


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fibers) and vesicular monoamine transporter (sympathetic fibers).
2 ity in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cardiac sympathetic fibers.
3 pinal nerve ligation, indicated sprouting of sympathetic fibers.
4 rowth factor (NGF) is trophic to sensory and sympathetic fibers.
5  after tMCAO, tyrosine hydroxylase levels in sympathetic fibers and bone marrow noradrenaline levels
6 y of functional interaction between sprouted sympathetic fibers and sensory neurons, the present stud
7 rphology and structural relationship between sympathetic fibers and the DRG neurons by electron micro
8  and consists of the sprouting of peripheral sympathetic fibers, arising from the superior cervical g
9 s the temporal sequence in which sensory and sympathetic fibers arrived in the footpad was not affect
10                          Blockade of cardiac sympathetic fibers by thoracic epidural anesthesia may a
11 here, sporadically, patients with denervated sympathetic fibers develop chronic inflammation.
12 rocess which would transect the regenerating sympathetic fibers extending from the injury site -- did
13 generation is the sprouting of noradrenergic sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglia in
14           The pharmacological suppression of sympathetic fiber function with systemic guanethidine si
15  expression resulted in an overproduction of sympathetic fibers in sympathetic target organs.
16     The confined location of early sprouting sympathetic fibers in the distal half of the L5 DRG conf
17 n) of neuropathic pain triggers sprouting of sympathetic fibers in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG).
18 ormal, suggesting that there is sprouting of sympathetic fibers in the DRG after peripheral nerve inj
19 udy examined the numbers and distribution of sympathetic fibers in the DRG and their sprouting routes
20         All these results indicate that many sympathetic fibers in the DRG are regenerating branches
21                     The numerical density of sympathetic fibers in the DRG of an injured segment was
22 ble interactions between sensory neurons and sympathetic fibers in the DRG of neuropathic rats.
23                                 Sprouting of sympathetic fibers in the DRG was extensive as early as
24               We conclude that the effect of sympathetic fibers in the L4/L5 gray rami in these model
25 injury site -- did not change the density of sympathetic fibers in the L5 DRG.
26 that transmitters released from the sprouted sympathetic fibers in the synovial membrane and upper de
27 eficits in the extension and arborization of sympathetic fibers in their final target fields, while n
28 ss but correlated with increased activity of sympathetic fibers innervating brown adipose tissue (BAT
29           Recently, a sprouting of autonomic sympathetic fibers into the upper dermis of the skin, an
30 rve fibers express p75 and trk A, and pulpal sympathetic fibers lack p75.
31 discharge characteristics, in the setting of sympathetic fiber loss associated with POTS, may contrib
32 e only 5-HT, whereas NE (perhaps secreted by sympathetic fibers) may be concentrated and repackaged f
33 ion along axons, particularly evident within sympathetic fibers of the vas deferens, reflecting a hig
34  neuronal reorganization in which peripheral sympathetic fibers, originating from the superior cervic
35                                        Those sympathetic fibers present in sweat glands expressed an
36                                     To label sympathetic fibers projecting to the gut muscle wall, de
37                     This tissue accommodates sympathetic fiber sprouting in the neonate but becomes i
38                                 Blocking the sympathetic fiber sprouting may provide a novel therapeu
39 sults show that in the absence of functional sympathetic fibers, the eye loses its ability to prevent
40 it acts as a guidance factor that encourages sympathetic fibers to follow blood vessels as they proje
41 e superior cervical ganglion, which supplies sympathetic fibers to the eye, and studied the immune re
42 a major component of the pathways that guide sympathetic fibers to their appropriate targets both in
43             In rats with intact innervation, sympathetic fibers travel to the orbit in association wi
44  instead a dense plexus of catecholaminergic sympathetic fibers was found commingled with sensory fib
45 all-diameter fibers, prior to dysfunction of sympathetic fibers, with depletion of skin NGF and the s
46 d that there is an increase in the number of sympathetic fibers within the dorsal root ganglion (DRG)

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