


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e in speech modulation than Ackermann et al. surmise.
2 ible and occurs more quickly than previously surmised.
3 re intersonic shear rupture speeds have been surmised.
4 l enzymes are more prevalent than previously surmised.
5 although Let-7-independent effects have been surmised.
6  cell's membrane time constant as previously surmised.
7 ge renal disease, may be less than many have surmised.
8 ed carbon input--was greater than originally surmised.
9 grated summary of what is currently known or surmised about the role of the expression cross-correlat
10 s conclusion is that, as has previously been surmised but not demonstrated in a comparative investiga
11 multiple picornaviruses makes it possible to surmise canonical functions for these proteins.
12  additional mechanisms than those previously surmised contribute to the remarkable ability of the imm
13               On average, only 20% of the 73 surmised CpG hypermutable sites in the consensus remain.
14 nerally been thought to be small, due to the surmised equality between solute-solvent dispersion inte
15                                           We surmise from these studies that LH orexin neurons play a
16                                           We surmised from our prior studies that an indazole would b
17 n at 3.4 A, a distance that agrees with that surmised from previously recorded Mn EXAFS.
18 other, putative bacterial rnhB gene products surmised from sequencing data revealed three conserved m
19                                           We surmise, however, that cell-cell contacts enabling HIV-1
20 relates of language that could not have been surmised in patients with aphasia resulting from cerebro
21 antagonist for CCL2/CCR2 signaling, which we surmise is a potential mechanism for CCL2 reduction in B
22 Strong repulsion of states, as in the Wigner surmise, leads to a rapid dephasing of the initially coh
23 l to model-based k(trap) estimates, which we surmise may be proportional to AR expression.
24                                              Surmises of how myosin subfragment 1 (S1) interacts with
25  ribosome is an RNA enzyme, as had long been surmised on the basis of less conclusive evidence.
26                                           We surmise that (i) endo-lysosomal GPIs are important for b
27                                           We surmise that a complementary interaction between the sin
28                                           We surmise that a spacer region 3' of CCCTT is needed for s
29                                           We surmise that access of VTF to the signal sequence is pre
30                                           We surmise that additional genes are altered in immortalize
31                                     Hence we surmise that an essential function of insulin/PI3K signa
32                                           We surmise that ancestral African populations had already b
33                                           We surmise that Arg-130 plays dual roles in transition stat
34                                           We surmise that bacteria use the resulting increase in moto
35                  Based on the above data, we surmise that blebbistatin inhibits the ATPase activity o
36                                           We surmise that both of these pathways operate in a nonreco
37 ented to initiate an autoimmune reaction, we surmise that cell death triggered by androgen withdrawal
38 nd folds that run axially down the lumen, we surmise that cells within the pleats are mainly secretor
39                                           We surmise that click-xylosides are differentially recogniz
40                                           We surmise that cooperativity is a refinement to a more bas
41                         As a consequence, we surmise that e-MDSets may provide a new method of evalua
42                                Therefore, we surmise that estrogen induced uterine hyperplasia involv
43                                           We surmise that H2A.X re-expression leads to partial EMT re
44                             Consequently, we surmise that Hh influences cell polarity indirectly, pos
45                                           We surmise that ICD and its subversion by pathogens also pl
46                                           We surmise that in chronic malaria, complement activation b
47                                           We surmise that in order to cap its transcripts, PBCV-l mus
48               Based on these data, one might surmise that increases in prothrombin and reductions in
49                                           We surmise that inhibition of this second phosphatase activ
50                   Based on these results, we surmise that invasive colonization of the bladder trigge
51                                     Thus, we surmise that it exemplifies a novel phosphoesterase fami
52 athway is independent of ligases B and C; we surmise that it relies on NAD(+)-dependent LigA, the ess
53                                 We therefore surmise that LG/J by SM/J intercross mice can be used to
54                                           We surmise that many of these features correspond to rRNA,
55 ple of economy of scale, it is reasonable to surmise that many viruses have evolved the ability to co
56                                           We surmise that mutant p53 impacts transcription of VEGFR2
57                                           We surmise that Nanog stabilizes embryonic stem cells in cu
58                                           We surmise that PfMDR1 may play a role in the antimalarial
59 ls of naturally mediated high production, we surmise that postindustrial increases in Hg accumulation
60                                           We surmise that RE is associated with the transient fusion
61 lecules in the insulin signaling pathway, we surmise that Sirm plays a role in modulating tissue sens
62                                           We surmise that SLB formation is predominantly initiated by
63                                           We surmise that such "axonal-dendritic overlap" (ADO) const
64                                           We surmise that such 'viral mimicry' constitutes a hallmark
65                                           We surmise that such division of labor between moDCs and cD
66 ctivity with various antibodies, the authors surmise that the 47-kDa protein is a ubiquitous TGFBIp f
67                                           We surmise that the active conformation is more resistant t
68                                           We surmise that the BTX receptor and the LA receptor within
69  abolish or severely inhibit RNA binding, we surmise that the contribution of conserved helicase moti
70                                           We surmise that the different structures and protein requir
71 mino acids in the Mce1 crystal structure, we surmise that the essential/important BVP residues ensure
72                                           We surmise that the generation of the PAX3-FKHR fusion prot
73                                           We surmise that the lethality of the of T212A mutation in t
74                                           We surmise that the lower reporting in the first wave can b
75                                           We surmise that the oligomeric enzyme is subject to a rate-
76                                           We surmise that the phosphate is linked to Cys(119) of BVP
77                                      We also surmise that the presence of four SOD alleles within the
78                                           We surmise that the reading of the CTD code does not obey u
79                                           We surmise that the same approach can be used for any micro
80                                           We surmise that the signature error-prone quality of bacter
81 hese findings based on yeast experiments, we surmise that the small pocket region of pRB must contain
82                                           We surmise that the topoisomerase-DNA complex is a plectone
83                             Some researchers surmise that the whole-ocean reservoir of algal nutrient
84                                           We surmise that the wild-type function of 3A in inhibiting
85 s had a similar beta-hemolysin phenotype, we surmise that thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) plays a
86                                           We surmise that these are bouton-only afferents.
87                                           We surmise that these CoS2-like clusters form under cathodi
88                                           We surmise that this gender-specific outcome is caused by t
89                                           We surmise that this loop should uncouple bone formation fr
90                                           We surmise that this low rate has not been selected directl
91                                     Thus, we surmise that this unusual histone H3 may play a key role
92                                           We surmise that Tpt1 and its unique metabolite ADP-ribose 1
93                                           We surmise that trophoblast dysregulation at a subcellular
94                                  The authors surmise that type I interferon antagonists will bring sy
95                                           We surmise that vaccinia topoisomerase catalyzes strand tra
96                                           We surmise that variable expression of nuo-3, a subunit of
97                                           We surmise that whereas the carboxyl domains of Ces1p and C
98                                           We surmise that while hyperexcitability in young HSA(LR) mi
99  to ischemia-reperfusion injury, the authors surmised that an increased incidence of biliary complica
100                                           We surmised that APCs that express Fas ligand might directl
101                                           We surmised that both the bone marrow vasculature and VEGF
102                             It has long been surmised that cellular microtubules are capped at the mi
103                                           We surmised that cis-acting allelic polymorphisms may under
104                                           We surmised that expression of I(Ks) in rat cardiomyocyte m
105 sponses needed for controlling HIV-1, and we surmised that factors elicited during acute HIV-1 infect
106 nce in primary human diploid fibroblasts, we surmised that Gld2 would be the enzyme responsible for p
107 neurotoxicity in cultured neurons, it can be surmised that IDRA-21 is a potent cognition-enhancing dr
108                                           We surmised that it may be possible to identify miRNAs by u
109 es, are involved in the lesion formation, we surmised that LCH is a disease of myeloid blood precurso
110                    However, researchers have surmised that lipids might be involved.
111 duce killing of intracellular Leishmania, we surmised that platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor
112                                           We surmised that reentry underlies SAF, and that abolishing
113                                           We surmised that such a disparity might be due to the selec
114                                        It is surmised that superrepression results from increased DNA
115                                           We surmised that TGF-beta/BMP pathway members, i.e., SMADs,
116                                Therefore, we surmised that the blood immune cells of individuals with
117  is known to reduce somatostatin tone, it is surmised that the defective GH response to exercise in F
118 and exchange; given that fact, we previously surmised that the fully exchanged molecules resulted fro
119                                           We surmised that the involvement of ERK in lytic granule ex
120 ily derived from hematopoietic cells, and we surmised that the malignant MDS genome would be a major
121                                       It was surmised that the molecular engine which drives the diff
122                       It has previously been surmised that the role of isoprenoid additions is solely
123 d on analogies with the mammalian system, we surmised that the SnRK1 kinases would be regulated by ph
124                     With further thought, we surmised that the speckles could be telling us something
125 ravenous administration (100 microg/rat), we surmised that the very long duration of action of the re
126                                           We surmised that ventricular amputation would lead to hypox
127                                        It is surmised that while viral infection may induce excitotox
128 oroquine retinopathy, making it difficult to surmise the clinical course of patients after cessation
129 atase) adopt different CTD-binding modes; we surmise the CTD threads through the Fcp1 canyon to acces
130            Breakpoint analyses enabled us to surmise the mechanisms for many of these rearrangements.
131 ic lesions reported previously allowed us to surmise the relative contributions of base-stacking and
132  transporters based on the PiPT structure to surmise the structural basis for substrate binding and c
133 f other alleles of SUM1 made it difficult to surmise the wild-type function of SUM1 or the manner in
134 lic acid glucosyl esters--not, as previously surmised, the damage product lipofuscin.
135 ferase Ceg1p to form a 7.1 S complex that we surmise to be a trimer consisting of two molecules of Ce
136 ases suggest a common origin for the defects surmised to be perturbations of the H-bond network and t
137 ransient hydrides of the type 6 and 7 can be surmised to be reactive intermediates in the production
138 signals of positive selection and previously surmised to function as specificity determinants are not
139 ell-penetrating peptide, has previously been surmised to occur in a manner dependent on the presence

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