


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 simply "schools," although the words are not synonyms).
2 cond word in each sentence was replaced by a synonym.
3 n automatically rule out illogical candidate synonyms.
4  procedures were searched with all available synonyms.
5 biologics", "rheumatoid arthritis" and their synonyms.
6 d GO IDs, protein, gene and complex names or synonyms.
7 on March 24, 2015, containing CT/MRI and PHV synonyms.
8  "(18)F-FDG PET" and "esophageal cancer" and synonyms.
9 -availability and presence-only analyses are synonyms.
10 nd variance of these costs across its coding synonyms.
11 ently from the last codon than the first two synonyms.
12  the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) with new synonyms.
13     We also found that authors prefer to use synonyms (74.7%) to official symbols (17.7%) or full nam
14    Thioesterase superfamily member 1 (Them1; synonyms Acot11, StarD14, and brown fat inducible thioes
15    Thioesterase superfamily member 2 (Them2; synonym Acot13) is a broadly expressed mitochondria-asso
16    Thioesterase superfamily member 2 (Them2; synonym Acot13) is enriched in oxidative tissues, associ
17 matic names, recommended names and a list of synonyms all provided.
18 atically replaces target codons with defined synonyms and is compatible with codon reassignment.
19 emical structure, database cross-references, synonyms and literature citations.
20                       A range of text words, synonyms and subject headings were developed in conjunct
21 n A. lwoffii, genomic species 9 (regarded as synonyms), and A. schindleri.
22  OTO can be used to establish is_a, part_of, synonym, and order relationships among terms in any doma
23  the literature by mapping concepts to their synonyms, and then to textual documents mentioning them.
24 e EPO derivative helix beta surface peptide (synonym: ARA290), which specifically triggers alternate
25  impact on concept recognition, mainly those synonyms corresponding to highly informative HPO terms.
26 ty using Lucene allows the querying of name, synonym, definition, DOID and cross-reference (xrefs) wi
27 onal annotations, expression levels, scores, synonyms, descriptions etc; 2) applying network data ass
28 ntly from codons ending in U than from their synonym ending in C; (c) an arginine tRNA with Inosine i
29 e had the same amino acid sequence as GRP94 (synonym: endoplasmin); another HSP substrate had the sam
30           Two resistance determinants (tlrA, synonym ermSF, and tlrD) conferring resistance to macrol
31 on with Anaplasma marginale subsp. centrale (synonym for Anaplasma centrale) induces protection again
32 s; thus, Fargesia should not be treated as a synonym for Thamnocalamus.
33       The locus DYT23 has been reserved as a synonym for this gene.
34 dica (EMBASE), and the Cochrane Library with synonyms for "radioembolization" and "colorectal cancer
35              The concept IDs and their names/synonyms for building the indexes were collected from se
36 ence) by generating a multitude of redundant synonyms for every plant variety.
37 rched using combinations of search terms and synonyms for melanoma, brain metastases, radiation, chem
38 new names and modifiers in order to generate synonyms for the descendant terms.
39 l identity and activity of the gene product, synonyms for the gene name and a variety of clinical inf
40 y approaches for extracting gene and protein synonyms from text, namely the unsupervised, partially s
41        An index of the peptidases by name or synonym gives access to a set of files termed PepCards e
42          The results show that the generated synonyms have a positive impact on concept recognition,
43                         The Henshaw antigen (synonym: He or MNS6) is carried by an altered form of gl
44  associated with unfinished care and related synonyms (i.e. missed care, implicitly rationed care; an
45 te that a small associated cost can suppress synonyms in the absence of eavesdropping, but that their
46  provides a centralized clearinghouse for TF synonyms in the grasses.
47                        The inclusion of gene synonyms increased intra-species ambiguity substantially
48              In particular, the emergence of synonyms is predicted.
49 protein in the genome data bank, is a CCBL2 (synonym KAT III).
50 nts chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL1, synonym KC) or the lipid mediator platetelet-activating
51 otation comparison section, we employed gene synonym lists to tackle term difference problems.
52 by the chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 (CCL3, synonym MIP-1alpha) were significantly diminished in mic
53 e relative of the wheat pathogen Z. tritici (synonym Mycosphaerella graminicola), we observed peculia
54 idMaps, PubChem CID+SID, SMILES and chemical synonym names.
55 pollen tube growth in Nicotiana obtusifolia (synonym Nicotiana trigonophylla) and Nicotiana repanda.
56 ystems were able to capture gene and protein synonyms not listed in the SWISSPROT database.
57        Rather than treating "willpower" as a synonym of "executive function," we argue that the term
58 igmented variants, and C. nigricans is a pro synonym of C. aurimucosum.
59 ni and Harmalia syn. is regarded as a junior synonym of Opiconsiva.
60 ich were considered by various authors to be synonyms of A. fusispora.
61  degenerate sequences as possible functional synonyms of CAGGTAG.
62 escribed species examined, 21 appeared to be synonyms of previously described organisms.
63 e described: SbmlSynonymExtractor finds name synonyms of SBML model entities and SbmlReactionBalancer
64 ntifying the gene and protein terms that are synonyms of the same substance.
65                      The syntax was based on synonyms of the terms cervical cancer, SPECT/CT, and lym
66 sis," however, has more often been used as a synonym only for mucormycosis.
67 y of these names eventually will prove to be synonyms or otherwise invalid.
68 family class of membrane efflux pumps, AlcS (synonyms, OrfX and Bcr), was reported to be encoded with
69  weight has the highest correlation with the synonym quota for each amino acid.
70 ence of another weak correlation between the synonym quotas and the general amino acid composition of
71                 A dominant theme is that the synonym quotas are allocated in favour of small and chem
72              It is suggested that the biased synonym quotas in the genetic code are intended to ensur
73                                          The synonym quotas within the genetic code for the 20 common
74 itical care and physical therapy and related synonyms, randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, a
75          All metabolite entries have matched synonyms, resolved protonation states, and are linked to
76 ed Tst gene (Thiosulfate Sulfur Transferase, synonym Rhodanese) responsible for the Fob3b2 QTL effect
77 arse-graining the spoken word testimony into synonym sets and dividing the trials based on indictment
78 nd broader cultural shifts, and identify the synonym sets most responsible for the eventual genre dis
79       As a result, the metadata include many synonyms, spelling variants and references to outside so
80 Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP, synonym StARD2) is a highly specific intracellular lipid
81             This paper presents an automated synonym-substitution method to enrich the Human Phenotyp
82                                            A synonym-substitution procedure that leverages the HPO hi
83  probabilistic model for the construction of synonym terminologies that is capable of handling a wide
84 currently includes 223 defined terms and 179 synonyms that integrate skeletal cells, tissues, biologi
85 ariant spellings, and converts nomenclatural synonyms to accepted names.
86  MDS patients for mutations in SRSF2, U2AF1 (synonym U2AF35), ZRSR2, and, as described previously, SF
87 tching system allows for the wide variety of synonyms used to describe biological data on unique feat
88 cally incorrect protein names, or to replace synonyms with their preferred name.
89  neurotropic, and Cladophialophora bantiana (synonym=Xylohypha bantiana or C. trichoides) is the most

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