


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t (ie, argatroban, danaparoid) upon clinical suspicion.
2 ified sensitive clinical criteria to trigger suspicion.
3  23.6% of scans obtained with prior clinical suspicion.
4 24.2% of scans performed with prior clinical suspicion.
5  15.2% (37/243) of scans with prior clinical suspicion.
6 w prevalence areas because of a low index of suspicion.
7 eral TAB depending on the degree of clinical suspicion.
8 nd case identification was based on clinical suspicion.
9 rt for decades, but have recently come under suspicion.
10 ubjects with open-angle glaucoma or glaucoma suspicion.
11 e negative and there remains a high index of suspicion.
12  equivocal structures or continuing clinical suspicion.
13 yes of 34 patients with glaucoma or glaucoma suspicion.
14 determination of death be accurate and above suspicion.
15 ltidisciplinary approach and a high index of suspicion.
16 yed and even missed without a high degree of suspicion.
17  the concept of "psychosomatic" disease with suspicion.
18 diagnosis and often will lead to the initial suspicion.
19 tion which requires a high index of clinical suspicion.
20 ents with pulmonary amyloidosis should raise suspicion about associated lymphoma or plasmacytoma, but
21                         There have also been suspicions about liver toxicity.
22                               Early clinical suspicion and appropriate investigations, including anal
23 ice, clinicians need to have a high index of suspicion and be aware of the described syndromes.
24                              A high index of suspicion and careful clinicopathologic correlation on t
25 a hereditary tumor syndrome, can lead to the suspicion and confirmation of a germline mutation.
26                        Although the clinical suspicion and diagnosis of MFS and related disorders are
27 is not endemic requires both strong clinical suspicion and expert training in infrequently practiced
28 s between CCa and IAC mandates high index of suspicion and low threshold for referral in high volume
29 tributed to their communities and experience suspicion and mistrust in their interactions with strang
30 y was received with a mixture of enthusiasm, suspicion and perplexity.
31 ostic imaging, as well as a greater index of suspicion and recognition for both the clinically expres
32 .0% of scans obtained without prior clinical suspicion and ruled out disease in 23.6% of scans obtain
33 7% (107/245) of scans without prior clinical suspicion and ruled out recurrence in 15.2% (37/243) of
34 3% of scans performed without prior clinical suspicion and ruled out recurrence or metastasis in 24.2
35 the diagnosis of HP requires a high index of suspicion and should be considered in any patient presen
36 e started without delay in any case of faint suspicion and should be continued until herpes simplex v
37  diagnosis requires a high level of clinical suspicion and specialised laboratory testing, in additio
38                          Absence of clinical suspicion and suboptimum laboratory diagnostic methods m
39                                 The clinical suspicion and use of a sodium-channel blocker to unmask
40 ions were performed because of high clinical suspicion and/or elevated tryptase, MH, or MIMA.
41 l histories on well persons, confirmed early suspicions and established the fact that the epidemic wa
42 cles, causing macrocephaly and hydrocephalus suspicion, and all cases exhibited partial or complete c
43 adjustment for disease stage, prior clinical suspicion, and primary treatment.
44 tive clinical assessment and a high level of suspicion are often effective to alert the anesthesiolog
45 x were found among 46 patients with clinical suspicion but not fulfilling the WAO/EAACI criteria at t
46 rough physical examination and high index of suspicion can lead to early diagnosis, and interdiscipli
47 other etiologies; therefore, a high index of suspicion combined with diagnostic testing is essential
48     Sixty percent (n = 18,523) first met the suspicion criteria in the ED.
49               We sought to compare potential suspicion criteria using antibiotic and culture order co
50 transfer or death within 48 hours of meeting suspicion criteria.
51 ed before the assay result based on clinical suspicion, culture data, and/or radiology.
52  hospitals because of an absence of clinical suspicion, equating to about 74 missed diagnoses per day
53  pregnancy requires a high index of clinical suspicion followed by a timely and accurate diagnostic a
54 aging to identify regions of prostate cancer suspicion followed by targeted MR/ultrasound fusion biop
55 ing celiac disease requires a high degree of suspicion, followed by correct screening and a confirmat
56 tic and/or interface dermatitis and clinical suspicion for a drug-induced cutaneous eruption.
57   Given her recent travel history, there was suspicion for a pulmonary embolism.
58 ment of donors combined with a high index of suspicion for ambiguous or misleading findings associate
59  leaflet mobility in recipients should raise suspicion for anomalous mitral arcade.
60 ng female patients should raise the index of suspicion for anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, particula
61 light the importance of maintaining clinical suspicion for botulism among patients presenting with pa
62                                     Clinical suspicion for cardiac disease should be high and thresho
63 lpitations and syncope in his brother raised suspicion for catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular
64 spital inpatients with diarrhea and clinical suspicion for CDI were tested prospectively by toxin EIA
65 Clinicians should have an increased index of suspicion for choroidal nevus and choroidal melanoma in
66 able of secondarily seeding the CIED, a high suspicion for CIED-related infection is warranted in pat
67  genetic testing, in the absence of clinical suspicion for CPVT, are unlikely to represent markers of
68 T in individuals with a low pretest clinical suspicion for CPVT.
69 mediastinal lymphadenopathy should raise the suspicion for CS.
70 s with a known cancer diagnosis should raise suspicion for cutaneous metastasis.
71 alth care professionals must maintain a high suspicion for EFE, as patients are typically ambulatory
72 e trend was observed for increasing clinical suspicion for EoE and decreasing prevalence of H pylori.
73 esion of undetermined significance (n = 16), suspicion for follicular neoplasm (n = 14), and suspicio
74 cular lesion of undetermined significance," "suspicion for follicular neoplasm," or "suspicion for Hu
75 d be performed when there is a high index of suspicion for gastrointestinal malignant atrophic papulo
76                                    Surgeons' suspicion for GBC should be heightened when they are per
77  nerve head should result in a high index of suspicion for glaucoma.
78 hat transplanting teams have a high index of suspicion for H1N1 influenza infection in donors and off
79 he importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for healthcare-associated LD, even in the sett
80 picion for follicular neoplasm (n = 14), and suspicion for Hurthle cell neoplasm (n = 5) were enrolle
81 e," "suspicion for follicular neoplasm," or "suspicion for Hurthle cell neoplasm," were enrolled afte
82 well-circumscribed lesions in which there is suspicion for IMD.
83   Clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for influenza among hospitalized patients with
84  care physicians should have a high index of suspicion for influenza in the ICU, particularly when in
85                            When the index of suspicion for LTBI is high, both IGRA and TST could be p
86                 Given our continued clinical suspicion for MAR, the patient's serum was sent for eval
87                        An increased index of suspicion for melanoma in presenting nonpigmented lesion
88 easing awareness of EB nevi, a high index of suspicion for melanoma should be maintained, and early b
89 ns reported that DOTATATE led to a change in suspicion for metastatic disease in 21 patients (24%; in
90    Providers should maintain a high clinical suspicion for necrotizing fasciitis and distinguish it f
91 inical characteristics may help to raise the suspicion for neoplastic masquerade syndromes.
92 ations should maintain a heightened level of suspicion for NSTI and consider early surgical evaluatio
93 active adolescent women, have a low index of suspicion for pelvic inflammatory disease, carefully fol
94                  When there is high clinical suspicion for PML in the setting of negative test result
95 proximal and axial weakness it may raise the suspicion for Pompe disease.
96 ermucoid nature of the isolates, raising the suspicion for possible infection with the hypervirulent
97 quivocal, or positive; assessed the level of suspicion for primary or recurrent brain tumor; and reco
98  or biopsy in 27 patients with high clinical suspicion for primary or recurrent HGG (5 primary, 22 re
99 eated imaging at PSA progression or clinical suspicion for progression.
100                                 The clinical suspicion for recurrence increased in 33%, remained unch
101 r natural history warrant a greater index of suspicion for subclinical Cushing syndrome.
102                Clinicians should have a high suspicion for the development of AEF in patients present
103 vention guidelines recommend a high index of suspicion for the diagnosis of healthcare-associated LD.
104 physiological monitoring and a high level of suspicion for the diagnosis of status epilepticus may be
105  for each region according to their level of suspicion for the presence of cancer on a five-point sca
106 asizes the need for a high index of clinical suspicion for this condition.
107 ch juvenile lenticular findings should raise suspicion for this treatable metabolic disorder, especia
108                   Clinicians should maintain suspicion for tick-borne diseases in children with acute
109 dication, tumor histology or grade, level of suspicion for tumor recurrence, and planned management.
110 seline suspicion given the situation and the suspicion generated by the other person's behavior.
111 sult of two distinct factors: their baseline suspicion given the situation and the suspicion generate
112 1 subject (1.1%), with primary angle-closure suspicion in 10 subjects (11.5%), and with ocular hypert
113 in 21 patients (24%; increased and decreased suspicion in 9 [10%] and 12 [14%] patients, respectively
114 nce of HLA-DR7 or HLA-DRB4 could raise tumor suspicion in anti-LGI1 patients.
115  Awareness of the condition, a high index of suspicion in any patient with unexplained encephalopathy
116  diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion in endemic areas.
117               By maintaining a high index of suspicion, initiating treatment, and referring when need
118 c tests in several situations: when clinical suspicion is high but echocardiographic findings are inc
119 y and fail to order appropriate testing when suspicion is high.
120       PCR should be considered when clinical suspicion is high.
121                     A high level of clinical suspicion is key for early diagnosis and treatment of bo
122                              A high index of suspicion is necessary to identify complications and opt
123 pose a diagnostic challenge; a high index of suspicion is needed in those with mast cell-degranulatio
124                              A high index of suspicion is recommended in patients who develop constit
125                   Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required by health care providers.
126                              A high index of suspicion is required by the gastroenterologists and pat
127                               High degree of suspicion is required for early diagnosis and treatment
128                                High index of suspicion is required to diagnose potentially serious di
129                                     Clinical suspicion is the key to diagnosis.
130 nosis and care, initiated by a high index of suspicion, is crucial.
131 tients with intermediate-to-high sleep apnea suspicion (most patients requiring a sleep study).
132 diagnostic imaging, a high level of clinical suspicion must be maintained to avoid overlooking the po
133               The ESC recommendations raised suspicion of a cardiac abnormality in 40.4% of BAs and 1
134 artment and who underwent dual-energy CT for suspicion of a nondisplaced traumatic hip fracture.
135 median latency period at diagnosis (or first suspicion of a PHD) was 41 mo (range, 15-84 mo).
136 or pure species in culture, raising a priori suspicion of a possible involvement in infection.
137 iking diffusion restriction should raise the suspicion of a renal primitive neuroectodermal tumor, in
138 ith a hyperechogenicity within it raised the suspicion of a thrombus, which was confirmed on a contra
139 molecular and genetic markers help raise the suspicion of a thyroid nodule possibly harboring an aggr
140  There is a need to maintain a high index of suspicion of abnormal placental invasion in such women a
141 ECT-MPI in patients with CAD presenting with suspicion of ACS to the emergency department.
142  features of AH among patients with clinical suspicion of AH.
143 d for sonographic evaluation with a clinical suspicion of an incompletely treated liver abscess.
144   The acute nature of the illness raised the suspicion of an infective, toxic, or metabolic insult, w
145 resenting with abdominal pain and a clinical suspicion of appendicitis at the emergency room.
146  MR imaging examination (n = 217) because of suspicion of appendicitis between January 1, 1996, and A
147 n of MR imaging into the clinical workup for suspicion of appendicitis in pregnant patients at this i
148 enrolled 829 adults presenting with clinical suspicion of appendicitis, including 392 (47%) patients
149  (P = 0.04), esophageal dilation (P = 0.04), suspicion of BE at endoscopy (P < 0.001), and histologic
150  is often initiated when there is a clinical suspicion of bloodstream infection.
151 rquartile range, 53-67 years]) with clinical suspicion of CAD from the CORE-64 multicenter study were
152 riaging symptomatic patients with a clinical suspicion of CAD.
153 in biopsy-naive men presenting with clinical suspicion of cancer for the first time.
154 g patients for whom there is a high clinical suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis, Tc 99m PYP may be of d
155 er 2010, a total number of 152 patients with suspicion of CCa underwent evaluation through a HPB mult
156 ed from 171 consecutive patients with a high suspicion of celiac disease (mean age, 46.5 y; 64% femal
157                    Then, in 85 patients with suspicion of cervical spine trauma following high-veloci
158 ated liver enzymes with clinico-radiological suspicion of cholangiocarcinoma.
159 osed to classify atypical AD phenotypes with suspicion of CJD based on a decision tree combining CSF
160 importance of monitoring FLC when there is a suspicion of clinical relapse.
161                                              Suspicion of CMV disease led to the order of new tests.
162 al colonoscopy of 360 patients with clinical suspicion of colorectal cancer.
163 performed in 19 of 189 (10%) patients with a suspicion of complete tumor response.
164 s with cotton buds, and maintaining clinical suspicion of contact lens retention.
165 cularization among patients with high enough suspicion of coronary artery disease to be referred for
166 ythmias and cardiac dysfunction should raise suspicion of coronary insufficiency; 8) coronary insuffi
167 tive patients who underwent combined CMR for suspicion of coronary stenosis and/or ischemia at 2.6 +/
168 heduled check of vital signs or for clinical suspicion of deterioration) during hospitalization when
169  whether imaging or clinical events prompted suspicion of disease recurrence.
170 or without eye symptoms, and with or without suspicion of disseminated tuberculosis.
171 , between September 1996 and July 2015 for a suspicion of drug hypersensitivity reaction to BLs, with
172                                          The suspicion of EATL should lead to an extensive diagnostic
173 care professional can take when a reasonable suspicion of elder mistreatment arises.
174      A low threshold should be used to treat suspicion of even slightly elevated intraocular pressure
175 tive evidence to a morphologic impression or suspicion of flat HGD.
176    All subjects were initially referred with suspicion of genetically determined hypertrophic cardiom
177 ucoma (POAG), ocular hypertension (OHTN), or suspicion of glaucoma were reviewed during the 2005-6 ac
178 loss recruited from patients followed up for suspicion of glaucoma.
179  patients referred for CMR without a pretest suspicion of HCM.
180                            A strong clinical suspicion of hereditary EB pruriginosa led to mutation a
181 with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion and suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum of 30 mL/k
182 lar when antifungal treatment and radiologic suspicion of IFD were used as the gold standard.
183 laxis were: (i) any adverse event (AE); (ii) suspicion of IFI.
184  hematological malignancies who had clinical suspicion of IMD, as defined by European Organization fo
185  excretion rate is low (<850 mL/24 h) should suspicion of inadequate drinking or impending dehydratio
186 tted patients who first met the criteria for suspicion of infection in the emergency department (ED)
187 ation of diphtheroids isolated with a priori suspicion of infection is essential to accurately determ
188 hus, choice of procedure depends on clinical suspicion of infection.
189 in reaction is available to confirm clinical suspicion of infection.
190  by heterogeneity regarding what constitutes suspicion of infection.
191 r and raised inflammatory markers led to the suspicion of inflammatory polymyositis, which was confir
192                       Patients with clinical suspicion of inguinal hernia should undergo MRI as the d
193 tory response may result in delayed clinical suspicion of intensive care unit-acquired pneumonia and
194 tudies of symptomatic children with clinical suspicion of intrathoracic tuberculosis, and were not in
195  useful to diagnose patients with a clinical suspicion of invasive fungal disease, calling for a more
196  cases with positive GM tests and a clinical suspicion of invasive fungal disease, the performance of
197                                      Delayed suspicion of invasive infection by T inkin may result in
198 t of 51 consecutive patients with a clinical suspicion of IOL, vitreous analysis was performed via mu
199 he first examinations were misread, with the suspicion of ischemic infarcts as the first differential
200 c mastocytosis (ISM) in adults with clinical suspicion of ISM without accompanying skin lesions [urti
201 imary care physician because of the clinical suspicion of LC.
202 -old woman was referred to our hospital with suspicion of left adnexal tumor.
203 female patient admitted to our hospital with suspicion of left adnexal tumor.
204 ging technique for screening patients with a suspicion of liver steatosis.
205                                              Suspicion of local recurrence and inflammation required
206  pulse sequences) and scored their degree of suspicion of malignancy by using a five-level Likert sco
207  majority of cases, unless there is a strong suspicion of malignancy, further investigations are not
208 s not necessary to perform it if there is no suspicion of malignancy.
209 or at cross-sectional imaging should raise a suspicion of malignant transformation.
210                 Genetic testing verified the suspicion of McArdle disease.
211                                 Histological suspicion of metaplasia was confirmed centrally.
212 atic prostate cancer and 1 had high clinical suspicion of metastatic disease.
213                   All patients with clinical suspicion of MG who were seen within the Division of Cli
214 09 and February 2011 to confirm the clinical suspicion of misplacement of intraocular lens haptics we
215                                     Clinical suspicion of mixed M. tuberculosis infections should be
216  newly diagnosed cardiomyopathy and clinical suspicion of myocarditis.
217 nt are essential in the presence of clinical suspicion of NEC.
218 ribution of Italian academics has raised the suspicion of nepotism, with faculty hiring their relativ
219 s of tumor markers (n = 49), and image-based suspicion of NET (n = 53).
220 east one of the following criteria: clinical suspicion of NET (n = 70), elevated blood levels of tumo
221 ng time for a patient in CP should raise the suspicion of nonadherence.
222  review 1012 cases of workers referred for a suspicion of OA between 1983 and 2011 and having had a s
223 udy included 240 consecutive subjects with a suspicion of OA who completed a SIC, of whom 133 showed
224 th patients; the data confirmed the clinical suspicion of OMMP.
225 t of elderly patients (>/=65 yr) studied for suspicion of OSA between 1998 and 2007.
226 e heart failure is uncommon and should raise suspicion of other, superimposed cardiac diseases.
227 aged 40 years or older who were referred for suspicion of pancreatic cancer.
228 ogical routine and its diversity can cause a suspicion of pathologic findings.
229 assessment of plasma NOx levels and clinical suspicion of pathology could accurately predict which pa
230 erformance of (18)F-FET PET in patients with suspicion of PBT.
231 e significantly associated with the level of suspicion of PCOS (P </= .05).
232 or low (n = 7, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) suspicion of PCOS.
233 ear-olds with peanut sensitization or a high suspicion of peanut allergy, including anaphylaxis.
234 tients < 20 years of age, investigated for a suspicion of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative di
235 t significantly correlated with radiographic suspicion of pneumonia and less so with results of the R
236                    Twenty-five patients with suspicion of pneumonia were included.
237 ting with neurological problems should raise suspicion of possible CSF discordance/escape.
238 n 66 patients with a high degree of clinical suspicion of prostatic pathology.
239    Indications for PET were oncology (n=26), suspicion of prosthetic valve endocarditis subsequently
240 ncluded nonpsychotic individuals referred on suspicion of psychosis risk and assessed by the Outreach
241  patients had been presented clinically with suspicion of PTB.
242 ography, including 20 (61%) with no clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism.
243        In particular, our findings raise the suspicion of pulmonary hypertension after IUGR.
244                      We enrolled adults with suspicion of pulmonary TB from health facilities in sout
245 lesional skin samples confirmed the clinical suspicion of pyoderma gangrenosum.
246 ndications for retreatment were (1) clinical suspicion of R/P, 10%; 92) hematologic R/P only, 23%; (3
247 evels of tumor markers (n = 27), or clinical suspicion of recurrence (n = 6).
248                                              Suspicion of recurrence was the criterion for clinical e
249  as a restaging scan for ongoing monitoring, suspicion of recurrence, or assessment for suitability o
250 ection when there is clinical or biochemical suspicion of residual or recurrent disease after treatme
251 sually the first imaging modality to raise a suspicion of RSS pathology; however computed tomography
252 ve patients with a clinical and angiographic suspicion of SCD from a total of 5,002 patients undergoi
253 ing or a positive family history or clinical suspicion of SCID or other severe PIDD identified delete
254  adult and paediatric patients with fever or suspicion of sepsis admitted to Queen Elizabeth Central
255 f 16-50 years with an admission diagnosis or suspicion of sepsis were included.
256 nts requiring blood cultures due to clinical suspicion of serious infection.
257 etter results were obtained in patients with suspicion of severe AH (ABIC B or C) in both cohorts.
258 he majority of patients (82%) had a clinical suspicion of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.
259          This genomic landscape leads to the suspicion of the incoherent simultaneous use of the dire
260 on radiologic examinations should raise some suspicion of this diagnosis.
261 eath among adolescents and young adults, the suspicion of this illness in the differential diagnosis
262             The diagnosis usually requires a suspicion of this rare genitourinary syndrome.
263 ffected body sites, especially when clinical suspicion of treatment failure arises.
264 of balsalazide treatment was given under the suspicion of ulcerative colitis.
265                                            A suspicion of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt failure is clas
266                                     Clinical suspicion of yaws was established according to a WHO pic
267  data independently recorded their levels of suspicion on a five-point scale of the presence of trans
268 ifferent causes, along with a high degree of suspicion on initial presentation is crucial in order to
269 ill predicated upon a high index of clinical suspicion on otoscopic examination of gross morphologic
270  adjacent organs with a gastrectomy owing to suspicion or direct invasion of these organs by the gast
271 1 children examined in CT and MRI because of suspicion or during treatment of neoplasmatic disease.
272 /33) of scans performed to evaluate clinical suspicion or uncertainty of recurrence.
273 the study, especially when there is clinical suspicion or uncertainty, and can serve as a prognostic
274 nt difference in OS when grouped by clinical suspicion (P = 0.0112) or routine follow-up (P < 0.0001)
275 ce of the neurologist having a high index of suspicion, particularly in the acute setting, to instiga
276 r confirmed acute PE or with a high clinical suspicion prompting anticoagulation before imaging for P
277 to the national level were based on clinical suspicion rather than microbiological confirmation.
278 anced MR imaging, 0.23 and 0.24, and overall suspicion scores were 0.42 and 0.49.
279 anced MR imaging, 0.48 and 0.41; and overall suspicion scores, 0.46 and 0.55.
280                              A high index of suspicion should be maintained for GPA when a patient pr
281                              A high clinical suspicion should be maintained, even in early scleroderm
282                              A high index of suspicion should be maintained, with repeated ANCA testi
283        This change implies a higher level of suspicion than other types of asymmetry.
284 change in resource usage and corroborate the suspicion that a vast majority of resources are created,
285 ing normal vessel wall biology and a growing suspicion that autophagic dysregulation may be a common
286 as also found on CT images, which raised the suspicion that duodenal diverticulum could be a predispo
287 rinking water networks, there is also strong suspicion that mycobacteria could use amoebae as a vehic
288 ally IN quadrant) retinal break should raise suspicion that the eye harbors further breaks.
289                           Although there are suspicions that cochlear synaptopathy affects humans wit
290                                              Suspicions that the treeless 'optimum of the Upton Warre
291                   Maintaining a low clinical suspicion threshold is key to achieve a prompt diagnosis
292 d adrenal collapse, requires a high index of suspicion to achieve rapid diagnosis and provide life-sa
293 often un-reliable; requiring a high index of suspicion to make the diagnosis.
294 ually, sex shift, the interval from clinical suspicion to tissue diagnosis and definitive treatment,
295                                    TZ cancer suspicion was rated on a five-point scale in six TZ regi
296 uentially screened patients with sleep apnea suspicion were randomized to respiratory polygraphy or p
297 ndemic, clinicians must have a high index of suspicion when treating patients presenting with fever,
298 t amygdala activity correlated with baseline suspicion, whereas activations in bilateral parahippocam
299 rimary open-angle glaucoma, 83 with glaucoma suspicion) who had 2 or more reliable 24-2 and 10-2 visu
300                               Early clinical suspicion with subsequent diagnostic vitrectomy for cyto

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