


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bit system y(+) (most likely CAT-1), but not system y(+)L.
2            Inhibition by l-Hcy and dl-Hcy of system y(+)L activity was Na(+) sensitive with a signifi
3  1b; MRP 1 and 5; beta-alanine, system L and system y+L amino acid carriers; the nucleoside transport
4 porter-1, system L-amino acid transporter-2, system y+L-amino acid transporter-1 and system y+L-amino
5 r-2, system y+L-amino acid transporter-1 and system y+L-amino acid transporter-2) studied nor for the
6 tified amino acid transporters for system L, system y(+)L, and system x(-)C, which are linked, via a
7 mino acids, with insignificant activities of Systems y+L, bo,+, or Bo,+.
8                      The other appears to be system y+L since in the presence of BCH inhibition by L-

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