


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mologue of a major synaptic vesicle protein, synaptogyrin.
2 rin that exhibits 47% sequence identity with synaptogyrin.
3 ences for transmission caused by the loss of synaptogyrin.
4                                              Synaptogyrin 1 is a synaptic vesicle protein; cellugyrin
5 erolateral thalamic nuclei, which all showed synaptogyrin 1 labeling, contained significantly less sy
6 3 compared to the ubiquitous distribution of synaptogyrin 1.
7 s associated with synaptic vesicles and that synaptogyrins 1 and 3 can reside on the same synaptic ve
8    Analysis of the relative distributions of synaptogyrins 1 and 3 in mouse brain revealed a more res
9 e-phosphorylated proteins with two neuronal (synaptogyrins 1 and 3) and one ubiquitous (cellugyrin) i
10  that control glutamate release (e.g., SV2A, synaptogyrin-1) and postsynaptic signaling (e.g., GluA1,
11 led a more restricted expression pattern for synaptogyrin 3 compared to the ubiquitous distribution o
12 naptic vesicles from mouse brain showed that synaptogyrin 3 is associated with synaptic vesicles and
13                                       Strong synaptogyrin 3 labeling was observed in the mossy fiber
14  situ hybridization experiments to correlate synaptogyrin 3 mRNA in cell bodies with synaptogyrin 3 p
15 late synaptogyrin 3 mRNA in cell bodies with synaptogyrin 3 protein at synapses.
16 n family, we studied the distribution of the synaptogyrin 3 protein in the nervous system.
17 rin 1 labeling, contained significantly less synaptogyrin 3.
18 urons confirmed the synaptic localization of synaptogyrin 3.
19 identify a novel interaction between DAT and synaptogyrin-3 and suggest a physical and functional lin
20 at the cytoplasmic N termini of both DAT and synaptogyrin-3 are sufficient for this interaction.
21 , we identified the synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin-3 as a DAT interacting protein using the sp
22                                      DAT and synaptogyrin-3 colocalized at presynaptic terminals from
23                                 Instead, the synaptogyrin-3 effect on DAT activity was abolished in t
24              Functional assays revealed that synaptogyrin-3 expression correlated with DAT activity i
25 nce for a biochemical complex involving DAT, synaptogyrin-3, and VMAT2.
26 rial creatine kinase U-type, beta-synuclein, synaptogyrin-3, synaptophysin, syntaxin 1B, synaptotagmi
27                                              Synaptogyrin and synaptophysin are conserved MARVEL doma
28 aptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs), along with synaptogyrin and synaptophysin.
29  closely related to synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin and, more remotely, to synaptophysin.
30 totagmin I, synapsin, bassoon, syntaxin, and synaptogyrin, appeared not to be associated with DA neur
31  cells demonstrated that both cellugyrin and synaptogyrin are tyrosine phosphorylated in vivo by pp60
32                           Drosophila lacking synaptogyrin are viable and fertile and have no overt de
33                                 All of these synaptogyrins are composed of a short conserved N-termin
34                     Our results suggest that synaptogyrins are conserved components of the exocytotic
35  Altogether, our data indicate that neuronal synaptogyrins are differentially expressed protein isofo
36               In rat tissues, cellugyrin and synaptogyrins are expressed in mirror image patterns.
37         Previous studies have indicated that synaptogyrins are involved in the regulation of neurotra
38    We have now identified a novel isoform of synaptogyrin called cellugyrin that exhibits 47% sequenc
39                               Cellugyrin and synaptogyrin co-localize when transfected into COS cells
40                                              Synaptogyrins comprise a family of tyrosine-phosphorylat
41                                              Synaptogyrins constitute a family of synaptic vesicle pr
42 of VAMP2/synaptobrevin 2, synaptophysin, and synaptogyrin demonstrated significant intervesicle varia
43 y were severely reduced in the synaptophysin/synaptogyrin double knockout mice.
44 n synaptogyrin isoform, we now show that the synaptogyrin family in vertebrates includes two neuronal
45          We have studied the localization of synaptogyrin family members in vivo.
46     In an effort to further characterize the synaptogyrin family, we studied the distribution of the
47  represent components of signals that target synaptogyrin for endocytosis from the plasma membrane an
48 relocalize cellugyrin, a nonneuronal form of synaptogyrin, from nonsynaptic regions such as the senso
49 e proteins, we generated and characterized a synaptogyrin (gyr)-null mutant in Drosophila, whose geno
50                           Our data show that synaptogyrin I and synaptophysin I perform redundant and
51               We have generated mice lacking synaptogyrin I and synaptophysin I to explore the functi
52       Moreover, expression of cellugyrin (or synaptogyrin) in PC12 cells dramatically and specificall
53 ta suggest that the synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin is a specialized version of a ubiquitous pr
54                                              Synaptogyrin is an abundant membrane protein of synaptic
55 aled that the conserved N-terminal domain of synaptogyrin is essential for inhibition, whereas the lo
56 ting of exogenously expressed cellugyrin and synaptogyrin is high.
57      Similarly, the C-terminal domain of rat synaptogyrin is necessary for localization in hippocampa
58                  Furthermore, GFP-tagged rat synaptogyrin is synaptically localized in neurons of C.
59 in Drosophila, whose genome encodes a single synaptogyrin isoform and lacks a synaptophysin homolog.
60 ith the full-length structure of a new brain synaptogyrin isoform, we now show that the synaptogyrin
61   Our study suggests that the mechanisms for synaptogyrin localization are likely to be conserved fro
62                   These results suggest that synaptogyrin modulates the synaptic vesicle exo-endocyti
63 ious studies in PC12 cells demonstrated that synaptogyrin or its nonneuronal paralog cellugyrin targe
64               We demonstrate that Drosophila synaptogyrin plays a modulatory role in synaptic vesicle
65 h the lowest levels in brain tissue, whereas synaptogyrin protein is only detectable in brain.
66 nsmembrane domain proteins synaptophysin and synaptogyrin represent the major constituents of synapti
67                   Analysis of the regions of synaptogyrin required for inhibition revealed that the c
68  protein (GFP)-tagged Caenorhabditis elegans synaptogyrin (SNG-1) are expressed in neurons and synapt
69 localization, abundance, and conservation of synaptogyrins suggest a function in exocytosis.
70 d tyrosine phosphorylation of cellugyrin and synaptogyrins suggests a link between tyrosine phosphory
71 ocytosis from the plasma membrane and direct synaptogyrin to synaptic vesicles, respectively.
72  expressed but correlated with the amount of synaptogyrin transfected.
73 naptophysin I, which is distantly related to synaptogyrins, was also inhibitory but less active.
74  or alpha-latrotoxin, co-transfection of all synaptogyrins with hGH inhibited hGH exocytosis as stron

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