


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r original genomic background (gene-specific sweeps).
2 rboring EID1 shows signatures of a selective sweep.
3 tion should spread alone in a hard selective sweep.
4 ed from Herschel-Bulkely model and frequency sweep.
5   CBF6 showed signatures of recent selective sweep.
6 and correspondingly a 23 nm laser wavelength sweep.
7 ion than what is afforded by the feedforward sweep.
8 a, signifying a hard transnational selective sweep.
9 was found to be more common than genome-wide sweep.
10 ly as an external magnetic field is properly swept.
11 These have been used to infer past selective sweeps.
12 ow without interfering genome-wide selective sweeps.
13 w higher growth rates but suppress selective sweeps.
14 ting recent positive selection, or selective sweeps.
15 ected transition from soft to hard selective sweeps.
16 ene-specific sweeps, rather than genome-wide sweeps.
17 mmercial population identified 321 selective sweeps.
18 were reduced compared to interleaved control sweeps.
19 election to resemble that of soft or partial sweeps.
20 me-wide classification map of hard selective sweeps.
21 in the sexual populations through mutational sweeps.
22 ombination of vacuum degassing and coverslip sweeping.
23 ensing surface through the self-shedding and sweeping.
24 berration-free remote focusing to diagonally sweep a narrow light-sheet along the sample surface, ena
25 s spontaneous waves of spiking activity that sweep across the ganglion cell layer during a limited pe
26                                  These waves sweep across the V4 retinotopic map, following a consist
27                   The Ebola outbreak that is sweeping across West Africa is the largest, most volatil
28                             Virtual spectral sweeps across the electrode array were implemented in th
29  to pursue a moving target, the visual world sweeps across their retinas, creating a contraversive op
30 niform over the sunspot: as the flare ribbon sweeps across, its different portions accelerate (up to
31       Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) has swept across nearly the entire species' range, resulting
32            Here we describe a soft selective sweep, acting at multiple loci across the genome, that o
33 binations of surfing and retraction; or (iv) sweeping actions.
34 of selection, it is necessary to show that a sweep affects a selected trait before it can be consider
35 t understanding involves a rapid feedforward sweep, after which subsequent recurrent interactions are
36         By leveraging a parallel "chromosome sweeping" algorithm, we demonstrate substantial performa
37 n of background selection and soft selective sweeps alone, and therefore, we suggest that very strong
38  exhibits a hysteretic step-like change when sweeping an in-plane magnetic field between opposite dir
39                          Following selective sweep analyses, a number of loci and candidate genes in
40                                The selective sweep analysis revealed that 21 antibiotic resistant (AR
41                           A recent selective sweeps analysis of 91-R implicated the potential role of
42 sted by voltage-driven current-voltage (I-V) sweep and closed-loop pulse switching (CLPS) tests.
43 pon oxidation by applying a linear potential sweep and simultaneously detect oxidation products.
44 ure is reproducible over many magnetic field sweeps and appears at different temperatures.
45             Interestingly, we find that soft sweeps and balancing selection occur more frequently clo
46  model organisms for investigating selection sweeps and genome-wide association mapping.
47     We detected imprints of strong selective sweeps and narrow genetic bottlenecks, followed by the s
48 to scan the genome for evidence of selective sweeps and polygenic selection.
49          Quantifying the number of selective sweeps and their combined effects on genomic diversity i
50  (n = 50) appear to have undergone selective sweeps and/or severe bottlenecks in the New World, house
51 ons of the genome that have experienced hard sweeps, and fewer under selection on standing variation
52 ration of copper as a model system by linear sweep anodic stripping voltammetry (LSASV).
53 egions of the genome implicated in selective sweeps are enriched for amino acid changing variants and
54 agnetic flux through the feet and the ribbon-swept area reveals that the rope's core is more twisted
55 enes that have been subjected to a selective sweep associated with growth in paddy conditions.
56 n, including a particularly strong selective sweep at an AP2 transcription factor.
57 eter functional responses to sound frequency sweeps at high magnetic fields (7 tesla) and show that f
58 nging perceptual tasks that presented paired sweeps at rapid rates of 5 and 10 Hz.
59 uence of the black hole), and that it can be swept away even at low radiative output rates.
60 e risen and fallen, and healthy debates have swept back and forth.
61 d lamella and continued to grow as they were swept back toward the cell body; coated pits were absent
62 novel statistics at inferring hard selective sweeps based on linkage disequilibrium distortions under
63    Using this chip, we demonstrate potential-sweep-based electrochemical imaging of whole-biofilms at
64 robably caused by a recent, strong selective sweep before domestication, involving either the spread
65   This study improves detection of selective sweep by overcoming the classical selection versus no-se
66       This approach enables faster frequency sweeping by changing the cycled RF phase and using flexi
67 ss which the current receptive field will be swept by the saccade.
68 dy provides direct evidence that genome-wide sweeps can limit diversity within bacterial species.
69                           Instead, selective sweeps caused by positive selection can reduce diversity
70  allele-frequency change support a selective sweep centered on the adjacent blue- and red-light sensi
71 ood mice exposed to a 0.9 to 5 MHz frequency sweep changed their preference from north-south to east-
72  level, we demonstrate in real time discreet sweeping changes in algal microtubules elicited by rises
73                                    We detect sweeping changes in an early and a late wave, revealing
74 sodic care, the Affordable Care Act outlines sweeping changes to health systems, reimbursement struct
75                           During a selective sweep, characteristic patterns of linkage disequilibrium
76                               Changes to the sweep characteristics flanking pfdhfr-ts and pfdhps were
77 p-down effects suffers from confounds, their sweeping claim that there are no top-down effects on per
78 ms during the forward and backward potential sweeps (companion paper 1), the semiempirical treatment
79 n assessed using bootstrapping and parameter sweep (contour plot) techniques.
80                                          The sweeps contributed about half of the additive genetic va
81 af litter that is not removed by fall street sweeping could be an important source to winter loads of
82 rmed salmon might reflect a recent selective sweep due to artificial selection.
83 s A24R variant underwent a drastic selective sweep during passaging, despite enhanced PKR activity.
84 ensate that the continuous self-shedding and sweeping effectively remove the droplets from the solid
85 daptation gain results from 'soft' selective sweeps emerging from surfing beneficial mutations.
86 n allele due to drift or either hard or soft sweeps-even those occurring a large genetic distance awa
87 uency-modulated sweeps (Posit Science 'Sound Sweeps' exercise).
88                           Potential step and sweeping experiments reveal an onset potential of 0.78 V
89 ibrating sample magnetometry and a frequency-swept ferromagnetic resonant flip-chip technique, respec
90             High-speed Ca(2+) imaging, using swept-field confocal microscopy, showed the Ca(2+) influ
91  characteristics of the associated selective sweeps flanking the resistance loci.
92 utions do not support a widespread selective sweep for an artemisinin-resistant phenotype, the impact
93 d, one with a low-frequency suppressor and a swept-frequency probe, the other with two swept-frequenc
94                              In the two-tone swept-frequency suppression paradigm, mild suppression w
95  a swept-frequency probe, the other with two swept-frequency tones, either of which can be considered
96 sitions from one to two chiral edge modes on sweeping from red to blue detuning.
97  this statistic to be effective at detecting sweeps from standing variation.
98 h chikungunya and Zika viruses have recently swept from Africa across the Pacific to the Americas, ca
99 h becomes physiologically apparent only when sweep gas flow is ceased.
100                                      Certain sweep genes exhibit significant correlations with comb m
101 opes and 38 emmetropes to tap the peak of a "sweep grating" on the tablet's touch screen.
102            As the external magnetic field is swept, half-integer quantized conductance plateaus are o
103 efore, we suggest that very strong selective sweeps have independently targeted these specific region
104 weeps if resistance is unlikely and via soft sweeps if it is likely.
105 e generally that evolution proceeds via hard sweeps if resistance is unlikely and via soft sweeps if
106 on coincides with a signature of a selective sweep in ancient humans, suggesting that the causal vari
107 esent one of the first examples of a genomic sweep in livestock that was driven by selection on a com
108                   Surprisingly, the adaptive sweep in the high-latitude regions has acted on DNA that
109 ons supports the model of an early selective sweep in the human lineage after the split of humans fro
110  in traveling waves of clock gene expression sweeping in the unsegmented tissue.
111 te population samples that include selective sweeps in a feature-rich, flexible manner.
112 ted differentiation induced by gene-specific sweeps in a human pathogen and has implications for unde
113 r analyses support the presence of selective sweeps in at least one lineage.
114                        Here we map selective sweeps in feral Kauai chickens using whole-genome sequen
115          The influence of positive selection sweeps in human evolution is increasingly debated, altho
116 including the possibility that more frequent sweeps in larger populations are due to a shorter waitin
117 m marine stickleback due to recent selective sweeps in marine populations.
118 ide strong evidence of recent hard selective sweeps in or near four of the six D. pseudoobscura Ago2
119 es show remnants of the effects of selective sweeps in previously identified domestication genes, as
120 for multiple myeloma progression with clonal sweeps in the early phase and regional evolution in adva
121 these genes may be responsible for selective sweeps in the form of meiotic drive caused by an intrage
122                 We identify 93 domestication sweeps in the spinach genome, some of which are associat
123 , then adaptation proceeds by soft selective sweeps in which multiple adaptive mutations spread conco
124 y two regions where distinct haplotypes have swept in different populations, leading to increased pop
125                                    Selective sweeps, in which resistant cells become dominant in the
126 mprovement in SNR, while a greater frequency swept increases the resolving power at the expense of SN
127   As an alternative we report here frequency-swept integrated solid effect (FS-ISE) experiments that
128 undwater diffuse upward through soil and are swept into a building by soil gas flow induced by buildi
129 heast Asia is the result of a soft selective sweep involving at least 20 independent kelch13 mutation
130  H. melpomene, evidence for strong selective sweeps is limited overall.
131  results in what we have termed a "staggered sweep." It is named for its three-phased trajectory: (i)
132 VOCT system with a 1.7 mum center wavelength swept light source that can readily penetrate deeper int
133                                    The field-sweep linewidths decrease with increasing pumping freque
134 reasing pumping frequency, and the frequency-sweep linewidths stay nearly constant at the unsaturated
135                               We used linear sweep (LSV) and differential-pulse (DPV) voltammetry wit
136 controlled by varying the number of spraying sweeps made across the substrate.
137                              Using selective-sweep mapping, it is possible to identify genomic region
138                              Using sub-pixel sweeping microscopy (SPSM) with a super-resolution algor
139 olymorphism features expected under the hard sweep model, while controlling for population-specific d
140 oxy measure called the Neanderthal selective sweep (NSS) score.
141                  We scanned 93 domestication sweeps occupying 74 Mb of the A subgenome and 104 Mb of
142 netic drift is the dominant force, selective sweeps occur infrequently, and deleterious mutations are
143 mplete ophthalmologic examination, including swept-OCT at study entry and at 7 days and 30 days after
144 e nata phase), were investigated by means of Swept-OCT maps.
145 ver that a small moving disk, simulating the sweep of a predator cruising overhead, is sufficient to
146 uit bats and discovered a systematic angular sweep of beam focus across increasing frequency.
147 old stimulation the (excitatory) feedforward sweep of bottom-up processing terminates in SI preventin
148 ty of the dsDNA peak, mu(w), by using a full sweep of parametric simulations.
149 ine if there was any evidence of a selective sweep of specific var genes or clonal epidemic structure
150                           We showed that the sweep of this variant could be accelerated by the presen
151 surface for enhancement by self-shedding and sweeping of condensate.
152 des double eversion of the upper eyelids and sweeping of the fornices with cotton buds, and maintaini
153 ch in rodents involves stereotypic, rhythmic sweeping of the vibrissae as the animal explores its env
154 ecent perceptual training study using moving sweeps of Gabor stimuli, Berry et al. (2010) observed th
155 ng over is rare or absent, whereas selective sweeps of positively selected mutations probably play an
156 ct (FS-ISE) experiments that allow low power sweeps of the exciting microwave frequencies to construc
157 f each voltammogram upon forward and reverse sweeps of the HOPG potential.
158 ration, total experiment time, and frequency swept on signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and resolving pow
159 ies with gradual change in resistance in I-V sweep or CLPS and high reliability.
160 d as putatively corresponding to a selective sweep or epistatic selection.
161 y mtDNA shows evidence of a recent selective sweep or population bottleneck.
162  under selection on standing variation (soft sweep) or balancing selection.
163 ulation at selected gene loci (gene-specific sweeps), or the recombination rate is low without interf
164 candidate, genome-wide distributed selective sweeps originating from the standing genetic variation i
165 f neurons into a continuous map of the space swept out by the whiskers.
166 brane with potassium ions after the ions are swept out of the membrane into the axoplasm by hyperpola
167                     The Bantu expansion that swept out of West Central Africa beginning approximately
168 ime a locomoting fly turns, the visual image sweeps over the retina and generates a motion stimulus.
169 ystem is driven by a single microwave source swept over a band of frequencies (17.5-26.5 GHz) and swi
170 ver CEI and the Himalayan foothills and then swept over the SWTP by the mid-tropospheric circulation,
171                                  These waves sweep past neurons, to which they provide highly synchro
172 ion if there is a higher number of selective sweeps per unit time.
173 t task of two successive frequency-modulated sweeps (Posit Science 'Sound Sweeps' exercise).
174 ent in dominant clones with or without their sweeping previous clones.
175 een threshold estimates with the new channel sweep procedure and estimates using the adaptive forced-
176 test reliability for the thresholds from the sweep procedure was somewhat poorer than for thresholds
177 esis at temperatures of up to 60 kelvin at a sweep rate of 22 oersted per second.
178 tic hysteresis up to 3 K at a magnetic field sweep rate of 34.6 Oe s(-1).
179  14 kelvin using a consistent magnetic field sweep rate of about 20 oersted per second, although high
180 atures have been achieved by using very fast sweep rates (for example, 30 kelvin with 200 oersted per
181                      The effect of potential sweep rates on redox amplification was also investigated
182 ectrodes (ring height and radius), potential sweep rates, and inter-electrode gap distance were evalu
183 e through recombination-driven gene-specific sweeps, rather than genome-wide sweeps.
184 analyses identified 12 directional selective sweep regions, and all selective sweep windows on chromo
185         We identified 24 candidate selection sweep regions, spanning 172 potentially novel and known
186 rom the observed current to the voltammetric sweep, removing artifacts associated with electrode impe
187            This response, known as 'weep and sweep', requires interleukin (IL)-13 production by tissu
188     The energy dispersive spec-trometer line-sweep results show that the composition changes graduall
189 d a two-step yielding behavior during strain-sweep rheology, indicating gel formation by interconnect
190 oil recovery using low-salinity solutions to sweep sandstone reservoirs is a widely-practiced strateg
191                         Such a gravitational-sweep sedimentation approach has previously been shown t
192 the echolocation region [frequency-modulated sweep-selective region (FMSR)].
193 hat some alleles exhibiting strong selective sweep signatures appear to have been introgressed from A
194  of the anterior body, encompassing all head-sweeps, small or large, without breaking the oscillatory
195                        We identify selective sweeps, some of which are associated with relatively hig
196 VOCT) imaging systems that utilize a 1.3 mum swept source laser are often used for identifying fibrou
197                               In particular, swept source OCT (SS-OCT) has attracted many attentions
198  subfields in Egypt using deep-range imaging swept source optical coherence tomography (DRI SS OCT).
199 immediately after light polymerization using swept source optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to c
200 iate applications as a high-speed wavelength-swept source, this scheme also offers a new approach for
201 ehavior on different areas of teeth using 3D swept source-optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).
202                     To assess the ability of swept-source (SS) optical coherence tomography (OCT) of
203 ral domain, whereas the 1,325-nm system is a swept-source model.
204 ients was included and received imaging with swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) and enhanced-depth imaging OCT
205  from a silica phantom acquired by a 1310 nm swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) system.
206          Patients were imaged using either a swept-source OCT angiography (SS-OCTA) prototype system
207  images obtained from each restoration using swept-source OCT at 1310-nm wavelength.
208                                              Swept-source OCT can image both in patients from as earl
209                                Studies using swept-source OCT in diseased eyes will further define th
210  Participants were imaged with a high-speed, swept-source OCT prototype at 1050-nm wavelength using r
211 s simultaneously a prototype long-wavelength swept-source OCT to a commercially available spectral do
212                             Scan patterns on swept-source OCT were created to simulate those availabl
213                                           On swept-source OCT, 1 line scan and 1 volumetric scan were
214 visualized in 19/19 (100%) of eyes imaged by swept-source OCT, compared to 14/19 (73.6%) and 13/19 (6
215 e examined the retinal microvasculature with swept-source OCT-A and a semiautomated software to measu
216 tical coherence tomography, and 4.5 x 4.5-mm swept-source OCT-A.
217            To conduct microscope-integrated, swept-source OCTA (MIOCTA) in children with retinal vasc
218                                              Swept-source OCTA identified type 1 neovascularization c
219              The ability of ultrahigh-speed, swept-source OCTA to noninvasively visualize alterations
220                         A high-speed 1.3 mum swept-source ODT (SS-ODT) system is reported which was b
221                           In response, using swept-source optical biometry in prepresbyopic and presb
222 ce interferometry (Pentacam AXL) and 1 using swept-source optical coherence tomography (IOL Master 70
223 t subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD), using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS OCT).
224           The anterior segment was imaged by swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) (Casi
225 al biometer (OA-2000, Tomey, Japan) based on swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) and P
226 sits (SDDs) using 12x12-mm widefield en face swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) imagi
227 in diabetic eyes and controls, using en face swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT).
228 quiescent serpiginous choroiditis (SC) using swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography (S
229 nt imaging of the macula in both eyes with a swept-source optical coherence tomography device (DRI-OC
230 nts were imaged with an experimental 1040 nm swept-source phase-resolved Doppler OCT instrument.
231            In particular, we found selection sweeps spanning genes and/or pathways associated with me
232  (glass/ITO) electrodes as studied by linear sweep stripping voltammetry (LSSV) and scanning electron
233 harge and topography via a hopping potential sweep technique with a single nanopipette probe, with ha
234 e of parallel evolution and faster selective sweeps than populations without phages.
235 of a very large family or a strong selective sweep that occurred in the recent past.
236 small-amplitude pulse made prior to the FSCV sweep that probes the impedance of the system.
237  rewarding areas, ants follow long crosswind sweeps that appear adapted for encountering odour plumes
238 56 genomic regions associated with selective sweeps that may underlie geographic adaptation.
239 tify a list of regions as putative selective sweeps that occurred during domestication and divergence
240 find evidence for highly localized selective sweeps that point to a polygenic, multitrait basis for s
241                                           By sweeping the field magnitude, the number of electric pul
242  and falls off the superhydrophobic surface, sweeping the growing condensate on the condensing surfac
243  electrostatic field acts as a 'funnel' that sweeps the GABA molecules towards the binding site, at w
244 ybrids, and provided selection pressure that swept the 2L divergence island through A. coluzzii popul
245  at least the eighteenth century and that it swept the globe at the end of the nineteenth century, di
246 aradaic current response to the voltammetric sweep, the step current response is differentiated to pr
247                  After a transient bottom-up sweep, there was a top-down flow of sustained task infor
248                                  Looming and sweeping therefore provide visual triggers for opposing
249 eir higher power in simulations of selective sweeps, these statistics are preferred when information
250 explains how ecologically important loci can sweep through competing strains and species.
251 n, i.e., recombination is frequent enough to sweep through the population at selected gene loci (gene
252 they confer greater fitness, are unlikely to sweep through the tumor.
253 ti-phage mechanisms to prevent these viruses sweeping through populations.
254 scattering, reveals the local symmetry while sweeping through the transition with a low applied elect
255                          Microwave frequency sweeps through the EPR line shape are shown as a time do
256 , during exhalation, the flow preferentially sweeps through this virtual cavity and effectively enhan
257 rged in West Africa around December 2013 and swept through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, giving r
258 f generations a beneficial mutation takes to sweep to fixation, and cause the genomic signature of se
259 hen the beneficial mutation can complete the sweep to fixation.
260 -term drug treatment and performed parameter sweeps to analyze the effects of each parameter on thera
261 eneous with trajectories ranging from single sweeps to different combinations of multiple long-lived
262                           Using Landau-Zener sweeps to measure static and dynamic properties of the e
263 ikely been a crucial substrate for selective sweeps to propel rapid adaptation.
264                      Phase errors induced by sweep-trigger desynchronization were effectively reduced
265 nts [3-8], the full progression of selective sweeps under fluctuating stress, from stochastic events
266                 We have identified selective sweeps underlying quantitative trait loci/genes of impor
267 rectal tumors showed an absence of selective sweeps, uniformly high intratumoral heterogeneity (ITH)
268                                    Parameter sweeps varying the sperm head morphology and flagellar b
269                                       Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and potential-step chronoamperom
270 his work are cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), chronoamperometry (CA) and elec
271 tigated on redox active monolayers by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV).
272  electrode surface were determined by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV).
273 l detection of NO was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry analysis, utilising the G-Au modified
274 e been studied by cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectros
275               The cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance studies
276                                 After linear sweep voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy, copper ele
277                                       Linear sweep voltammetry studies show that both phenol and trif
278  determination of HOMO-LUMO levels by linear sweep voltammetry suggests that the sensing mechanism li
279 evels in complex food samples using a linear sweep voltammetry technique.
280 ) have been quantified by undertaking linear sweep voltammetry with a silver nanoparticle-modified gl
281  for their electrocatalytic activity (linear sweep voltammetry) and stability (cyclic voltammetry) wi
282 ction of the applied potential during linear sweep voltammetry, enabling the product spectrum produce
283                            The gene-specific sweep was found to be more common than genome-wide sweep
284 rdinate with neighboring cells to generate a sweeping wave of cyclic gene expression through the PSM
285          This imager employs a time-resolved swept wavelength interrogation scheme to monitor cell in
286 ugh assembly of unmapped reads and selective sweep, we identified candidate genes that fall into hear
287         On the basis of a scan for selective sweeps, we find several genomic regions that were likely
288 vergent chicken lines, 16 adaptive selective sweeps were confirmed based on their association with th
289                                    Selective sweeps were enriched among polyploid duplicates encoding
290 entiated genetic regions and > 140 selective sweeps were identified, and these were three- and twofol
291     Additionally, 159 putative domestication sweeps were identified, which includes 54.34 Mbp (4.9%)
292                                 The detected sweeps were mostly unique to feralisation and distinct t
293 kely to develop resistance through selective sweeps, whereas intermediate pulses allow higher growth
294  yielded no clear evidence of hard selective sweeps, whereby natural selection acts to increase the f
295 hieve high sensitivity toward hard selective sweeps while adding insights about their completeness (w
296 l selective sweep regions, and all selective sweep windows on chromosomes were narrow ( 8.9 kb).
297  the use of frequency dependent ac amplitude sweep with combination of hysteresis loops in PFM.
298 also be influenced by single-locus selective sweeps with linkage but no epistasis.
299                         discoal can simulate sweeps with recurrent mutation to the adaptive allele, r
300 tinction, bottleneck events and/or selective sweeps within a spring and low migration between springs

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