobic resid
129                                   These data support a model in which SMC complexes function by proce
130                     Moreover, 3D dSTORM data support a model in which some but not all ERC vesicles a
131                  Taken together, our results support a model in which Spt16 has a role in maintaining
132                      In summary, our results support a model in which Src and cortactin regulate grow
133                                These results support a model in which Src-family kinase binding induc
134                           These observations support a model in which ssDNA plays a central role in t
135                        Combined observations support a model in which stalled ribosomes are reactivat
136                   Collectively, our analyses support a model in which stereocilia actin cores are sta
137                        Together, our results support a model in which stimulus-evoked exocytosis in r
138                                   These data support a model in which stressed mitochondria generate
139                                These results support a model in which stromules aid in the amplificat
140                       Overall, these results support a model in which structured RNA negatively regul
141                           Together, our data support a model in which suppression of alternative macr
142                               These findings support a model in which syllabic and temporal features
143                                     Our data support a model in which T-bet is a universal controller
144                                 Our findings support a model in which TFAM first recruits POLRMT to t
145                                   These data support a model in which the ability of TRIP13(PCH-2) to
146                                   These data support a model in which the activation of certain pathw
147                      In conclusion, our data support a model in which the adoption of T-lineage fate
148                                These results support a model in which the AE3 Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger
149                                     Our data support a model in which the balanced activities of Pdi1
150                                  The results support a model in which the conductive pili permeate th
151                                     Our data support a model in which the daughter centriole promotes
152                                  Our results support a model in which the E. coli clamp loader active
153                 Taken together, our findings support a model in which the evolution of the bipolar ma
154  vitro, in organello, and in vivo approaches support a model in which the FGLK domains mediate intera
155                                 Our findings support a model in which the folate receptor interacts w
156 gether with the structural data, our results support a model in which the gate loop, acting in concer
157                                These results support a model in which the interaction of RyR with CaM
158                            A variety of data support a model in which the loss of K(+) ions from the
159                                   These data support a model in which the MBD2/3 methylation-dependen
160                                     The data support a model in which the negative affective state fo
161                 Genetic and biochemical data support a model in which the pupylation machinery is res
162                                   These data support a model in which the quasi-envelope is degraded
163 tes cullins in vivo Combined, these findings support a model in which the SCCRO, substrate, and subst
164                                   These data support a model in which the sequential actions of two d
165                    Together, our experiments support a model in which the transition from sedentary t
166 tations for different chemical states of CcO support a model in which the volume and hydration level
167                Taken together, these results support a model in which this IDR of Med13 plays a key r
168                                These results support a model in which Tie1 directly interacts with Ti
169                                  Our results support a model in which TOPBP1(Dpb11) plays a conserved
170                         Together, these data support a model in which TUG acetylation modulates its i
171                             Previous results support a model in which TUG traps GLUT4 in intracellula
172 n controlling promoter occupancy by Gcn4 and support a model in which ubiquitylation of activators-no
173                      Together, these results support a model in which UPF1 mutations downregulate NMD
174                                  Our results support a model in which UPF3A serves as a molecular rhe
175                                 Our findings support a model in which voluntary persistence emerges f
176                        Together, our results support a model in which YY1 acts as an architectural pr
177                   Collectively, our findings support a model in which zinc plays a dual role in activ
178                          Our results instead support a model in which, despite the apoptotic machiner
179  obtained using small-angle X-ray scattering supported a model in which CacyBP/SIP occupies an anti-p
180 scussed in relation to O-O cleavage in HCOs, supporting a model in which a peroxo intermediate serves
181  collaborate with HslV in their degradation, supporting a model in which ATP hydrolysis and linked me
182 uced downstream of Draper in AD model flies, supporting a model in which glia engulf and destroy Abet
183 airpins and/or distal U-tract interruptions, supporting a model in which NusA is directly involved in
184                          We provide evidence supporting a model in which the linkage between genomic
185 ar progression through these subpopulations, supporting a model in which these three states correspon
186                                     Our work supports a model in which a polyubiquitin chain associat
187                                     Our work supports a model in which AdamTS-A anchors cells in plac
188                          Together, this work supports a model in which an extrinsic signal triggers a
189  of architectural proteins for enhancers and supports a model in which animal genomes use the nuclear
190 Analysis of the antibody-antigen interaction supports a model in which antibodies that can interfere
191                                The structure supports a model in which association of RelA with the r
192                                     Our work supports a model in which context-specific modulation of
193                        Accumulating evidence supports a model in which CpG islands recruit Polycomb g
194                The preponderance of evidence supports a model in which DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol ep
195                                   This study supports a model in which leptin exerts concerted traffi
196                                     Our work supports a model in which multiple surfaces of Ska1 inte
197 an farmers and the inhabitants of Ganj Dareh supports a model in which Neolithic societies in these a
198                         The present evidence supports a model in which the natural statistics of temp
199                      Such a transition state supports a model in which the rate-limiting step of the
200  in XPF-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans and supports a model in which translesion synthesis polymera
201                                The structure supports a model in which two substrate radicals bind to
202                               These findings support a model linking increased hippocampal activation
203                                These results support a model of "empathic blame", whereby the perceiv
204                                   These data support a model of an unexplored mode of locomotion--"bo
205 cial canals shouldn't be used to exclusively support a model of aquatic foraging in theropods and arg
206                                     Our data support a model of chromatin architecture in intact inte
207 variation seen across eukaryotes, as well as support a model of CTD expansion and contraction to main
208 nt paths in different Magicicada species and support a model of genomic degradation that is stochasti
209                                  The results support a model of HCV infection influencing the binding
210                                 Our findings support a model of independent assembly and evolution in
211                    Archaeobotanical data may support a model of indirect Austronesian colonization of
212                                        These support a model of initial erosion of the Dover Strait b
213 navirus entry, provide a structural basis to support a model of membrane fusion mediated by progressi
214                                These results support a model of pneumococcal CCR in which HPr-Ser app
215                         Together, these data support a model of rapid gene innovation by fusion of in
216 nlinearly transform odor representations and support a model of selective and nonrandom inhibition am
217                                These results support a model of solvent-slaved protein dynamics.
218  pattern of sequence diversity here does not support a model of strong selective constraint on MC1R i
219                                These results support a model of the hygiene hypothesis in which certa
220                                  Our results support a model of tissue ILC differentiation ("ILC-poie
221                                   These data support a model of tumorigenesis whereby PDTCs and ATCs
222 it texture and flavor, and provide evidences supporting a model of apple fruit size evolution compris
223 ed compared with the phosphorylation of AKT, supporting a model of negative feedback downstream of PR
224 with RIP2 CARD but not RhoGDI binding sites, supporting a model of receptor activation triggered by s
225 able at all points assayed across 6.5 years, supporting a model of serological memory based upon intr
226                             The closed state supports a model of catalysis in which the substrate is
227 s of serotonin neuron firing and release and supports a model of impaired serotonin signaling in suic
228 ants overexpressing miRNA396a-resistant GRF1 support a model proposing that distinct associations of
229 ipid MA:membrane binding models, and instead support a model put forward from coarse-grained simulati
230                                     The data support a model suggesting that the unique architectural
231                                  Our results support a model that both corneal epithelial homeostasis
232                                   These data support a model that includes changes in brain bioenerge
233                                The data also support a model that LC translocation proceeds from the
234 avior and visual neural signals consistently supported a model that assumes a mixing of prediction er
235                                     Our data support a model where adding AMPA receptors is sufficien
236                Our in vitro and in vivo data support a model where an oxidized dNTPs pool together wi
237                                   These data support a model where Arabidopsis CRKs are synthesized u
238                                   These data support a model where Asna1 ensures retrograde transport
239                                     Our data support a model where Bcd influences chromatin structure
240                                     Our data support a model where both an increased expression of Ga
241                                     Our data support a model where clonal epigenetic reprogramming to
242                    Collectively, our results support a model where ERalpha signals activate MeA neuro
243 harmacological and molecular biology results support a model where ETR1 and ETR2 are indirectly affec
244 eregulation contributes to FXS pathology and support a model where FMRP, by controlling the translati
245         Collectively, results presented here support a model where GSK3beta regulates signaling by co
246                                     Our data support a model where H2A.Z in gene bodies has a strong
247                     Taken together, our data support a model where IcsA and N-WASP form a tight compl
248                                 Our findings support a model where low-dose IL-2 selectively activate
249                                     Our data support a model where nutrition is a key environmental f
250                    Taken together these data support a model where PDHK4 regulates KRAS signalling an
251                                These results support a model where Pil1-Lsp1 heterodimers are the min
252                                  The results support a model where Pol iota occasionally accesses the
253                                  Our results support a model where residues in these positions determ
254                             Our observations support a model where specificity is generated through c
255                     Together, these findings support a model where spontaneous control of HCV such as
256                                     Our data support a model where the balance of activating and inhi
257                                     Our data support a model where the density of shared RNA binding
258                    Altogether, these results support a model where the eVP30-eNP interaction plays a
259                                  The results support a model where the pseudokinase domain regulates
260                     A thermodynamic analysis supports a model where the N terminus is folded around t
261                                     Our data support a model whereby a hot L1 source element on Chrom
262                                     The data support a model whereby a hydrophobic patch on the ProTx
263                      Together, these results support a model whereby afadin determines lumen placemen
264                                  Our results support a model whereby emergent metabolites signal a be
265                                  Our results support a model whereby Gpd1 may be imported as a monome
266                        Together, our results support a model whereby increased tooth number and an ac
267                  Therefore, the present data support a model whereby MCL-1 depletion increases 53BP1
268     Together with previous studies, our data support a model whereby Munc18-1 acts as a template for
269                                     Our data support a model whereby nascent NepR(IDR)-PhyR interacti
270                                     Our data support a model whereby postnatal loss of hair forming a
271                               These findings support a model whereby repeat expansions elicit cellula
272                                These results support a model whereby RPA, best known for its role in
273                         Altogether, the data support a model whereby stereocilia actin cores are larg
274                                   These data support a model whereby STIM1 is critical to deactivate
275                  Taken together, our results support a model whereby the amphipathic helix in SM N100
276                                     Our data support a model whereby the degree of apoptosis inductio
277                            Our combined data support a model whereby the risk variant augments the BC
278                               These findings support a model whereby the selective removal of Nup FG
279                                   These data support a model whereby these two functionally distinct
280          Our genetic and biochemical studies support a model whereby Top1p recruits Sir2p to the rDNA
281                         Overall, our results support a model whereby TRPV4 differentially regulates c
282 nd markedly removed from the Rac1 interface, supporting a model whereby P-Rex1 binding to PIP3 and/or
283                                   This study supports a model whereby SMN deficiency impedes transpor
284                      In conclusion, our data support a model wherein a pre-TfH wave of IL-4 secreted
285 nic amyloid precursor protein processing and support a model wherein Abeta production is amplified by
286                                     Our data support a model wherein conformational changes in SF3b1
287                                  The results support a model wherein dNTP elevation is needed to faci
288                                  Our results support a model wherein efficient electron propagation c
289                               These findings support a model wherein interactions between transcripti
290                               These findings support a model wherein interoceptive processing in the
291                         Together, these data support a model wherein KLK5-mediated PAR-2 activation r
292                            Our combined data support a model wherein modest alterations in B cell-int
293                               Data presented support a model wherein SrrAB-dependent biofilm formatio
294                                 Our findings support a model wherein the degron is exposed when SMN i
295                       Collectively, our data support a model wherein the in vivo role of VitD3 during
296                            Together our data support a model wherein the production of type I interfe
297 les of PABPs in miRNA-mediated silencing and support a model wherein they enable miRNA-binding sites
298                               Thus, the data support a model wherein tumor Treg cells sustain and amp
299  and middle domains, which has been taken to support a model with 34 copies, is also supported.
300                               These findings support a model with two mechanisms: a dual-rate adaptat

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