


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to phosphorylate syntide 2, a Raf-1-specific synthetic substrate.
2  (120 kDa) and to react distinctively with a synthetic substrate.
3 ic defect with prothrombin, but not with the synthetic substrate.
4 ulated the amidolytic activity of APC toward synthetic substrates.
5  B while not affecting activity toward small synthetic substrates.
6  chemicals for the synthesis of 15 different synthetic substrates.
7 ssessed by enzymatic assay using natural and synthetic substrates.
8 activity in vitro toward comparable specific synthetic substrates.
9 own cleavage sites in proteins, peptides and synthetic substrates.
10 id substitutions within the P5-P4' region of synthetic substrates.
11  specificity and hydrolyzes both natural and synthetic substrates.
12  achieved with high concentrations of short, synthetic substrates.
13 y and catalytic potential using a variety of synthetic substrates.
14 P2 exhibited lipase activity against several synthetic substrates.
15 egioselective macrocyclization of natural or synthetic substrates.
16 cine but not phenylalanine residues in model synthetic substrates.
17 ting cleavage of peptidyl-arylamide bonds in synthetic substrates.
18 ssentially inactive toward the commonly used synthetic substrate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB),
19 his ostensibly dead general base mutant by a synthetic substrate, 3beta-hydroperoxycholestane (3HPC)
20 trate 4-hydroxy-2-ketoheptane-1,7-dioate and synthetic substrates 4-hydroxy-2-ketopentanoic acid and
21 domain of alpha-mannosidase IIx hydrolyzes a synthetic substrate, 4-umbelliferyl-alpha-D-mannoside, a
22 an fibronectin, and the low-molecular-weight synthetic substrate 7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin.
23 es from its unusual specificity for cleaving synthetic substrates after aspartate residues.
24  analyses of 20S proteasomes with natural or synthetic substrates allowed to infer the substrate spec
25 d is distinct from the mechanism utilized by synthetic substrate analog inhibitors.
26                       Assays performed on 20 synthetic substrate analogs revealed the enzyme specific
27 R domains and analyzed their reactivity with synthetic substrate analogs.
28                       The use of a designed, synthetic substrate analogue allows unique insights into
29 microm), d-kynurenine (Ki = 12 microm) and a synthetic substrate analogue D,L-3,7-dihydroxydesaminoky
30                                        Using synthetic substrate analogues and products containing di
31 tion of Cdc25A activity in vitro, using both synthetic substrates and authentic cellular substrate, i
32  as measured both by an enzymatic assay with synthetic substrates and by detection of proteolytically
33 d by up to 10-fold the BrAAP activity toward synthetic substrates and by more than 2-fold the degrada
34 ressed human GALNS indicate activity against synthetic substrates and inhibition by both substrate an
35                                  Traditional synthetic substrates and matrices for cell culture have
36 te specificity as MIHCK when assayed against synthetic substrates and that PAK1 phosphorylates the he
37 -dependent MMP with unique specificity among synthetic substrates and the capability to both degrade
38 tabolized gamma-carboxyl-linked glutamate of synthetic substrates and tubulin.
39 regation, thrombin esterolytic activity on a synthetic substrate, and thrombin cleavage of fibrinogen
40 rd factor B, low esterolytic activity toward synthetic substrates, and absence of regulation by zymog
41 osynthesis were characterized in vitro using synthetic substrates, and activity was measured by LC-MS
42       Proenzyme MASP-1 R448Q readily cleaves synthetic substrates, and it is inhibited by a specific
43 e with comparable specific activities toward synthetic substrates as reported for cathepsin L.
44 d PC3/FurPd had elevated activity on several synthetic substrates as well as reduced calcium ion depe
45 ase catalyzes the conversion of oQ to Q in a synthetic substrate, as well as undermodified RNA isolat
46                                    By use of synthetic substrate assays, dog plasma was shown to cont
47  heat stable and has optimal activity on the synthetic substrate at or above pH 8.0.
48 zed cleavages occurred at a single site in a synthetic substrate based on the prolactin (Prl) signal
49 ions did not significantly affect Km for the synthetic substrate but decreased the kcat and increased
50 tic activity of FXa toward cleavage of small synthetic substrates, but the role of Na(+) in the proth
51 eration of the proteolytic hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate C1-1 by C1s, enhancement of the comp
52                        The hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate C1-1 catalyzed by C1s in 25 to 27 mi
53                                        These synthetic substrates can also be used as sensitive probe
54  efficiency of glycosylation reactions using synthetic substrates carrying the same glycan structure
55 and Ca2+ with increasing concentrations of a synthetic substrate (CH3-SO2-d-Leu-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilid
56               There is no previous report of synthetic substrate cleavage by fI, but five substrates
57  the aptamer does not completely block small synthetic substrate cleavage, although it does slow the
58  of binding to four-way junction DNA (4H), a synthetic substrate commonly used to study proteins invo
59  novel in situ zymography method that uses a synthetic substrate conjugated to a fluorescent tag for
60 rface of microorganisms and incubated with a synthetic substrate consisting of (1) a fluorescent dye
61                             The assay uses a synthetic substrate containing three chemical moieties:
62 binant forms of TACE efficiently processed a synthetic substrate corresponding to the TNF alpha cleav
63 Avr-Rpt2-dependent proteolytic cleavage of a synthetic substrate, demonstrating that these sequences
64 like activity as revealed by cleavage of the synthetic substrate, DEVD-pNa, by cell cytosols, and als
65 c lipase by a maximum of 72.2% (+/-4.1) with synthetic substrate (DGGR) and 58.0% (+/-9.7) with natur
66  kinetics for exon 5 chimera cleavage of two synthetic substrates display an MMP-3 phenotype, however
67 ss hydrolysis of 3[H]-benzoyl-Phe-Ala-Pro, a synthetic substrate for angiotensin converting enzyme, a
68 tivated HaCA42 carboxypeptidase hydrolysed a synthetic substrate for glutamate carboxypeptidases (FAE
69 transition state, we synthesized a series of synthetic substrates for DNA C5-MTase containing DZCyt.
70 amework for the combinatorial development of synthetic substrates for stem cell culture.
71 ults additionally should allow the design of synthetic substrates for use in biochemical purification
72 of polyketide synthases (PKSs) has relied on synthetic substrates functionalized as electrophilic est
73 specificity and activity against gelatin and synthetic substrates, further supporting the notion that
74 erence in trypsinogen recognition, the small synthetic substrate Gly-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys-beta-naphthy
75              The activity was assayed with a synthetic substrate hydroxyethyl disulfide.
76              The assay uses a newly designed synthetic substrate (IdS-S) consisting of alpha-L-iduron
77      The activity of caspase 3 to cleave the synthetic substrate in vitro and PARP in vivo is blocked
78 c activity of caspase 3 to cleave a specific synthetic substrate in vitro is detected in L. pneumophi
79 DPRT) domain with minimal activity towards a synthetic substrate in vitro.
80 iferase can discriminate between natural and synthetic substrates in the brains of live mice.
81 cells in culture and recombinant enzymes and synthetic substrates in vitro have pointed to the subtil
82 r439, enhanced enzymatic activity of Xrn2 on synthetic substrates in vitro.
83             In vitro assays with appropriate synthetic substrates indicate that CE can promote RLF in
84 bstrate C3bB, but not proteolysis of a small synthetic substrate, indicating that AFD did not block a
85 ction to initiate unwinding and resolves the synthetic substrate into two double-stranded fork struct
86 s transgenic plants indicate that the AtAtg8 synthetic substrate is efficiently processed and this is
87 ive site, since amidolytic activity toward a synthetic substrate is largely unaffected.
88                  Catalytic efficiency toward synthetic substrate is lower, but it has a broad specifi
89                        Unwinding by UL9 of a synthetic substrate is significantly inhibited by a bis-
90 perbolic mixed modifier in the presence of a synthetic substrate, it completely inhibits collagen deg
91  from a range of substrates, including small synthetic substrates, larger peptides, and proteins.
92        By using the combinatorial methods of synthetic substrate libraries and substrate-phage displa
93                                    Using the synthetic substrates Lys-Pro-Gln-pNA and Gly-Gly-Gln-pNA
94 umor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme synthetic substrate, Mca-PLAQAV-Dpa-RSSSR-NH(2).
95 activity, with or without FVIIIa, toward the synthetic substrate, methylsulfonyl-D-cyclohexylglycyl-a
96 te acceleration toward the hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate N-benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide wh
97                  Km was 4.28+/-0.34mM of the synthetic substrate N-benzoyl-dl-arginyl-rho-nitroanilid
98 y processed enzyme was able to hydrolyze the synthetic substrate N-t-butyloxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-alan
99                            It hydrolyzed the synthetic substrates N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe p-nitroa
100  state of vimentin by the inclusion of small synthetic substrates of the enzyme dansylcadaverine or d
101 ombinant phosphatase is active in vitro on a synthetic substrate or on isolated thylakoids.
102                       Thus, binding of small synthetic substrates or inhibitors provides sufficient e
103 in exhibits phosphatase activity against the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate.
104  displayed similar activities toward a small synthetic substrate, p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonate, su
105 -Glucosidase activity was measured using the synthetic substrate, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside.
106 n of chymotrypsin and renin activities using synthetic substrates P4 (F-R-R-R-F-V-R-R-F-NH2) and P5 (
107        The transfer of 33PO4 from ATP to the synthetic substrate poly(Glu, Tyr) 4:1 attached to the b
108                                         This synthetic substrate produced slow decay glow kinetics th
109 ream caspases as determined by cleavage of a synthetic substrate, proteolysis of poly(ADP-ribose) pol
110                         Investigations using synthetic substrates reveal that GlfT2 is processive.
111     The converted active plasmin cleaved the synthetic substrate S-2251, and the natural substrates f
112 itive to thrombin, MzII(a), and Pre2-F1.2; a synthetic substrate (S-2238) detected thrombin or MzII(a
113 ular interactions between FXIa and the small synthetic substrate (S-2366), the macromolecular substra
114 plasmin was generated as detected by plasmin synthetic substrate (S2403) hydrolysis; however, after t
115 ited not only enzyme isoform selectivity but synthetic substrate selectivity as well.
116                                Inhibitor and synthetic substrate studies further suggest that activat
117 Pro) II helical peptides represent the first synthetic substrates successfully designed for aggrecana
118 d fluorescence microscopy indicated that the synthetic substrates supported detectable binding of a c
119  to 3-methylindolic acid linked to Cys8 of a synthetic substrate surrogate as well as the formation o
120  viscosity on catalysis were determined with synthetic substrates that bind to all of the enzymic sub
121 is problem, we have developed an assay using synthetic substrates that can discriminate between the d
122                    Our results indicate that synthetic substrates that recognize cell-surface glycans
123                                        Using synthetic substrates that span kPa-GPa moduli, we found
124                               In addition to synthetic substrates, the neuropeptides, vasoactive inte
125 n tested against a wide range of natural and synthetic substrates, this enzyme showed a preference fo
126 cence resonance energy transfer-based AtAtg8 synthetic substrate to assess AtAtg4 activity in vitro a
127 t chemically defined, xeno-free, feeder-free synthetic substrates to support robust self-renewal of f
128 an IgG anti-tryptase mAb, on cleavage of the synthetic substrate tosyl-Gly-Pro-Lys-p-nitroanilide and
129            GSH itself, oxidized GSH, and the synthetic substrates used to analyze GGT activity (gamma
130                                            A synthetic substrate was co-crystallized with a catalytic
131 In contrast, the activity of SHP-1 against a synthetic substrate was not affected by the mode of plat
132 ty of the 600-kDa alpha(1)beta-proteasome on synthetic substrates was cleavage carboxyl to hydrophobi
133  that detects ricin mediated depurination of synthetic substrates was improved through optimization o
134 osides, while degradation of the beta-linked synthetic substrates was restricted to strains within th
135                                  Using these synthetic substrates we reveal that the SUMO domain enha
136                           Using biotin-based synthetic substrates, we established that the three enzy
137                             Using a panel of synthetic substrates, we have systematically investigate
138                                      Various synthetic substrates were efficiently cleaved with a str
139 y Na+ increased the affinity of FIXa for the synthetic substrate, whereas occupancy by Ca2+ decreased
140                                 Studies on a synthetic substrate, which has an anomeric carbon atom w
141 nic Arabidopsis plants expressing the AtAtg8 synthetic substrate will be a valuable tool to dissect a
142 aled that phosphoparacetamol is an excellent synthetic substrate with a Km value of 1.2 mM.
143 uced k(cat) and similar K(m), and hydrolyzed synthetic substrate with approximately 10-fold reduced K
144                                      Using a synthetic substrate with these characteristics, we enric
145                 Recombinant Nna1 metabolizes synthetic substrates with 2 or more C-terminal glutamate
146 psin-like activity as defined by cleavage of synthetic substrates with Arg or Lys as the P1 site.
147 te that matriptase is able to cleave various synthetic substrates with arginine or lysine as their P1
148                                      Various synthetic substrates with either Phe or Val in the P1 po
149                                              Synthetic substrates with fluorescent leaving groups exh
150                                        Thus, synthetic substrates with specific 3-D microgeometries c
151 on of peptidase to a solution containing the synthetic substrate yields a change in electrode EMF res
152 our assay as it did in the hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate Z-Phe-Leu-Glu-pNA (kcat/Km value of

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