


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ved by a variety of pharmacological reagents supposedly acting on NBDs such as ATP analogues, or TMDs
2 e a modified form of lipopolysaccharide that supposedly activates toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) instead
3  can cope with the loss of the universal and supposedly ancient RNase P through genomic rearrangement
4 ly in the demonstration of few qubit systems supposedly approaching the threshold for fault-tolerant
5 h thiomolybdates (MoO4-xSx(2-) with x = 1-4) supposedly are necessary intermediates in the process of
6 e unique biological function of cryptochrome supposedly arises from a photoactivation reaction involv
7 omalous intestinal microbiota development is supposedly associated with development of necrotizing en
8 ccessfully used in cystic fibrosis patients, supposedly because of "nonantibiotic effects." METHODS:
9 P/precipitation) also varies between biomes, supposedly because of differences in vegetation structur
10 eeping did not allow the bodily remains that supposedly belonged to Kent to be identified with absolu
11 1 and 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride 2 (HMA) supposedly bind in this sodium ion site and can influenc
12 A world, where a single type of molecule was supposedly capable of self-replication and chemical cata
13  Fe(IV)-oxo unit is generated concomitantly, supposedly capable of the second H atom abstraction from
14  phosphate oxygen of A2662 of the SRL to the supposedly catalytic histidine of EF-G (His87), we probe
15 use lines can confound the interpretation of supposedly cell-type-specific experiments.
16                                 Addiction is supposedly characterized by a shift from goal-directed t
17 ein distributions by inducing coalescence of supposedly cholesterol-enriched domains.
18 t AtALMT9 forms a multimeric complex that is supposedly composed of four subunits.
19                                Kit mutations supposedly contribute to abnormal growth and drug resist
20 -ABL overexpression and stem cell quiescence supposedly contribute to the failure of imatinib mesylat
21 etry between blastomeres (bistable pattern), supposedly controlled by negative or positive feedbacks.
22 its the incoming signals to the dendrite and supposedly controls the signal propagation.
23 ng arsenate, but lacking phosphate, and that supposedly could substitute arsenic for phosphorus in it
24                            Induction of IDO1 supposedly depletes cellular levels of tryptophan in hos
25 erivatives of the synthetic isomers with two supposedly different natural products showed that both n
26 -type (WT) mice relative to younger animals, supposedly due to microglial activation.
27 ultured cell lines demonstrated that in many supposedly equal mitoses the segregation of proteins des
28 heir salts" in considering differences among supposedly equivalent agents.
29  The morphology of 21 exocrine glands and 13 supposedly exocrine structures recorded for lepidopteran
30                        Mammalian glial scars supposedly form a chemical and mechanical barrier to neu
31 and cold winters in that region that to date supposedly have slowed earthworm invasion, future warmin
32 inorganic phosphate, the content of which is supposedly higher in mitochondria subject to hypoxia.
33 ers of the screening collection that contain supposedly highly reactive electrophiles.
34                            Technical editing supposedly improves the accuracy and clarity of journal
35                       Seriality of organs in supposedly independent molluscan lineages, i.e., in chit
36 rong aroma when tasted in aqueous solutions, supposedly induced by beta -lyases from the oral microfl
37 ncapacitation, where incoming seminal fluids supposedly interfere with resident sperm, have been impl
38 cal gas sensors, likewise indicate that many supposedly intrinsic properties measured on as-prepared
39 he mouse Y long arm (Yq) carries hundreds of supposedly intronless copies of Ssty, for which no prote
40                       Here, we show that the supposedly invariant CF synapse can also express LTD.
41  snoRNA U3-associated DEAH RNA helicase Dhr1 supposedly involved in central pseudoknot formation; thi
42 e RBD1 domain (103-ERDRKREKRKPKSQETP-119) is supposedly involved in protein-protein interactions (12)
43  in class II peroxidases, including residues supposedly involved in three different long range electr
44 te sensitization because of the detection of supposedly irrelevant antibodies recognizing denatured c
45                                              Supposedly, lectin TFF2 is involved in protection of gas
46 M), which was unexpectedly recognized by the supposedly LepLAM-specific CD1-restricted T cell clones.
47 epoxides which can be further metabolized to supposedly less active diols by the soluble epoxide hydr
48                                 The key data supposedly linking smoke-induced mutations to lung cance
49 the human visual system may learn to perform supposedly low-level perceptual tasks in a top-down fash
50                                    Water has supposedly marked the surface of Mars and produced chara
51 a drop in pressure during a position change--supposedly mediated by reflexes to the cardiovascular sy
52                         AbetaPP transport is supposedly mediated by the direct AbetaPP-Klc1 interacti
53 SENSITIVE 2 (BIN2) interaction domain, which supposedly mediates gain-of-function effects obtained th
54 ry conclusion from these studies is that the supposedly MHC-deficient mice actually do have sufficien
55 evaluation of the drivers of autoimmunity in supposedly monogenic disorders.
56  resemble so-called Whig history, in which a supposedly more enlightened mindset is seen as having re
57 d a higher affinity to alpha-casein than the supposedly more flexible B-type dimers investigated.
58 ly altered right heart with the anatomically-supposedly-normal left heart and to derive from cardiac
59 rding configuration in photoreceptors of the supposedly null allele, norpAP24, we detected a small (
60 55 (29%) of the outbreaks, contamination had supposedly occurred after serving a guest at a self-serv
61 hich couple tip links with the cytoskeleton, supposedly play important roles in withstanding large fo
62 sed in relation to the biological effects of supposedly positive or normal experiences, the use of na
63 k the long polypterid branch and expose many supposedly primitive features of extant polypterids as r
64 ned much notoriety as a safe supplement that supposedly promotes fat loss and muscle enhancement in h
65 unctional lateralization because its size is supposedly proportional to the number of fibers connecti
66 PLA (<3%) in a sample of cyclic PLA that was supposedly pure according to other characterization tech
67                                    Yet, many supposedly 'randomized' libraries contain significant el
68                   It is not known why such a supposedly rare event (a late flash followed by mixing)
69 co-divergence between hosts and Wolbachia is supposedly rare.
70 t the propensity for aggressive behavior was supposedly reduced as a result of being selected against
71 ration with the auxiliary Pex18p, one of two supposedly redundant PTS2 co-receptors.
72 nts [PREs]), whereas filamentation genes are supposedly regulated by the cooperative binding of Ste12
73 ruses, and horsepox virus, a VACV-like virus supposedly related to an ancestor of the VACV lineage.
74 ition and homeostasis (down-regulated), thus supposedly replenishing oxidized metabolites and decreas
75 otions were applied to the landscapes of the supposedly rigid plate interiors, there was less success
76 ng capacity of eukaryotic genomes, even in a supposedly simple system like yeast.
77 orseshoe crabs are classic "living fossils", supposedly slowly evolving, conservative taxa, with a lo
78                    Conclusions based on such supposedly spike-free LFPs can result in false interpret
79 synthetic network, that mixing arises in the supposedly stable and radiative zone between the hydroge
80 air follicle epithelium, the dynamics of the supposedly stable hair follicle mesenchyme remains enigm
81 ce stability and mechanical strengths of the supposedly superhard transition metal tetraborides (TmB4
82 r protein (TSPO) tracer with characteristics supposedly superior to the most commonly used tracer for
83 e use of grammatical suffixation rules, thus supposedly supporting the existence of genes specific to
84 ears or so a large body of new evidence that supposedly supports the directed mutation hypothesis has
85                                  T reg cells supposedly suppress locally an effective anti-tumor immu
86 cted 'stone operations' in which stones were supposedly surgically removed from the head as a treatme
87 peripheral nerve regeneration for some time, supposedly through their involvement in Wallerian degene
88 n at the mTORC1-mediated serine sites, which supposedly triggers IRS-1 downregulation, inactive IRS-1
89  and valid, greater evidence of awareness of supposedly unconscious influences is revealed.
90  silent expansion phase in the liver that is supposedly undetected by the host.
91 for the changing composition and dynamics of supposedly undisturbed forests.
92 n domains, connected by a 75-residue linker, supposedly unfolded.
93 re routinely credited with playing qualities supposedly unobtainable in new instruments.
94 d destabilization of the Ig20 structure that supposedly weakens the autoinhibition.
95 quent activation of RIG-I, this structure is supposedly wrapped by RNA polymerase complex (PB2, PB1,

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