


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat is recruited only when Ca(2+) floods the synaptic terminal.
2 unction in establishing a full-grown, mature synaptic terminal.
3 bear on a single, reproducibly identifiable, synaptic terminal.
4  formation by organizing microtubules in the synaptic terminal.
5 expression of wrd leads to overgrowth of the synaptic terminal.
6 (AP) successfully from the axon hillock to a synaptic terminal.
7  complement of proteins expressed within the synaptic terminal.
8 was activity-dependent and restricted to the synaptic terminal.
9 outer segment, inner segment, cell body, and synaptic terminal.
10  is the dominant form of Ca2+ removal in the synaptic terminal.
11 ll body, and neurotransmitter release at the synaptic terminal.
12 cing the carbon fiber directly on the larger synaptic terminal.
13 ei and was detected in somata, dendrites and synaptic terminals.
14 sting potential targets for reducing loss of synaptic terminals.
15 n enhancing the dopamine storage capacity of synaptic terminals.
16 seline [Ca(2+)](i) in rod inner segments and synaptic terminals.
17 ughout the retina, including in rod and cone synaptic terminals.
18 lism could lead to amyloid overproduction in synaptic terminals.
19 ) from the stores, was shifted away from the synaptic terminals.
20 ally to the plasma membrane of photoreceptor synaptic terminals.
21 t could be detected in somata, dendrites and synaptic terminals.
22 ve and GAD-negative (presumed glutamatergic) synaptic terminals.
23 atory signals that organize morphogenesis at synaptic terminals.
24 put from amacrine cells to bipolar cell (BC) synaptic terminals.
25  and synaptophysin confirmed that these were synaptic terminals.
26 naptic vesicle reacidification at individual synaptic terminals.
27 form layer, indicating loss of photoreceptor synaptic terminals.
28 accompanied by its redistribution toward rod synaptic terminals.
29  in photoreceptors, where it is localized to synaptic terminals.
30 isualization of tyrosinehydroxylase-positive synaptic terminals.
31  evidence that these channels are present in synaptic terminals.
32 nd neurotransmitter release in photoreceptor synaptic terminals.
33 phenotypes but that it is not present in all synaptic terminals.
34 ed exclusively within dense core vesicles of synaptic terminals.
35 and p-tau in large populations of individual synaptic terminals.
36 d to mammalian neurons with relatively small synaptic terminals.
37 ficantly higher in the dendrites than in the synaptic terminals.
38 e calcium potentials (RCaPs) in bipolar cell synaptic terminals.
39 ter segment through the inner segment to the synaptic terminals.
40 ollows Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis in single synaptic terminals.
41 n the molecular organization and function of synaptic terminals.
42 aformaldehyde, a large fraction of these are synaptic terminals.
43 drolysis in compensatory fast endocytosis in synaptic terminals.
44  of exocytosis and endocytosis separately at synaptic terminals.
45 e data suggest multiple functions for CSP at synaptic terminals.
46 cles near the plasma membrane of live ribbon synaptic terminals.
47 ource in clearance of Ca2+ from bipolar cell synaptic terminals.
48 ght to be important in clearing calcium from synaptic terminals.
49 h include axons, dendrites, growth cones and synaptic terminals.
50 f mIPSC and increasing the size of GABAergic synaptic terminals.
51 ding rod bipolar axons before enveloping the synaptic terminals.
52 ly later were targeted to inner segments and synaptic terminals.
53 prestimulus levels in rod inner segments and synaptic terminals.
54  essential for neurotransmitter release from synaptic terminals.
55  arrival time of axonal action potentials to synaptic terminals.
56 egenerative phenomena such as elimination of synaptic terminals.
57 ne and coextensive with the micrometers-long synaptic terminals.
58 ppear to vary considerably amongst different synaptic terminals.
59 cal outputs in the form of vesicle fusion at synaptic terminals.
60 up of neurons receives three common types of synaptic terminals.
61 pe 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) located on synaptic terminals.
62 tioned at synapses, contacting pre- and post-synaptic terminals.
63 he expense of the resting pool in individual synaptic terminals.
64 150 in initiation of retrograde transport at synaptic terminals.
65                 DCVs fused preferentially at synaptic terminals.
66 tem for ACh preventing it from acting at the synaptic terminals.
67 ium concentration in both the AIS and nearby synaptic terminals.
68  in numerous membrane compartments including synaptic terminals.
69 but ultrastructural analysis revealed in the synaptic terminal a dramatic microtubule reduction, whic
70                 Accumulation of [18F]DOPA in synaptic terminals, a measure of dopa decarboxylase acti
71  FFN102 allows the measurement of individual synaptic terminal activity by following fluorescence los
72 tudies showed that Ca2+ clearance from these synaptic terminals after single APs and AP trains was pr
73 ynaptic vesicles are recycled locally in the synaptic terminal and are refilled with neurotransmitter
74 els regulate fusion of small vesicles at the synaptic terminal and have also been suggested to trigge
75 fferences in the intrinsic properties of the synaptic terminal and the activation of presynaptic neur
76              Spikes are triggered within the synaptic terminal and, although sparse, phase-lock to a
77 s essential for norepinephrine uptake at the synaptic terminals and adrenal chromaffin cells.
78 rootlets extend from the basal bodies to the synaptic terminals and anchor ER membranes along their l
79 cted neurons, characterized by early loss of synaptic terminals and axonopathy.
80                              Without Milton, synaptic terminals and axons lack mitochondria, although
81 nal regions, and by ED18 were assembled into synaptic terminals and became undetectable in the inner
82 is driven to the surface membrane of central synaptic terminals and becomes functional by the neurotr
83 d by ATP co-released with glutamate from pre-synaptic terminals and by glia-derived ATP.
84 ew of the strong correlation between loss of synaptic terminals and dementia, together with the reduc
85 ed, accompanied by alterations in indices of synaptic terminals and dendrites.
86 e extensively, thus increasing the number of synaptic terminals and effectively normalizing the combi
87 cytoskeleton is implicated in secretion from synaptic terminals and from several types of neuroendocr
88    Bmal1 deletion caused the degeneration of synaptic terminals and impaired cortical functional conn
89 nces by inducing overelaboration of the sLNv synaptic terminals and increasing PDF levels, supporting
90 conveying precise timing, including calyceal synaptic terminals and matching axonal conduction times,
91                                              Synaptic terminals and neuroendocrine cells are packed w
92 strate that protein aggregates accumulate at synaptic terminals and progressively spread throughout t
93 itters into astrocytes, cells which surround synaptic terminals and regulate neurotransmission by mea
94  responding to neurotransmitter release from synaptic terminals and releasing gliotransmitters--inclu
95 o synaptic vesicle trafficking in individual synaptic terminals and revealed heterogeneity in recycli
96                     However, they lack large synaptic terminals and show increased apoptosis.
97 cy-dependent Zn(2+) release from mossy fiber synaptic terminals and subsequent entry into postsynapti
98 gly, Cortactin levels increase at stimulated synaptic terminals and this increase requires neuronal a
99  protein, which appears redirected away from synaptic terminals and towards mitochondria, reminiscent
100  cultures as evidenced by FM1-43 staining of synaptic terminals and uptake of HRP into synaptic vesic
101 le-cell patch pipette placed directly on the synaptic terminal, and vesicle fusion was monitored usin
102 slightly higher in the dendrites than in the synaptic terminals, and that GABA-gated channels in the
103 ductions in the densities of GABA+ and GABA- synaptic terminals (approximately 30% and approximately
104 to regulate the postembryonic development of synaptic terminal arborization at the Drosophila neuromu
105 t soluble oligomers in surviving neocortical synaptic terminals are associated with dementia onset an
106        Naturally occurring rearrangements of synaptic terminals are common in the nervous systems of
107 The authors observe that small, bipolar cell synaptic terminals are fast and highly adaptive, whereas
108 are mislocalized in photoreceptor cells, and synaptic terminals are often observed within the outer n
109 dimensions of neuronal dendrites, axons, and synaptic terminals are reproducibly specified for each n
110  both in physiological functions at neuronal synaptic terminals as well as in pathological processes
111 with a persistent increase in [Ca2+]i in the synaptic terminal, as indicated by the activation of a C
112 nal ribbon triads arise within photoreceptor synaptic terminals at 65 hpf; and synaptic ribbons occur
113 ressing TRP Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors in synaptic terminals at the solitary tract nucleus (NTS).
114  mobile vesicle clusters trafficking between synaptic terminals become transiently stabilized by evok
115 localisation of Kv1 subunits at many central synaptic terminals but few clues to their presynaptic fu
116 multiple protein-protein interactions in the synaptic terminal, but the in vivo significance of these
117 clusters of gephyrin and GABA(A)R apposed to synaptic terminals, but these synapses did not contain d
118 onally interacting with dendritic spines and synaptic terminals by responding to neurotransmitters an
119 r of the retina containing the photoreceptor synaptic terminals, by proximity ligation assays.
120  auditory nerve fibers via large, axosomatic synaptic terminals called the endbulbs of Held and by ad
121 rioventral cochlear nucleus (aVCN) and their synaptic terminals (calyx of Held) in the medial nucleus
122                        RCaPs in bipolar cell synaptic terminals cause transient glutamate release tha
123                                           In synaptic terminals, complexin is thought to have inhibit
124                     Moreover, dual-phenotype synaptic terminals contact GnRH neurons, and at the time
125                           To this end, their synaptic terminals contain numerous synaptic vesicles, s
126  in the transition zone between the axon and synaptic terminal, contrasting with the high threshold K
127 ment of adenosine sources and sinks near the synaptic terminal could constitute a novel form of long-
128 neurons maintain high firing rates but their synaptic terminals depress only moderately, raising the
129                  The dimensions of axons and synaptic terminals determine cell-intrinsic properties o
130     Previous electron microscopic studies of synaptic terminal distributions in the lateral geniculat
131 ly hasten the arrival of spikes at their pre-synaptic terminals, due to the patchy distribution and s
132 (2+)-dependent kinases that become active in synaptic terminals during exocytosis.
133 lates fasciclin II-mediated cell adhesion at synaptic terminals during synapse growth.
134           Moreover, synj; endo double mutant synaptic terminals exhibit properties that are very simi
135 vely examine large populations of individual synaptic terminals, flow cytometry was used to analyze s
136 could be regulated at translational level in synaptic terminals following apoptotic insults, suggesti
137 location of GAD proteins from cell bodies to synaptic terminals following axonal outgrowth and synapt
138  granule cells, but, in one case, a sprouted synaptic terminal formed a synapse with an inhibitory in
139 ses were perforated; 2) sprouted mossy fiber synaptic terminals formed exclusively asymmetric, putati
140 domains and synaptic release sites at single synaptic terminals from the CNS from rat cerebellar moss
141  material within the axon, and retraction of synaptic terminals from their postsynaptic targets.
142 urround of the cell's receptive field, while synaptic terminal GABA-gated Cl(-) channels generate the
143 genetically interacts with Hiw and restrains synaptic terminal growth by regulating the MAP kinase ki
144 rons results in posterior paralysis, reduced synaptic terminal growth, and axonal transport deficits.
145 ing miniature events is sufficient to induce synaptic terminal growth.
146 the fluorescent tracer FM1-43 in hippocampal synaptic terminals, I show that inhibitors of myosin lig
147 ignificant decline in presumptive inhibitory synaptic terminals, i.e., those containing nonround syna
148  within vesicles, DA synthesis occurs at the synaptic terminal in a two-step enzymatic process.
149 s phosphocreatine toward the photoreceptor's synaptic terminal in darkness.
150                                       A cone synaptic terminal in macaque fovea releases quanta of gl
151 r, each S-cone OFF midget bipolar cell has a synaptic terminal in the outer half of the inner plexifo
152 st, allowing the RFs of all the bipolar cell synaptic terminals in a field of view to be reconstructe
153                       Under some conditions, synaptic terminals in addition perform bulk endocytosis
154 mitantly protects neuronal dendrites and pre-synaptic terminals in cortex and hippocampus from gp120-
155 ndrites in ventral midbrain and dopaminergic synaptic terminals in dorsal striatum.
156 from two giant nerve terminals: bipolar cell synaptic terminals in goldfish retina and the calyx of H
157 eactive fibers with labeled varicosities and synaptic terminals in laminae I, IIo, V, VII, and X.
158         Axonal mitochondria are recruited to synaptic terminals in response to neuronal activity, but
159 ond- and third-order retinal cells and their synaptic terminals in retinas from Pde6b(rd10) (rd10) mi
160                         We kept track of the synaptic terminals in serial sections and compiled them
161                          An average 68.4% of synaptic terminals in the Alzheimer's disease cohort (n
162 ness is caused by degeneration of excitatory synaptic terminals in the auditory brainstem.
163 fr2 cKO mice had fewer and smaller glutamate synaptic terminals in the bed nuclei of the stria termin
164 lso a significant reduction in the number of synaptic terminals in the brain of the mutant adults.
165  axons formed grossly normal projections and synaptic terminals in the brain, but synaptic arbors on
166  the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and in many synaptic terminals in the inner plexiform layer (IPL).
167 duces temporal filtering at the bipolar cell synaptic terminals in the inner retina.
168 e aru mutant also has an increased number of synaptic terminals in the larva and adult fly.
169 associated with an increase in the number of synaptic terminals in the LNV projections into the medul
170                        Many nonglutamatergic synaptic terminals in the mammalian brain contain the ve
171 n R cells also disrupts the local pattern of synaptic terminals in the medulla, and Flamingo is trans
172                                      Loss of synaptic terminals in the spinal cord after an experimen
173 ne transporters localized in the membrane of synaptic terminals, in several brain regions of rats per
174 charge-coupled device imaging of hippocampal synaptic terminals, in which a single vesicle was labell
175 an three times the membrane length constant) synaptic terminals, independent of and two-three times m
176  model, they conclude that the volume of the synaptic terminal influences the calcium concentration a
177  A1 receptors (A1Rs) or GABA(B) receptors on synaptic terminals inhibits neurotransmitter release, wh
178              We found that the volume of the synaptic terminal is an intrinsic property that contribu
179 that synaptic vesicle endocytosis at a large synaptic terminal is partly independent of dynamin and G
180            The postsynaptic membrane at each synaptic terminal is the first place where information i
181 ort and anchor mitochondria to pre- and post-synaptic terminals is as important as functional mitocho
182                  The number of photoreceptor synaptic terminals is reduced in regions of the outer pl
183 n, and its transport to the cell surface and synaptic terminals is similar to that observed for WT ch
184  Propagation of this action potential to the synaptic terminals is widely believed to be the only for
185 hannel subunit Kv3.1 which is located on the synaptic terminal itself.
186 C3a receptor were protected from WNV-induced synaptic terminal loss.
187 hannel complement of far more abundant small synaptic terminals (</= 1 mum) remain poorly understood.
188 lities in the concentration of monoaminergic synaptic terminals may be present in patients with asymp
189 by extension, concentration of monoaminergic synaptic terminals, may represent a trait-related abnorm
190 and primate alpha-motoneurons with regard to synaptic terminal morphology, frequency, and distributio
191 rrier attributable to the highly fenestrated synaptic terminal morphology, so AMPA receptor desensiti
192 ular composition and spatial organization of synaptic terminals must be tightly regulated; however, l
193                                  The distant synaptic terminals must communicate via axonal transport
194 o sustain high rates of transmitter release, synaptic terminals must rapidly re-supply vesicles to re
195                          Here we report that synaptic terminals occupying motor endplates made electr
196 cond precision of spike coding begins in the synaptic terminal of bipolar cells.
197 is and endocytosis were studied in the giant synaptic terminal of depolarizing bipolar cells from the
198 ng the actions of Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+ in the synaptic terminal of depolarizing bipolar cells isolated
199 uous components of exocytosis coexist in the synaptic terminal of depolarizing bipolar cells.
200 brane-bound organelles that are found in the synaptic terminal of neurons.
201 t roles in the outer segment, cell body, and synaptic terminal of photoreceptors.
202                                       At the synaptic terminal of retinal bipolar cells, the footprin
203 eptive fields must be already present in the synaptic terminal of the S cone.
204 n of Abeta and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in synaptic terminals of Alzheimer's disease brains.
205 ieval have been proposed to operate at small synaptic terminals of central neurons, but the relative
206                                              Synaptic terminals of cones (pedicles) are presynaptic t
207 incorporate concepts of prion-like spread at synaptic terminals of corticofugal axons.
208 cessed for vGluT2, which is expressed in the synaptic terminals of excitatory neurons in most nuclei
209 requency optogenetic stimulation of thalamic synaptic terminals of lateral cerebellar projection neur
210 n-activated current (I(h)) was recorded from synaptic terminals of mouse cerebellar basket cells.
211 lfactory bulb inhibitory interneurons and of synaptic terminals of olfactory sensory neurons (the pri
212       Drusen-associated abnormalities in the synaptic terminals of photoreceptor cells were also obse
213 In vascularized retinas, mitochondria in the synaptic terminals of photoreceptors make neurotransmiss
214 s, including mitochondrial uptake, in single synaptic terminals of retinal bipolar neurons.
215 found predominately in the inner segment and synaptic terminals of retinal photoreceptors.
216 er retina, especially the inner segments and synaptic terminals of rod photoreceptors (identified wit
217 t, PMCA2 was expressed in inner segments and synaptic terminals of rod photoreceptors, in rod bipolar
218 sically disconnects the motoneurons from the synaptic terminals of sensory neurons, producing synapti
219  serotonin transporter (SERT, SLC6A4) to the synaptic terminals of serotonergic neurons.
220 es was restricted to both outer segments and synaptic terminals of short and long/middle cone photore
221 ected as fluorescent puncta in the axons and synaptic terminals of specific neuron types, correlating
222 sis and endocytosis of this protein at small synaptic terminals of the central nervous system.
223 oral components in the visual signal through synaptic terminals of varying geometries with different
224 upt synaptic vesicle endocytosis and deplete synaptic terminals of vesicles.
225 fied giant neuron in nrg(849) mutants made a synaptic terminal on the appropriate target, but ultrast
226 fferent inputs, whereas ROCKbeta is found in synaptic terminals on HMNs, but not in their somata.
227 shold and axonal conduction velocity, and in synaptic terminals on motoneurons.
228               The number and distribution of synaptic terminals on the remaining dendrites of GABA- n
229         Mixed (electrical and glutamatergic) synaptic terminals on the teleost Mauthner cell known as
230 cope, we studied spines and their associated synaptic terminals on three groups of brainstem neurons:
231  Hz, each afferent nerve fiber forms several synaptic terminals onto one to three hair cells.
232 uires correct targeting of multiple thousand synaptic terminals onto staggeringly complex dendritic a
233 tion revealed to be present in predominantly synaptic terminals or dendrites respectively.
234                      The rod photoreceptor's synaptic terminal (or spherule) uses an elaborate synapt
235    Ultrastructural analysis of photoreceptor synaptic terminals over drusen reveals significant abnor
236 y a hypomorphic allele of shot that displays synaptic terminal overgrowth and a precocious regenerati
237 s opposite postsynaptic glutamate receptors, synaptic terminal overgrowth and undergrowth, abnormal a
238         Therefore, electrically coupling the synaptic terminals prior to forward transmission and sub
239 cate that astrocytes, whose processes enwrap synaptic terminals, promote synapse formation both by re
240                         Localizing a GECI to synaptic terminals provides a strategy for monitoring ac
241 ikely involves the delivery of components to synaptic terminals rather than a direct participation in
242 cells is localized to the outer segments and synaptic terminals, regardless of the state of light ada
243 nervous system are contacted by thousands of synaptic terminals relaying information about the enviro
244 by an increase in the probability with which synaptic terminals release transmitter in response to pr
245 f RA PN axons and transgene tagging of RA PN synaptic terminals reveal a direct projection from RA to
246 in the same neuromuscular system, inhibitory synaptic terminals revealed unique phasic and tonic iden
247 + current was -43 mV and free [Ca2+]i in the synaptic terminal rose during a depolarizing response.
248 des, nodes, internodes, and the unmyelinated synaptic terminal segments beneath IHCs in the organ of
249 ge during aging in which the distribution of synaptic terminals shifts to dendrites of larger caliber
250 fumonisin B(1) develop dendrites, axons, and synaptic terminals similar to untreated neurons, even th
251 tments including the inner segments (IS) and synaptic terminals (ST) is recognized as a critical cont
252 of light-evoked responses from individual BC synaptic terminals suggest that the distinct sensitivity
253 of vha100-1 leads to vesicle accumulation in synaptic terminals, suggesting a deficit in release.
254                Here we report that in intact synaptic terminals SV2 is a phosphoprotein.
255 ized to the active zone of mature asymmetric synaptic terminals targeting mouse entorhinal cortical l
256  of synaptic depression at the calyx of Held synaptic terminal that combines many of these mechanisms
257 d glutamate receptor clusters--and the whole synaptic terminal that connects a pre- and post-synaptic
258  all cases, the spines are associated with a synaptic terminal that engulfs the spine rather than abu
259 g muscle fibers and the relatively inelastic synaptic terminals that adhere to them causes the topogr
260                                              Synaptic terminals that co-localized with small aggregat
261 entifiable "mixed" (electrical and chemical) synaptic terminals that offer the unique opportunity to
262 t Ca2+ channel and data on [Ca2+] in the rod synaptic terminal, the 1 mV hyperpolarization should red
263 n and extraribbon locations in a ribbon-type synaptic terminal, the goldfish retinal bipolar cell.
264 r electrical field surrounding photoreceptor synaptic terminals, thereby altering Ca(2+) channel acti
265 tropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) found on synaptic terminals throughout the brain are thought to b
266 Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) act within the synaptic terminal to block neurotransmitter release.
267 over much longer time of ions located in the synaptic terminal to small binding vesicular targets.
268 feedback neurotransmitter onto photoreceptor synaptic terminals to create the surround portion of the
269 nonaggregated pathogenic Htt acts locally at synaptic terminals to disrupt endosomal compartments, le
270 nes by decreasing the response of excitatory synaptic terminals to group II mGluR agonist.
271    Neuronal activity triggers endocytosis at synaptic terminals to retrieve efficiently the exocytose
272                    Action potentials trigger synaptic terminals to synchronously release vesicles, bu
273 racterise I(h) in identified cell bodies and synaptic terminals, to examine modulation by presynaptic
274 ls are present in certain cortical axons and synaptic terminals too.
275 incorporated into synaptic vesicles, from EC synaptic terminals using two photon microscopy in slices
276 h) showed similar properties to those of the synaptic terminal; V(1/2) was -94 mV and the reversal po
277 on and suggest that Nmnat2 is transported to synaptic terminals via an endosomal pathway.
278                             In photoreceptor synaptic terminals, voltage-gated Cav1.4 channels mediat
279                  The presence of palladin in synaptic terminals was confirmed by electron microscopy.
280 S neurons were evaluated, and the density of synaptic terminals was morphometrically analysed by tran
281                                The number of synaptic terminals was reduced during sleep and this dec
282 s, the selectivity of palladin expression in synaptic terminals was tested by double staining for pal
283 labeled thalamocortical terminals, VGluT2-ir synaptic terminals were different from their unlabeled c
284                               Espin-positive synaptic terminals were enriched around nerve root neuro
285      In epileptic rats, sprouted mossy fiber synaptic terminals were frequently observed.
286     Unbiased estimates of total 3D volume of synaptic terminals were obtained through the Cavalieri e
287                    Surface Nrxns enriched at synaptic terminals where alphaNrxns and Nxph1/alphaNrxns
288  are also located in certain mature cortical synaptic terminals, where they play a vital role in modu
289 alization and enhanced oligomer formation at synaptic terminals, whereas inhibition with TTX blocked
290                  dfxr nulls display enlarged synaptic terminals, whereas neuronal overexpression resu
291 sociated proteins decreases in photoreceptor synaptic terminals, whereas the expression of stress-res
292 biogenesis of Abeta42 peptides from isolated synaptic terminals, which is selectively suppressed by a
293 um current was largest in cells with smaller synaptic terminals, which probably represent cone bipola
294 -fold accumulation of dense-core vesicles in synaptic terminals, which was not observed in mutants th
295                    Sr2+ was cleared from the synaptic terminal with the same time constant as Ca2+ (1
296 rate of exocytosis from a subset of cortical synaptic terminals within the EC and in this way, constr
297 nteracts with Goalpha in cell culture and at synaptic terminals within the insect brain, and that thi
298 s also exist pre-synaptically in a subset of synaptic terminals within the mature entorhinal cortex (
299 raded synaptic potentials that spread to the synaptic terminal without sodium-dependent action potent
300 d show that Slo1 is accumulated in axons and synaptic terminal zones associated with glutamatergic sy

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