


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  or untreated with androgen after cell-cycle synchronization.
2 ause of progressive neuronal recruitment and synchronization.
3 rareal coactivation is subserved by neuronal synchronization.
4  vitro 4-aminopyridine model of epileptiform synchronization.
5 on, consistent with progressively increasing synchronization.
6 ime course of low-frequency (1-5 Hz) sensory synchronization.
7 ation of local activity and interareal phase synchronization.
8  dynamical properties of networks that favor synchronization.
9 dk1 activity represent a possible process of synchronization.
10 ucleus at a short latency following receptor synchronization.
11 and conditional V3 CINs promoting left-right synchronization.
12 ate spatial patterns of local and interareal synchronization.
13  control, decorrelation, and gamma-frequency synchronization.
14 namics, network topology, and uncertainty in synchronization.
15 ub cells" transiently supporting CA3 network synchronization.
16 e biomolecules without the need for ensemble synchronization.
17 ct pathway is required for hippocampal theta synchronization.
18 o control excitation to prevent epileptiform synchronization.
19 stimulation and was associated with stronger synchronization.
20 1 phase, which was further confirmed by cell synchronization.
21 work more connected and homogeneous enhances synchronization.
22 CC2 influences GABAergic control of neuronal synchronization.
23 of GABAergic interneurons and neural network synchronization.
24  chromatin without the need for cell culture synchronization.
25 tion involves different mechanisms of rhythm synchronization.
26 cal phases and the onset of various types of synchronization.
27 used a delay of delta (2-4 Hz) frontocentral synchronization.
28 ic Ca release achieved a sufficient level of synchronization.
29 ere analysed to explore the cortico-cortical synchronization.
30 es for clusters where neurons increase their synchronization.
31 se the power of delta-band (1-4 Hz) cortical synchronization.
32 ences by beta-band ( approximately 14-18 Hz) synchronization.
33 rs effective controllability for network (de)synchronization.
34 ntal cortex via enhanced low-frequency phase synchronization.
35 n influences are mediated by alpha-beta band synchronization.
36 disorders characterized by abnormal neuronal synchronization.
37 th an increase in local and interhemispheric synchronization.
38 considered a condition for functional neural synchronization.
39 rmation in the relative phase differences at synchronization.
40 in a demanding WM task and large-scale brain synchronization.
41 are critical to regulate phase relations and synchronization.
42 emispheres, was evidenced by bilateral phase synchronization.
43 hibitory balance and high-frequency neuronal synchronization.
44 lay a causal role in the control of cortical synchronizations.
45 de outline-slide preparation and worm growth synchronization (15 min), mounting (20 min), image acqui
46 17%; poor relaxation 13-21%; poor ventilator synchronization 8-17%; and overall optimum sedation 45-7
47 amplitude coupling and inter-electrode phase synchronization across several LFP frequency bands.
48             Integrating 4D SPIM imaging with synchronization algorithm demonstrated that coinjection
49 brafish embryos with a retrospective cardiac synchronization algorithm for four-dimensional reconstru
50 lambda indices, which quantify the degree of synchronization among communities and along time, respec
51 ntensities, we observe regions of high-order synchronization, analogous to Arnold Tongues in dynamica
52                                     Temporal synchronization analysis was first applied to capture th
53 n the controls covaried with occipital alpha synchronization and activity in right prefrontal cortice
54 yte culture usually require complex parasite synchronization and addition of stimulating and/or inhib
55 rgic systems, contribute to enhanced network synchronization and an improved signal-to-noise ratio.
56 insights into the molecular control of brain synchronization and are revolutionizing our understandin
57 mplex interaction that is required for rapid synchronization and Ca(2+) cooperativity of vesicle rele
58  excitability correlates with changes in EEG synchronization and cognitive performance.
59  for statistical problems motivated by graph synchronization and community detection in networks.
60  novel oscillatory framework that integrates synchronization and desynchronization mechanisms to expl
61              Specifically, we argue that the synchronization and desynchronization reflect a division
62 riety of phenomena, including self-organized synchronization and dynamical phase transitions.
63 nce, modes of auditory-motor timing, such as synchronization and entrainment, are experimentally trac
64 cterize the processes underscoring excessive synchronization and its termination.
65 ive phonemes showed smaller and faster phase synchronization and less spectral power in the theta ran
66                                   Cell cycle synchronization and live-cell time-lapse observation are
67 nation of long-range, within-frequency phase synchronization and local cross-frequency PAC.
68 mbination of long-range, low-frequency phase synchronization and local cross-frequency phase-amplitud
69                        We generalize this to synchronization and offer a sequence of constructions th
70 oss of dopamine is associated with increased synchronization and oscillatory activity in the subthala
71                                          The synchronization and percolation are associated to abrupt
72 suggests also self-organized ways to control synchronization and percolation in natural and social sy
73  with respect to high levels of motor cortex synchronization and reduction of cortical synchronizatio
74 ermine the neuron's response to stimuli, its synchronization and resonance properties and, ultimately
75 p between the GPe and striatum that promotes synchronization and rhythmicity.
76 ctions of AUT00063 in vivo improved auditory synchronization and supported more accurate decoding of
77        Here we explore systems in which both synchronization and swarming occur together.
78  several recording techniques are related to synchronization and that behavioral state may affect the
79 ity is necessary for the emergence of strong synchronization and the amplification and propagation of
80 vioural rhythms that emerge from such social synchronization and the underlying evolutionary and ecol
81 ndex to quantify the global cortico-cortical synchronization and to obtain topographic differentiatio
82 erties of in-phase, out-of-phase, anti-phase synchronizations and phase-locking, dynamically mimickin
83 elays in cell division and led to cell-cycle synchronization, and (ii) whether a bacterium would surv
84 Hz) and gamma-band ( approximately 60-80 Hz) synchronization, and feedback influences by beta-band (
85  activity, temporally precise and widespread synchronization, and memory consolidation; therefore, th
86 ompare the respiratory pattern, variability, synchronization, and neuromuscular coupling within compa
87 lectronic circuits, we study the inter-layer synchronization as a function of the removed links.
88 ivity have identified global levels of phase synchronization as measures that characterize normal lev
89    We find that FEF and ACC showed prominent synchronization at a 3-9 Hz theta and a 12-30 Hz beta fr
90 hallenged theories assuming widespread gamma synchronization at a fixed common frequency.
91                  Here we achieve all-optical synchronization at the soft X-ray free-electron laser FL
92 ion and subsequent motor response, transient synchronization between auditory and motor regions was o
93 ormance can induce modulation of the resting synchronization between brain regions.
94 insonism are characterized by increased beta synchronization between cortical and subcortical areas.
95 f mobility-selected ions, greatly easing the synchronization between different analyzing stages.
96                               Comparing this synchronization between different attention conditions r
97 onal communication relies upon the transient synchronization between distinct low-frequency (<80 Hz)
98 y considering the advantages of tail-beating synchronization between neighbors, which we have also ch
99 campus and ventral striatum showed increased synchronization between neuronal firing and local field
100           In this study, low-frequency phase synchronization between prefrontal and temporal cortex c
101 wer during SO up-phases, and led to stronger synchronization between SO and spindle power fluctuation
102 dicating specific difficulties in long-range synchronization between the hemispheres.
103 ception of stiffness and that TMS alters the synchronization between the two signals causing lasting
104 lower and, irrespective of visual isolation, synchronization between these ultradian rhythms was obse
105 ion, as type II neurons are more amenable to synchronization by mutual excitation.
106 ex synchronization and reduction of cortical synchronization by subthalamic DBS, providing an explana
107 ergic activity limits this uncontrolled beta synchronization by terminating long duration beta bursts
108  and despite 24-h environmental cues, social synchronization can generate far more diverse behavioura
109          We hypothesized that reduced neural synchronization caused by disruption of neural signal pr
110 of nodes to lose synchronization, leading to synchronization collapse for the entire network.
111 onstrate the generality of the phenomenon of synchronization collapse using a variety of complex netw
112                            We found that the synchronization communities relate to previously defined
113                              Measures of LFP synchronization confirmed and computer simulations detai
114 diffusion models of rhythmic timing during a synchronization-continuation tapping task (SCT).
115  potentials (LFPs) from monkeys performing a synchronization-continuation task (SCT) and a serial rea
116 music and dance, have been studied using the synchronization-continuation task (SCT), where subjects
117                                   Gamma-band synchronization coordinates brief periods of excitabilit
118                                   Ventilator synchronization correlated with Behavioral Pain Scale (r
119 ures stand at the crossroads of all neuronal synchronization disorders in the developing and aging br
120  endothelial cells driving branching, whilst synchronization drives vessel expansion.
121 er cortical space than in Ctrl mice, however synchronization during evoked responses induced by whisk
122 nism originating the observed spatiotemporal synchronization dynamics by using a network model of pha
123 istability and delayed complex networks with synchronization dynamics.
124 also summarize the current studies of animal synchronization, engaging an evolutionary perspective on
125  studies addressing rhythm, meter, movement, synchronization, entrainment, the perception of groove,
126 eriority in stability and self-correction of synchronization errors.
127                                   Cell cycle synchronization experiments indicated that mitosis parti
128 ssion, GJ formation and myocyte connectivity/synchronization for labour.
129  who vocalized longer also elicited stronger synchronization from the adult.
130 ween basal bodies display markedly different synchronization from the wild type.
131        So far, the study of such inter-layer synchronization has been restricted to the case in which
132                                   Reversible synchronization has no effect on pluripotency or differe
133                                              Synchronization, however, was not limited to local neura
134                           Externally induced synchronization improved performance when cognitive dema
135                                        Thus, synchronization improves spatial resolution and sensitiv
136                            Here we show that synchronization in 2D and 3D neuronal networks is signif
137 tually resecting putative control regions on synchronization in a validated model of the human epilep
138 antly increased left-hemispheric theta phase synchronization in AP compared with non-AP musicians.
139 ecific patterns of abnormal global and local synchronization in ASD.
140 cent attempts to elucidate the role of brain synchronization in defensive responses to threat.
141 ve closed-loop techniques for the control of synchronization in ensembles of interacting oscillators.
142 ter population responses and disrupts neural synchronization in large-scale networks, leading to abno
143  reflect the lack of capacity for predictive synchronization in monkeys, or lack of motivation to exh
144 20 ms) central peak was observed for EMG-EMG synchronization in older infants.
145 ut to address the motor network activity and synchronization in Parkinson's disease and its modulatio
146 ls of global and nonspecific fluctuation and synchronization in scale-free population activity also v
147 or pinpointing brain regions that facilitate synchronization in the epileptic network.
148 , these properties include global zero-phase synchronization in the gamma band, the phase-restriction
149   Furthermore, movement leads to exaggerated synchronization in the low beta band specifically within
150 tive attention is controlled by the rhythmic synchronization in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its c
151 e investigated which principles govern gamma synchronization in the presence of input-dependent frequ
152 ocampus coordinating neocortical activity by synchronization in the theta range is common among theor
153  the integration of sensory functions, while synchronization in theta/alpha bands supports the regula
154  temporal patterns of resting state neuronal synchronizations in primary progressive aphasia syndrome
155  underlying odor-elicited neural oscillatory synchronization increased information transmission rates
156 dows, we developed an extension of the phase synchronization index to quantify the global cortico-cor
157 t to their contributions to the global phase synchronization index.
158                                   Cell cycle synchronization indicated that the shift in subcellular
159  physical systems in which self-assembly and synchronization interact.
160                                  Inter-layer synchronization is a dynamical process occurring in mult
161 dicates that the performance of this optical synchronization is limited primarily by the free-electro
162  new node can cause a group of nodes to lose synchronization, leading to synchronization collapse for
163     Surprisingly, we find that global neural synchronization levels decrease during brain evolution,
164  epilepsy patient and uncover that explosive synchronization-like transition occurs around the clinic
165 r the optimal gain that produces the maximum synchronization margin allows us to compare the synchron
166  optimal number of neighbours with a maximum synchronization margin is demonstrated.
167 tochastic uncertainty, allows us to define a synchronization margin.
168 crepancy is due to a voltage-dependent spike-synchronization mechanism inherent in networks of spikin
169 rmation in humans relies on a theta-specific synchronization mechanism.
170 ulation paradigm, which exploits these power synchronization mechanisms.
171 dicate that deficits in ripples and neuronal synchronization occur before overt deficits in place fie
172                                              Synchronization occurs in many natural and technological
173                                              Synchronization occurs with MR ratio ~ 14% and volume ~
174                                              Synchronization of 2D real-time imaging with patient ECG
175 timulation relatively selectively suppressed synchronization of activity between the subthalamic nucl
176             Different levels of cross-tissue synchronization of age-related gene expression changes a
177 The observations support the hypothesis that synchronization of alpha oscillations across a wide neur
178                            In low light, the synchronization of behavioral rhythms relies on either C
179 sue-specific peripheral clocks allow for the synchronization of biological processes with diurnal cyc
180 lier Tubes (PMT) can be used to describe the synchronization of bioluminescent activity of abyssopela
181                                              Synchronization of Ca wave initiation and triggered acti
182                                       Due to synchronization of Ca(2+) releases during the action pot
183          Light is the major stimulus for the synchronization of circadian clocks with day-night cycle
184              Hence the role of nAChRs in the synchronization of cortical activity during slow-wave sl
185 lized spike-wave seizures involving abnormal synchronization of cortical and underlying thalamic circ
186  fewer multipeak waves, indicating increased synchronization of cortical neurons in aging, opposite t
187  (5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine) staining following synchronization of cultures by serum starvation.
188                                          The synchronization of death between individuals suggests a
189                                              Synchronization of DESI (sDESI) with the ion injection p
190                                   Generally, synchronization of DESI with IT improves performance and
191                        Our results show that synchronization of DESI with the IT of an LTQ Orbitrap-X
192 omic and bibliomic data, enable quantitative synchronization of disparate data types.
193 expression of Dll4, leads to Notch dependent synchronization of Dll4 fluctuations within clusters, bo
194 g in neuronal networks relies on the precise synchronization of ensembles of neurons, coordinated by
195 ed attentional processing, while optogenetic synchronization of FS-PV neurons at gamma frequencies ha
196 ion of attention was characterized by strong synchronization of FS-PV neurons, increased gamma oscill
197 tion is proposed to arise from the selective synchronization of functionally specialized but widely d
198 OS production, and disturbed circadian clock synchronization of glucose and lipid metabolism.
199 and insulin but also to enhance/suppress the synchronization of hormone secretions between islets und
200 s associated with PISO are flawed due to non-synchronization of lattice temperatures and carrier temp
201 CC and FEF circuits coordinate through phase synchronization of local field potential and neural spik
202              While diffusion is too slow for synchronization of mitosis across large spatial scales,
203  Whereas N-type VGCCs contribute only to the synchronization of multivesicular release, P/Q-type VGCC
204        Effective labour contractions require synchronization of myometrial cells through gap junction
205                                          The synchronization of native state motions as they transiti
206 mic activities are associated with increased synchronization of neuronal firing patterns in the hippo
207 gamma coupling are associated with increased synchronization of neurons within the mPFC.
208                                Specifically, synchronization of new leaf growth with dry season litte
209                                          The synchronization of nonlinear systems connected over larg
210 nning tool - DIET ASSESS & PLAN could enable synchronization of nutrition surveillance across countri
211 s low-frequency variability emerges from the synchronization of ocean anomalies in all basins via glo
212                            Understanding the synchronization of oscillations across space is fundamen
213        We also highlight recent evidence for synchronization of oscillations between prefrontal corte
214 ABAA inhibition observed during task-related synchronization of oscillations in inhibitory interneuro
215                       In ecology, long-range synchronization of oscillations in spatial populations m
216 et eliminates ultrarapid ephaptic inhibitory synchronization of Purkinje cell firing.
217 gions of messenger RNA requires the temporal synchronization of RNA synthesis and ligand binding-depe
218 pendent network sufficient condition for the synchronization of scalar nonlinear systems with stochas
219 on will be illustrated, with emphasis on the synchronization of secretin administration and MR image
220 n, suppressing PV cell activity elevates the synchronization of spontaneous activity across a broad f
221                                          The synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators is a c
222 ected using VBA data processing based on the synchronization of the isotope signals.
223 their TAs' reuse results from the mechanical synchronization of the leading and trailing cells' protr
224                                              Synchronization of the molecular geometry across several
225 ulation, as heterogeneity facilitates the de-synchronization of the phases in the disease cycle of th
226 ned previously, the network topology driving synchronization of the SCN has not been elucidated.
227 ification of hyperdirect cortical inputs and synchronization of the STN neuronal population.
228        A single irradiation dose also caused synchronization of thymopoiesis, with a periodic thymocy
229 on how climate variation affects large-scale synchronization of tree masting.
230 he transition from incoherence to long-range synchronization of two-cycle oscillations in noisy spati
231 h the preBotC acts as a master clock for the synchronization of vibrissa, pad, and snout movements, a
232 nout movements, as well as for the bilateral synchronization of whisking.
233            The prevailing assumption is that synchronization on distances longer than the dispersal s
234 cognition with WM via the reliance of neural synchronization on propagation of neural signals.SIGNIFI
235 es representative of global cortical network synchronization or desynchronization.
236  usually in the context of a single state of synchronization or lack thereof.
237 h multiple regressions, and the reduction of synchronization over the right prefrontal area showed a
238 ceived pro-social priming, inducing in their synchronization partner greater feelings of connectednes
239 s (n = 45) or healthy controls (n = 45), and synchronization partners (n = 90), was assessed with a h
240 tently approximates the temporal and spatial synchronization patterns of the empirical data, and reve
241 The networks are revealed by analysis of the synchronization patterns with the use of an oscillatory
242 y a decrease in beta oscillations during the synchronization phase, to finally rebound during the con
243  an examination of percolation, diffusion or synchronization phenomena in multilayer networks.
244                                     One such synchronization phenomenon, dynamic mode locking, occurs
245 f voluntary movement: the post-movement beta synchronization (PMBS).
246 poral organization could be reduced to basic synchronization principles of weakly coupled oscillators
247 responsible for a possible chemically driven synchronization process.
248 le neuron network or its relationship to the synchronization processes that are essential for its for
249                              Pause beginning synchronization produced better time-locking of nuclear
250 ts, indicative of the degree of local neural synchronization, progressively increased with burst dura
251 chronization margin allows us to compare the synchronization properties of various complex network to
252 xtended periods of postperformance beta-band synchronization reflect primarily the modulated densitie
253                              Moreover, local synchronization reflected in occipitocerebellar beta-ban
254   Significant areas of overlap occur between synchronization regimes, with the bundle intermittently
255 of cortical network fragmentation and global synchronization, respectively.
256                   Examination of the network synchronization revealed that the identified rich-club c
257 he basis of changes in firing rate or firing synchronization/rhythmicity.
258                         Reactivation-related synchronization showed distinct peaks in the theta, alph
259 rk of nonlinear oscillators can maintain its synchronization stability as it expands.
260  the combination of PAC and long-range phase synchronization subserves enhanced large-scale brain com
261 opology resulted spatially organized partial synchronization such that there was a synchrony gradient
262       Within these regions, beta/gamma phase-synchronization supports the integration of sensory func
263 plets, the intraclass correlation (ICC), the synchronization surface ICC is measured on >25,000 cells
264                                          The synchronization surface provides evidence that cells com
265                               Using a floral synchronization system and a SHATTERPROOF2 (SHP2) domain
266 namic neural response features including the synchronization, temporal patterning, and short-term pla
267 nection between WM microstructure and neural synchronization that is critical for cognitive processin
268 sult in the abnormal neuronal activation and synchronization that underlies seizures.
269 e, the fundamental mathematical principle of synchronization through instantaneous frequency modulati
270      Considerable work indicates oscillatory synchronization through phase alignment is a major agent
271 lar photoreceptors are sufficient to mediate synchronization through the NORPA pathway.
272 e capacity for predictive and tempo-flexible synchronization to a beat, but that only certain vocal l
273                Predictive and tempo-flexible synchronization to an auditory beat is a fundamental com
274 nt immunofluorescence and computational cell synchronization to determine the temporal dynamics of ke
275 dentifies a top-down pathway that uses gamma synchronization to guide the activity of subcortical net
276 ptor 25a (IR25a) is required for behavioural synchronization to low-amplitude temperature cycles.
277  at gamma range frequencies, while resisting synchronization to lower input frequencies.
278 rainment and provide evidence linking neural synchronization to the perception of pulse, a widely deb
279                      We here study explosive synchronization transitions and network activity propaga
280 ociation (UVPD) fragmentation, complete with synchronization triggering to make it compatible with li
281 s with poor limb relaxation, poor ventilator synchronization, unnecessary deep sedation, agitation, a
282 rovides evidence that cells communicate, and synchronization varies with genotype.
283 trodes arrays, we show that neuronal network synchronization was altered in MECP2dup-derived neurons.
284 tion, under certain experimental conditions, synchronization was essential to acquire distinct MS ima
285 demonstrated that the cortico-cortical phase synchronization was largely dominated by genuine neurona
286 -duration (40-50 ms) central peak of EMG-EMG synchronization was observed for infants younger than 9
287                                      CA1-PFC synchronization was stronger during awake SWRs, and spat
288            Global aspects of integration and synchronization were also rebalanced.
289                          Observed changes in synchronization were reproduced in a computational model
290 re, a particularly sensitive phase of social synchronization where pair members potentially compromis
291 V2b interneurons resulted in flexor-extensor synchronization, whereas selective inactivation of only
292 imulus is subserved by interareal gamma-band synchronization, whereas top-down influences are mediate
293 ve documented the effects of climate-induced synchronization, which could remove temporal barriers be
294  V2b interneurons led to the flexor-extensor synchronization, while inactivation of V1 interneurons d
295                            We analyzed gamma synchronization with respect to phase-locking, phase-rel
296  constitutes a complex process that requires synchronization with the physiological state of the host
297 such bidecadal variability exhibits a robust synchronization, with a maximum in Atlantic Meridional O
298 ing both local power and interregional phase synchronization within a posterior parietal network.
299 pable to resolve contractile waves and their synchronization within maturing, unlabeled induced pluri
300 ntal cortex by increased low-frequency phase synchronization within the theta/alpha band.

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