


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uence-altered genes to an expression-altered target gene.
2 alled p85alpha) as a glucocorticoid receptor target gene.
3 ferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) target gene.
4 ion, was identified as a direct C/EBPepsilon target gene.
5 itoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), as a direct HIF target gene.
6 of RUNX1 and CBFbeta-SMMHC on Csf1r, a RUNX1 target gene.
7 wing Dorsal to enter the nucleus to regulate target genes.
8        We show that Grh controls hundreds of target genes.
9 nd leads to transcriptional activation of RA target genes.
10 ions as a transcriptional repressor of Notch target genes.
11 ellular levels of HCV RNA, and expression of target genes.
12 on of proapoptotic and cell-cycle-regulatory target genes.
13 tion and fibrosis of ABMR via suppression of target genes.
14 bition decreased the expression of FOXO/BRD4 target genes.
15  mutations in microsatellites are called MSI target genes.
16 nse elements (TREs) in regulatory regions of target genes.
17  depends on the synergistic induction of Ras target genes.
18 ynthesis, concomitant with downregulation of target genes.
19 tion, mRNA stabilization, and translation of target genes.
20 and dynamic eviction of H2A.Z nucleosomes at target genes.
21  Leo1, as a factor that helps recruit Myc to target genes.
22 , a mutation that causes derepression of its target genes.
23 rcinoma correlating with upregulation of its target genes.
24 d of transcription factor proteins and their target genes.
25 nd TAZ, accompanied with activation of their target genes.
26 th chromatin and regulates the expression of target genes.
27 hich, in turn, is required for regulation of target genes.
28 adherens junctions and the activation of Wnt target genes.
29 anscription factors with more than 500 known target genes.
30 cross cell types than for cell type-specific target genes.
31  with the transcriptional start sites of 304 target genes.
32 hown by altered expression levels of several target genes.
33 e with the expression of most regulated Pax5 target genes.
34 n tumor growth through the modulation of p53 target genes.
35 nd in regulating the expression of most Tcf1 target genes.
36 s time point, reinforcing high expression of target genes.
37 dence for interaction between these loci and target genes.
38 oR1), resulting in repression of Rev-erbbeta target genes.
39  both FOXM1 and its proliferation-associated target genes.
40  can significantly alter the choice of their target genes.
41 ion causes transcriptional repression of the targeted genes.
42  of WDR5 and concomitant H3K4 methylation at targeted genes.
43 ng, including inclusion of A-T rich exons in target genes, a phenomenon that has previously been obse
44      Surprisingly, removal of introns from a target gene abolishes the requirement for Aquarius, but
45  tumor-specific enhancers and contributes to target gene activation.
46 ith transgene-containing donor templates for targeted gene addition has proven challenging, which in
47 L nuclear bodies and HIRA recruitment to IFN target genes, although HIRA is not required for IFN-indu
48 ow that a combination of single nicks in the target gene and donor plasmid (SNGD) using Cas9D10A nick
49  requires long-sequence homology between the target gene and repair template, but does not require Ct
50 ndings identify LPCAT3 as a direct PPARdelta target gene and suggest a novel function of PPARdelta in
51 d restored expression of beta-catenin-driven target genes and alveolar epithelial cell markers in the
52 coatomer, beta subunit) dsRNA silenced their target genes and caused mortality.
53 ences in the 3' untranslated region of their target genes and causing the transcripts to be degraded
54 lear translocation of p65, and regulation of target genes and cell function were investigated after d
55 ers controlling the expression of adipogenic target genes and continued differentiation.
56 tion factor, it remains unclear which direct target genes and downstream pathways are essential for t
57 hesize that ASO-T3 conjugates may knock down target genes and enrich T3 action in fat and liver.
58 duces dexamethasone-mediated induction of GR target genes and GRE-driven reporter activity without di
59 of glucokinase without affecting other FOXO1 target genes and lowers glycemia without concurrent stea
60 iated with the upregulation of Hippo pathway target genes and marker genes of TGF-beta signaling, inc
61 oach, the authors identified several miR-7a2 target genes and pathways that have not been previously
62 D, induces transcriptional activation of YAP target genes and promotes YAP-dependent cell proliferati
63 by binding to genomic regulatory elements of target genes and recruiting coregulator proteins to remo
64 network links transcription factors to their target genes and represents a map of transcriptional reg
65 its PAX7 from activating its transcriptional target genes and vice versa.
66     Each microRNA (miRNA) represses a web of target genes and, through them, controls multiple phenot
67 ssion confers differential H3K36me3 on SETD2 target genes, and induce H3K36me3-coupled alternative sp
68 d phenotype, inhibited the expression of Wnt target genes, and prevented nuclear accumulation of beta
69 lter expression patterns of newly identified target genes, and those that regulate respiratory functi
70 ectively coordinate the expression of shared target genes, and whose span in many cases coincides wit
71               Furthermore, several known Svb target genes are also activated by SoxN, and we have dis
72 r, ancient miRNAs and their binding sites in target genes are conserved during evolution.
73 cer genomes revealed that none of these core target genes are frequently inactivated in tumors expres
74                            However, many p53 target genes are identified only in a small number of st
75 nd the results show that high-confidence p53 target genes are involved in multiple cellular responses
76                                          MMB target genes are overexpressed in several different canc
77                                  Many of the targeted genes are involved in signal perception and tra
78 al implications for the use of SIN3B and its target genes as candidate diagnostic markers to distingu
79 due decreased repression of a subset of PRC2 target genes as measured by both steady-state and nascen
80                      We have also integrated target gene associations and protein-protein interaction
81  provides positional information to activate target genes at different positions along the anterior-p
82 ncRNA) constituent of paraspeckles, as a p53 target gene broadly induced by mouse and human p53 in di
83     To explore this outcome further, we used targeted gene capture to sequence over 2,000 putatively
84 that mutp53 proteins hyper-transactivate p53-target gene CDKN1A upon glutamine deprivation, thus trig
85  the expression of hepatic PPARgamma and its target gene CIDEA as well as other genes involved in de
86      Stereotaxic delivery of a virus library targeting genes commonly mutated in human cancers into t
87 nhibited IL-1beta induction of the NF-kappaB target genes, COX-2 and IL-8 P4-PRWT transrepression occ
88 ells, increased expression of the 1,25(OH)2D target gene CYP24A1 involved immunoprecipitation of hnRN
89 T5-binding site in the promoter of the STAT5 target gene cytokine-inducible SH2-containing protein (c
90 ific interventions in human cells, including targeted gene delivery to the CCR5 and AAVS1 loci.
91 ase in advanced disease and AURKA is an AR-V target gene demonstrating a positive feedback mechanism
92 suggest that protein-RNA complex delivery of target gene-disrupting agents in vivo is a potential str
93 ins, only one is required for binding of the target genes during blood stage development.
94                                Their induced target genes encode diverse epithelial cell adhesion mol
95                            Mdm2, another p53 target gene, encodes a ubiquitin ligase that negatively
96               Down-regulation of PAX4 or its target gene encoding the p97/VCP ATPase reduced myofibri
97 ion factors, called PIFs, thereby regulating target gene expression and plant development.
98 d it is debatable how robust changes in DUX4 target gene expression are as an FSHD biomarker.
99 romoters decode the amount of active TF into target gene expression are not well understood.
100  allowing plasticity in the positioning of a target gene expression boundary.
101 d by studies of TNF-induced Wnt/beta-catenin target gene expression in murine enteroids and colonoid
102 nge of activity and specificity, and analyse target gene expression in two different cell types to in
103 ew AEs suppressed proliferation and estrogen target gene expression in WT and mutant ER-containing ce
104 ription factor (TFs) cooperation controlling target gene expression is still an arduous challenge.
105 itch rapidly between repressed and activated target gene expression states, imposing a static environ
106 all RNAs generate sharply defined domains of target gene expression through an intrinsic and direct t
107 sRNA fragments successfully knocked down the target gene expression, and a significantly decreased su
108 h the engineered yeasts resulted in silenced target gene expression, disrupted neural development, an
109 BC cells and suppressed downstream NF-kappaB target gene expression, including the metastasis-related
110 s with an associated significant increase in target gene expression, suggesting a previously unapprec
111 lleling a selective down-regulation of SREBP target gene expression, whereas mRNAs involved in glycol
112 ress fiber formation, inhibiting YAP and its target gene expression, with potential implications for
113 ependent enhancer activity, correlating with target gene expression.
114 complex formation and thereby suppresses Yki target gene expression.
115 zation of Smad proteins, which then regulate target gene expression.
116 y elements and is associated with changes in target gene expression.
117 detect EDC-mediated changes in endogenous ER target gene expression.
118 ting EBNA2 sites significantly reduced their target gene expression.
119 tivates p53, further implicated CDK19 in p53 target gene expression.
120 oplasmic sequestration, and reduction in YAP target gene expression.
121  as major a signature of FSHD muscle as DUX4 target gene expression.
122 nd (LY3201) with a combination of global and targeted gene-expression profiling and the expression of
123 specific enhancer for the Wnt9b/beta-catenin target gene Fam19a5 shows that Myc and beta-catenin coop
124 sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c target gene fatty-acid synthase (3.0-fold), early growth
125 lated by intestinal FXR via induction of its target gene Fgf15 (FGF19 in rats and human beings).
126  GWASs, indicating that MANBA is a potential target gene for CKD.
127 ation by identifying a potentially effective target gene for managing BPH population through RNAi.
128 o the selection of a putative tomato ORE1 as target gene for RNA interference knockdown.
129 al profiling of dgca- structures to identify target genes for c-di-GMP, and used these genes to inves
130  selectively reduced CSLC only were found to target genes for cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acid
131 ayesian methods, we identified new potential target genes for CKD.
132 neral use in contextually refining regulator target genes for discoveries across many contexts.
133  provides information on potential candidate target genes for future treatment efforts in ovarian can
134                                  To identify target genes for the biofortification of wheat, we funct
135  of YAP and reduced expression of downstream target genes, for example, ANKRD1 and CTGF.
136         By contrast, activation of the Eomes target genes Foxa2 and Lhx1 is associated with higher or
137  signaling node that relays light signals to target genes has been largely conserved during land plan
138 challenge of linking intergenic mutations to target genes has limited molecular understanding of huma
139                                    Here, p53 target genes have been evaluated based on the meta-analy
140                     Although a number of Cdx target genes have been identified, the basis by which Cd
141 a member of miR156 family and one of its SPL target genes have inverse expression levels, which is ti
142                                  Critical 3q target genes have not been conclusively determined for H
143 which is mediated by the gene product of its target gene HMGA1, encoding a multipotent chromatin modi
144                        In addition to shared target genes, Hoxa1 binds to regulatory regions of Nanog
145                          Regulated Pax5-Etv6 target genes identified in these B-ALLs encode proteins
146                                              Target genes identified with HiChIP are further supporte
147 rrelated with expression of NFkappaB and its target genes (IL8, CSF2), and TRIB1 copy number and expr
148 dinate the expression of multiple downstream target genes, impact the channel capacity of signaling n
149 nancies, we identified CD40L as a novel GLI2 target gene in stromal cells.
150 of miR858 and its MYB83 transcription factor target gene in transcriptome reprogramming during Hetero
151 d cooperatively to activate or repress their target genes in a cell type-specific manner.
152 FOXM1) as a co-factor to transactivate FOXM1 target genes in a kinase-independent manner.
153 ty through coordinate regulation of multiple target genes in a wide variety of cells.
154 egulated miR-34a and reversed its downstream target genes in DU145-TXR and PC3-TXR cells.
155 sses the expression of wild-type p53 and its target genes in GBM cells.
156 l for the expression of a subset of TGF-beta target genes in hepatic stellate cells, and the cooperat
157  repress the transactivation of the AR/AR-V7 target genes in ligand dependent and independent manners
158  raise mature let-7 levels to suppress let-7 target genes in multiple cancer cell lines such as HMGA2
159 ession of neural stem cell markers and Notch target genes in primary neural progenitor cells in vitro
160  insight into the regulation of beta-catenin target genes in the developing kidney, but will also adv
161 m enhancer-promoter interactions to regulate target genes in the human genome.
162  PD models by measuring the induction of FXR target genes in various tissues.
163 f pro-proliferative and pro-migratory MKL1/2 target genes in VSMCs but not in ECs.
164                   Deletion of VEGF-A, an HIF target gene, in CD8(+) T cells accelerated tumorigenesis
165  of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), one of its main target genes, in OA cartilage from T2DM and non-T2DM pat
166                                       NOTCH1 target genes include key regulators of B-cell proliferat
167 nd the subsequent activation of beta-catenin target genes including cyclin-D1.
168      The expression of progesterone receptor target genes including the Indian Hedgehog pathway genes
169  Our analysis also identified several new UV target genes, including CYP24A1, GJA5, SLAMF7 and ETV1,
170 E2Fs resulted in increased expression of E2F target genes, including E2f1.
171 reflected in the gene expression of enhancer target genes, including genes involved in oncogenesis an
172 ncreatic cancer and transactivate select p53 target genes, including Ptpn14.
173 ty of NRF2 to transcriptionally activate its target genes, including SLC7A11, a component of the cyst
174                                       miR-23 target genes, including the oncogenes Ccnd1 as well as A
175 ional, causing a down regulation of specific target genes, including the PE associated gene fms relat
176 evealed altered expression of certain ALKBH5 target genes, including the transcription factor FOXM1.
177 identify stimulus-responsive enhancers for a target gene independent of stimulus exposure.
178 ingly, TET1 represses a majority of epiblast target genes independently of methylation changes, in pa
179 terium ND2006 for their capability to induce targeted gene insertion via homology directed repair.
180 from ENCODE on transcription factor (TF) and target gene interactions.
181 types to regulate the expression of numerous target genes involved in hormone metabolism and growth p
182 in stressed rodents, and identified a set of target genes involved in stress response and neural plas
183 lely in the heart, and upregulation of FGF21-target genes involved in thermogenesis and fatty acid ox
184 ("on-state"), the intron is crippled and the target gene is disrupted by a series of stop codons.
185       Here, we show that suppression of PAX7 target genes is a hallmark of FSHD, and that it is as ma
186 red IKK/NF-kappaB signaling and induction of target genes is decreased by YOD1 overexpression and aug
187 und that the regulation of several known LFY target genes is unaffected by AP1/CAL perturbation, whil
188 ssion of Notch3 signaling and its downstream target genes, Jag1 and Hey1, and a reciprocal increase i
189 otinib in NSCLC through mediating its direct target gene LHX6 expression.
190                           Further, regulator target gene lists frequently are not curated or have per
191                   With respect to one of the target genes, lysosomal beta A mannosidase (MANBA), we o
192                    Confirmation of miRNA and target gene modification in human beta-cells was perform
193 -cell embryos leads to live monkeys with the targeted gene modifications.
194 nology has primarily involved systematic and targeted gene modulation.
195 nt reduction in the expression of two miR126 target genes, MYC and MRGPRX3, following exposure.
196 stematic and comparative analysis of the p63 target gene network within the integrated framework of t
197 ream of the AKT/mTOR pathway, activating HIF-target genes, notably vascular endothelial growth factor
198     The gene BCL11B was verified as a direct target gene of gga-miR-219b.
199       Moreover, our data identify mIndy as a target gene of IL-6 and determine novel functions of IL-
200                PDE4B was predicted to be the target gene of miR-124-3p by pathway analysis.
201       Furthermore, SOCS7 was identified as a target gene of miR-199a-3p, and silencing of SOCS7 promo
202                                              Target genes of a cis-regulatory motif were identified f
203 dy of transcriptional regulation of selected target genes of Arabidopsis Thaliana from microarray tim
204 erforms existing methods when predicting the target genes of enhancers in unseen samples, as evaluate
205                                              Target genes of high interest included GRIA3 and GRIK2 (
206 otifs (Reck) was identified to be one of the target genes of miR-497-5p, and Reck could suppress the
207 ed by SoxN, and we have discovered two novel target genes of SoxN that are expressed in denticle-prod
208 owth in tubers by repressing the activity of target genes of StBEL5.
209 tion of Bcl-xL and IkappaBalpha, 2 bona fide target genes of the canonical NF-kappaB pathway.
210 on, and it downregulates a specific group of target genes of the MLL chimeras and their oncogenic cof
211 riming chromatin to prevent the silencing of target genes of the transcription factor NF-kappaB that
212                                          The target genes of those phased and half-phased miRNA-like
213 onstructs containing fluorescent proteins or targeted genes of Toxoplasma gondii, driven by N. caninu
214  to a myriad of genomic sites and switch the targeted genes on or off with precision.
215 ere we report a novel approach to enrich the target gene panel by microdroplet PCR.
216 ding dysplastic nevi (n = 19), followed by a targeted gene panel (785 genes) characterization of mela
217 t increase in the expression of the JAK-STAT target gene Pim1 and muscles from 2-day and 3-week old d
218 e that Cg limits Eya-So activation of select target genes posterior to the furrow to ensure properly
219 robust expression and correct trafficking of target gene products as assessed by immunofluorescence a
220 s, Zap1 binds to zinc responsive elements in target gene promoters and activates gene expression.
221 amily disrupted the interaction of PU.1 with target gene promoters and led to downregulation of canon
222 lyses reveal constitutive binding of CREB to target gene promoters in the absence of neuronal activit
223 9) methylation at Myc-responsive elements of target gene promoters is a strict prerequisite for Myc-i
224 teracts with TFIID to facilitate assembly on target gene promoters remains elusive.
225 B cell nuclei triggered immediate binding to target gene promoters.
226 subunits, including p130/p107, still bind to target gene promoters.
227                                          Six target genes provide an opportunity for drug repositioni
228 gest that the management of miR-181b and its target genes provides therapeutic potential for limiting
229                    The SMYD2 transcriptional target gene Ptpn13 also linked SMYD2 to other PKD-associ
230 cally cell type-specific, whereas ubiquitous target gene regulation is more likely to result from bin
231 complexes plays a role in the specificity of target gene regulation.
232 r activity to promote transcription of these target genes relative to wild-type ZNF384 in vitro.
233                        Comparison of the p53 target genes reported in individual studies with those i
234 bosome Affinity Purification (TRAP) and CREB-target gene repositories.
235                            Furthermore, PAX7 target gene repression can explain oxidative stress sens
236                                   Thus, PAX7 target gene repression is a hallmark of FSHD that should
237 on and expression of some, but not all, SPCH target genes require the integrity of the bHLH domain of
238 RNA screens failed to identify a single TP53 target gene required for the anti-proliferative effects
239                 One of the crucial IFN-gamma target genes required for control of M. tuberculosis is
240 oth dynamic filters and logic gates to shape target gene responses in a context-specific manner.
241  and estrogen-independent ERalpha binding to target genes, resulting in CYP19A1(amp) cells showing de
242   We then show that Pol III occupancy of its target genes rises before the onset of the night, stays
243 rolling the Ras/Erk pathway and monitoring a target gene's transcription and protein accumulation in
244 stingly, 13, 19, 20, and 25 showed to be LXR target gene-selective modulators, by strongly inducing t
245                      For cases, we also used targeted gene sequencing on bone marrow samples and inve
246            We compared MRTF-SRF and YAP-TEAD target gene sets and identified genes directly regulated
247  pathway analysis identified gender-specific target genes/signaling pathways.
248 ed the expression of retinoic acid-inducible target genes such as Aldh1a2, Dhrs3, and Ccr9 The beta-c
249 lates with the induction of transcription of target genes such as CDKN1a.
250 regulatory elements in the promoters of LEC1 target genes suggest that LEC1 may interact with other t
251  sites regulate distinct groups of NF-kappaB target genes, suggesting the unique and irreplaceable fu
252 owed a greater inhibitory effect on MRTF/SRF target genes than the previously described MRTF-A inhibi
253                        Both of the predicted target genes that act downstream from the mir-35 family
254 rtantly, E2F7/8 repressed a large set of E2F target genes that are highly expressed in human patients
255 s and soybean seeds to identify globally the target genes that are transcriptionally regulated by LEC
256  also associated with hypomethylation of PcG target genes that are typically hypermethylated in cance
257 nding, promoting the increased expression of target genes that drive differentiation.
258 3(-/-) cells upregulated p53 transcriptional target genes that induce apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest
259 n this context, stimulating expression of AR-target genes that permit continued growth despite AR blo
260 , contributed by deregulation of the miR-155 target gene the liver X receptor (LXR)alpha in lung fibr
261                              The endothelium-targeted gene therapy improved the integrity of the BBB.
262 e therapeutic benefit of a brain endothelial-targeted gene therapy in IP.
263 m by locally increasing CRP expression using targeted gene therapy represents a potential treatment s
264 ranscriptional activator that induces myriad target genes, those p53-inducible genes most critical fo
265  system for in vivo activation of endogenous target genes through trans-epigenetic remodeling.
266  of mutations determined the most likely MSI target genes to be the aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydro
267 ption factors, activate the transcription of target genes to specify the identity of each whorl of fl
268 tion factors act in opposite directions on a target gene, to control the establishment of a stable de
269 or that can bind gene promoters and regulate target gene transcription in response to DNA damage.
270 believed to affect development by regulating target gene transcription through T3 receptors (TRs).
271 rectal CSCs by epigenetically activating Wnt target gene transcription.
272 DARs (ADAR1 and ADAR2) and the expression of target genes undergoing extensive 3'UTR editing.
273 uppressor p53 and regulate expression of p53 target genes upon DNA damage.
274  genome-wide H3K27 demethylation allowed for target gene upregulation, decidual activation, and labor
275 s that is inserted into the coding exon of a target gene using CRISPR/Cas9 technology and homology-di
276 ncing and subsequently assigned to predicted target genes using heuristics.
277 ship between the lncRNAs and their potential target genes using the 'cis' and 'trans' models.
278 y, reduced expression of the nuclear calcium target gene VEGFD, a dendrite maintenance factor, leads
279 e, we show that nuclear calcium acting via a target gene, VEGFD, is required for hippocampus-dependen
280 nzyme that mainly represses transcription of target genes via symmetric dimethylation of arginine res
281  miR-23b cluster, miR-125a-5p and respective target genes was also found in vivo in a large dataset o
282 phenotype; furthermore, H3K27me3 coverage at target genes was strongly reduced in eol1 clf double mut
283 xisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha target genes was suppressed.
284                      To identify Fenretinide target genes, we performed unbiased RNA-seq analysis in
285                 Pathway analyses showed that target genes were enriched in processes crucial for rena
286   From the RNAseq gene list, two direct Miz1 target genes were identified, one of which encodes the h
287 r target mRNAs, several methods based on the target genes were proposed to predict disease miRNA cand
288 were reduced in Prkg2(-/-) animals, and FoxO target genes were unaffected by 8Br-cGMP challenge in vi
289     These prognostically relevant miR-139-5p target genes were used as companion biomarkers to identi
290                       Importantly, among the targeted genes were numerous transcription factors, enco
291 ression of the SOD-3 gene (a DAF-16-specific target gene) were observed as a result of BB68 treatment
292 ct on ERbeta/ligand-mediated activity and ER target genes when co-expressed with mERbeta1.
293 ferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) target genes, whereas overexpression increased PPARalpha
294 ift into the open reading frame (ORF) of the target gene which truncates the coding sequence (CDS) an
295       The discovery of a large number of p53 target genes, which confer p53's tumor suppressor functi
296 ient that controls the expression domains of target genes, which in turn specify the position of wing
297                   Further exploration of the target genes will continue to provide new insights into
298 studies we identified microRNA-21 as a STAT3 target gene with strong anti-apoptotic potential, sugges
299                      Among the NKX2-1 direct target genes with cIN-enriched expression was CHD2, whic
300 ages revealed significant correlation of HIF-target genes with eGFR in glomeruli and tubulointerstiti

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