


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , which replaces the flagellum of the motile swarmer cell.
2 thesis of the pili filaments in the daughter swarmer cell.
3 re only present at the flagellar pole of the swarmer cell.
4 vides asymmetrically, producing a mother and swarmer cell.
5 on, resulting in a stalked cell and a motile swarmer cell.
6 change that culminates in the formation of a swarmer cell.
7 d accumulates preferentially in the daughter swarmer cell.
8 aL mutant was unable to differentiate into a swarmer cell.
9 hter cells, a stalked cell and a flagellated swarmer cell.
10 mer cell to an elongated, highly flagellated swarmer cell.
11 lation migration across surfaces, called the swarmer cell.
12  form that persists at the flagellar pole of swarmer cells.
13 to and silences the origin of replication in swarmer cells.
14 he CtrA protein and the size distribution of swarmer cells.
15 he incipient stalked pole in differentiating swarmer cells.
16 tion of the early cell division gene ftsZ in swarmer cells.
17 tative swimmer cells to fully differentiated swarmer cells.
18 pA is fully expressed only in differentiated swarmer cells.
19 lts in transcription of the ftsZ promoter in swarmer cells.
20 acteria into successively thicker cohorts of swarmer cells.
21 ssion of flagellin that is characteristic of swarmer cells.
22 longated (10- to 80-mum), highly flagellated swarmer cells.
23 ibited a threefold increase in expression in swarmer cells.
24 ersed in the newly divided progeny stalk and swarmer cells.
25 ng sessile-stalked and piliated, flagellated swarmer cells.
26 ganisms is faster growing and may detach as "swarmer" cells.
27                                           In swarmer cells, a short form of PodJ is localized at the
28 e stalked cell, unphosphorylated DivK in the swarmer cell activates an intricate transcriptional casc
29 ntus divides asymmetrically to a flagellated swarmer cell and a cell with a stalk.
30  asymmetrically to produce a non-replicating swarmer cell and a replicating stalked cell.
31 ium Caulobacter crescentus produces a motile swarmer cell and a sessile stalked cell at each cell div
32 s rise to two different cell types: a motile swarmer cell and a sessile stalked cell.
33 lls divide asymmetrically, yielding a motile swarmer cell and a sessile stalked cell.
34 ter crescentus divides asymmetrically into a swarmer cell and a stalked cell, a process that is gover
35 t cell types at each cell division, a motile swarmer cell and an adhesive stalked cell.
36 rsed throughout the cytoplasm of the progeny swarmer cell and is localized to the pole of the stalked
37 alA-flaB locus from wild-type swimmer cells, swarmer cells and cells obtained after urinary tract inf
38        Transcription of ftsZ is repressed in swarmer cells and is activated concurrently with the ini
39    The initial stage of attachment occurs in swarmer cells and is facilitated by flagellar motility a
40 he fliL transcriptome with that of wild-type swarmer cells and showed that nearly all genes associate
41 cious swarming mutants are also constitutive swarmer cells and swarm on minimal agar medium.
42 origin is located at the flagellated pole of swarmer cells and, immediately after the initiation of D
43 that SpoT is required for this phenomenon in swarmer cells, and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starve
44 ional flagellar pole, remain at this pole in swarmer cells, and localize at the stalk tip after the s
45                                              Swarmer cells are generally more flagellated and longer
46                                 H. neptunium swarmer cells are highly motile via a single polar flage
47                                              Swarmer cells are specially adapted to rapidly transloca
48 vision and contain FtsZ, whereas the progeny swarmer cells are unable to initiate DNA replication and
49 ntration, FtsZ was artificially expressed in swarmer cells at a level equivalent to that found in pre
50 ypothesize that this novel mechanism acts on swarmer cells born in a biofilm, where eDNA can accumula
51 e processes in Caulobacter and is present in swarmer cells but absent from stalked cells.
52 Instead, doubling of the average length of a swarmer cell by suppression of cell division effectively
53 e inappropriate production of differentiated swarmer cells, called pseudoswarmer cells, under nonindu
54 es a large gene system and differentiates to swarmer cells capable of movement over and colonization
55                                           In swarmer cells, CpdR is in the phosphorylated state, thus
56 rives progression of the coupled stalked and swarmer cell cycles of the bacterium Caulobacter crescen
57                        Expression of FtsZ in swarmer cells did not alter the timing of cell constrict
58 nsistent with this observation, H. neptunium swarmer cells did not respond to any chemotactic stimuli
59                                           As swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells (G1/S tra
60      FtsZ is synthesized slightly before the swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells and the i
61 period under typical culture conditions, the swarmer cell differentiates into a replicative stalked c
62 diated by the synthesis of a holdfast as the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell.
63 ntiate showing the essential role of flaA in swarmer cell differentiation and behaviour.
64 se results suggest that FliL plays a role in swarmer cell differentiation and implicate FliL as criti
65 ditions inhibiting flagellar rotation induce swarmer cell differentiation and implicating a rotating
66 ression of fliL+ in wild-type cells prevents swarmer cell differentiation and motility, a result also
67 the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone induced swarmer cell differentiation and resulted in a fourfold
68 utrescine restored both the normal timing of swarmer cell differentiation and the ability to migrate
69 tical to transduction of the signal inducing swarmer cell differentiation and virulence gene expressi
70 ession of wosA also resulted in constitutive swarmer cell differentiation in liquid medium, a normall
71 al through the chemotaxis pathway and induce swarmer cell differentiation in response to signals othe
72 tudy also suggests that despite constitutive swarmer cell differentiation in wosA-overexpressing stra
73               A search for genes controlling swarmer cell differentiation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
74            ZapA activity is not required for swarmer cell differentiation or swarming behaviour, as Z
75                                              Swarmer cell differentiation parallels an increased expr
76 l transduction from solid surfaces to induce swarmer cell differentiation, possibly via alterations i
77 ile the latter two classes were defective in swarmer cell differentiation, representative LPS mutants
78 f growth that are formed as cyclic events of swarmer cell differentiation, swarming migration, and ce
79 zation of urinary tract surfaces is aided by swarmer cell differentiation, which is initiated by inhi
80 e two-component systems cooperate to promote swarmer cell differentiation.
81  other proteins and virulence factors during swarmer cell differentiation.
82 lator FlhD(4)C(2), which ultimately controls swarmer cell differentiation.
83 g growth in liquid and on agar plates during swarmer cell differentiation.
84 16-fold higher in the disA background during swarmer cell differentiation.
85             DisA overexpression also blocked swarmer cell differentiation.
86 k and holdfast occur at the same pole during swarmer cell differentiation.
87  by flagella is thought to trigger bacterial swarmer-cell differentiation, an important step in patho
88 A fliL mutation that results in constitutive swarmer cell elongation also increased wosA transcriptio
89 regulator that controls the establishment of swarmer cell fate.
90     Expression of umoA (a known regulator of swarmer cells), flgF, and flgI increased significantly i
91                        This event primes the swarmer cell for the impending transition into a stalked
92 ivated in liquid broth and hyper-flagellated swarmer cells from solid medium.
93          These mutants were constitutive for swarmer cell gene expression, inappropriately expressing
94  its flagellar motors, which in turn control swarmer cell gene expression.
95  inappropriately expressing high levels of a swarmer cell gene fusion product when grown in liquid.
96           When the operon was overexpressed, swarmer cell gene transcription was induced in liquid cu
97 cells were extremely long and thus resembled swarmer cells harvested from a surface.
98 iately after cell division and (ii) a motile swarmer cell in which DNA replication is blocked.
99 e rapidly away from a colony, analogously to swarmer cells in bacteria with flagella.
100  media, thereby increasing the proportion of swarmer cells in mixed culture.
101 , result in the inappropriate development of swarmer cells in noninducing liquid media or hyperelonga
102 ue to an increase in the number of elongated swarmer cells in the population.
103 , and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication.
104 entus differentiates from a motile, foraging swarmer cell into a sessile, replication-competent stalk
105                  Upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell, full length PodJ is sy
106 ation initiator, upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell.
107 is synthesized during the differentiation of swarmer cells into replicating stalked cells.
108 genesis of the single polar flagellum of the swarmer cell is the best-studied aspect of this developm
109          PodJ(S), sequestered to the progeny swarmer cell, is subsequently released from the polar me
110                   Because CtrA is present in swarmer cells, is degraded at the same time as ftsZ tran
111          Upon depletion of available carbon, swarmer cells lacking the ability to synthesize ppGpp or
112 trogen limitation significantly extended the swarmer cell life span.
113 thesize that nitrogen limitation extends the swarmer cell lifetime by delaying the onset of a sequenc
114 d a technique for observing isolated E. coli swarmer cells moving on an agar substrate and confined i
115                                              Swarmer cells of Caulobacter crescentus are devoid of th
116                                       Motile swarmer cells of Hyphomicrobium strain W1-1B displayed p
117                                  We adsorbed swarmer cells of Serratia marcescens to polydimethylsilo
118 ion of external environmental cues, sets the swarmer cell on a path to differentiate into a stalked c
119 n noninducing liquid media or hyperelongated swarmer cells on agar media.
120 rium can differentiate into hyperflagellated swarmer cells on agar of an appropriate consistency (0.5
121       The terminus moves from the end of the swarmer cell opposite the origin to midcell.
122 ntrolling the decision to be a highly mobile swarmer cell or a more adhesive, biofilm-proficient cell
123 ls, we were unable to detect the holdfast in swarmer cells or at the flagellated poles of predivision
124 umerous unsheathed lateral flagella move the swarmer cell over surfaces.
125 ntegrated into the membrane at the incipient swarmer cell pole, where it initiates flagellar assembly
126                    Furthermore, we show that swarmer cells produce more ppGpp than stalked cells upon
127                                       Unlike swarmer cells, pseudoswarmer cells are not hyperflagella
128                                       Unlike swarmer cells, pseudoswarmers displayed increased activi
129 motility is a random dispersal mechanism for swarmer cells rather than a stimulus-controlled navigati
130 ost-division degradation of FtsA and FtsQ in swarmer cells reduces their concentration to 7% and 10%
131 t extract (PYE) medium contain >70% and >80% swarmer cells, respectively.
132 luorescence microscopy showed that, in these swarmer cells, simply increasing FtsZ concentration was
133 ve from these results that the C. crescentus swarmer cells swim more efficiently than both E. coli an
134               Forward swimming C. crescentus swarmer cells tend to get physically trapped at the surf
135  and produces cells that look like wild-type swarmer cells, termed "pseudoswarmer cells," that are el
136 similar daughter cells: a stalked cell and a swarmer cell that assembles several pili at the flagella
137 ed cell competent for DNA replication, and a swarmer cell that is unable to initiate DNA replication
138 m divides asymmetrically to produce a motile swarmer cell that represses DNA replication and a sessil
139                The morphological change from swarmer cell to stalked cell is a result of changes of f
140 comitantly with the transition of the motile swarmer cell to the sessile stalked cell.
141 e half-life of FtsA increases from 13 min in swarmer cells to 55 min in stalked cell types, confirmin
142 d, increasing ca. twofold from low levels in swarmer cells to a maximum immediately prior to cell div
143 lyzed the adaptive response of C. crescentus swarmer cells to carbon starvation and found that there
144 ci contour lengths in Caulobacter crescentus swarmer cells to determine the in vivo configuration of
145 ances initial attachment and enables progeny swarmer cells to escape from the monolayer biofilm.
146                             Both swimmer and swarmer cells transcribe flaA, but not flaB.
147 ngated, hyperflagellated, and multinucleated swarmer cell type when it is grown on a surface.
148 egained motility yet produced differentiated swarmer cells under noninducing conditions transcribed f
149                                        Thus, swarmer cells utilize at least two independent signaling
150        Differentiation of the speB mutant to swarmer cells was delayed by two hours relative to wild-
151                                    Elongated swarmer cells were only rarely observed.
152 a typical Gram-negative rod) to an elongated swarmer cell when grown on a solid surface.
153 ble of differentiating into hyperflagellated swarmer cells when plated on a solid agar surface.
154 ed cells but degraded in the non-replicative swarmer cell where ClpAP alone degrades FtsA and both Cl
155 e, are evenly distributed between mother and swarmer cells, whereas hpnN is required for the C(35) ho
156 intracellular location of SMC showed that in swarmer cells, which do not replicate DNA, the protein f
157 obacter crescentus is asymmetric, yielding a swarmer cell with several polar pili and a non-piliated

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