


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1     There were no significant differences in tectal [(125)I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding between tadpol
2 ix-week lesions of the optic nerve decreased tectal [(125)I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding by 33+/-10%, b
3  the ONL during normal development and after tectal ablation shows that developmental death is not un
4 o and in vitro demonstrated that spontaneous tectal activity increased to 150% of normal during refin
5 v neurons form a pathway by which integrated tectal activity rapidly feeds back to the GLv and exerts
6                After refinement at 3 months, tectal activity was again highly dependent on ongoing re
7 retinal activity had no detectable effect on tectal activity.
8 ation in goldfish, we examined its effect on tectal activity.
9 as an organiser/signalling centre to pattern tectal and cerebellar compartments.
10 results suggest that a unique integration of tectal and cortical inputs may contribute to the respons
11  ("second-order") that integrates convergent tectal and cortical inputs.
12 nglion neurons, but it was not effective for tectal and forebrain neurons.
13                                              Tectal and retinal afferents terminate homotopically wit
14                                              Tectal application sites representing the visual midline
15                         Recruitment of small tectal assemblies appears to link perception to action b
16 ns and redirect their extension along the LM tectal axis, away from their proper termination zones (T
17      RGC axons lack DV ordering along the LM tectal axis, but directionally extend interstitial branc
18 ral retinal mapping along the lateral-medial tectal axis.
19 f retinal axons along the anterior-posterior tectal axis.
20 o generate appropriate mapping along the A-P tectal axis.
21 th in neurons located along the rostrocaudal tectal axis.
22 zone (TZ) along the anterior-posterior (A-P) tectal axis; temporal axons overshoot the greatest dista
23                            By E7.5-E8.0, the tectal axons innervated the ipsilateral Rt, in which som
24 ons receive input from multiple cortical and tectal axons.
25 ans (HSPGs) are normally associated with the tectal basement membrane but are dispersed in the dragne
26 revious studies demonstrated that increasing tectal BDNF levels promotes RGC axon terminal arborizati
27                                   Increasing tectal BDNF levels resulted in a significant increase in
28                      Neutralizing endogenous tectal BDNF with function-blocking antibodies significan
29 c branching, whereas neutralizing endogenous tectal BDNF with function-blocking antibodies significan
30  These also caused targeting errors, such as tectal bypass, suggesting that cytoskeletal rearrangemen
31                                           As tectal cell dendrites elaborate, retinotectal synaptic r
32 ynaptic transmission regulates Xenopus optic tectal cell dendritic arbor development in vivo by expre
33 on that normally occurs during maturation of tectal cell dendritic arbors.
34 y intervals over a period of 6 d, we divided tectal cell development into three phases according to t
35                      We now demonstrate that tectal cell expression of CPG15 significantly increases
36    Pairing light stimuli with spiking of the tectal cell induced persistent enhancement or reduction
37 resented similarly in both the RGC input and tectal cell populations illustrating feature-dependent d
38 to an overlapping cardinal representation by tectal cell populations.
39 ng changes in brain morphology and increased tectal cell proliferation.
40 methimazole, led to corresponding changes in tectal cell proliferation.
41 count for the asymmetric modification of the tectal cell receptive field induced by moving bar.
42 r-induced temporally specific changes in the tectal cell responses.
43 sing the temporal coherence and precision of tectal cell spiking.
44 st, we identify an emergent population of DS tectal cell with a direction preference not explicitly p
45 rgic and GABAergic inputs (E/I ratio) to the tectal cell: LTP is induced only when the E/I ratio is a
46 sponse results in larger receptive fields of tectal cells and a degradation of the retinotopic map.
47  protein labelling in non-sensory cells, the tectal cells and inner border cells of the rat organ of
48 etinal ganglion cells and Wnt secretion from tectal cells are specifically responsible for the enhanc
49          It required spiking of postsynaptic tectal cells as well as activation of NMDA receptors, an
50 osely corresponds to that of the bottlebrush tectal cells described previously for chickens and squir
51 ude that spontaneous retinal activity drives tectal cells in normal fish and after regeneration but n
52 ntal plasticity of receptive fields (RFs) of tectal cells in the developing Xenopus optic tectum.
53 e of substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-IR) tectal cells in the untreated lobe while disrupting topo
54 trate by in vivo time-lapse imaging of optic tectal cells in Xenopus laevis tadpoles that enhanced vi
55 e II (CaMKII) activity in postsynaptic optic tectal cells is required to restrict the elaboration of
56    The changes in excitability also rendered tectal cells more responsive to synaptic burst stimuli,
57 ed plasticity of AMPAR transmission in optic tectal cells of tadpoles with low levels of previous syn
58                                        Optic tectal cells were infected with vaccinia viruses that ex
59 Cs purified to 100% shows that RGCs, but not tectal cells, express NT-3 mRNA.
60 axis requires chemorepellent signalling from tectal cells, expressing ephrin-A ligands, to retinal gr
61 ile other studies have shown that in Xenopus tectal cells, GABA(C) receptors mediate inhibition, in r
62 ncing presynaptic RGC axons and postsynaptic tectal cells.
63 e for crosstalk between Rho GTPases in optic tectal cells.
64 dendritic arbor growth rate of Xenopus optic tectal cells.
65 t induced by serotonin in a subpopulation of tectal cells.
66 al ganglion cell (RGC) inputs represented in tectal cells?
67 ection and the spatiotemporal progression of tectal cellular development onto Eph/ephrin expression p
68 n of the labeled optic nerve alone increased tectal CG-1 fluorescence whereas electrical stimulation
69 g of the scene, can induce adaptation of the tectal circuitry to the common orientation and thus achi
70 neuronal dendritic arbors suggest that optic tectal circuits are extremely plastic during early stage
71 orm for understanding emergent properties in tectal circuits associated with visually driven behavior
72                                 We show that tectal circuits can perform multisensory computations in
73 trating feature-dependent differences in how tectal circuits process their inputs.
74 or the correct wiring of direction-selective tectal circuits, but it is crucial for the rapid assembl
75  correlates with the increased complexity of tectal dendrites and more restricted distribution of den
76 rmore, we show that structural plasticity of tectal dendrites and RGC axons compensates for the loss
77 react in opposing manners to retinal- versus tectal-derived BDNF.
78 etics we show that at increased firing rates tectal-derived dLGN-INs generate a powerful form of toni
79  the degree of visual encoding during retino-tectal development and how it dynamically evolves from a
80 rgic synapses are present at early stages of tectal development and, when activated by optic nerve st
81      We found that during a critical time in tectal development, network activity becomes increasingl
82 in the tectum, which may have other roles in tectal development.
83 ld for neuronal migration at early stages of tectal development.
84 most specific phenotypes: intact retinal and tectal differentiation but multiple neurite targeting de
85                                     However, tectal direction selectivity is severely perturbed at ea
86 help gate omnipause activity and allow other tectal drives to induce the bursts of firing in premotor
87                                              Tectal EphB expression becomes uniform at later stages a
88 the spatial extent and tuning profile of the tectal excitatory RF barely changed after intratectal ex
89 truct graded gene expression, a quantitative tectal explant assay was developed.
90  descending projection and suggest a thalamo-tectal feedback loop.
91 tive means of alleviating these stresses are tectal foliation and the formation of pial holes.
92   These projections originate from widefield tectal ganglion cells (TGCs) located in layer 13 in the
93  dendritic bottlebrushes of motion detecting tectal ganglion cells (TGCs).
94 s has the appropriate connections to support tectal gating of OPN activity.
95  ephrin-As, normally in posterior > anterior tectal gradients, showed graded upregulation.
96 rogs surviving ablation of the contralateral tectal hemisphere for 13-46 weeks.
97 ituting the neuronal substrate for the tecto-tectal inhibition.
98            RGCs were prelabeled by bilateral tectal injection of 5% Fluoro-Gold (FG).
99                                              Tectal injection of the NMDA receptor antagonists APV or
100 verlap with previously identified regions of tectal input to the pulvinar.
101                                           2) Tectal inputs to Ipc and SLu are Brn3a-immunoreactive ne
102 natomical substrate for the inhibitory tecto-tectal interaction.
103 Short-interval time-lapse images reveal that tectal interneuron arbors have rapid rates of branch add
104 of cells, largely comprised of glutamatergic tectal interneurons with non-stratified morphologies, th
105                                              Tectal interneurons, like projection neurons, develop fr
106 ression of a number of key genes involved in tectal-isthmo-cerebellum development.
107 induction of different structures within the tectal-isthmo-cerebellum region.
108 in was present after formation of definitive tectal laminae, but was diffuse and not aligned along RG
109  had dendrites oriented perpendicular to the tectal laminae, extending superficially into the retino-
110 dendrites that were oriented parallel to the tectal laminae.
111 olume and ventricular surface area, disturbs tectal lamination, and creates small discontinuities in
112 abnormalities would generate disturbances in tectal lamination.
113 ith a loss of activity of "dimming" units in tectal layer G.
114 ateral projection originating from this same tectal layer.
115 feature is the presence of terminals in deep tectal layers 11-13.
116 s was present only at intermediate levels in tectal layers 8 and 9, and undetectable in the deeper te
117 lusters of cells that fail to integrate into tectal layers and of atypical long-range projections, wh
118 chanisms underlying the precise targeting of tectal layers by ingrowing retinal axons are largely unk
119                    NT-3 immunolabel in these tectal layers is largely reduced or abolished after trea
120 The p75 label in the neuropil of superficial tectal layers is largely reduced or eliminated by inject
121  48 hours, the ultrastructure of superficial tectal layers was analyzed and compared with samples fro
122 rise the majority of synapses in superficial tectal layers, as demonstrated by destruction of retinot
123 ructures in the superficial and intermediate tectal layers, establishing asymmetric synapses with sev
124 llowing for subsequent innervation of deeper tectal layers.
125 yers 8 and 9, and undetectable in the deeper tectal layers.
126 ), send synchronized feedback signals across tectal layers.
127 d by a pathway that relays activity from one tectal lobe to the other.
128                     Chronic treatment of one tectal lobe with the non-NMDA receptor antagonist, 6-cya
129 disrupted the topographic map in the treated tectal lobe.
130 ields in the Rt tend to synchronize with the tectal location receiving the "winning" feedback from Ip
131  the feedback from Ipc but not from SLu to a tectal location suppresses visual responses to moving st
132 dase (HRP) was applied at single superficial tectal locations in a series of leopard frogs.
133                                  In midbrain tectal map development, FGFs can induce an entire midbra
134 s RGC axon branching during retinocollicular/tectal map formation via upregulation of miRNA-132, whic
135 y play a role in the formation of the mature tectal map.
136 ons branch equally on anterior and posterior tectal membranes, indicating that the level of ephrin-As
137 n their topographically appropriate anterior tectal membranes.
138 omolecules is significantly increased at the tectal midline, in a pattern resembling chondroitin sulf
139 ptosis, increased neural differentiation and tectal migration.
140 1) and peak (E15) of gliogenesis in an avian tectal model of penetrating embryonic brain trauma, with
141 ctivation are critical for the maturation of tectal network dynamics during visual system development
142 zing the temporal response properties of the tectal network, and provides a substrate for rapid modul
143 ns make synaptic contact with these or other tectal neural elements remains undetermined.
144  immunohistochemical labeling of retinal and tectal neurites to detect patterning errors.
145                             We first altered tectal neuron activity by selectively manipulating excit
146 ining-induced changes require spiking of the tectal neuron and activation of a NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspar
147 etitively within 20 ms before spiking of the tectal neuron become potentiated, whereas subthreshold i
148 mechanosensory inputs to specific regions of tectal neuron dendrites in the tadpole optic tectum requ
149 um significantly increased synapse number in tectal neuron dendritic arbors within 24 hours, without
150 These results suggest that spike output of a tectal neuron plays an important instructive role in dev
151 strate here that the same response occurs in tectal neuron processes bathed in the NO donor S-nitroso
152                  We show that in development tectal neuron properties not only change on average, but
153 provides a substrate for rapid modulation of tectal neuron receptive-field properties.
154                                              Tectal neuron recordings, 4 h after the initial seizure,
155 etween the total level of synaptic input and tectal neuron spike output is conserved.
156          Using in vivo time-lapse imaging of tectal neuron structure and visually evoked Ca(2+) respo
157 al connectivity and indicate that changes in tectal neuron synaptic connectivity are secondary to the
158 complexity seen in d-serine-treated animals, tectal neuron visual receptive fields were expanded, sug
159          The pattern of visual inputs onto a tectal neuron was tracked over time by rapid reverse cor
160 mpanied by an asymmetric modification of the tectal neuron's receptive field.
161 ession (LTD) of GABAergic inputs to the same tectal neuron.
162 r unstimulated converging inputs on the same tectal neuron.
163         When optic drive was not altered and tectal neuronal activity was instead increased or decrea
164 d rhythmic post-CS activities among specific tectal neuronal ensembles, with a regular interval that
165 ent refinement and visual inputs strengthen, tectal neurons adapt their intrinsic excitability such t
166 on ([Cl-]i) was found to be high in immature tectal neurons and then falls over a period of several w
167                                   Individual tectal neurons are known to receive converging inputs fr
168 itatory and inhibitory inputs in more mature tectal neurons are spatially matched, with each spot sti
169                           Analysis of mutant tectal neurons at late developmental stages reveals that
170          Altering normal spiking activity of tectal neurons by either blocking or elevating GABA(A) r
171  retinotectal system, the receptive field of tectal neurons can be 'trained' to become direction-sens
172              In vivo imaging of single optic tectal neurons coexpressing tdTomato and PSD-95-GFP reve
173                                              Tectal neurons containing Ca2+-AMPARs form a gradient al
174                    It thus appears that some tectal neurons could project to rUva and PL via branched
175 n contrast, overexpression of GFP-TrkB.T1 in tectal neurons did not alter synaptic number or the morp
176                 At the onset of vision, many tectal neurons do not exhibit visual spiking behavior, d
177 suppression of sprouting in cultured Xenopus tectal neurons during an early period when neither AMPA/
178 his translates into functional properties of tectal neurons during development.
179  NMDARs exhibit low magnesium sensitivity in tectal neurons during the first few days in culture.
180                                        Thus, tectal neurons exhibit archetypical homeostasis, one of
181 ults primarily from a shift in the tuning of tectal neurons for interaural time difference.
182                                              Tectal neurons had significantly fewer dendrite branches
183  collected time-lapse images of single optic tectal neurons in albino Xenopus tadpoles expressing dom
184     We use in vivo patch-clamp recordings of tectal neurons in developing Xenopus tadpoles to control
185  we recorded light-evoked responses in optic tectal neurons in living Xenopus tadpoles.
186 unctions in the morphological development of tectal neurons in living Xenopus tadpoles.
187 onse properties of populations of developing tectal neurons in response to visual stimuli.
188                     In vivo imaging of optic tectal neurons in the intact Xenopus tadpole permits dir
189 imentally in neocortical pyramidal cells and tectal neurons in vitro.
190 ility or synapse strengthening in developing tectal neurons in vivo by electroporation of a leak K+ c
191 c synapses, we prematurely reduced [Cl-]i in tectal neurons in vivo by expressing the Cl- transporter
192             Whole-cell recordings from optic tectal neurons indicate that CPG15 expression promotes r
193 fish, while performing two-photon imaging of tectal neurons loaded with a fluorescent calcium indicat
194 minished the deprivation effects observed on tectal neurons of Stage 45 tadpoles.
195 GluR1 (GluR1Ct) and GluR2 (GluR2Ct) in optic tectal neurons of the Xenopus retinotectal system.
196     Here, in vivo whole-cell recordings from tectal neurons of young Xenopus tadpoles reveals activit
197                                              Tectal neurons possess well-defined spatial receptive fi
198                                              Tectal neurons projecting on Ipc possess "shepherd's cro
199                                       Single tectal neurons receive converging visual and electrosens
200  intrinsic properties allow developing optic tectal neurons to remain within a stable dynamic range,
201                                              Tectal neurons transfected with dominant-negative insuli
202 f retinotectal synapses, spike visual RFs of tectal neurons underwent a two-stage developmental modul
203 g rates, indicating that the responsivity of tectal neurons was altered.
204            When excitatory synaptic drive to tectal neurons was eliminated by blocking optic fibers,
205                                         Many tectal neurons were also time-locked to licking, but the
206                                 Single optic tectal neurons were labeled with DiI and imaged at daily
207 bining in vivo time-lapse imaging of Xenopus tectal neurons with electron microscope reconstructions
208                    We identified a subset of tectal neurons with similar highly selective tuning, whi
209                                 We show that tectal neurons with similar spiking profiles often have
210 rinsic adaptations function together to keep tectal neurons within a constant operating range, while
211 o produce a unilateral focal injury to optic tectal neurons without damaging retinotectal axons.
212 ases dendritic arbor growth rates in control tectal neurons, a weak postsynaptic response to visual e
213  development in a dispersed subpopulation of tectal neurons, although effects of NO on synaptic funct
214 p layers, as well as the dendrites of single tectal neurons, are preferentially activated by small vi
215 y inhibited the activity of the lick-related tectal neurons, disrupted their licking-related oscillat
216 o not influence the functional properties of tectal neurons, one prediction is that the RF positions
217  and led to extensive retrograde labeling of tectal neurons, predominantly in layer 13.
218 etrograde labeling of predominantly layer 13 tectal neurons, retrograde labeling of PL neurons, and a
219 e output was dampened in a small subgroup of tectal neurons, starting from developmental stages 44-46
220 gether with the timescale of the response by tectal neurons, suggest that the effects of BDNF on dend
221 BDNF shapes synaptic connectivity by imaging tectal neurons, the postsynaptic partners of RGCs.
222 le-cell voltage-clamp recording from Xenopus tectal neurons, we found that RFs determined by excitato
223 ers and forms synapses onto the dendrites of tectal neurons.
224 3a determines the laminar fate of subsets of tectal neurons.
225 on and increased GABAergic synaptic input to tectal neurons.
226 y of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the tectal neurons.
227 ncreases the intrinsic excitability of optic tectal neurons.
228 ceptor function by decreasing cAMP levels in tectal neurons.
229  in changes in the integrative properties of tectal neurons.
230 s an early neurite sprouting response of the tectal neurons.
231 nd mutant isoforms of Homer in Xenopus optic tectal neurons.
232 l, synapse formation, or dendritic growth of tectal neurons.
233  but not GABAergic or glycinergic inputs, on tectal neurons.
234 n order to characterize the RF properties of tectal neurons.
235 thin the optic tract and adhesion within the tectal neuropil are regulated by vrt, coma, bluk, clew a
236                 Laser-induced lesions of the tectal neuropil impaired the behavior.
237 ree-dimensional reconstructions of the optic tectal neuropil of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to detect and
238                The superficial layers of the tectal neuropil receive input from retinal axons, while
239 lation and the intrinsic organization of the tectal neuropil, have been less accessible to investigat
240 of DS cells at the superficial border of the tectal neuropil, one of which is an emergent population.
241 t the labeled retinal fibers demarcating the tectal neuropil, the larval tectum could be selectively
242 ly dynamic filopodial protrusions within the tectal neuropil, the motility of which has previously be
243  the retinal inner plexiform layer (IPL) and tectal neuropil.
244 nd brek, are required for confinement of the tectal neuropil.
245 kdown produce similar increases in FUNCAT in tectal neuropil.
246                Staining of pretectal nuclei, tectal nuclei, and other areas of the mesencephalon beca
247 ricle or into the eye, selectively increased tectal or retinal cell proliferation, respectively.
248 t, in birds, Ipc axons control the ascending tectal outflow of retinal signals through direct synapti
249 in-A family members in the retinal axons and tectal parenchyma that may help guide regenerating fiber
250          However, ephrin-A expression in the tectal parenchyma was not significantly elevated by eith
251 ould be a relay station in an indirect tecto-tectal pathway constituting the neuronal substrate for t
252 propose a model for how temporal dynamics in tectal periventricular neurons might arise from computat
253                         However, analysis of tectal PGs by anion exchange chromatography and denaturi
254     We found marked Tbeta4 expression in the tectal plate and in all neuronal layers of later develop
255 1-year-old male with a history of metastatic tectal plate low-grade glioma who was diagnosed at age 2
256 end columnar axon terminals back to the same tectal position receiving the retinal input.
257 tic difference was observed as a function of tectal position.
258  synchrony rapidly lost the ability to drive tectal postsynaptic partners while their axons grew and
259 ow that SHH is a mitogen for neocortical and tectal precursors and that it modulates cell proliferati
260 g demonstrated that local TH first increased tectal progenitor cell proliferation, expanding the prog
261 y changes in visual experience that increase tectal progenitor cell proliferation.
262   Injury induces a burst of proliferation of tectal progenitor cells based on phospho-histone H3 immu
263 ify the daughter neurons derived from single tectal progenitor cells in Xenopus laevis tadpoles.
264 eriments showing that Musashi-immunoreactive tectal progenitors incorporate the thymidine analog chlo
265 in the axons and growth cones of retinal and tectal projection neurons.
266 srupts synaptic pruning of developing retino-tectal projections in larval zebrafish.
267 al ganglia are evolutionarily conserved, the tectal projections of the SNr may show a similar pattern
268 l connections coincides with the schedule of tectal projections onto the contralateral intrinsic nucl
269                             It begins in the tectal regions in which the initial connections of isthm
270 high levels of ligand (dorsal) projecting to tectal regions with high receptor expression (ventral).
271 ecause temporal RGC axons innervate anterior tectal regions, PTPmu may regulate the formation of topo
272  to have reduced responsiveness to posterior tectal repellent activity in vitro and to shift more pos
273 t accompanied by increased responsiveness to tectal repellent activity, in contrast to the comparable
274 rby stimulus locations produced intermingled tectal responses, and decoding based on map topography y
275 vious work, we have proposed a striatonigral-tectal-reticular neural pathway mediating the effects of
276  arborize, and form synapses within distinct tectal retinorecipient layers.
277                           Thus, thalamic and tectal sensory relays work synergistically to detect low
278 of NO on synaptic function in a Rana pipiens tectal slice were varied.
279           In contrast, metabolic labeling of tectal slices in vitro documented that incorporation of
280  competing representations across the entire tectal space map.
281 that, in contrast to reticulospinal neurons, tectal steering/turning command neurons should have mini
282 ast, Mek1(DD) expression fails to rescue the tectal stem zone and the inferior colliculus in the abse
283 (DD)), the known ERK activator, restores the tectal stem zone and the inferior colliculus without Ptp
284 elies on the provision of new cells from the tectal stem zone.
285 irst, it is highly expressed in thalamic and tectal structures.
286 , which indicates facilitation by the retino-tectal subcortical pathway.
287 t affect the extent of axon outgrowth on the tectal surface but instead caused ectopic arborization p
288 l stimulation regulates glutamatergic retino-tectal synapses in Xenopus tadpoles.
289 its known short-latency connections with the tectal system, mediates temporally defined auditory-visu
290 nt of axon behavior during multiple steps of tectal target innervation.
291 ish vs. mammals, with direct guidance to the tectal target zone in the former and overshoot followed
292  E6 and E8, when retinal axons grow to their tectal targets, and gradually declines at later developm
293 onnectivity between DS-RGCs and their normal tectal targets.
294  organization of tracer-labeled cortical and tectal terminals and terminals labeled with antibodies a
295 PN, cortical terminals are located distal to tectal terminals and that vGLUT1 and vGLUT2 antibodies m
296 dies may be used as markers for cortical and tectal terminals, respectively.
297 rformed bilateral anterograde and retrograde tectal tracing combined with GABA immunohistochemistry i
298 ng retinal activity with TTX rapidly reduced tectal unit activity by >90%.
299 emonstrate that the functional refinement of tectal visual RFs results primarily from a selective eli
300                FGF2 treatment also increases tectal volume and ventricular surface area, disturbs tec

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