


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 GVHD (n = 86) (the status was uncertain in 1 surviving patient).
2 t discharge (home or another hospital, among surviving patients).
3 e and 266 were reassessed at 4 years (94% of surviving patients).
4 provement of motor function over time in the surviving patient.
5 hs with a median follow-up of 115 months for surviving patients.
6 of clinical visit or telephone interview for surviving patients.
7 nths (range, 1-264 months) and 51 months for surviving patients.
8 criteria; median follow-up was 51 months for surviving patients.
9 linical status was ascertained in 167 of 171 surviving patients.
10  to evaluate the relative risk of relapse in surviving patients.
11  on nonfatal events was available for 95% of surviving patients.
12 lief and improved quality of life in all the surviving patients.
13 nformation on the current clinical status of surviving patients.
14                  No relapse has been seen in surviving patients.
15 oid donor chimerism was documented in 80% of surviving patients.
16 and an extremely low percentage of long-term surviving patients.
17 ugs on the risk of clinical deterioration in surviving patients.
18 d donor chimerism was documented in 52 (93%) surviving patients.
19 of IgG responses was significantly higher in surviving patients.
20  was 3.3 years (range, 0.6 to 4.4 years) for surviving patients.
21 -up of 43 months (range, 34-54) for the four surviving patients.
22 tion of chronic graft-versus-host disease in surviving patients.
23 , and the median follow-up was 57 months for surviving patients.
24 ow-up of 59 months (range, 27-78 months) for surviving patients.
25 32 months for all patients and 42 months for surviving patients.
26 wever, 6 months after surgery, only 4 of 243 surviving patients (1.6%) had a persistent language defi
27                 Currently, two thirds of the surviving patients (11 of 17) have experienced improveme
28                                           Of surviving patients, 11% were molecularly positive for th
29 tic stress-related symptoms in relatives and surviving patients 12 months after intensive care unit d
30 died of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and 216 surviving patients (20 percent) had severe, disabling sy
31 ith a median follow-up time of 43 months for surviving patients, 20 patients have had disease progres
32                                    Of the 24 surviving patients, 22 (92%) are both dialysis- and insu
33 atients, and the 1-year cohort included 7014 surviving patients (3454 women [49.2%] and 3560 men [50.
34                                 Of evaluable surviving patients, 70% are visually impaired; 10% have
35                                    Of the 10 surviving patients, 8 were tested further for viral repl
36                               At present, 22 surviving patients (81%) remain on triple immunosuppress
37                   At 1 year, the majority of surviving patients (82.9%) remained MR </=2+ at 1 year,
38 .5% of patients surviving at 5 1/2 years; in surviving patients, 89% of homografts have continued to
39 ctional analysis was performed on 220 of 239 surviving patients (92%) to determine the late incidence
40      Esophageal healing occurred in 43 of 45 surviving patients (96%).
41                                        All 5 surviving patients achieved complete remission and remai
42 ort- and long-term health status outcomes of surviving patients after TAVR in the context of an unsel
43 atelet levels returned to baseline in all 26 surviving patients after vancomycin was stopped.
44                                     The four surviving patients all had functioning allografts 1 year
45 is, with a median follow-up of 52 months for surviving patients and 42 months for all patients.
46                         Forty-one percent of surviving patients and 50% of all patients were treated
47 y an extensive echocardiography protocol: in surviving patients and homografts, three valved conduits
48 aftment was achieved in nearly all evaluable surviving patients and was seen even after unconditioned
49  Five-year follow-up was available in 94% of surviving patients, and 8-year follow-up, in 62%.
50                       Eighty-nine percent of surviving patients are currently in New York Heart Assoc
51                                      All the surviving patients are currently supported by enteral di
52 erval of 5.3 years (range 1 to 18.2), all 28 surviving patients are free of exercise limitation (func
53                                          All surviving patients are now past the 15-month posttranspl
54                                           In surviving patients, bacilli were not observed with gram'
55                                  Symptoms of surviving patients become mild, although atopic manifest
56                                              Surviving patients between 10 and 50 years of age had an
57                                          All surviving patients, but only slightly more than half of
58 functionally a crossover study in which only surviving patients can cross over in one direction (towa
59                                        The 4 surviving patients cleared HEV after a median period of
60                                        The 5 surviving patients developed a mean of 983 host CD3(+) T
61                                 Deceased and surviving patients did not differ significantly in avera
62                                        Among surviving patients discharged with a prescription of ant
63              At the time of analysis, 87% of surviving patients do not require enteral feeding suppor
64 ntation existed for 16 abnormalities (29% of surviving patients) during a mean follow-up of 3.2 years
65 e ability to KCH criteria but identified non-surviving patients earlier (4 [3--13] vs 10 [3.5--19.5]
66                                       In all surviving patients, either stable mixed chimerism or ful
67                                        In 57 surviving patients, EV71 neurological disease included e
68                                        All 6 surviving patients exhibited high-level, stable engraftm
69                                    In the 47 surviving patients, follow-up data showed greater postop
70  subset of 31 patients with fatal HPS and 20 surviving patients for whom samples were available withi
71 bnormalities, but at the end of the trial no surviving patient had any detectable visual deficits rel
72  (1.7%) had major stroke, and 313 (92.6%) of surviving patients had good functional status (New York
73                                              Surviving patients had median follow-up of 68 months, an
74 -525 days) following transplantation, all 13 surviving patients had no detectable serum HBV DNA.
75                At last follow-up, 87% of the surviving patients had no evidence of persistent or recu
76                                  Seven of 32 surviving patients had preoperative shortening fractions
77  after orthotopic liver transplantation, all surviving patients had relief of their pain, distention,
78                             At 6 months, all surviving patients had shifted down by at least 1 point
79 m the first week after the onset of HPS, all surviving patients had SNV-specific IgG responses, compa
80                                              Surviving patients had, on average, large improvements i
81                                          The surviving patients have an average follow-up of 15 month
82                                              Surviving patients have excellent performance status and
83                             Moreover, sepsis-surviving patients have more Treg cells, IL-33 and IL-10
84                                          All surviving patients have normal hepatic allograft functio
85                                 Six of seven surviving patients have normal renal allograft function,
86                                         In 3 surviving patients, IHC of pleural samples demonstrated
87                                    For the 2 surviving patients, improvement in trilineage hematopoie
88 netic abnormalities have been observed among surviving patients in both arms (2 of 14 ATG versus 1 of
89  year, 16 of 55 (29.1%) and 23 of 36 (63.9%) surviving patients in the early and delayed groups, resp
90                                    Sera from surviving patients induced dendritic cell death through
91                         Median follow-up for surviving patients is 10.8 years.
92                            The median age of surviving patients is 7 years.
93 ive regimen was well tolerated, and in the 9 surviving patients it provided durable engraftment and w
94 c and clinical follow-up was obtained for 36 surviving patients (mean = 8 months; range: 1 week-5 yea
95                                  For the 466 surviving patients, median follow-up was 32.4 months; me
96  follow-up of 11.9 years (range 9.7-14.5 for surviving patients), men assigned immediate ADT had a si
97 er in nonsurviving patients (n = 22) than in surviving patients (n = 20) at all time points.
98                   Fifty-seven percent of the surviving patients needed caregiver assistance at 1 yr o
99 7.9 years (range, 0.3 to 10.1 years) for 355 surviving patients, no differences were observed in OS (
100                     At a median follow-up of surviving patients of 12.4 years, transformation to acti
101 t follow-up with a median follow-up of these surviving patients of 1430 days.
102 ts were enrolled, with a median follow-up of surviving patients of 3.8 years (3-year EFS for all pati
103             With a median follow-up time for surviving patients of 69 months, 20 patients developed t
104                                     Of eight surviving patients, only two continue to receive intrave
105   Outcomes were assessed via interviews with surviving patients or their surrogates at 6 months.
106 iod of 5.6 years was assessed among all 1691 surviving patients (phase 1) and subsequently among 854
107 related symptom score after 12 months in the surviving patients (prediary 34.6 +/- 15.9, diary 21 +/-
108 a median follow-up duration of 24 months for surviving patients (range, 3 to 131 months), 112 of 289
109                                         Both surviving patients received uncontrolled treatment with
110 with immune reconstitution therapy; however, surviving patients remain severely debilitated.
111                                Four of the 6 surviving patients required maintenance low-dose cortico
112                                          All surviving patients returned to a normal or compensated z
113                                              Surviving patients showed durable engraftment of donor-d
114            Biopsies of grafted thymus in the surviving patients showed normal morphologic features an
115                    Furthermore, one third of surviving patients still have active cancers from which
116                                          For surviving patients sulfonylurea drug use is not associat
117 sed between 1961 and March 1992, 77 (6.6% of surviving patients tested thus far) have evidence of HCV
118 dian lactate was significantly higher in non-surviving patients than in survivors both in the early s
119     With a median follow-up of 46 months for surviving patients, the 5-year probability of chronic GV
120                                     Among 57 surviving patients, the age range was 0.3 to 5.2 years (
121 With a median follow-up of 26.3 months among surviving patients, the cumulative incidence of chronic
122      With a median follow-up of 38 months in surviving patients, the estimated overall survival at 5
123      With a median follow-up of 15 months in surviving patients, the incidence of total grade 3+ toxi
124                                    Among the surviving patients, the long-term annual MACE rate and t
125                                        Among surviving patients, the mean (+/-SD) 2-year LVESVI was 5
126 median follow-up time of 79.5 months for all surviving patients, the median OS had not been reached f
127     With a minimum follow-up of 19 months in surviving patients, the median survival and 1-year survi
128                                       In the surviving patients there was no difference in T-cell rec
129               IgG antibody was detectable in surviving patients through about 2 years after onset, th
130                                          All surviving patients transplanted for NASH at the authors'
131      In addition, psychomotor development in surviving patients treated with betaine was normal in al
132                 The median follow-up time of surviving patients was 102 months.
133                   The median follow-up among surviving patients was 106 months.
134               The median follow-up among the surviving patients was 13 years.
135                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 135 months.
136                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 152 months.
137             The median follow-up duration of surviving patients was 2.6 years (range, 1.0 to 11.7).
138                          Median follow-up of surviving patients was 22 months.
139                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 28 months (range, 16 to 81 months
140                            Mean follow-up of surviving patients was 28 months (range, 3-71 months).
141                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 32.5 months (IQR 29.8-34.1).
142                      The median follow-up of surviving patients was 36 months (interquartile range, 3
143           Median follow-up time for 92 (52%) surviving patients was 37 (mean, 0.5-192) months.
144                     The median follow-up for surviving patients was 4 years.
145  chemoradiotherapy), and median follow-up of surviving patients was 4 years.
146               The median follow-up period of surviving patients was 4.1 years.
147                      The median follow-up of surviving patients was 40 months, with 23 patients survi
148                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 43 months.
149             At 1 year, the mean LVESVI among surviving patients was 46.1+/-22.4 ml per square meter o
150                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 47 months.
151  December 15, 2015, median follow-up for 263 surviving patients was 47.4 months (range, 0-110.7 month
152           The median follow-up after BMT for surviving patients was 5.1 years (range, 1 to 13.8 years
153          At 12 months, the mean LVESVI among surviving patients was 54.6+/-25.0 ml per square meter o
154            The median length of follow-up in surviving patients was 58 months (range, 10 to 124).
155            The median follow-up time for 228 surviving patients was 6.6 years.
156               The median follow-up of the 79 surviving patients was 6.8 years.
157                          Median follow-up of surviving patients was 8.2 years for surgery only (range
158                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 8.3 years.
159                         Median follow-up for surviving patients was 8.8 years.
160               Worsening of symptom scores in surviving patients was consistently more common in the e
161                         The health status of surviving patients was quantified with the use of the 36
162                                          All surviving patients weaned-off total parenteral nutrition
163 aspartate aminotransferase levels in the 154 surviving patients were 0.5 mg/dL and 34 international u
164 8 year follow-up study was conducted wherein surviving patients were contacted by phone to evaluate s
165                                              Surviving patients were defined as those who were alive
166                                              Surviving patients were followed for a median of 62 mont
167                                              Surviving patients were followed up for 1 year after dis
168 fter treatment, and at last follow-up, all 6 surviving patients were free of blood product support an
169 es of death were "sudden" or "unknown." Most surviving patients were gainfully employed or attending
170 1.1% for transfemoral patients, and 73.5% of surviving patients were in New York Heart Association (N
171                         At follow-up, 90% of surviving patients were in NYHA functional class I or II
172                                              Surviving patients were observed for a median of 8.4 yea
173                                              Surviving patients were recruited for clinical and genet
174                                  Over 94% of surviving patients were reinterviewed about their axis I
175                                       The 39 surviving patients were rescanned one year following sur
176       Day-100 cytogenetics were evaluated in surviving patients who engrafted without infusion of unm
177 ned at scheduled times of evaluation for all surviving patients who have not withdrawn consent.
178                                          The surviving patients who received endovascular grafts had
179  years following the study year, only 52% of surviving patients who were initially prescribed lipid-l
180 r) have evidence of HCV infection, whereas 4 surviving patients who were transfused after March 1992
181                                    Among our surviving patients who were transfused between 1961 and
182 s, fungal or otherwise, were reported in the surviving patients, who ranged in age from 37 to 75 year
183 early-treated patients but in none of the 19 surviving patients with delayed treatment (P < .001).
184                                The cohort of surviving patients with encephalitis was assessed for se
185 ibition prevents the clinical progression of surviving patients with heart failure more effectively t
186 sacubitril/valsartan leads to better HRQL in surviving patients with heart failure.
187 istribution of higher IgG antibody titers in surviving patients with HPS suggests that production of
188                                           In surviving patients with matched baseline and 12-month da
189 pitalization for congestive heart failure in surviving patients with matched data decreased from 0.59
190 s of IFN- alpha were significantly higher in surviving patients with SEBOV infection, whereas the lev
191 fants, has a mortality of 30%, and can leave surviving patients with significant morbidity.
192                                      For 100 surviving patients with systemic vasculitis, the median
193 4) and 83% of upper-arm AVFs (341 of 411) in surviving patients without thrombosis or AVF interventio
194                                        Among surviving patients without thrombosis or AVF interventio

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