


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ) and cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (forming Cys-tRNA(Cys)).
2 by a transformation of serine misacylated to tRNACys.
3 rand replication, and secondary structure of tRNACys.
4 rm14, which generates m(2)G at position 6 in tRNA(Cys).
5 mportant for aminoacylation of H. influenzae tRNA(Cys).
6 o highly sensitive to the A37G transition in tRNA(Cys).
7 n the ability of the cysteine enzyme to bind tRNA(Cys).
8  replication partially overlaps the adjacent tRNA(Cys).
9 overcomes the cross-species barrier in human tRNA(Cys).
10 A(Cys) and subsequently converting it to Cys-tRNA(Cys).
11 iring alanine onto nonalanyl-tRNAs including tRNA(Cys).
12 rom a defect in kcat, rather than the Km for tRNA(Cys).
13 ment of proline to tRNA(Pro) and cysteine to tRNA(Cys).
14 ors to facilitate the synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys).
15 n one other tRNA, the Haemophilus influenzae tRNA(Cys).
16 portant element in aminoacylation of E. coli tRNA(Cys), a better understanding of its structure in th
17       Resulting from the historical study of tRNA(Cys) aminoacylation and the integrative perspective
18                      Most organisms form Cys-tRNA(Cys), an essential component for protein synthesis,
19 etween the acceptor stem of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys) and cysteine-tRNA synthetase.
20 eotides for their ability to bind to E. coli tRNA(Cys) and inhibit aminoacylation.
21 RNA synthetase can synthesize both cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) and prolyl-tRNA(Pro).
22 way, first charging phosphoserine (Sep) onto tRNA(Cys) and subsequently converting it to Cys-tRNA(Cys
23 lthough analysis of the crystal structure of tRNA(Cys) and tRNA(Gln) implicated long-range tertiary b
24 s maripaludis synthetases SepRS (forming Sep-tRNA(Cys)) and cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (forming Cys-tR
25              i6A37 increased the activity of tRNACys at a cognate codon and that of tRNATyr at a near
26 Methanocaldococcus jannaschii indicated that tRNA(Cys) becomes acylated with O-phosphoserine (Sep) bu
27 us enables a global long-range channeling of tRNA(Cys) between SepRS and SepCysS distant active sites
28                       The trend in EF-Tu.Cys-tRNA(Cys) binding energies observed as the result of mut
29                                              tRNA(Cys) binding to SepRS also enhances the capacity of
30                       Synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) by cysteine-tRNA synthetase is required for de
31 ylated intermediate is then converted to Cys-tRNA(Cys) by Sep-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synthase (SepCysS) via a
32 ep-tRNA(Cys), which is then converted to Cys-tRNA(Cys) by SepCysS.
33 show here that the attachment of cysteine to tRNA(Cys) by the class I cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CysR
34 cs of the EF-Tu.guanosine 5'-triphosphate.aa-tRNA(Cys) complex and the roles played by Mg2+ ions and
35 ructures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DMATase-tRNA(Cys) complex in four distinct forms, which provide
36                             Escherichia coli tRNACys contains an unusual G15.G48 tertiary base pair t
37 ious work has shown that CysRS aminoacylates tRNA(Cys) core regions containing G15-G48 with much bett
38 dentify alternative functional design of the tRNA(Cys) core that contains G15:C48.
39 ound O-phosphoserine (Sep) to form cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) in methanogens that lack the c
40 ethanogenic archaea synthesize the cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) needed for protein synthesis u
41  to also catalyze the synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) to make up for the absence of
42 irect pathway for the synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) during protein synthesis.
43 on of a mismatching O-phosphoserine (Sep) to tRNA(Cys) followed by the conversion of tRNA-bounded Sep
44 nce of covalent continuity of both CysRS and tRNA(Cys) for efficient tRNA aminoacylation, and highlig
45 sRS), the essential enzyme that provides Cys-tRNA(Cys) for translation in most organisms.
46                   Thus, the mechanism of Cys-tRNA(Cys) formation in M. jannaschii still remains to be
47 amination of the evolutionary history of Cys-tRNA(Cys) formation.
48 the "missing" CysRS activity for in vivo Cys-tRNA(Cys) formation.
49 ed the dominance of vertical inheritance for tRNA(Cys) from a single common ancestor.
50  dihydrouridine stemloop of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys) has been shown to stably bind to the tRNA.
51 an alternate pathway for indirectly charging tRNA(Cys) has stimulated a re-examination of the evoluti
52 tor stem, the two hotspots for tRNA(Pro) and tRNA(Cys) identity determinants.
53                                        Thus, tRNA(Cys) identity is an ancient RNA record that depicts
54                              Introduction of tRNA(Cys) identity nucleotides at the acceptor and antic
55  A number of archaeal organisms generate Cys-tRNA(Cys) in a two-step pathway, first charging phosphos
56  the enzyme involved in the synthesis of Cys-tRNA(Cys) in M. jannaschii.
57                       Synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) in methanogenic archaea proceeds by a two-step
58 converts phosphoseryl-tRNA(Cys) to cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) in nearly all methanogens.
59 ty elements of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii tRNA(Cys) in the aminoacylation reaction for the two Met
60 erine (Sep) to form cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) in methanogens that lack the canonical cystei
61 not efficiently recognize the yeast or human tRNACys, indicating the evolution of determinants for tR
62 tructural dynamics of tRNA and the EF-Tu.Cys-tRNA(Cys) interface.
63     Previous studies show that dissection of tRNA(Cys) into acceptor and anticodon helices seriously
64        Introduction of the nucleotide U73 of tRNA(Cys) into tRNA(Val) was found to confer the flexibi
65  that the stronger affinity of the 10-mer to tRNA(Cys) is due to a significantly slower rate of disso
66 haea proceeds by a two-step pathway in which tRNA(Cys) is first aminoacylated with phosphoserine by p
67                 The core of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys) is important for aminoacylation of the tRNA by
68                      This indicates that Cys-tRNACys is formed by direct acylation in these organisms
69            Therefore, it is not clear if Cys-tRNACys is formed by direct aminoacylation or by a trans
70  indirect route, phosphoseryl-tRNA(Cys) (Sep-tRNA(Cys)) is first synthesized by phosphoseryl-tRNA syn
71          The core region of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys)is important for aminoacylation of the tRNA.
72  reveals that each enzyme prefers a distinct tRNA(Cys) isoacceptor or pair of isoacceptors.
73 ome of M. mazei also features three distinct tRNA(Cys) isoacceptors, further indicating the unusual a
74 e that changes to the secondary structure of tRNACys may destroy function of the origin for light-str
75 templates containing the 14S rRNA, COX2, and tRNAcys mitochondrial promoters.
76 haea synthesize the cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) needed for protein synthesis using both a can
77 promoter, and C192F cannot transcribe either tRNA(Cys) or the variant COX2 promoter from linear DNA t
78                         Transcription of the tRNA(Cys) promoter by both mutants was significantly cor
79   Y54F is incapable of transcribing the weak tRNA(Cys) promoter, and C192F cannot transcribe either t
80                                          The tRNAcys promoter defect can be rescued by template super
81    Studies with purified tRNAs indicate that tRNA(Cys) promotes cysteine activation.
82 RNA(Cys) to generate the essential cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) required for protein synthesis.
83 ins of SepCysE each bind SepRS, SepCysS, and tRNA(Cys), respectively, which mediates the dynamic arch
84          In the indirect route, phosphoseryl-tRNA(Cys) (Sep-tRNA(Cys)) is first synthesized by phosph
85 lysis of archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic tRNA(Cys) sequences predicted additional SepRS-specific
86 airing at this position (G15-C48), while the tRNA(Cys) species from this organism instead features an
87 est that both metabolic routes and all three tRNA(Cys) species in M. mazei play important roles in th
88 ntly compared to that observed in the native tRNA(Cys) structure bound to EF-Tu, further implicating
89 th respect to each of the cysteine, ATP, and tRNA(Cys) substrates.
90  of the D loop in the tRNA core with that of tRNA(Cys) suppresses mis-charging with cysteine without
91 ions of the two-step indirect pathway of Cys-tRNA(Cys) synthesis (tRNA-dependent cysteine biosynthesi
92 at proS or MJ1477 gene products catalyze Cys-tRNA(Cys) synthesis in M. jannaschii.
93 cating the unusual and complex nature of Cys-tRNA(Cys) synthesis in this organism.
94                                      The cys-tRNA(cys) that was synthesized and aminoacylated using t
95 sequence differences in the tertiary core of tRNA(Cys), the fused eukaryotic domain redirects the spe
96  Escherichia coli CysRS cannot acylate human tRNA(Cys), the fusion of a eukaryote-specific domain of
97  enzyme SepCysS, which converts phosphoseryl-tRNA(Cys) to cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) in nearly all methanoge
98 S), which catalyze attachment of cysteine to tRNA(Cys) to generate the essential cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys)
99 coli CysRS from the A37 present in bacterial tRNA(Cys) to the G37 in mammals.
100 y successively modifying the yeast and human tRNACys to ones that are efficiently aminoacylated by th
101 ze the synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) (Cys-tRNA(Cys)) to make up for the absence of the canonical c
102                                      The cys-tRNA(cys) was further modified with biotin (N-iodoacetyl
103 ere Escherichia coli cysteine-specific tRNA (tRNA(cys)) was transcribed and aminoacylated in a single
104 ther the conserved elements in H. influenzae tRNA(Cys)were also important for aminoacylation of H. in
105 ample is the core region of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys), which has been shown by biochemical studies t
106                 SepRS specifically forms Sep-tRNA(Cys), which is then converted to Cys-tRNA(Cys) by S
107 o aminoacylate purified mature M. jannaschii tRNA(Cys) with cysteine in contrast to facile aminoacyla
108 synthetase also recognizes and aminoacylates tRNA(Cys) with cysteine.
109 n binding free energies upon misacylation of tRNA(Cys) with d-cysteine or O-phosphoserine and upon ch
110                     These methanogens charge tRNA(Cys) with l-phosphoserine, which is also an interme
111 hway, O-phosphoseryl-tRNA synthetase charges tRNA(Cys) with O-phosphoserine (Sep), a precursor of the
112 eryl-tRNA synthetase (SepRS), which acylates tRNA(Cys) with phosphoserine (Sep), and the well known c
113  capacity to aminoacylate both tRNA(Pro) and tRNA(Cys) with their cognate amino acids.
114 iary interactions involving 9, 21, and 59 in tRNA(Cys) with those in tRNA(Gln) did not construct a fu
115  thermoautotrophicum SerRS did not mischarge tRNACys with serine.

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