


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              tRNA charging fractions can be measured for individual t
2                                              tRNA genes connected by DNA loops, which are proximal to
3 irpin), 2N3R (3-branch multi-loop) and 1EHZ (tRNA).
4 ial genome contains both ribosomal genes, 21 tRNAs, but only 11 protein-coding genes.
5                                       All 22 tRNA genes had typical cloverleaf secondary structures,
6  derived from 5' (tRF-5s) and 3'CCA (tRF-3s) tRNA loops in these three evolutionary distant species s
7 a previously uncharacterized link between 5'-tRNA halves and td-piRNAs.
8 the two tRNAs as major substrates for the 5'-tRNA halves as well, suggesting a previously uncharacter
9 ring approximately 7.3 million mRNA, 255 524 tRNA, 40 649 rRNA (different subunits) and 5250 miRNA, 3
10       We have discovered that mutations in a tRNA gene, aspT, in an aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, AspRS,
11 lution as well as that of its complex with a tRNA precursor by small-angle X-ray scattering.
12 eveals potential steric clashes with both aa-tRNA and the switch I region of EF-Tu.
13 u.aa-tRNA complexes to free the 3'-end of aa-tRNA for entry into the nuclease active site.
14 contact with the 3'-terminal adenylate of aa-tRNA.
15 suggest that the toxin remodels GTP.EF-Tu.aa-tRNA complexes to free the 3'-end of aa-tRNA for entry i
16 n domain onto previously solved GTP.EF-Tu.aa-tRNA structures reveals potential steric clashes with bo
17                     RG4 disruption abrogates tRNA fragments ability to trigger the formation of Stres
18 ntroduces a codon pairing to a low-abundance tRNA that is particularly rare in human bronchial epithe
19                            In Acidobacteria, tRNAs with 8/4 and 9/3 structures may function as missen
20                           While trans-acting tRNA editing proteins have been found to counteract the
21 s activated by both human prolyl- and alanyl-tRNA synthetases.
22 ations in a tRNA gene, aspT, in an aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, AspRS, and in a translation factor need
23 -S6K1 induces its release from the aminoacyl tRNA multisynthetase complex, which is required for exec
24 ngation factor 1A (eEF1A) delivers aminoacyl tRNAs to the A-site of the translating 80S ribosome.
25                                    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) are responsible for charging ami
26 ucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) is an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase whose essential function is to aminoacyl
27             About 10 years ago, an aminoacyl-tRNA-dependent enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of th
28    Key players in this process are aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), which not only catalyse the at
29 is unexpected relationship between aminoacyl-tRNA decoding and translocation suggests that miscoding
30 gnition by elongation factor-bound aminoacyl-tRNA is initiated by hydrogen bond interactions between
31 ation and suggests that editing by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases may be important for survival under sta
32 t plays a key role in near-cognate aminoacyl-tRNA selection during PTC suppression.
33 the base pairing of a near-cognate aminoacyl-tRNA with a PTC and subsequently, the amino acid becomes
34 ading underlies the inability of D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase (DTD) to discriminate between D-amino aci
35 d in a high-molecular-weight multi-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex (MSC), restricting the pool of f
36              While having multiple aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases implicated in Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
37 view describes the three groups of aminoacyl-tRNA-dependent enzymes involved in the synthesis of natu
38     Here we investigate thirty-one aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from infectious disease organisms by co
39                    Like some other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, IleRS can mischarge tRNA(Ile) and corr
40 n system components, in particular aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, shows that, at a stage of evolution wh
41 the scientific community requested aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to be targeted in the Seattle Structura
42 ables the bulk purification of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and translation factors necessary for a
43 ognate tRNA anticodons explore the aminoacyl-tRNA-binding site (A site) of an open 30S subunit, while
44 rthogonal nonsense suppressor tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair in Escherichia coli.
45                                    Aminoacyl-tRNAs were long thought to be involved solely in ribosom
46 somes with cognate or near-cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs delivered by EF-Tu.
47 e mRNA codons by selecting cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs delivered by elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu).
48  whose essential function is to aminoacylate tRNA(Ile) with isoleucine.
49  dissociation kinetics, which may vary among tRNA species and depends on temperature and ionic streng
50                                     Csy4 and tRNA expression systems are almost twice as effective in
51 R system yersinia) ribonuclease 4 (Csy4) and tRNA processing enzymes to simultaneously express multip
52 in yeast tRNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocation.
53 fication at U34 of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) causes ribosome pausing at the respective codo
54 c tRNA loci (e.g., the nuclear tRNA(Gly) and tRNA(Leu), the mitochondrial tRNA(Val) and tRNA(Pro)) we
55 ed isomiRs, that is, isoforms of miRNAs, and tRNA-derived fragments (tRF).
56  primarily to effect the release of mRNA and tRNA from the ribosome, with the splitting of the riboso
57 ays directly measuring the rates of mRNA and tRNA release and of ribosome splitting in several model
58 eaction, which necessarily precedes mRNA and tRNA release.
59 nslocation channel prevents both protein and tRNA import.
60 al biological processes, DNA replication and tRNA selection during the translation.
61 As linked by the self-cleaving ribozymes and tRNA could be expressed from RNA polymerase type II (pol
62 fferent assembly quality, number of rRNA and tRNA genes, and the occurrence of conserved functional d
63  methylates specific nucleotides in rRNA and tRNA.
64 ins of SepCysE each bind SepRS, SepCysS, and tRNA(Cys), respectively, which mediates the dynamic arch
65 d tRNA(Leu), the mitochondrial tRNA(Val) and tRNA(Pro)) were strongly associated with the observed ra
66 RNAs with two different unnatural codons and tRNAs with cognate unnatural anticodons, and their effic
67 ed with non-coding RNAs, including sRNAs and tRNAs, demonstrating the high complexity of the sRNA int
68                                           As tRNA nuclear export is essential, we previously interrog
69              Abundant noncoding RNAs such as tRNAs, rRNAs, and spliceosomal RNAs are also heavily mod
70 artamidyl-adenylate, which inhibits aspartyl-tRNA synthetase.
71 nucleotide antibiotic that inhibits aspartyl-tRNA synthetase.
72 stence of naturally occurring RG4-assembling tRNA fragments and emphasize their regulatory roles.
73 teins, which is reflected by loss of SUMO at tRNA genes.
74 entified the essential Staphylococcus aureus tRNA m(1)G37 methyltransferase enzyme TrmD, which is con
75                                    Available tRNA prediction methods fail to accurately predict tRNAS
76                                 RNAs besides tRNA and rRNA contain chemical modifications, including
77 ce for discovery of additional links between tRNA modifications and gene regulation.
78 otein-only RNase P enzymes specifically bind tRNA and highlights the contribution of protein dynamics
79 nslation through evasion of one but not both tRNA synthetase editing systems.
80  in the anticodon loop of Trypanosoma brucei tRNA(Thr) is methylated to 3-methylcytosine (m(3)C) as a
81 ne carbonyl oxygen by sulfur is catalyzed by tRNA thiouridine synthetases called TtuA.
82 gest that this activity can be controlled by tRNA levels.
83 ceeds in the order: mRNA release followed by tRNA release and then by 70S splitting.
84               Cysteine can be synthesized by tRNA-dependent mechanism using a two-step indirect pathw
85 -RNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs; also called tRNA-derived fragments) are an abundant class of small n
86 results provide evidence for a non-canonical tRNA methyltransferase mechanism that characterizes the
87                              While canonical tRNAs have a 7/5 configuration of the branch, the novel
88 ncover a biological role for TRMT1-catalyzed tRNA modification in redox metabolism and show that indi
89 ct evidence for the central role of cellular tRNA levels in mediating the actions of sSNPs in a tissu
90 to DNA, a process that is primed by cellular tRNAs.
91  to associate with paused ribosomes, certain tRNAs with specific d-arm residues must be present in th
92  rapidly in cells, and variations in charged tRNA fractions are known to be a useful parameter in cel
93 at enables accurate determination of charged tRNA fractions at single-base resolution (Charged DM-tRN
94                                      Charged tRNAs turn over rapidly in cells, and variations in char
95  suggesting that CdiA-CT(EC869) only cleaves tRNA in the context of translationally active GTP.EF-Tu.
96         It has an aptamer domain for cognate tRNA recognition and an expression platform to sense the
97                Both cognate and near-cognate tRNA anticodons explore the aminoacyl-tRNA-binding site
98 ponsible for charging amino acids to cognate tRNA molecules, which is the essential first step of pro
99 suppressor tRNA species in Escherichia coli; tRNAs with 8/4 or 9/3 structures efficiently inserted se
100 text of a functional 70S ribosome containing tRNA substrates.
101 ions of the two-step indirect pathway of Cys-tRNA(Cys) synthesis (tRNA-dependent cysteine biosynthesi
102 NA-bounded Sep into cysteine by Sep-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synthase (SepCysS).
103 delta-proteobacteria, an additional cysteine tRNA with an 8/4 structure mimics selenocysteine tRNA an
104 lyzed by prokaryotic and mammalian cysteinyl-tRNA synthetases (CARSs).
105                In the cells, two cytoplasmic tRNA species, tRNAAspGUC and tRNAHisGUG, served as major
106 ously, we have shown that mature cytoplasmic tRNAs are cleaved during stress response to produce tRNA
107             In HEK293T cells, most cytosolic tRNAs are charged at >80% levels, whereas tRNASer and tR
108             Gcn2p is activated by deacylated tRNA, which accumulates when tRNA aminoacylation is limi
109 nd contact of the acceptor arm of deacylated tRNA with helix 68 of 23S rRNA.
110  role of the exit (E) site, where deacylated tRNA spontaneously dissociates from the translational co
111 om mouse cortex neurons results in defective tRNA processing, although the pathway(s) involved in neu
112 nslocation is slower with the s(2)-deficient tRNA(Lys).
113  exporters surprisingly exhibit differential tRNA substrate preferences.
114 genes that function in cell differentiation, tRNA modification, nuclease activity and protein dephosp
115                         While fast diffusing tRNA is not excluded from the bacterial nucleoid, slow d
116  from the bacterial nucleoid, slow diffusing tRNA is localized to the cell periphery (showing a 30% e
117 ular distribution of fast and slow diffusing tRNA molecules in multiple cells by normalizing for cell
118 ctions at single-base resolution (Charged DM-tRNA-seq).
119 '-cyclic-PO4 and 5'-OH ends inflicted during tRNA splicing and non-canonical mRNA splicing in the fun
120 We apply this method to the study of dynamic tRNA gene regulation during macrophage development and f
121 nding reads versus A+C-ending reads for each tRNA species in the same sequencing reaction.
122                                     Elevated tRNA(Lys)UUU levels suppressed the elp3Delta phenotypes
123                      RNase P is an essential tRNA-processing enzyme in all domains of life.
124                                     Finally, tRNA-mRNA translocation is slower with the s(2)-deficien
125 lopment of a genetically encoded fluorescent tRNA fusion with the potential for imaging in live Esche
126 ing protein, which hydrolyzes fluorothreonyl-tRNA 670-fold more efficiently than threonyl-RNA, and as
127 of IF2 activation that reveals how GTP, fMet-tRNA(fMet), and specific structural elements of IF2 driv
128 e, we report the mechanism of biogenesis for tRNA-derived Piwi-interacting RNAs (td-piRNAs) expressed
129  genesis of specific expression profiles for tRNA-derived ncRNAs.
130 proximately 8 mum(2)/s, consistent with free tRNA) and slow (consistent with tRNA bound to larger com
131 enzyme that removes 5' leader sequences from tRNA precursors.
132      Small RNA (sRNA) fragments derived from tRNAs (3'-loop, 5'-loop, anti-codon loop), named tRFs, h
133 that cleaves the single-stranded 3'-end from tRNAs that contain guanine discriminator nucleotides.
134 efore essential for maturation of functional tRNAs and mRNA translation.
135                                       Fungal tRNA ligase (Trl1) is an essential enzyme that repairs R
136  must be present in the peptidyl site, e.g., tRNA(Pro).
137  Moreover, DTD's activity on non-cognate Gly-tRNA(Ala) is conserved across all bacteria and eukaryote
138 itecture can efficiently edit mischarged Gly-tRNA(Ala) species four orders of magnitude more efficien
139 y the 8/4 structure for serine and histidine tRNAs, while minor cysteine and selenocysteine tRNA spec
140        These findings expand our view of how tRNA, and possibly the genetic code, is diversified in n
141                                     However, tRNA availability is not the sole determinant of rate; r
142                         HIV-1 recruits human tRNA(Lys3) to serve as the reverse transcription primer
143 es high-throughput technique for identifying tRNA profiles and their regulations in various transcrip
144 ological regulationfor instance,, changes in tRNA amounts facilitate cancer metastasis.
145                                   Changes in tRNA supply mediate biological regulationfor instance,,
146 fective in eEF2 modification (dph1Delta), in tRNA modifications (elp3Delta), or both (dph3Delta) for
147 eome to identify candidates that function in tRNA nuclear export.
148 RNA nuclear export, cofunctions with Los1 in tRNA nuclear export.
149 s2ct6A), a novel derivative of ct6A found in tRNAs from Bacillus subtilis, plants and Trypanosoma bru
150 ghly abundant small ncRNA species, including tRNAs, Y RNAs, and Vault RNAs.
151 erminal oligoguanine motifs of an individual tRNA fragment.
152 ing fractions can be measured for individual tRNA species using acid denaturing gels, or comparativel
153                                    Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) is an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
154 r of excess free RNAs, including full-length tRNAs and other small ncRNAs.
155 from cancer-associated MTOR mutations.Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LRS) is a leucine sensor of the mTORC1
156 arately, overexpression of the most limiting tRNA increases LARP4 levels and reveals its functional a
157       With recent data on another CMT-linked tRNA synthetase, we suggest that an inherent plasticity,
158 5) or s(2) modification at U34 of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) causes ribosome pausing at the
159 rrangements in the ribosome-EF-Tu-GDP-Pi-Lys-tRNA(Lys) complex following GTP hydrolysis by EF-Tu.
160 ex (MSC), restricting the pool of free LysRS-tRNA(Lys) Mounting evidence suggests that LysRS is relea
161 tion primer via an interaction between lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS) and the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein.
162 cases may be driven by the presence of lysyl-tRNA synthetase (KRS) in the medium.
163 mammalian cells by S207-phosphorylated Lysyl-tRNA synthetase.
164 ed for high resolution analysis of mammalian tRNAs due to their large sequence diversity.
165                  Select pre-tRNAs and mature tRNAs with PR and POLR3A colocalized at their promoters
166 lecules that arise from precursor and mature tRNAs.
167    YAMAT-seq has high specificity for mature tRNAs and high sensitivity to detect most isoacceptors f
168 lity to estimate expression levels of mature tRNAs, and has high reproducibility and broad applicabil
169 hod for high-throughput sequencing of mature tRNAs.
170 ase-induced expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274G) enables the cell-type-specific l
171 , we demonstrate editing of misaminoacylated tRNA is also required for detection of amino acid starva
172 -cognate amino acids and/or misaminoacylated tRNAs.
173 noacyl-tRNA synthetases, IleRS can mischarge tRNA(Ile) and correct this misacylation through a separa
174 r tRNA(Gly) and tRNA(Leu), the mitochondrial tRNA(Val) and tRNA(Pro)) were strongly associated with t
175 hat it is possible to uncouple mitochondrial tRNA import from protein import.
176 ations of visual pigments [1], mitochondrial tRNAs [2], and postcranial anatomy [3] suggest a lifesty
177  binds directly to a subset of mitochondrial tRNAs and precursor RNA encoded in L-strand mtDNA.
178 inetic analysis we show that mcm(5)-modified tRNA(Lys) lacking the s(2) group has a lower affinity of
179 efficiently rejected than the fully modified tRNA(Lys).
180 ck-rotation cycle during the process of mRNA-tRNA translocation.
181  ends of the mitochondrial (mt-) rRNA and mt-tRNA.
182 toribosome, spurious poly(A) additions to mt-tRNA led to reduced levels of aminoacylated pool of cert
183 d levels of aminoacylated pool of certain mt-tRNAs and mitoribosome stalling at the corresponding cod
184 APIII mapping with biotin-capture of nascent tRNAs.
185 h enzymes known to modify anticodons, or non-tRNA substrates such as rRNA, exhibiting the most dramat
186 a 7/5 configuration of the branch, the novel tRNAs have either 8/4 or 9/3 structure.
187 d from specific tRNA loci (e.g., the nuclear tRNA(Gly) and tRNA(Leu), the mitochondrial tRNA(Val) and
188  crystal structures solved in the absence of tRNA as a guide.
189 omain and in flexing of the anticodon arm of tRNA suggests that they represent general strategies for
190 , suggesting that they are not byproducts of tRNA degradation.
191 us enables a global long-range channeling of tRNA(Cys) between SepRS and SepCysS distant active sites
192 ) to tRNA(Cys) followed by the conversion of tRNA-bounded Sep into cysteine by Sep-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synt
193 t this new enzyme improves the efficiency of tRNA sequencing.
194 eveloping new tools for live-cell imaging of tRNA with the unique advantage of both stoichiometric la
195                    Despite the importance of tRNA for translation, its subcellular distribution and d
196 d be widely applicable for investigations of tRNA charging as a parameter in biological regulation.
197 ph3Delta phenotypes, indicating that lack of tRNA(Lys)UUU modifications were responsible.
198 ver, many details regarding the mechanism of tRNA(Lys3) and LysRS packaging remain unknown.
199 been found to counteract the misacylation of tRNA with commonly occurring near-cognate amino acids, t
200  domain-level and loop-based organization of tRNA gene transcription during cellular differentiation.
201  suggesting the location and organization of tRNA genes contribute to dynamic tDNA activity during ma
202 ed tRFs that could be originating outside of tRNA space and flags them as candidate false positives.
203                           In the presence of tRNA, blocking events of single-channel currents through
204           In this regard, the recruitment of tRNA editing proteins to biosynthetic clusters may have
205  noncoding RNAs and reduced the stability of tRNA(Asp(GTC)) We also demonstrate the importance of m(5
206              However, the rigid structure of tRNA has been presenting a challenge to the development
207 of the mcm(5) or s(2) modification at U34 of tRNA(Lys), tRNA(Glu), and tRNA(Gln) causes ribosome paus
208 tor eEF2 and wobble uridine modifications of tRNAs.
209 s generated during the maturation process of tRNAs (tRNA-derived small RNAs, hereafter "tsRNAs") is d
210  Here, we provide the first direct report on tRNA diffusion localization in live bacteria.
211 is not possible for the predictions of other tRNAs.
212 the number of genomic copies of the parental tRNAs.
213                                     Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2 (PTRH2) regulates integrin-mediated pro
214 sis by impairing the recognition of peptidyl-tRNA in the small subunit P site during EF-G-catalyzed t
215 the ribosome where they contact the peptidyl-tRNA in the P site and play a critical role in promoting
216 ng-lived late intermediates wherein peptidyl-tRNA enters the P site of the small ribosomal subunit vi
217 targeting Plasmodium falciparum phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase comprise one promising new class of anti
218 -step indirect pathway, where O-phosphoseryl-tRNA synthetase (SepRS) catalyzes the ligation of a mism
219 tion approach, we discover a phosphothreonyl-tRNA synthetase-tRNACUA pair and create an entirely bios
220 t different genomic sites, the polycistronic tRNA-gRNA gene (PTG) strategy enables multiplex gene edi
221 t La is stably associated with a spliced pre-tRNA intermediate.
222 t of newly transcribed intron-containing pre-tRNAs.
223                                   Select pre-tRNAs and mature tRNAs with PR and POLR3A colocalized at
224  miRNAs in exosomes, and precisely processed tRNA and Y RNA fragments in EVs and exRNPs.
225 re cleaved during stress response to produce tRNA fragments that function to repress translation in v
226             Here we identify glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EPRS) as an mTORC1-S6K1 target that con
227 reports the first structural data of a PRORP-tRNA complex.
228 s work provides a refined model of the PRORP-tRNA complex that illustrates how protein-only RNase P e
229 of amino acids by RNA molecules, i.e., proto-tRNAs.
230 iated expression of an orthogonal pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase-tRNAXXX pair in a cell type of interest
231             Some of the tRNAs represent rare tRNA species, whose codons are overrepresented in the vi
232 e slow translation of codons decoded by rare tRNAs reduces efficiency.
233  bind to select tRNA species, including rare tRNAs, but also inhibit HIV replication.
234 e derived from the 5'-part of the respective tRNAs.
235 t of cognate amino acids to their respective tRNAs, but also selectively hydrolyse incorrectly activa
236 er RNA (mRNA) and an uncharged transfer RNA (tRNA) cognate to the terminal mRNA codon bound to the 70
237                                Transfer RNA (tRNA) decodes mRNA codons when aminoacylated (charged) w
238 ow that FthB is a trans-acting transfer RNA (tRNA) editing protein, which hydrolyzes fluorothreonyl-t
239                                Transfer RNA (tRNA) links messenger RNA nucleotide sequence with amino
240 ly binds up to three different transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules.
241 (1) G, m(3) C modifications in transfer RNA (tRNA), but they work poorly on m(2)2 G.
242                    Eukaryotic transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are exported from the nucleus, their site of synt
243 sible for the 5 maturation of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) in all domains of life.
244          Besides translation, transfer RNAs (tRNAs) play many non-canonical roles in various biologic
245 ns, especially Hili, not only bind to select tRNA species, including rare tRNAs, but also inhibit HIV
246 NAs, while minor cysteine and selenocysteine tRNA species may have a modified 8/4 structure with one
247  with an 8/4 structure mimics selenocysteine tRNA and may function as opal suppressor.
248 e found during the search for selenocysteine tRNAs in terabytes of genome, metagenome and metatranscr
249 ion of tRNA-bounded Sep into cysteine by Sep-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synthase (SepCysS).
250  lifetime of this state depend on the E-site tRNA dissociation kinetics, which may vary among tRNA sp
251 lly, we obtained evidence for an EV-specific tRNA modification, perhaps indicating a role for posttra
252            The structural basis for specific tRNA binding is known, but the structural basis for char
253 he miR-183/96/182 cluster) and from specific tRNA loci (e.g., the nuclear tRNA(Gly) and tRNA(Leu), th
254     In selenoprotein genes, the Sec specific tRNA (tRNASec) drives the recoding of highly specific UG
255 ved methyl-uridine at position 54 stabilizes tRNAs from thermophilic bacteria and hyperthermophilic a
256 ether with an orthogonal nonsense suppressor tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair in Escherichia coli.
257 potential translation function of suppressor tRNA species in Escherichia coli; tRNAs with 8/4 or 9/3
258 function as missense and nonsense suppressor tRNAs and/or regulatory noncoding RNAs.
259 indirect pathway of Cys-tRNA(Cys) synthesis (tRNA-dependent cysteine biosynthesis) to prevent challen
260                                    Targeting tRNA(Arg)(UCU) with an antisense oligonucleotide replica
261                  Previous studies found that tRNA(Lys3) packaging depends on interactions between Lys
262                      Our data also show that tRNA exporters surprisingly exhibit differential tRNA su
263                                          The tRNA m1G9 methyltransferase (Trm10) is a member of the S
264  capable of aberrant interactions, links the tRNA synthetase family to CMT.
265 idine 34 (U34) at the wobble position of the tRNA anticodon is post-transcriptionally modified, usual
266                         Up-regulation of the tRNA cognate to the mutated codon counteracts the effect
267 an genomes precludes any optimization of the tRNA pool to the demand in codon usage.
268 ns in TSEN54, which encodes a subunit of the tRNA splicing endonuclease complex.
269 entity element and anticodon sequence of the tRNA.
270 ancestral insect gene arrangement, while the tRNA cluster trnW-trnC-trnY is rearranged to trnY-trnW-t
271   Besides its stacking interactions with the tRNA elbow, stalk movement is directly linked to intersu
272 nts of the elongation machinery, such as the tRNAs and their associated enzymes, can cause translatio
273                                  Some of the tRNAs represent rare tRNA species, whose codons are over
274                     It allows binding of the tRNAs to the ribosomal A and P sites, but prevents corre
275 ated state of the ribosome wherein all three tRNA sites are occupied during translation elongation.
276                              Among the three tRNA binding sites, the regulatory role of the exit (E)
277  Further studies revealed that Hili binds to tRNA.
278 atic cells, Piwil proteins bind primarily to tRNA.
279  due in part to unique challenges related to tRNA sequencing.
280 APIII holoenzyme and recruitment of Rpc82 to tRNA genes.
281 on of a mismatching O-phosphoserine (Sep) to tRNA(Cys) followed by the conversion of tRNA-bounded Sep
282 PAR-CLIP and revealed that it cross-links to tRNAs, mRNAs and rRNAs, thereby placing the protein on t
283 e fraction of RNA polymerase III-transcribed tRNA genes, independent of hormone treatment.
284 ated during the maturation process of tRNAs (tRNA-derived small RNAs, hereafter "tsRNAs") is dysregul
285  context of translationally active GTP.EF-Tu.tRNA ternary complexes.
286                cP-RNA-seq identified the two tRNAs as major substrates for the 5'-tRNA halves as well
287 e find that downregulation of yars-2/tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, an NMD target transcript, by daf-2 muta
288 (Aatm) and the mitochondrial-encoded tyrosyl-tRNA that it aminoacylates.
289 ct of three CMT-causing mutations in tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS or YARS).
290 of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (Aatm) and the mitochondrial-encoded tyr
291 ely monitors the levels of charged/uncharged tRNA and participates in amino acid homeostasis by regul
292  rapid accumulation of end-matured unspliced tRNAs in the nucleus.
293 inal maturation, thereby preventing untimely tRNA and mRNA binding and error prone translation.
294 d by deacylated tRNA, which accumulates when tRNA aminoacylation is limited by lack of substrates or
295                               However, while tRNA import depends on the core subunits of the protein
296 nt with free tRNA) and slow (consistent with tRNA bound to larger complexes).
297 studies, which are found to be enriched with tRNA genes, RNAPIII and TFIIS binding.
298  to understand its dynamic interactions with tRNA and other structural elements of the ribosome.
299 , we show how the s(2) modification in yeast tRNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocat
300 primary nuclear export for a subset of yeast tRNAs.

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