


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  fluorescently labeled substrate (BODIPY-Lys-tRNA(Lys)).
2 and catalyses the specific aminoacylation of tRNA(Lys).
3 omes to the level of native Escherichia coli tRNA(Lys).
4 RS, and GagPol interacting with both Gag and tRNA(Lys).
5 ic for Ala-tRNA(Ala), and MprF2 utilizes Lys-tRNA(Lys).
6 efficiently rejected than the fully modified tRNA(Lys).
7 nslocation is slower with the s(2)-deficient tRNA(Lys).
8 nism by repairing 5'-PO4 and 3'-OH groups in tRNA(Lys).
9 no and Roth and previously thought to affect tRNA(Lys).
10 ulture: one contained a PBS complementary to tRNA(Lys)1,2, while the second maintained a PBS compleme
11                   We have developed a mutant tRNA(Lys)(3) derivative, tRNA(Lys)(3)A58U, in which A58
12 of the 18-bp primer helix with the 3' end of tRNA(Lys)(3) drives large conformational rearrangements
13 ndary structure of the HIV genomic RNA-human tRNA(Lys)(3) initiation complex using heteronuclear nucl
14                                              tRNA(Lys)(3) interacts directly with HIV-1 reverse trans
15 e present study, we investigated the role of tRNA(Lys)(3) residue A58 in the replication cycle of HIV
16                                     Cellular tRNA(Lys)(3) serves as the primer for reverse transcript
17  complex formed between a host transfer RNA (tRNA(Lys)(3)) and a region at the 5' end of genomic RNA;
18 the viral genomic RNA or the cognate primer, tRNA(Lys)(3), was apparently unaffected.
19                               Residue A58 of tRNA(Lys)(3), which lies outside the PBS-complementary r
20  developed a mutant tRNA(Lys)(3) derivative, tRNA(Lys)(3)A58U, in which A58 was replaced by U.
21                                    The human tRNA(Lys)3 gene was used as a target for transposition i
22 mentary to the 3'-terminal 18 nucleotides of tRNA(Lys)3, we identified an HIV-1 virus which contained
23 rted back to the wild type, complementary to tRNA(Lys)3.
24 e catalytic site, a two piece semi-synthetic tRNA(Lys, 3)construct was used.
25 ty between nucleotides at the 5' terminus of tRNA(Lys,3) and the U5-IR loop of the feline immunodefic
26 pe 1 (HIV-1), the 3' 18 nucleotides of human tRNA(Lys,3) are annealed to a complementary sequence on
27       HIV-1 reverse transcriptase uses human tRNA(Lys,3) as a primer to initiate reverse transcriptio
28                 In contrast, correctly sized tRNA(Lys,3) can be prepared by (i) total chemical synthe
29 he zinc finger structures, is able to anneal tRNA(Lys,3) efficiently to the PBS, and to destabilize t
30 aining full-length or 5'-deleted variants of tRNA(Lys,3) hybridized to the primer-binding site.
31                                        Human tRNA(Lys,3) is the specific primer for HIV-1 reverse tra
32  modified bases on the efficiency with which tRNA(Lys,3) is used in vitro as the HIV-1 replication pr
33 imer-binding site with natural and synthetic tRNA(Lys,3) primers, indicating it was not a consequence
34 gated the effects of the corresponding human tRNA(Lys,3) versions of the E. coli modifications, using
35 n human immunodeficiency virus type 1, human tRNA(Lys,3), is selectively packaged into the virion alo
36                          The human analogue, tRNA(Lys,3), is the specific tRNA primer for HIV-1 rever
37 he anticodon stem-loop (ASL) domain of human tRNA(Lys,3), the primer for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
38  of anticodon positions U35 and U36 of human tRNA(Lys,3).
39 when primed with either natural or synthetic tRNA(Lys,3).
40                                     In human tRNA(Lys,3)UUU three modified bases are present in the a
41 ild-type binding activity of wild-type human tRNA(Lys,3)UUU.
42 the acceptor-TPsiC stem-loop domain of human tRNA(Lys,3)was not specifically aminoacylated by the hum
43                          These undermodified tRNALys,3 anticodon loops are distinctly different from
44 anticodon recognition and for utilization of tRNALys,3 by HIV-1 as the native reverse transcriptase p
45                Viral Pol proteins influenced tRNAlys,3 packaging but had little influence on virion p
46 ication and the additional A+-C base-pair on tRNALys,3 structure.
47 cleotides comprising the anticodon domain of tRNALys,3.
48 t from those for viral genomic RNA or primer tRNAlys,3.
49      All mutants showed reduced affinity for tRNALys-3 and supported significantly less (-)-strand DN
50 sis that mutant PBS reversion is a result of tRNALys-3 annealing onto and extension from a PBS that s
51 of HIV-1 RT supports an interaction with the tRNALys-3 anticodon loop critical for efficient (-)-stra
52 V type 1 (HIV-1) specifically uses host cell tRNALys-3 as a primer for reverse transcription.
53             Structural features of binary RT.tRNALys-3 complexes were examined by in situ footprintin
54                   We have developed a mutant tRNALys-3 derivative with mutations in the PBS-binding r
55                                              tRNALys-3 interacts directly with HIV-1 reverse transcri
56 rast, NC promotes specific annealing of only tRNALys-3 onto an RNA template (HXB2) whose PBS sequence
57 ements outside the acceptor-TPsiC domains of tRNALys-3 play an important role in preferential primer
58                                     Cellular tRNALys-3 serves as the primer for reverse transcription
59                                    Recently, tRNALys-3 was cross-linked via its anticodon loop to hum
60 uences quickly revert to be complementary to tRNALys-3.
61 idosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS); the tRNA(Lys) 8344 mutation causing myoclonic epilepsy and r
62                          The intergenic COII/tRNA(Lys) 9-bp deletion in human mtDNA, which is found a
63 in homoplasmic form either the mitochondrial tRNA(Lys) A8344G mutation associated with the myoclonic
64 as that the G2.U71 wobble pair of spirochete tRNALys acts as antideterminant for class II LysRS but d
65 , we show how the s(2) modification in yeast tRNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocat
66 otype caused by the m.8344A>G mutation in mt-tRNA(Lys), aminoacylated by a Class II aaRS.
67                                  The altered tRNA(Lys) and luciferase genes were introduced into Nico
68 le for 2-thiouridylation of mt-tRNA(Glu), mt-tRNA(Lys) and mt-tRNA(Gln).
69 EF-G-catalyzed translocation step of the two tRNALys and the slippery codons from the A- and P- sites
70 e unfolding process of charged and uncharged tRNALys and tRNALeu(UUR) has revealed that the separatio
71 pe and mutant human mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR)) and mt-tRNA(Lys), and stabilize mutant mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR)).
72                    Purified Arg-tRNALys, Thr-tRNALys, and Met-tRNALys were essentially not deacylated
73  their ability to recognize Escherichia coli tRNA(Lys) anticodon mutants.
74 s of unmodified and pseudouridine39-modified tRNA(Lys) anticodon stem loops (ASLs) show that signific
75 for the fully modified 17-nucleotide E. coli tRNA(Lys) anticodon stem-loop domain (ASL).
76 f structure-based sequence alignments, seven tRNALys anticodon variants and seven LysRS1 anticodon bi
77 d UUUAAAG (40%) (underlined codon decoded by tRNA(Lys), anticodon 5' mnm5s2UUU 3') was more complex,
78  in the anticodon domain of Escherichia coli tRNA(Lys) are necessary for high-affinity codon recognit
79 harging pyrrolysine to tRNA(Pyl); lysine and tRNA(Lys) are not substrates of the enzyme.
80 t the anticodon stem loops for tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Lys) are substrates of comparable activity to the f
81 lass I LysRSs recognize the same elements in tRNALys as their class II counterparts, namely the discr
82  as seen in the recent crystal structures of tRNA(Lys) ASLs bound to the 30S ribosomal subunit.
83 m(5)s(2)U34, s(2)U34, t(6)A37, and Mg(2+) on tRNA(Lys) ASLs to decipher how the E. coli modifications
84 ne), or at positions -2, -6 and -10 (for the tRNA(Lys)AUC gene), and repression reached 90%.
85  sequences encoding the Arabidopsis thaliana tRNA(Lys)AUC or tRNA(Trp)AUC suppressor tRNAs, and tRNA
86 cific recognition of the same nucleotides in tRNALys by the two unrelated types of enzyme suggests th
87 rrangements in the ribosome-EF-Tu-GDP-Pi-Lys-tRNA(Lys) complex following GTP hydrolysis by EF-Tu.
88              The anticodon domain of E. coli tRNA(Lys) contains the hypermodified nucleosides mnm(5)s
89 uggest that specificity for the anticodon of tRNALys could have been acquired through relatively few
90 sphatidylglycerol synthase (A-PGS) or by Lys-tRNA(Lys)-dependent lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol synthase
91 ng to both the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial tRNA(Lys), despite the difference in the discriminator b
92 ture of the analogous t6A containing E. coli tRNA(Lys), despite the presence of the bulky methylthio
93                     Refinement of the LysRS1-tRNALys docking model based upon these data suggested th
94 analysis of the Pyrococcus horikoshii LysRS1-tRNALys docking model.
95 dition of a G between positions 36 and 37 of tRNA(Lys) expand the anticodons of both tRNAs similarly
96 nzyme whose major function is to provide Lys-tRNALys for protein synthesis, also catalyzes aminoacyla
97 rtions have been identified in the T loop of tRNALys from Didymium and tRNAGlu from Physarum.
98                                    A nuclear tRNA(Lys) gene from Arabidopsis thaliana was cloned and
99   The plasmid subsequently integrated into a tRNA(Lys) gene in the chromosome of each recipient, wher
100  Cell lines carrying the MERRF mitochondrial tRNA(Lys) gene mutation, which causes a pronounced decre
101         A novel G8363A mutation in the mtDNA tRNA(Lys) gene was associated, in two unrelated families
102  polymorphic region of the chromosome near a tRNA(Lys) gene, suggesting that exoU is a horizontally a
103 tegration site within the 3' terminus of the tRNA(Lys) gene.
104 of nucleotide (nt) 8344 in the mitochondrial tRNALys gene, were examined for the proportion of mutant
105 egion containing avrPphB was inserted into a tRNALYS gene, which was re-formed at the right junction
106 API-1 can reintegrate into either of the two tRNA(Lys) genes, including the one that was used for int
107 er, PAPI-1 integrates into either of the two tRNA(Lys) genes.
108                    Mutation of tRNA(Ala) and tRNA(Lys) had little effect on either MprF activity, ind
109                                       Native tRNA(Lys) has a U-turn structure similar to the yeast tR
110                     However, decreased lysyl-tRNA(Lys) in the lysS mutant provides a possible rationa
111 he large ribosomal subunit and a Cy5-labeled tRNA(Lys) in the ribosomal peptidyl-tRNA-binding (P) sit
112          This observation indicates that the tRNALys initiation step plays an important role in the d
113 ng length variation analysis of the COII and tRNALYS intergenic region, nucleotide sequence analysis
114 sRS), are required for specific packaging of tRNALys into virions.
115 ) was more complex, since the wobble base of tRNA(Lys) is modified at two positions.
116 nown to interact specifically with all three tRNA(Lys) isoacceptors, is also selectively packaged int
117 RNA(Lys) packaging complex that includes the tRNA(Lys) isoacceptors, LysRS, HIV-1 Gag, GagPol, and vi
118  that suggest the importance of the ratio of tRNALys isoacceptors in Type-2 diabetes.
119 inetic analysis we show that mcm(5)-modified tRNA(Lys) lacking the s(2) group has a lower affinity of
120 ng genomic islands to the corresponding PAO1 tRNA(Lys)-linked genomic island, the pathogenicity islan
121 aging, a Gag.GagPol complex interacts with a tRNA(Lys).LysRS complex, with Gag interacting specifical
122                         The Escherichia coli tRNA(Lys) modifications mnm(5)s(2)U34 and t(6)A37 have i
123 ex (MSC), restricting the pool of free LysRS-tRNA(Lys) Mounting evidence suggests that LysRS is relea
124 cherichia coli unable to modify fully either tRNA(Lys) or tRNA(Asn).
125 d that LeuRS specifically reduced the Km for tRNA(Lys) over 3-fold, with no additional change seen up
126                 We have previously defined a tRNA(Lys) packaging complex that includes the tRNA(Lys)
127 s studies support the hypothesis that during tRNA(Lys) packaging, a Gag.GagPol complex interacts with
128  two unrelated types of enzyme suggests that tRNALys predates at least one of the LysRSs in the evolu
129 inary complex does not occur when a chimeric tRNALys/Pro containing proline-specific D and anticodon
130 decoding AAG in the ribosomal A-site, E.coli tRNA(Lys) promotes a highly unusual single-tRNA slippage
131 76 patients with VAP for integration at this tRNA(lys) recombination site demonstrated that patients
132                                              tRNA(Lys) sampling and accommodation to the empty A site
133                To examine the specificity of tRNALys selection, E. coli tRNA3Lys was modified to tRNA
134 l synthetase/tRNA pair derived from archaeal tRNA(Lys) sequences that efficiently and selectively inc
135 fic anticodon domain modified nucleosides of tRNA(Lys) species would restore ribosomal binding and al
136 ass I-type enzyme to aminoacylate particular tRNALys species and provides a molecular basis for the o
137 s while expression of the amber and missense tRNA(Lys) suppressor genes from a geminivirus vector cap
138                          The slipperiness of tRNA(Lys), therefore, cannot be ascribed to a single mod
139                                 Purified Arg-tRNALys, Thr-tRNALys, and Met-tRNALys were essentially n
140  to be a methylthiotransferase that modifies tRNA(Lys) to enhance translational fidelity of transcrip
141 reviously that one class of MprF can use Lys-tRNA(Lys) to modify phosphatidylglycerol (PG), but the m
142                While the delivery of BOP-Lys-tRNA(Lys) to the ribosome is limited by its poor binding
143  at the wobble position of the anticodons of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(1)(Gln).
144 of the mcm(5) or s(2) modification at U34 of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) causes ribosome paus
145 a critical role of modifications at U(34) of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) in maintenance of mi
146 no detectable levels of nine tRNAs including tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) in mto2/mss1, mto2/m
147 ompletely abolished modification at U(34) of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln), caused by the combi
148 nomethyl (cmnm)(5)s(2)U(34) in mitochondrial tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln).
149  recognize the third anticodon nucleotide of tRNA(Lys) (U36) and those that recognize both the second
150 was selectively rescued by overexpression of tRNA(Lys) UUU as well by overexpression of genes (BCK1 a
151  tRNA structure in the fundamentally dynamic tRNA(Lys)(UUU) anticodon.
152                        The data suggest that tRNA(Lys)(UUU) species require anticodon domain modifica
153 s-linked reads originating from AAA-decoding tRNA(Lys)(UUU) were 10-fold enriched over its cellular a
154 A(Trp)(CCA), tRNA(Ile)(UAU), tRNA(Gln)(CUG), tRNA(Lys)(UUU), and tRNA(Val)(CAC).
155 ng effects of tRNA overexpression, implicate tRNA(Lys(UUU)) as a target of EcoPrrC toxicity in yeast.
156                                     Elevated tRNA(Lys)UUU levels suppressed the elp3Delta phenotypes
157 ph3Delta phenotypes, indicating that lack of tRNA(Lys)UUU modifications were responsible.
158 17 nucleotide anticodon stem-loop of E. coli tRNA(Lys) was then assembled from these synthons using p
159 transfer (smFRET) between (Cy5)EF-G and (Cy3)tRNALys, we studied the translational elongation dynamic
160 nly cytosolic in localization; tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Lys) were mainly mitochondrial; and tRNA(Trp) and t
161   Purified Arg-tRNALys, Thr-tRNALys, and Met-tRNALys were essentially not deacylated by LysRS, indica
162 uring coded protein synthesis requires lysyl-tRNA(Lys), which is synthesized by lysyl-tRNA synthetase
163 e show that MnmA binds to unmodified E. coli tRNA(Lys) with affinity in the low micromolar range.
164 RS, including the propensity to aminoacylate tRNA(Lys) with suboptimal identity elements, as well as
165  synthesis, also catalyzes aminoacylation of tRNALys with arginine, threonine, methionine, leucine, a
166 trand contains the UUU anticodon sequence of tRNALys with flanking GCs to increase duplex stability.
167 ing mechanism which prevents misacylation of tRNALys with ornithine.

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