


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h concurrent infusion of the ABCB1 inhibitor tariquidar.
2 g side effects associated with high doses of tariquidar.
3 or HM30181, which is structurally related to tariquidar.
4 lacidar and 3.62 +/- 0.11 muSv/MBq for (11)C-tariquidar.
5 d the use of a lower, more tolerable dose of tariquidar.
6 h concurrent infusion of the ABCB1 inhibitor tariquidar.
7 injection of either (11)C-elacridar or (11)C-tariquidar.
8 h a 3 or 15 mg/kg dose of the P-gp inhibitor tariquidar.
9 essing cells treated with the P-gp inhibitor tariquidar.
10 propoxy}quinoline trihydrochloride (DCPQ) or tariquidar.
11 op at baseline and after increasing doses of tariquidar (2, 4, and 6 mg/kg intravenously).
12 e in brain PET signal was observed for (11)C-tariquidar (+27% +/- 15%, P = 0.014, paired t test) and
13  min after radiotracer injection), unlabeled tariquidar (3 mg/kg) was intravenously administered.
14 or without P-gp inhibition using intravenous tariquidar (8 mg/kg).
15 inking between the NBDs was not inhibited by tariquidar, a drug transport inhibitor that stimulates P
16 ucted in humans, examined 2 P-gp inhibitors (tariquidar, a known inhibitor, and disulfiram, a putativ
17 Lop PET during peak plasma concentrations of tariquidar, achieved with concurrent administration of i
18 more, the structurally dissimilar inhibitor, tariquidar, also increased brain uptake with potency equ
19 LLC-PK1+/-P-gp in the absence or presence of tariquidar, an inhibitor of P-gp.
20 function in humans after increasing doses of tariquidar, an inhibitor of P-gp.
21              In previous work, we found that tariquidar analogues lacking the tetrahydroisoquinoline
22 ir inability to visualize Pgp density, (11)C-tariquidar and (11)C-elacridar may find use as a new cla
23 f the radiolabeled Pgp/BCRP inhibitors (11)C-tariquidar and (11)C-elacridar to assess Pgp density in
24                The in vivo behavior of (11)C-tariquidar and (11)C-elacridar was consistent with that
25                                  In summary, tariquidar and [(11)C]dLop can be used in combination to
26                                     Although tariquidar and dLop compete for lysosomal trapping in th
27 t would disrupt hydrophobic interaction with tariquidar and inhibit its ability to rescue processing
28 splayed polarised P-gp transport, since both tariquidar and vinblasine selectively increased the apic
29                          The P-gp inhibitors tariquidar and vinblastine prevented the efflux of rhoda
30                    In P-gp-expressing cells, tariquidar (and another P-gp inhibitor) surprisingly dec
31 he subjects who received the highest dose of tariquidar (and had the highest brain uptake), regional
32 .8% increase of whole-brain K1 after 2 mg/kg tariquidar, and 57.9% for 3 mg/kg; in patients with phar
33 sfected HEK-293 cells treated with 1 micro M tariquidar, and ABCG2-transfected cells were 6-7-fold re
34     We found that the modulators zosuquidar, tariquidar, and elacridar stimulated the ATPase activity
35 ous tariquidar infusion, injected after oral tariquidar, and injected after disulfiram.
36                    (11)C-elacridar and (11)C-tariquidar are new PET tracers to assess the transport a
37 indicate that both (11)C-elacridar and (11)C-tariquidar are safe radiotracers, for which an injected
38                        Identification of the tariquidar-binding site has been the subject of intensiv
39 ng studies have identified several potential tariquidar-binding sites.
40                     The results suggest that tariquidar binds to a site within the drug-binding pocke
41 e that dLop is trapped in lysosomes and that tariquidar competes with dLop for lysosomal accumulation
42 dLop during tariquidar infusion, when plasma tariquidar concentrations reach their peak, resulted in
43 eased fairly linearly with increasing plasma tariquidar concentrations, but we are uncertain whether
44 aseline K1 and attenuated K1 increases after tariquidar correspond to high P-glycoprotein activity.
45 es, we suspect that plasma concentrations of tariquidar did not fully block P-gp; however, higher dos
46                                              Tariquidar differed from other drug substrates, however,
47 min infusion of the P-glycoprotein-inhibitor tariquidar followed by another (R)-[(11)C]verapamil PET
48  competition does not occur in brain because tariquidar has negligible entry into brain.
49                   Injecting (11)C-dLop after tariquidar infusion also increased brain uptake, though
50 quidar infusion, injected during intravenous tariquidar infusion, injected after oral tariquidar, and
51 p inhibition, injected 1 h after intravenous tariquidar infusion, injected during intravenous tariqui
52                  Injecting (11)C-dLop during tariquidar infusion, when plasma tariquidar concentratio
53 d a second scan on the same day, but without tariquidar infusion.
54 or 1 micro M of the P-glycoprotein inhibitor tariquidar inhibited ABCG2-mediated PhA transport.
55                               In response to tariquidar injection, a moderate but statistically signi
56                                              Tariquidar is a unique P-gp inhibitor because it locks t
57 , we show through cross-linking studies that tariquidar most likely binds to sites within the transme
58 T scan of 120-min duration with either (11)C-tariquidar (n = 6) or (11)C-elacridar (n = 5) followed b
59                                 Neither oral tariquidar nor oral disulfiram increased brain uptake of
60 tudied the effects of a Pgp blocker (XR9576, tariquidar) on FPAC kinetics.
61 lation between distribution volumes of (11)C-tariquidar or (11)C-elacridar and distribution volumes o
62                     After injection of (11)C-tariquidar or (11)C-elacridar, the brain PET signal corr
63 plasma up to 60 min after injection of (11)C-tariquidar or (11)C-elacridar.
64 strates (cyclosporine A, FK506), modulators (tariquidar), or small corrector molecules.
65                   In contrast, 4 and 6 mg of tariquidar per kilogram increased brain uptake 2- and 4-
66 y slightly (approximately 30%) after 2 mg of tariquidar per kilogram.
67 e was similar with 2 and 4 mg of intravenous tariquidar per kilogram; however, the lower dose was bet
68 measured [(11)C]dLop uptake before and after tariquidar preadministration in lysosome-rich organs of
69                                        After tariquidar pretreatment in both species, radioactivity u
70  of temporal lobe epilepsy, with and without tariquidar pretreatment.
71 uced at 30 positions significantly inhibited tariquidar rescue of a processing mutant and activation
72                           This difference in tariquidar response was most pronounced in the sclerotic
73 ith concurrent administration of intravenous tariquidar, resulted in greater P-gp inhibition at the h
74                                              Tariquidar significantly enhanced microdose (11)C-metocl
75 d cerebral blood flow did not differ between tariquidar-treated and untreated subjects.
76                                              Tariquidar treatment also decreased flumazenil transport
77                           P-gp inhibition by tariquidar treatment increased brain concentrations of f
78  and kainate-treated rats, and the effect of tariquidar treatment was similar in both rat groups.
79 t fully block P-gp; however, higher doses of tariquidar would likely be associated with unacceptable

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