


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 T is interrupted by a glycine-rich molecular swivel.
2 ibosomal inter-subunit rotation and 40S head swivel.
3        Free rotation implies that NLs act as swivels.
4 ght interactions with P-site elements of the swiveled 30S head.
5 urn of DNA unwraps gradually and the octamer swivels about the taut linkers and flips a further appro
6  a highly conserved process by which enzymes swivel an entire nucleotide from the DNA base stack into
7  This unlocks 40S domains, facilitating head swivel and biasing IRES translocation via hitherto-elusi
8                       A model of the coupled swivel and cleft opening motions was generated by interp
9 uilds up ahead of the fork could force it to swivel and diffuse this positive supercoiling behind the
10                                         Fork swiveling and the formation of precatenanes, however, ar
11 e (TM) prolines serve as molecular hinges or swivels and are necessary for proper binding and activat
12 tive orientations (defined by helix kink and swivel angles) of the two helix segments.
13  This enabled us to calculate helix kink and swivel angles.
14 acking that the outer kinetochore domain can swivel around the inner kinetochore/centromere, which re
15 onformational transition is proposed whereby swiveling around an alpha-helical linker disengages the
16 nsistent with the deltaM2 segment bending or swiveling around its central residues during gating.
17  nucleotide, the second state is achieved by swiveling around two flexible peptide linkers.
18 vage complexes wherein the broken DNA strand swivels around the intact strand.
19 The functional significance of the molecular swivel at the head-to-tail overlapping ends of contiguou
20 nding initiates swiveling at Gly699 and that swiveling at both Gly710 and Gly699 accompanied ATP spli
21       They showed that ATP binding initiates swiveling at Gly699 and that swiveling at both Gly710 an
22 odels perturbed with lever arm movement from swiveling at three conserved glycines, 699, 703, and 710
23  the crystallographic coordinates of S1 with swivels at Gly699 and Gly710 to approximate conformation
24 vidence for an "open-cap" conformation or a "swivel-back" mechanism of the K90 side chain upon ligand
25  modules separated by a flexible linker that swivels by approximately 30 degrees; the C-module shows
26                        Here we report, using swivelling detectors, that the spatial and temporal meas
27        The molecular architecture suggests a swiveling domain mechanism that shuttles a phosphoryl gr
28                                          The swiveling-domain paradigm provides an effective mechanis
29  SCIs is thought to be a consequence of fork swiveling during DNA replication, and their removal is t
30 roline residues serve as molecular hinges or swivels, essential for coupling receptor binding to acti
31 vation of the myristoyl binding site and two swivels in recoverin homologues from yeast to humans ind
32 has a higher percent helical content and the swivel/kink conformation is more rigid for nonpolarized
33  potential are the center of mass depth, the swivel/kink degrees of conformation, and the hydrogen-bo
34  the small ribosomal subunit via reversible, swivel-like motions of the small subunit head domain wit
35                 Our system uses a rotational swivel mechanism that translates into a radial displacem
36  multiple DNA turns, employing a constrained swiveling mechanism similar to that for type IB enzymes.
37               This effect is explained by a "swiveling mechanism", which brings the C-terminal domain
38 rB-parS complex such that it could no longer swivel, most likely by anchoring it, a reaction of proba
39               The new structure confirms the swivel motion of the His domain.
40         In the cytochrome bc(1) complex, the swivel motion of the iron-sulfur protein (ISP) between t
41 d closing of the active site cleft through a swivel motion.
42  residues, (200)EKR(202), is crucial for the swiveling motion of the NTD.
43 e motions of M2 correspond to helix kink and swivel motions.
44 gment in the inner membrane leaflet due to a swivel movement.
45 on of one of the domains, corresponding to a swiveling of 130 degrees about a hinge region.
46  the interior of subunit a may be gated by a swiveling of helices in this bundle, alternately exposin
47 mal subunits with respect to each other, and swiveling of the head domain of the small subunit.
48                                              Swiveling of the head of the small subunit observed in t
49  the domain interface and cause a 45 degrees swiveling of the N- and C-terminal domains, resulting in
50 tRNA to the intersubunit bridges to the head swivel or along the same path backward.
51 e central subunit RFC-C serves as a critical swivel point in the clamp loader.
52                                 We show that swivel provides a mechanical flexibility that enables ki
53                                              Swivel reduces as cells approach anaphase, suggesting an
54                                         This swivel repacks hydrophobic and electrostatic interhelica
55 where interconnected GSC-daughter cell pairs swivel such that both cells contact the hub.
56 nted gastrostomy catheter and a flow-through swivel system.
57 o form in the membrane, but that the helical swiveling that promotes their interconversion may not be
58 Hin tetramer forms a bidirectional molecular swivel, the Fis/enhancer system determines both the dire
59            The results indicate that helical swiveling, with resultant interconversion of the two con

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