


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                         These findings also support the idea that conservation interventions that increas
2 ave been named, our palaeogenomic and morphometric analyses support the idea that there was only a single species of midd
3 at seizure onset regions are dysfunctional at baseline, and support the idea that interictal spikes disrupt cognitive pro
4  including late stages in the ventral visual hierarchy, and support the idea that domains representing different categori
5 emonstrate the safety and activity of 10-1074 in humans and support the idea that antibodies targeting the V3 glycan supe
6 une containment early during M. tuberculosis infection, and support the idea that important differences exist between pri
7 tes with increased tau deposition are of great interest and support the idea that the amyloid-beta pathology might have r
8      The actions of this network converge on NF-kappaB, and support the idea that NF-kappaB is responsive to mechanical s
9                                      Collectively, our data support the idea that opioid agonists can be combined with pe
10                                   On the contrary, our data support the idea that there is a coordinated balance of activ
11                                                  These data support the idea that abnormalities in heparan sulfate conten
12                                                  These data support the idea that CaMKI links mitochondrial stress with t
13                                  Taken together, these data support the idea that GlcSph is a more selective and sensitiv
14                                                  These data support the idea that the chronic 5-HT2B-receptor inhibition
15                                    Altogether, our findings support the idea that clonally variant genes facilitate the a
16                                 In conclusion, our findings support the idea that GrpEL1 has a role as a stress modulator
17                                                Our findings support the idea that physiological protection against synapt
18                                          Thus, our findings support the idea that temporal collinearity might contribute
19                                                Our findings support the idea that this model can be used for testing nove
20                                              These findings support the idea that antigen drive is relevant for most MCL
21                                              These findings support the idea that bipolar cells might be able to synapse
22                                    Together, these findings support the idea that posterior alpha oscillations represent
23 from deletion of the ARP2/3 complex in mice, these findings support the idea that spine deficits in the DLPFC may contrib
24                                              These findings support the idea that the thalamus is involved in integrating
25 al results and data newly obtained via comparative genomics support the idea that CheV functions as a "phosphate sink" po
26 ntal data and results from biophysically realistic modeling support the idea that horizontal cells can process cone input
27                                             Our data do not support the idea that dietary fat per se promotes ectopic adi
28  greater cooperative inclinations into question, and rather support the idea that dogs' and wolves' different social ecol
29 lts from this systematically searched meta-analysis of RCTs support the idea that the consumption of >/=0.5 servings of t
30 requency distributions of radiocarbon dates for each region support the idea that the extinction event first commenced in
31                                                     Results support the idea that antibodies did not play a major role in
32                                                 Our results support the idea that conceptual treatment beliefs bias the n
33                                                 Our results support the idea that cross-modal plasticity in the case of e
34                                                 Our results support the idea that endolysins may be important for MV form
35                                           Thus, our results support the idea that genomes continuously evolve under two a
36                                                 Our results support the idea that NFAT1 is necessary to fully suppress ef
37                                                 Our results support the idea that preventing early-life disruption of hos
38                                                 Our results support the idea that the development of antibiotic resistanc
39                                                 Our results support the idea that the G/C-rich motifs associated with mei
40                                                 Our results support the idea that water is a mixture of a high density, "
41                                        Overall, the results support the idea that interactions between the transmitter GA
42                                               These results support the idea that telomere dysfunction is involved in IPF
43                                               These results support the idea that vmPFC processes self-relevant informati
44                                         These data strongly support the idea that the acyl specificity of the tafazzin re
45                                     These findings strongly support the idea that a stably folded NTD is essential for co
46                                              Recent studies support the idea that the precise location where APs are init
47 m brains, cultured cells, and animal models of disease that support the idea that alpha-synuclein can act as a prion.
48 synaptosomes, our data provide the first direct evidence to support the idea that synapses from AD brain are intrinsicall
49             However, surprisingly little evidence exists to support the idea that synaptic plasticity in place cells is i
50                              Gene clustering and gene trees support the idea that these genes are derived from an ancient

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