


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 very was remarkably common if support can be sustained.
2 nels, with transient responses exceeding the sustained.
3  the intervention in both groups but was not sustained 15 months later.
4 s permanent DNA editing with an indefinitely sustained 95 % decrease in protein expression.
5 erhaps from the Ghaggar-Hakra-Nara, probably sustained a productive marine environment as well as nav
6 iated with delayed stroke among patients who sustained a vertebral artery injury with or without addi
7 s prospectively used to guide treatment, 533 sustained ACS (excluding acute ST-segment-elevation myoc
8 transient regulation of AMPK targets, unlike sustained activation by low glucose.
9    Persistence of this pathway would lead to sustained activation of direct-pathway T cells, arguably
10 y provoking a cellular state of "ER stress." Sustained activation of ER stress sensors endows maligna
11 on, we report here a novel mechanism for how sustained activation of PERK axis of ER-stress during ch
12 g have inferred value coding upon temporally sustained activity during the period of reward consumpti
13 s of amisulpride in depression emerged after sustained administration.
14 xpressed, IL-18 expression was increased and sustained after stimulation of TLRs.
15  but forest elephants in Central Africa have sustained alarming losses in the last decade [1].
16 ries between members of a functional pair of sustained alpha ganglion cells in the mouse retina.
17 k is capable of independently generating the sustained alpha seen in propofol, which may then be rela
18                           Our results showed sustained alpha/micro suppression in the Posterior Parie
19 8.4%) sustained an incident MOF, 1579 (2.3%) sustained an incident hip fracture, and 8998 (13.1%) die
20 dian, 6.7 years) of observation, 5750 (8.4%) sustained an incident MOF, 1579 (2.3%) sustained an inci
21 ar-old woman developed new-onset depression, sustained an unexplained fall, and started walking cauti
22  de novo purine synthesis, mediating glucose-sustained anabolic metabolism.
23 tage mesothelioma, silencing of p16/Ink4a is sustained and deletion of p19/Arf is detected, recapitul
24  and the transition from oscillatory to more sustained and prolonged Ca(2+) increases.
25  occipitotemporal regions are driven by both sustained and transient channels, with transient respons
26 eted a modified Go/No-Go task to assess both sustained and transient inhibitory control.
27  underwent PCI with stenting, of whom 41 had sustained angina symptom relief.
28                                              Sustained angiogenesis is essential for the development
29 Rac1 signaling is required for the rapid and sustained antidepressant effects of GLYX-13.
30 0% of known HIV-positive individuals receive sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 90% of indiv
31    Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained arrhythmia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM
32 trichloroethene, trichloroethene removal was sustained at >99.6%.
33                            Hemodynamics were sustained at 1-year follow-up.
34 rol group at 3 months, and improvements were sustained at 9 months (mean differences, 1.1 units [CI,
35                           These effects were sustained at extended follow-up in the PENFS group: medi
36 e energy, substantial oscillator strength is sustained at the singlet-triplet degeneracy point.
37 , slows both receptor desensitization during sustained ATP application and receptor deactivation afte
38 arate days, craving, withdrawal, affect, and sustained attention were measured after overnight abstin
39                This group showed an opposing sustained attentional disengagement.
40  Additionally, protective TLR ligands induce sustained augmentation of phagocyte metabolism and antim
41 tant metabolic effectors under conditions of sustained BAT activation and highlight the relevance of
42 ct border-zone capillarization and exerted a sustained beneficial effect on left ventricular remodeli
43 gest that CCR2 deficiency does not provide a sustained benefit and that Ly6C(low) MPs may contribute
44                                              Sustained benefits in glycemia were not identified follo
45  after 2 to 3 years of tamoxifen can lead to sustained benefits in terms of reduction of disease recu
46 mplex dynamic of mutational waves, which was sustained beyond passage 100.
47  affinity for HSA (</=2 muM) showed high and sustained blood-pool activity and reduced uptake in the
48 tment suggests that the effect seen might be sustained, but this needs to be confirmed at the 18 mont
49 the production of lipids and proteins; it is sustained by a variety of redox-controlled metabolic rea
50                Tissue homeostasis of skin is sustained by epidermal progenitor cells localized within
51 ntrasting trends were likely Antarctic-wide, sustained by feedbacks amplified by the delivery of Circ
52        In summary, basal transmission can be sustained by glycolysis, but strong presynaptic demands
53                           This protection is sustained by heme-hemopexin complexes in biological flui
54 nflationary" epitopes whose responses can be sustained by infected nonhematopoietic cells.
55               Nucleocytoplasmic transport is sustained by karyopherins (Kaps) and a Ran guanosine tri
56 I into stromal lamellae in plants, similarly sustained by long-distance diffusion of electron carrier
57  regions of the membrane, so PSI turnover is sustained by long-distance diffusion of the electron don
58 r with D. mccartyi strain BAV1 were actively sustained by providing acetylene as the electron donor a
59 ittle throughout the year and appeared to be sustained by recently fixed C from the atmosphere (<60 y
60                              Although LTM is sustained by structural synaptic plasticity, how synapse
61              Tropical forest productivity is sustained by the cycling of nutrients through decomposin
62                                              Sustained Ca(2+) oscillations require a Ca(2+) influx to
63                       CD8(+) T cells require sustained Ca(2+) signaling for inflammatory cytokine pro
64 tion of Doc2B - inhibition of release during sustained calcium elevations - depends on an overlapping
65 f renal allograft injury, when severe and/or sustained, can result in chronic histological damage of
66 n, brain natriuretic peptide expression, and sustained capillarization.
67 brogated hypertrophic response and decreases sustained cardiac function, but the cardiomyocyte-specif
68                        Strategies to counter sustained catabolism have therapeutic rationale.
69 74), and these differences were abrogated by sustained CD274 blockade.
70 vovirus minute virus of mice (MVM) induces a sustained cellular DNA damage response (DDR) which the v
71 o, indicate the commensal microbiota induces sustained changes in RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis.
72 irst 10 seconds, with many short rather than sustained changes.
73  (ICIs) targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 axis induce sustained clinical responses in a sizable minority of ca
74 ti-PD-1 therapy and could be identified by a sustained coexpression of PD-1 and TIGIT receptors.
75 velop an acute painful sensory neuropathy on sustained cold exposure is not yet known, but individual
76 creasing vitamin B6 production and promoting sustained colonization by Salmonella.
77  the global tuberculosis community to make a sustained commitment to tuberculosis transmission scienc
78                                          The sustained common Cd response of the two accessions was d
79                                              Sustained contacts result in long-lasting calcium activi
80                                              Sustained control has resulted in reduced malaria transm
81             We explore the proposal that for sustained cooperation, guilty repair needs to override a
82 ing of clinical symptoms and may result in a sustained decline in lung function.
83                                          The sustained decrease in binding may reflect prolonged mGlu
84                          Although there were sustained decreases in PAC use for acute myocardial infa
85                   In the RYGB cohort, large, sustained decreases occurred for treatment of metabolic
86                    These findings imply that sustained Dehalococcoides activity cannot be expected in
87 on and postmarital residence rules encourage sustained directional movement between speech communitie
88 for the chemotactic gradient responsible for sustained directionality.
89 que, cardiac-restricted compartment to allow sustained drug penetration into the myocardium.
90                   In vitro study showed more sustained drug release of CM-AL-containing scaffolds tha
91 tial of utilizing the pericardial space as a sustained drug-eluting reservoir through the application
92                 Alkylating agents can induce sustained drug-free remissions but likely increase the l
93 ng-agent immunosuppression has a low rate of sustained, drug-free remissions, <10%/year.
94 e because of their exquisite specificity and sustained duration of inhibition.
95             These effects occurred without a sustained effect on the FEV1.
96 cross objective and subjective measures, the sustained effect was limited to a subset of participants
97 ed sensory input, can result in profound and sustained effects on neural responses to predictable sen
98 ne compound, 3ch, showed particularly marked sustained effects, with a reversal t1/2 > 6 hours and cl
99  results show that PENFS with Neuro-Stim has sustained efficacy for abdominal pain-related functional
100                                            A sustained effort to develop and share diagnostic methods
101                    Although there has been a sustained effort to reconstruct the dynamics of the phos
102 dly, this weakened dimerization elicits more sustained EGFR signaling than seen with EGF, provoking r
103 ll KATP-channel, to analyze the effects of a sustained elevation in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentr
104  and P-tau-T-tau ratios show more robust and sustained elevations among patients with chronic TBI.
105 ce of SOS1/EPS8/ABI1 complex is critical for sustained EMT traits of ovarian cancer cells.
106 approach allows to assess the danger of self-sustained epidemics from any viral sequence data.
107 e unfolded protein response, associated with sustained ER stress.
108 ss to input from oxygen sensors, and renders sustained escape from 21% oxygen transient and contingen
109 es not exacerbate SV endocytosis but impairs sustained exocytosis in MB neurons and alters specific m
110    Short-term IL-33 treatment in mice led to sustained expansion of IL-33 receptor-positive kidney IL
111      Non-freezing cold injury develops after sustained exposure to cold temperatures, resulting in ti
112 moted gene expression program, including the sustained expression of Ets transcription factors such a
113                      Infused NK cells showed sustained expression of most activating receptors, upreg
114 , interlocutor identity was represented in a sustained fashion throughout the different stages of lan
115  Together, our data suggest a model in which sustained FGF signaling acts to suppress cardiomyocyte p
116 ters, we accurately explain the sensor-level sustained field amplitude, demonstrating that slow chang
117 ipient presbyopes participated in a 5-minute sustained fixation task to evoke phoria adaptation where
118                                 Effects were sustained for an extended period (median follow-up 9.2 w
119                         Vaccine efficacy was sustained for up to 6 years.
120 but stabilizing an expanded genetic code for sustained function in vivo requires an integrated approa
121 nsists of sensitizing rod bipolar cells by a sustained GABAergic input originating from a population
122 of transgene-positive functional T cells and sustained gene marking in myeloid and B-cell lineages up
123 state of POMC neuron activity reflecting the sustained GIRK current observed after the initial declin
124          The primary outcome was the rate of sustained glucocorticoid-free remission at week 52 in ea
125                     In this paper, we report sustained glycolytic oscillations in single cells withou
126 n lestaurtinib-treated patients who achieved sustained greater than 85% FLT3 inhibition.
127                                              Sustained growth in dichloromethane would therefore offs
128  radiopharmaceuticals will all contribute to sustained growth of advanced infection-targeted imaging
129                                              Sustained GSK3 activity in GSK3(S/A) knock-in mice repor
130 xceeded 100 IU/dL in 88% of patients and was sustained &gt;100 IU/dL after 4 hours in 72% of subjects.
131                       HBV functional cure is sustained hepatitis B surface antigen loss and anti-HBs
132                              We propose that sustained high catecholamine concentrations observed in
133 reduced pumping to prevent clogging, whereas sustained high sedimentation caused an increase in respi
134 e and near-complete N removal accompanied by sustained high-rate, high-yield N2O production with part
135 this strategy, 12.8% of postmenopausal women sustained hip fractures in their remaining life (no scre
136 m Hg and was further divided into masked and sustained hypertension.
137                           We infer rapid and sustained ice-sheet retreat driven by MICI, commencing a
138 lecules can limit cancer growth, but lack of sustained immune activation in the tumour microenvironme
139                       All schedules elicited sustained immune responses up to M36.
140 of average post-transplant eGFR will require sustained improvement in immunosuppression and other asp
141 ddressed whether CCR2 deficiency resulted in sustained improvement of mdx(5cv)-Ccr2(-/-) diaphragm.
142             CCR2 deficiency does not provide sustained improvement of muscular dystrophy in mdx(5cv)
143 stance following verum acupuncture predicted sustained improvements in symptom severity at 3-month fo
144 tor-derived factor IX coagulant activity was sustained in all the participants, with a mean (+/-SD) s
145 have been described, yet how these cells are sustained in chronically inflamed tissues remains unclea
146 mocytes undergoing positive selection and is sustained in immature single-positive thymocytes, despit
147                          PMO localization is sustained in inflammatory foci where it enters macrophag
148 and show that these improvements are largely sustained in real data.
149 as to determine the types of ocular injuries sustained in the earthquake in Nepal and its management
150 up-regulation in the hippocampus and cortex, sustained in the hippocampus in association with novelty
151         Protection by vaccination may not be sustained in the second year of life in settings with hi
152                                   Currently, sustained in vivo delivery of active bone morphogenetic
153 nd the proportion of patients who achieved a sustained increase in hemoglobin (>/=0.75 g/dl over any
154 a4, but not IFN-lambda3, caused a strong and sustained induction of SOCS1 and refractoriness to furth
155                              Inappropriately sustained inflammation is a hallmark of chronic ischemic
156 by Ba(2+) or Tertiapin-Q did not disrupt the sustained inhibition of Ca(2+) transients in the continu
157 mproved behavioral performance and increased sustained inhibitory control-related activation for both
158  able to identify a formulation that shows a sustained inhibitory effect on the growth of P. aerugino
159  which it is removed from membranes to avoid sustained innate immune responses.
160 eness, and therapy resistance in cancer have sustained interest in the development of JARID1 inhibito
161 ick skin types IV, VI, and VI demonstrated a sustained interrater reliability, with an ICC of 0.93 (9
162                        In subjects with DME, sustained intraocular delivery of FAc slows development
163 l Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has made sustained investments in the development of genomic reso
164 ecifically because tDCS is diffuse, weak and sustained it can boost connectivity between co-active br
165          She lost consciousness in shock and sustained life-threatening injuries.
166 in a sequencing batch reactor by maintaining sustained limiting extant nitrite and dissolved oxygen c
167                                              Sustained locking of deep brain stimulation to a particu
168 dren >/=3 years of age from LPV/r to EFV are sustained long-term.
169 coglycolide) (PLGA) was developed that shows sustained maintenance of plasma drug concentrations and
170  the gain-of-function MEK1DD allele produces sustained MAPK/ERK activation in adult SCs, and we deter
171 n Earth's geologic history by ubiquitous and sustained massive eruption of lava, forming several enor
172                            Because low-level sustained microglia activation can lead to abnormal resp
173 ntial participants were identified as having sustained minor injury by the combination of three stand
174                        With Dox, there was a sustained, modest decrease in LVEF over the follow-up du
175      AATP terminated 39 of 69 (59% adjusted) sustained monomorphic VT in the fast VT zone, 509 of 590
176              Sepsis triggers more severe and sustained muscle fiber atrophy in limb muscles when comp
177               A possible explanation for the sustained neuronal injury is that the neurotoxic HIV-1 r
178                      In arterial SMCs, CXCR4 sustained normal vascular reactivity and contractile res
179 1 mutations result in ligand-independent and sustained NOTCH1-receptor signaling, which translates in
180               Znrf4 knockdown monocytes have sustained nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of a
181              These findings suggest that the sustained occurrence of psychedelic phenomenology consti
182 ry effect of Sema3E on cytokine response was sustained on allergen recall response in the lymph nodes
183 onia is a movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions and its pa
184 ual form of AOB plasticity may act to filter sustained or repetitive sensory signals.
185                    Little is known about the sustained or slowly reversible form(s) of NPQ and whethe
186  profile from PLGA NMP was tri-phasic, being sustained over 5days.
187                The Nod1 x 2(-/-) T cells had sustained p53 expression that was associated with downre
188 ientific, MA) displaying more controlled and sustained paclitaxel delivery promise to improve the cli
189 degree of non-genetic individuality to shape sustained patterns of behavior across the population.
190                                              Sustained PEITC exposure not only blocked HDAC binding t
191 ceptor-4 (EP4) was involved and mediated the sustained phase of the barrier-enhancing effects of OxPA
192 ned the duration of Ca(2+) response during a sustained phase.
193                                     Finally, sustained phosphorylation of RIPK1 intermediate domain a
194                           Furthermore, while sustained PL brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) ex
195 f cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) viral rebound or sustained plasma and CSF viremia during treatment.
196          In human scalp EEG recordings, both sustained potentials and alpha-band oscillations are pre
197                      TFH cells supported the sustained production of IgE antibody in vivo in the abse
198 mmon hallmark cellular phenotypes, including sustained proliferation, suppression of cell death, and
199 in these dopaminergic neurons, thus enabling sustained protein consumption.
200 mete vectors, appear to be incompatible with sustained rarity.
201                             A 12 mumol h(-1) sustained rate of H2 production was maintained during il
202 6, P < .001), but there was no difference in sustained reading speeds between groups (beta = 0.99, 95
203 inning on day 3 after infection, experienced sustained rebound plasma viraemia when treatment was int
204  on improving the proportion of children who sustained recovery for 1 y after MAM treatment.
205 d, 407 children (56%) and 347 children (53%) sustained recovery in the intervention and control group
206  well as to identify factors associated with sustained recovery.Of 1383 children who returned for the
207 nced chronic kidney disease was defined by a sustained reduction in eGFR less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2
208 atory mediator arginase-1 (P = 0.005), and a sustained reduction in skin redness (P = 0.02), correlat
209              Compound 11 was able to cause a sustained reduction of LPA levels in plasma in vivo and
210                                              Sustained refibrillation was successful in fewer ranolaz
211 d on LDH, the dsRNA does not wash off, shows sustained release and can be detected on sprayed leaves
212 t our polymeric microspheres are suitable as sustained release formulation for targeted protein const
213 lied to a variety of protein drugs requiring sustained release kinetics.
214 biodegradable polymeric microspheres for the sustained release of proteinaceous drugs.
215                 Moreover, curcumin exhibited sustained release profile from crosslinked nanogels in s
216 wering effect of a biodegradable bimatoprost sustained-release implant (Bimatoprost SR).
217              The resulting hydrogel provides sustained-release of protein for more than a week.
218 hen become highly selective in the following sustained response epoch.
219                                          The sustained response of neutralizing antibody correlated t
220 vely for observed dipole-like Ve patterns in sustained responses to monaural tones with frequencies >
221 ing prevalent barriers to timely linkage and sustained retention in HIV care in Mozambique.
222 risk for death by 1 year compared with early sustained reversal.
223                                     However, sustained scientific investigation has not yet provided
224 (both sexes) using concurrent EEG-fMRI and a sustained selective listening task, in which one out of
225  changes in synaptic efficacy, combined with sustained sensory input, can result in profound and sust
226 ing aerobic exercise interventions; that is, sustained sessions of moderate intensity.
227                                         This sustained signaling may impede immune recovery and foste
228 at SMAD2 recruits multiple co-factors during sustained signaling to shape the downstream transcriptio
229 ed no decrease of PINK1 protein levels but a sustained, significant reduction in kinase activity.
230 ntaining interneurons, suggesting that their sustained silencing could be causally involved in the de
231 lar degeneration (AMD) on short out-loud and sustained silent reading speeds, and reading comprehensi
232 s (NP) covalently attached to patches allows sustained site-specific delivery of therapeutic agents t
233 h a plasma release half-life of 21h achieved sustained SN-38 exposure in blood, above the target conc
234                Sediment provenance implies a sustained source in the East Kunlun Shan throughout this
235                                 Elevated and sustained SOX9 in SHP2-deficient hypertrophic chondrocyt
236 unctions of RNA molecules are dependent upon sustained specific three-dimensional (3D) structures of
237 idence for dilation of the hP2X7R channel on sustained stimulation with ATP(4).
238  sensory processing is that neurons adapt to sustained stimuli by reducing their response over time.
239  larval California newts (Taricha torosa) to sustained stressful conditions while longitudinally quan
240  stroke, post-ischaemic tPA treatment led to sustained suppression of regulatory T cells in the blood
241 lated E14.5 SCN and most show reliable, self-sustained, synchronized rhythms in the E15.5 SCN.
242 all RFs, high evoked firing rates (FRs), and sustained temporal responses, whereas the dSC is enriche
243  (MR(4.5), BCR-ABL1 </=0.0032%, n = 16), and sustained TFR (BCR-ABL1 undetectable following cessation
244                        Double ATP injections sustained the activation of phospho-STAT3 and GAP43, whi
245 d remarkably low collagen solubilization and sustained the bulk elastic properties over 12 mo.
246 prolonged blocking period in early 2016 that sustained the extreme Arctic warming.
247 none were using protective eyewear when they sustained the eye trauma.
248 sing adeno-associated virus vectors robustly sustained the rescue of rod function and preserved retin
249 f some species as model experimental systems sustained this effort.
250  However, whether an aggressive phenotype is sustained through adaptation or resistance to mTOR inhib
251                   The off-time reduction was sustained throughout the open-label phase (-126.3 minute
252 d to 50 x 10(9)/L or more by week 2 and were sustained throughout the treatment period.
253                           These benefits are sustained to 1 year and support the "real-world" effecti
254 hus in early-start patients the efficacy was sustained to month 48.
255 olving nonhuman primates, and responses were sustained to week 48.
256  enables high-level stable gene transfer and sustained transgene expression in multiple primary human
257                     Delivering effective and sustained treatments to the invasive GBM cells intermixe
258 cted at the expense of neuronal number under sustained undernourishment during the development of the
259 vation and cell death were associated with a sustained unfolded protein response.
260 omalizumab was associated with attainment of sustained unresponsiveness and a reduction in adverse re
261 leting clinical trials and, in some studies, sustained unresponsiveness.
262  specifically associated with acquisition of sustained unresponsiveness.
263 after extubation was common in ICU patients, sustained until hospital discharge in the majority of af
264 rticles elicited more pulmonary specific and sustained vasodilation in SUGEN-5416/hypoxia-induced PAH
265 veloped over lifetime in 166 patients (19%), sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias in 17 (2%), and p
266 ts was defined as appropriate ICD therapy or sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
267 th (FHSD), syncope, atrial fibrillation, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (nsVT), maximum left v
268               One hundred percent achieved a sustained viral response by 12 weeks after therapy, and
269 e oil that can be absorbed from moderate and sustained virgin olive oil consumption, is a strong inhi
270                  Pre-treatment predictors of sustained virologic response (SVR) at 24 weeks following
271                                         High sustained virologic response (SVR) rates have been obser
272 thnicity were associated with lower rates of sustained virologic response (SVR) to interferon-based t
273 ce interval [CI], .33-.57) and attainment of sustained virologic response (SVR) were associated with
274 ral agents are associated with high rates of sustained virologic response (SVR), generally exceeding
275 d treatment, and 119 (91% of initiators) had sustained virologic response (SVR).
276                     The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response 12 weeks after treatment (S
277 dpoint was the percentage of patients with a sustained virologic response 12 weeks after treatment (S
278 untreated HCV RNA positive, 345 treated with sustained virologic response [SVR], 43 during treatment,
279 ts with chronic HCV infection who achieved a sustained virologic response after 12 weeks of treatment
280 epatitis C virus (HCV) and who do not have a sustained virologic response after treatment with regime
281 us while on therapy and 100% have achieved a sustained virologic response at 12 weeks after completio
282                    The primary end point was sustained virologic response at 12 weeks after therapy e
283    One hundred percent of patients exhibited sustained virologic response at week 12 after the end of
284 V) infection have demonstrated high rates of sustained virologic response, virologic failure may stil
285 dverse events; three of these patients had a sustained virologic response.
286 hanges in clonal B cells of MC patients with sustained virologic responses to direct-acting antiviral
287 treatment (25%), and 19 of these 24 achieved sustained virological response (79%).
288              All 46 patients (100%) achieved sustained virological response (SVR) 12.
289 quantifiable HCV RNA 12 weeks posttreatment (sustained virological response 12 weeks after completion
290 d with pibrentasvir, has shown high rates of sustained virological response in phase 2 and 3 studies.
291 o the utility of patients post-LT, treatment sustained virological response rates, LT costs, and base
292 ue of patients in fibrosis stages F0-F3 post-sustained virological response, and in the transition pr
293 , 145 patients (99%, 95% CI 98-100) achieved sustained virological response, with one (1%) relapse at
294  completing 12 weeks of follow-up achieved a sustained virological response.
295 circumscribed social anxiety patients showed sustained visuocortical facilitation to aversive facial
296 action time, and firing rate associated with sustained voluntary contractions.
297 her electroanatomic scar patterns related to sustained VT can distinguish exercise-induced arrhythmog
298 ents in obesity-related comorbid disease and sustained weight loss over a 5-year period.
299               However, the recent finding of sustained weight reduction in response to systemic admin
300  important feed-forward mechanism to achieve sustained Wnt/beta-catenin signaling.

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