


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 abeled proteotypic peptides generated from a synthetic gene.
2 -His(6)-tag protein, using a codon-optimized synthetic gene.
3 ant vaccinia virus constructs expressing the synthetic gene.
4 nant human PC-TP in Escherichia coli using a synthetic gene.
5 5)N-labeled cytochrome b(5) expressed from a synthetic gene.
6 ein to high yield in Escherichia coli from a synthetic gene.
7 arkedly less stable than that encoded by the synthetic gene.
8 , LPS O-antigen synthetic genes, and capsule synthetic genes.
9  schema for standardized data description of synthetic genes.
10 s using a previously undescribed method with synthetic genes.
11 s aquaticus) to remove failure products from synthetic genes.
12 h repressive histone modifiers to inhibit BA synthetic genes.
13 dy with increased expression of the capsular synthetic genes.
14 turally occurring and nonnaturally occurring synthetic genes.
15  the expression and regulation of the starch synthetic genes.
16 and was co-expressed with most of the starch synthetic genes.
17 ific DNA endonuclease, to remove errors from synthetic genes.
18 ar use in the analysis of these genes is the synthetic gene, a nucleotide sequence designed to the sp
19 re in Escherichia coli by using an optimized synthetic gene and cold-adapted chaperonins.
20 OX was expressed in Escherichia coli using a synthetic gene and found to be a stable, monomeric, FAD-
21 y visually compare the coding sequences of a synthetic gene and its natural counterpart with an integ
22 iption terminator that is placed between the synthetic gene and reporter gene.
23 y 30-50% reduction in the expression of ATRA synthetic genes and a 120% increase in the expression of
24 d to support the design and self-assembly of synthetic genes and constructs.
25 fects on protein expression, we designed 285 synthetic genes and determined corresponding expression
26         Up-regulation of PGC-1beta and lipid synthetic genes and down-regulation of silence regulator
27  The study consists of two parts: tests with synthetic genes and experiments starting with whole LM c
28           We expressed and characterized the synthetic genes and found no significant effect of the D
29 nsively is highly desired by researchers, as synthetic genes and longer DNA constructs are enabling t
30             Expression analyses of cell-wall synthetic genes and wall-related transcription factors i
31 la pathogenicity island genes, LPS O-antigen synthetic genes, and capsule synthetic genes.
32 n Escherichia coli (200 nM culture), using a synthetic gene approach.
33                      Here we show that eight synthetic genes are sufficient to promote filament assem
34                         To bridge this gap a synthetic gene, ARG8m, designed to specify an arginine b
35                                       Next a synthetic gene array identifies nonessential genes that
36                We propose that the cobalamin synthetic genes, as well as genes providing cobalamin-de
37 e is a global down-regulation of cholesterol synthetic genes, as well as SREBP-2, in the brains of di
38 larm pheromone for many pest aphids, using a synthetic gene based on a sequence from peppermint with
39                                    We used a synthetic gene based on mammalian GTP cyclohydrolase I,
40                                            A synthetic gene based on the primary sequence of the matu
41                                  We designed synthetic genes based on P. falciparum, Escherichia coli
42 n of not only previously identified glycogen synthetic genes, but also a significant regulon of genes
43 iterations, we were able to reduce errors in synthetic genes by >16-fold, yielding a final error rate
44                                    Designing synthetic genes by hand is a time-consuming and error-pr
45               The variant GFP encoded by the synthetic gene can be expressed at a high level, forming
46                                          The synthetic gene can be optimized for expression and const
47 essed and purified in Escherichia coli using synthetic genes, characterized regarding biochemical pro
48 atively characterized an inducible, bistable synthetic gene circuit controlling the expression of a b
49 imple form, making them especially useful as synthetic gene circuit design equations.
50                         A limiting factor in synthetic gene circuit design is the number of independe
51 titatively by single-cell data analysis of a synthetic gene circuit integrated in human kidney cells.
52 be engineered predictably using exchangeable synthetic gene circuit modules to sense and integrate mu
53 e tested different topologies and verified a synthetic gene circuit with mutual inhibition and auto-a
54 order to control transcription from a simple synthetic gene circuit.
55                              Adaptability of synthetic gene circuits across different organisms could
56                                              Synthetic gene circuits allow the behavior of living cel
57 equire accurate predictive design of complex synthetic gene circuits and accompanying large sets of q
58    We review how CRISPR can be used to build synthetic gene circuits and discuss recent advances in C
59                                              Synthetic gene circuits are designed to program new biol
60                                              Synthetic gene circuits are emerging as a versatile mean
61                                     However, synthetic gene circuits are often unreliable, as changes
62                                  However, as synthetic gene circuits become larger and more complicat
63 ts an essential parameter in the dynamics of synthetic gene circuits but typically is not explicitly
64                  This work demonstrates that synthetic gene circuits can be engineered to be robust t
65 ise a robust platform for building mammalian synthetic gene circuits capable of precisely modulating
66  illustration, we apply this strategy to two synthetic gene circuits exhibiting anomalous behaviors.
67 gration, and analysis of several large scale synthetic gene circuits for artificial tissue homeostasi
68 d our work has implications in the design of synthetic gene circuits for this purpose.
69                                    Recently, synthetic gene circuits have become promising tools to a
70 d TF signaling using mathematical models and synthetic gene circuits in Escherichia coli.
71 is framework, we demonstrate construction of synthetic gene circuits of up to 64 kb in size comprisin
72                          The construction of synthetic gene circuits relies on our ability to enginee
73             Engineering of cell fate through synthetic gene circuits requires methods to precisely im
74                                              Synthetic gene circuits that combine DNA, protein, and R
75                       We developed inducible synthetic gene circuits that generate varying degrees of
76 operties that can be harnessed by native and synthetic gene circuits to provide greater control over
77 le principle that adds a layer of control to synthetic gene circuits, allowing dynamic regulation of
78 l fate determination by viruses, dynamics of synthetic gene circuits, and constraints on evolutionary
79 orm for integrated logic and memory by using synthetic gene circuits, and we demonstrated the impleme
80 een made in the design and implementation of synthetic gene circuits, but real-world applications of
81       When these insulators are used to join synthetic gene circuits, the behavior of layered circuit
82 c modeling, and experimentally, using simple synthetic gene circuits.
83 ural biological networks and for engineering synthetic gene circuits.
84 sed economy through the predictive design of synthetic gene circuits.
85 for modulating and expanding the function of synthetic gene circuits.
86 control of cell metabolism, cell biology and synthetic gene circuits.
87 their components can be used for large-scale synthetic gene circuits.
88 gy has developed numerous parts for building synthetic gene circuits.
89 es a unique library of components for use in synthetic gene circuits.
90                                            A synthetic gene coding for a single-chain fragment (ScFv)
91                               We generated a synthetic gene coding for CP4 EPSP synthase and characte
92                                            A synthetic gene coding for gamma-gliadin 1 (GG1) was expr
93        A bacterial expression system using a synthetic gene coding for the 215-amino acid, full-lengt
94                                            A synthetic gene coding for the Chlamydia trachomatis sero
95                                              Synthetic genes coding for 2 hybrid proteins consisting
96                        Plasmids that contain synthetic genes coding for small oligoribonucleotides ca
97           The transcription factors regulate synthetic genes coding for small regulatory RNAs (called
98 ll six HCV genotypes were selected to design synthetic genes coding for this antigenic region.
99                                         This synthetic gene complementation approach can also be used
100 h repressors were examined in the context of synthetic gene complexes containing modular promoters an
101                                            A synthetic gene consisting of the reverse transcriptase (
102                                   With these synthetic gene constructs it was possible to demonstrate
103                                            A synthetic gene containing an E. coli codon bias was clon
104 farnesoid X receptor, is recruited to the BA synthetic genes Cyp7a1 and Cyp8b1 and the BA uptake tran
105 hematical function, parameterized using this synthetic gene data set, which enables computation of pr
106                          Here we present the Synthetic Gene Database (SGDB): a relational database th
107                         A major challenge in synthetic gene delivery is to quantitatively predict the
108                               Self-assembled synthetic gene delivery systems represent the bottom-up
109                 Compared with viral vectors, synthetic gene-delivery systems, such as liposomes and p
110 many modules to provide a platform for rapid synthetic gene design for multikilobase sequences.
111 e utilized to create, streamline and improve synthetic gene drives, this is rapidly changing.
112                                   Typically, synthetic genes encode the same product as the gene of i
113                             In this study, a synthetic gene encoding a C4V3 recombinant protein, know
114 ng these chimeric antigens, we constructed a synthetic gene encoding a hybrid protein that combined b
115             In this study, a plant optimized synthetic gene encoding for the LTB-ST fusion protein ha
116 us recombination in yeast we have inserted a synthetic gene encoding human ornithine transcarbamylase
117                                            A synthetic gene encoding the fusion protein (Ala-Hyp)(51)
118 ian cells transfected with a codon-optimized synthetic gene encoding the KcsA protein expressed K+-se
119                                            A synthetic gene encoding the tandem affinity purification
120          Early tests of the hypothesis using synthetic genes encoding only clustered noncontiguous Hy
121 cts arabinosylation, we designed a series of synthetic genes encoding repetitive (Ser-Pro(2))(n), (Se
122 ples that have proven difficult to clone and synthetic genes encoding toxic products.
123               Yet design and construction of synthetic genes, especially those coding for large prote
124            Specifically, using both real and synthetic gene expression data sets, we compared the qua
125 caffolds provide a powerful way to construct synthetic gene expression programs for a wide range of a
126                                          The synthetic gene expression system was validated with two
127  alcohol may modulate both apoptotic and fat synthetic gene expression through homocysteine-induced E
128                                            A synthetic gene for chicken ovomucoid first domain (OMCHI
129                                            A synthetic gene for the human motilin receptor containing
130 ce microscopy of cultured cells expressing a synthetic gene for the receptor.
131  of this approach, we use it to optimize the synthetic genes for 19 repetitive proteins, and show tha
132                               We constructed synthetic genes for glucagon-like peptide-1 PODs and dem
133                                              Synthetic genes for ten completely redesigned proteins w
134 thod of PCR-based gene synthesis, error-free synthetic genes for the human protein kinases PKB2, S6K1
135 oop i3 in G protein coupling, we constructed synthetic genes for the three main D4 receptor variants.
136  assays, plasmids containing codon-optimized synthetic gene fragments (pS plasmids) showed greater th
137 ding to a decrease in the error frequency of synthetic gene from 11.44/kb to 0.46/kb.
138                  The ability to mass produce synthetic genes holds great potential for biological res
139 beled rhodopsin, prepared by expression of a synthetic gene in HEK293 cells, was investigated both by
140 cell, BPTI was expressed and secreted from a synthetic gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
141 r-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter synthetic gene in transient infection assays in neurobla
142 o code for each amino acid, and inserted the synthetic genes in DNA vaccine plasmids.
143                             One problem with synthetic genes in genetically engineered organisms is t
144 the expression of IRF7-controlled natural or synthetic genes in several cell lines, including those w
145 her greatly reduce the number of full-length synthetic genes in the library.
146 otential role in the co-expression of starch synthetic genes in the maize endosperm.
147  Analysis identified increases in fatty acid synthetic genes, including Srebp-1 and fatty acid syntha
148               To meet the growing demand for synthetic genes more robust, scalable and inexpensive ge
149       We then expand our method to produce a synthetic gene network acting as a predictable timer, mo
150                                 We propose a synthetic gene network in Escherichia coli which combine
151 his issue by Cantone et al., who construct a synthetic gene network in yeast and use it to assess and
152                                       When a synthetic gene network is allowed to regulate a downstre
153      We have tested the new algorithm on the synthetic gene network library bioengineered recently.
154                  The parameters in a complex synthetic gene network must be extensively tuned before
155 ize the resilience of phenotypic states in a synthetic gene network near a critical transition.
156 veloped the first mammalian mechanosensitive synthetic gene network to monitor endothelial cell shear
157                         The photocaging of a synthetic gene network using unnatural amino acid mutage
158 ecific arrangement of the siRNA targets in a synthetic gene network, allow direct evaluation of any B
159 ble through the design and implementation of synthetic gene networks amenable to mathematical modelli
160 ave important implications for the design of synthetic gene networks and stress that such design must
161                                              Synthetic gene networks can be constructed to emulate di
162                                              Synthetic gene networks can be used to control gene expr
163                     The ability to construct synthetic gene networks enables experimental investigati
164                                              Synthetic gene networks have wide-ranging uses in reprog
165                          The construction of synthetic gene networks implementing simple functions ha
166 ittle over a decade ago with the creation of synthetic gene networks inspired by electrical engineeri
167                                The design of synthetic gene networks requires an extensive genetic to
168                          Efforts to engineer synthetic gene networks that spontaneously produce patte
169                  We studied its behaviour in synthetic gene networks under increasingly complex condi
170                                              Synthetic gene networks will also lead to new logical fo
171                            Using natural and synthetic gene networks with and without the network mot
172  of gene function and to the construction of synthetic gene networks with desired properties.
173  be able to construct useful next-generation synthetic gene networks with real-world applications in
174 ents for predicting the behavior of complex, synthetic gene networks, e.g., the whole can be differen
175  literature pertaining to the development of synthetic gene networks, the engineering framework used
176  for implementing gene expression control in synthetic gene networks.
177 genetic networks and apply it to a family of synthetic gene networks.
178 urs and also benefits the rational design of synthetic gene networks.
179 ne the design, construction and screening of synthetic gene networks.
180 netic circuit, a common motif in natural and synthetic gene networks.
181 the design, construction and modification of synthetic gene networks.
182  a useful tool for designing and controlling synthetic gene networks.
183           The organization of the fatty acid synthetic genes of Haemophilus influenzae Rd is remarkab
184                   In addition, the cobalamin synthetic genes of Salmonella spp. (cob) show a regulato
185 el chromosomal integration and expression of synthetic gene operons in Synechocystis, comprising up t
186 we describe the design and construction of a synthetic gene oscillator in Escherichia coli that maint
187                    Like other gene circuits, synthetic gene oscillators are noisy and exhibit fluctua
188                                              Synthetic gene oscillators are small, engineered genetic
189 We further demonstrate the excellence of the synthetic gene products for in vitro mapping of the nucl
190 evealed as mismatches by re-annealing of the synthetic gene products.
191 d, we have successfully constructed numerous synthetic genes, ranging from 139 to 1042 bp.
192            The ability to mass produce these synthetic genes readily will have a significant impact o
193                                  Analysis of synthetic gene regulatory circuits can provide insight i
194 s (TALEs) represent attractive components of synthetic gene regulatory circuits, as they can be desig
195 While control over reaction complexity using synthetic gene regulatory networks and DNA nanotechnolog
196          The ability to design and construct synthetic gene regulatory networks offers the prospect o
197                                              Synthetic gene regulatory networks show significant stoc
198 r, Tyr-66 to His, and Tyr-145 to Phe) with a synthetic gene sequence containing codons preferentially
199 rt the development and characterization of a synthetic gene switch that, when targeted in the mouse g
200                                              Synthetic gene switches, activated by pharmacologics or
201                        We have constructed a synthetic gene that encodes for 12 B cell, 6 T cell prol
202 omas expressed a wide range of metabolic and synthetic genes that are expressed during logarithmic gr
203                         We have produced two synthetic genes that code for the F2 domain located with
204                                         When synthetic genes that express RNAs for external guide seq
205 d yeast was dependent on the availability of synthetic genes that were required to improve translatio
206 ue in conjunction with specifically designed synthetic genes to identify the RS targeted by an inhibi
207  and that 5S rRNA transcripts derived from a synthetic gene transfected transiently into human cells
208 icantly improve transfection efficiencies of synthetic gene vectors.
209                                          The synthetic gene was cloned into a T7 promoter-controlled
210    A cluster of Bacillus subtilis fatty acid synthetic genes was isolated by complementation of an Es
211              It was reported that the starch synthetic genes were co-expressed during maize endosperm
212  glycoproteins (HRGPs) and HRGPs designed by synthetic genes were consistent with a sequence-driven c
213 uced by Escherichia coli overexpression of a synthetic gene, were reversibly unfolded in 1, 2-dimyris
214                         We demonstrated that synthetic genes with tandemly arrayed tRNA-gRNA architec

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