


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tage of the transition state are its effects tangible.
2 a contraindication when the expected gain is tangible.
3 vention of diabetes will become increasingly tangible.
4                          This study provides tangible absolute risk estimates for relatives of HL pat
5 ustainable Development Goal commitments into tangible action.
6                                      Despite tangible advances in diagnosis, treatment, and basic sci
7                                     The most tangible advances in DNA diagnostics during the past yea
8 ing and intake and to compare the effects of tangible and social rewards.
9 mponents of social support (i.e., belonging, tangible, and appraisal support) and social problem-solv
10 , raising hope that immunotherapy could be a tangible approach to AKI.
11 virus-resistant transgenic papaya provides a tangible approach to control PSRV in Hawaii.
12 rs required for virus replication presents a tangible approach toward obtaining novel hits with a bro
13 g to student nurses, as it is seen as a less tangible aspect of care when compared to other acts of c
14 ing the family/companions), provide support (tangible assistance and reassurance about managing adver
15 ocial support reflecting the availability of tangible assistance.
16 oup of pathogens represents an important and tangible barometer of climate change in marine systems.
17 gman metalloporphyrin complexes and provides tangible benchmarks for using proton-coupled multielectr
18  direct evidence that this ability confers a tangible benefit to sensory processing.
19 rience with biotherapeutic agents to provide tangible benefits for patients.
20 aining can improve mental health and produce tangible benefits in job-finding.
21 s and food are readily formed because of the tangible benefits they confer.
22 nically raised food may provide animals with tangible benefits to overall health.
23 xciting prospect, one that is hoped to bring tangible benefits to patients with cancer.
24 ified phosphorylation of alpha3, revealing a tangible biological mechanism for this novel regulatory
25 cal model can serve as the basis for linking tangible biomacromolecular models directly to the vast a
26 escriptive classification into objective and tangible brain-based measures.
27 ther community music participation induces a tangible change in auditory processing.
28 d what is still needed to bring dramatic and tangible change to patients.-Scolnick, E.
29 sistent actions by professionals can deliver tangible changes.
30 forts to translate this intriguing idea into tangible clinical benefit.
31 path of converting a genome discovery into a tangible clinical endpoint are numerous and formidable.
32                  The findings also provide a tangible clue as to the structural basis of mitoK(ATP) c
33 related to environmental stressors, offering tangible clues to the mechanisms behind the enduring suc
34 rm Parkinson's disease research by providing tangible clues to the neurobiology of the disorder.
35 )-N, NO3(-)-N and total phosphorus, offering tangible clues to the underlying mechanisms of soil biog
36 ccept them , and many have failed to produce tangible conservation benefits [3].
37 eta in lymphoid cell signaling, and offers a tangible context for design of structurally altered core
38                           The desire to make tangible contributions to public health needs and better
39                               In addition to tangible costs, the vaccine should be appraised based on
40 lect for indirectness even when there are no tangible costs.
41        'Network medicine' has already led to tangible discoveries of novel disease genes and pathways
42 intaining differential biodiversity may have tangible economic imperatives as well as being desirable
43                        In the absence of any tangible effectiveness of paracentesis and the inherent
44 s-healing practices that are not mediated by tangible elements-can reduce preprocedural distress and
45 omal interactivity that may or may not leave tangible evidence in the form of detectable sequence cha
46                                              Tangible evidence of its proangiogenic role comes from k
47 vide some of the most publically emotive and tangible evidence of our ancestors.
48 ctroscopy have yielded findings that provide tangible evidence of the neurobiologic manifestations of
49  knowledge, these findings provide the first tangible evidence that an autoimmune response to retina
50            This record constitutes the first tangible evidence that, along with monotremes and theria
51 ental many-body physics, providing the first tangible example of a quantum phase transition (one that
52         The Board certification process is a tangible expression of the social contract between the p
53 nic banana plants was performed to study its tangible functions in banana plants.
54 nductances of Hodgkin & Huxley into the more tangible gated ion channel.
55 d promotes genome-scale reconstructions as a tangible goal in the quest to define the metabolic, ecol
56 ant brain function, which means that it is a tangible goal to identify the biological underpinnings o
57 -associated growth retardation is becoming a tangible health problem in developing countries, where t
58 rk) dimensions and functional (emotional and tangible help) dimensions.
59                   The fossil record provides tangible, historical evidence for the mode and operation
60 re failing to be translated efficiently into tangible human benefit.
61 s reviewed here, these recent successes have tangible implications in the fields of microbial evoluti
62 xperience from other countries suggests that tangible improvements can occur with conversion to a sin
63 unprecedented scientific accomplishment into tangible improvements in human health.
64 ngency management interventions that provide tangible incentives based on objective indicators of dru
65 ngency management interventions that provide tangible incentives based on objective indicators of dru
66  characteristics of the signal rather than a tangible increase in volume.
67 art disease has increased significantly as a tangible index of ageing in the population, and these di
68 ially unrecognized without assessment, has a tangible influence on quality of life.
69 mental scanning electron microscopy provided tangible information on network morphology of polymeric
70 vities in muscles and kidneys, provides some tangible insight toward establishing its physiological f
71 o maximize the chance that CBPR will lead to tangible, lasting health benefits for communities, resea
72 opriation of freshwater resources presents a tangible limit to the sustainability of cities, agricult
73         The study of clusters has provided a tangible link between local geometry and bulk condensed
74           Genetic color variation provides a tangible link between the external phenotype of an organ
75                         The findings provide tangible links among various key elements in the precond
76  for nervous system development and provides tangible links between Zn(2+), neurulation, and neuronal
77                       These findings provide tangible management targets for multispecies coral reef
78                  This study thus specifies a tangible mechanism to target the AR(-/lo) population of
79      At further levels of renal dysfunction, tangible metabolic perturbations are recognized as requi
80                       These data result in a tangible model disclosing how hPSC-released factors defl
81  and other walled cells, these molecules are tangible models for studying conformational transitions
82 expressed products of the Gnas locus provide tangible molecular support for the parental-conflict hyp
83     Writing prescriptions is one of the most tangible new responsibilities that residents acquire aft
84             These findings provide the first tangible nexus of telomere biology with insulin resistan
85                           Cognitive aids are tangible or intangible instruments that guide users in d
86 emistry/activity relationships demonstrate a tangible path for the design of electrocatalytic systems
87 ffectiveness), fusing subthreshold cues into tangible percepts.
88 yses have proliferated without being tied to tangible phenotypes.
89 llmark of active transcriptional response to tangible physical or chemical stress.
90 h science is often heralded, but evidence of tangible, positive effects on public understanding is ra
91 lls (MSCs) isolated from adult tissues offer tangible potential for regenerative medicine, given thei
92 Patient motivations include the desire for a tangible product of the clinical encounter coupled with
93 methods that yield more robust, relevant and tangible products for conservation applications.
94                                      Despite tangible progress in recent years, substantial therapeut
95 ical, economic, and environmental resources, tangible progress is likely to be realized only by a glo
96 1) What metrics should the NIH use to assess tangible progress on policy changes designed to address
97                Ownership of intellectual and tangible property (IP/TP) rights in agricultural biotech
98                         The development of a tangible protocol for early diagnosis of this disease re
99       This mechanism thus renders the future tangible, providing a basis for farsighted behavior.
100 the field forward to bring the mirage into a tangible reality.
101 ve teaching" is human specific, and presents tangible reasons why.
102 riginated and gone extinct without leaving a tangible record.
103 o establish whether its presence does have a tangible relevance in their spatial arrangement in solut
104  = 173) were randomly assigned to exposure + tangible reward (sticker), exposure + social reward (pra
105 articipants were willing to sacrifice a more tangible reward, money, in order to reminisce about posi
106             Children who received exposure + tangible rewards increased their intake (P = 0.001) and
107 his home-based study support parental use of tangible rewards with repeated taste exposures to improv
108        We conclude by presenting a number of tangible steps to bolster our understanding of fundament
109                   This program could provide tangible structural changes that can be implemented in o
110 cessful federal initiatives share a focus on tangible success stories, constant input and guidance fr
111 pport (i.e., emotional support, instrumental/tangible support, informational support, and appraisal s
112 spatial one and greatly extends the range of tangible textures.
113 discuss how this work may eventually lead to tangible therapeutic advancements to promote health.
114 s' worth of basic and clinical research into tangible therapies that can benefit patients.
115 s that have more recently emerged and have a tangible translational potential given the available pha
116 accine should be appraised based on the less tangible value of preventing mortality and morbidity fro
117 ples of PCET in biology are illustrated in a tangible way.
118  be increasingly manifested in important and tangible ways, such as changes in extremes of temperatur
119 ble truth inherent to the arrangement of our tangible world.

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