


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion was demonstrated using a broad-spectrum synthetic inhibitor.
2 ave access to tetracyclic derivatives of the synthetic inhibitors.
3 lues between 15- and 47-fold for natural and synthetic inhibitors.
4  tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases and synthetic inhibitors.
5 finity binding of both natural macrolide and synthetic inhibitors.
6 cules, suggesting useful design elements for synthetic inhibitors.
7 ace of Bcl-x(L) is the target area for these synthetic inhibitors.
8 decreased inhibition by specific natural and synthetic inhibitors.
9 ening of comprehensive chemical libraries of synthetic inhibitors.
10  of mutations on the binding affinity of the synthetic inhibitors.
11                                          The synthetic inhibitor 1 showed potent competitive inhibiti
12 studies of human alpha-thrombin with a novel synthetic inhibitor, an acyl (alpha-aminoalkyl)phosphona
13                                              Synthetic inhibitors and biological ligands form two dis
14                                      We used synthetic inhibitors and dominant-negative Mphi mutants
15 values for the exon 5 chimera complexed with synthetic inhibitors and N-terminal TIMP-2 also show a m
16  substrate has a higher flexibility than the synthetic inhibitors and therefore suffers a higher conf
17                                          The synthetic inhibitors are less flexible, and their capaci
18  assessment of the role of DYRK1A, selective synthetic inhibitors are valuable pharmacological tools.
19 specific enzyme targeted by a new natural or synthetic inhibitor can be cumbersome.
20 so observed in the complex with an unrelated synthetic inhibitor containing a xanthine core that is a
21        Inhibition of furin activity with the synthetic inhibitor decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethy
22 ew antibacterial targets against which novel synthetic inhibitors derived from rationally designed, m
23 ency of physiological (ursodeoxycholate) and synthetic inhibitors (flufenamic acid, ibuprofen, and na
24                        Many of the developed synthetic inhibitors for ATX have resembled the lipid ch
25                       Small molecular weight synthetic inhibitors for these enzymes are highly sought
26 e work also describes the results of docking synthetic inhibitors, including the drug abiraterone and
27 nces in the mode of binding of substrate and synthetic inhibitors, it appears that a key factor to un
28                          Here, we designed a synthetic inhibitor library (based on sunflower trypsin
29 dogenous PI3K activity was blocked using the synthetic inhibitor LY294002, further suggesting an impo
30                                            A synthetic inhibitor of caspase 1 (Ac-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-ald
31 spase-3 akin to DEVD-CHO, which is a potent, synthetic inhibitor of caspase-3 activity.
32                                            A synthetic inhibitor of caspase-8, Z-IETD-FMK, did not in
33                                      E-64, a synthetic inhibitor of cathepsins B and L, was injected
34 ously identified as the most potent reported synthetic inhibitor of Cdc25 phosphatases in vitro.
35 g/ml) with or without RS102,481, a selective synthetic inhibitor of collagenase 2 and collagenase 3 (
36                            Compound 401 is a synthetic inhibitor of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA
37                                   By using a synthetic inhibitor of Erralpha, we demonstrated its key
38                                       C75, a synthetic inhibitor of fatty acid synthase (FAS), is hyp
39 rs: a highly specific active-center-directed synthetic inhibitor of FXIIIa, 1,3-dimethyl-4,5-diphenyl
40     Previously, we have shown that MS-275, a synthetic inhibitor of histone deacetylase (HDAC), speci
41 on, we have examined the effect of MS-275, a synthetic inhibitor of histone deacetylase, in human bre
42 milar results were obtained using CE-2072, a synthetic inhibitor of host serine proteases.
43                        Ub aldehyde (Ubal), a synthetic inhibitor of isopeptidases (proteases that hyd
44                                            A synthetic inhibitor of MAPK kinase, PD98059, inhibited g
45 reatment of thermally injured corneas with a synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases signifi
46    Treatment of A431 cells with PD 098509, a synthetic inhibitor of MEK1, inhibited MAPK activity wit
47  White rabbit corneas were treated with 2 mM synthetic inhibitor of metalloproteinase (SIMP)-1, 1 mM
48 imp3(-/-) mice, and treatment of mice with a synthetic inhibitor of metalloproteinases rescued the en
49  mouse embryos cultured in the presence of a synthetic inhibitor of MMPs or excess of TIMP-2 failed t
50             Mice treated with Prinomastat, a synthetic inhibitor of MMPs, showed an inhibition of tum
51            alpha1-Protease inhibitor and the synthetic inhibitor of NE, L-680,833, when added in suff
52             Carboxyamido-triazole (CAI) is a synthetic inhibitor of non-excitable calcium channels th
53 1,5-alpha)-1,3, 5-triazine-4-monohydrate], a synthetic inhibitor of the enzyme.
54  megakaryocytic differentiation, PD098059, a synthetic inhibitor of the MAP kinase kinase 1 (MEK1) wa
55 ore whose chemical structure matches a known synthetic inhibitor of the virulence-associated pyocheli
56 trix metalloproteinases because ilomastat, a synthetic inhibitor of these enzymes, had no mesenchymal
57 ound small molecule approaches to developing synthetic inhibitors of 11beta-HSD1 and to highlight key
58 urvival of yeast cells exposed to natural or synthetic inhibitors of essential processes (secretory p
59                                 Accordingly, synthetic inhibitors of gelatinases and collagenases inh
60 tion of a new class of low molecular weight, synthetic inhibitors of gyrase and topoisomerase IV that
61 we evaluated the potential of class-specific synthetic inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACs), ce
62 proteinases (TIMPs), and several families of synthetic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases were a
63 signaling pathway because treatment with the synthetic inhibitors of PI 3-kinase, NO synthase (NOS),
64 e expected to guide the systematic design of synthetic inhibitors of PPIs.
65 his strategy has led to development of novel synthetic inhibitors of protein complexes, often direct
66                    Structure-based design of synthetic inhibitors of protein-protein interactions (PP
67 represent, to our knowledge, the most potent synthetic inhibitors of QS in S. aureus known, and const
68 hods to model the interaction of a series of synthetic inhibitors of the in vitro RNA binding activit
69 of the shedding of a variety of receptors by synthetic inhibitors of the matrix metalloproteinases (M
70                     We report that two novel synthetic inhibitors of the tumor suppressor protein p53
71 l to or better than the most effective known synthetic inhibitors of this class of proteins.
72 fying a switch in target specificity of some synthetic inhibitors of threonyl-tRNA synthetase.
73             These studies demonstrate that a synthetic inhibitor peptide can attenuate in vivo nasal
74                                          The synthetic inhibitor RS-104966 is known to induce a confo
75 sted inhibition of intracellular MetAP2 with synthetic inhibitors selective for MetAP2 with different
76 y published and ongoing clinical trials with synthetic inhibitors sivelestat and AZD9668 and recombin
77 ng has stimulated the search for a number of synthetic inhibitors that could be used as potential the
78 n their ability to bind to a library of four synthetic inhibitors that target the enzyme's active sit
79 be addressed by the availability of designed synthetic inhibitors that target the viral UDG without a
80                        Notably, for all four synthetic inhibitors, the relative free energy changes (
81                        Previous studies used synthetic inhibitors to study the role of calpains in pl
82                          The latter class of synthetic inhibitors, very recently approved as antihype
83                                          The synthetic inhibitor was highly effective in preventing t

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