


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 stributed in gradients in the retina and the tectum.
2 in the major retinorecipient area, the optic tectum.
3 tation of the visual space was mapped in the tectum.
4 ion-selective synaptic activity in the optic tectum.
5 or the integration of visual features in the tectum.
6 ral midline and project to the contralateral tectum.
7 lecular layer of the cerebellum and adjacent tectum.
8 tinal axons to misproject to the ipsilateral tectum.
9 tivity is established in both the retina and tectum.
10  precise laminar map in the larval zebrafish tectum.
11 d in cellular hypoplasia and a thinner optic tectum.
12 es computational problems faced by the optic tectum.
13 rsal raphe to a major visual area, the optic tectum.
14 herent to all vertebrates, through the optic tectum.
15 ation of RGC axons innervating the zebrafish tectum.
16  this output are relayed to the thalamus and tectum.
17 scontinuities in the pia mater overlying the tectum.
18 queductal stenosis and midline fusion of the tectum.
19 irst pins in the functional map of the optic tectum.
20  optic nerve and reach the superficial optic tectum.
21 eceptor switching (p75 to trkA) in the optic tectum.
22 ient endogenous d-serine levels in the optic tectum.
23  the basement membrane on the surface of the tectum.
24 x layers within the neuropil of the midbrain tectum.
25  endogenous BDNF levels acutely in the optic tectum.
26 to innervate their primary target, the optic tectum.
27  they project through the optic tract to the tectum.
28 shift in the RFs in different regions of the tectum.
29 tectal cells in the developing Xenopus optic tectum.
30 n of a map of stimulus salience in the optic tectum.
31 does not affect long-range navigation to the tectum.
32 sing the proportional size of their midbrain tectum.
33 essed as countergradients in both retina and tectum.
34 nd dorsal retina at all ages, but not in the tectum.
35 naling is to induce formation of a posterior tectum.
36 e dorsal octavolateral nucleus (DON) and the tectum.
37  and on retinal axons growing into the optic tectum.
38 t temporal axons from invading the posterior tectum.
39 rhythmic neuronal ensemble activities in the tectum.
40 n innervation of the ephrin-A-rich posterior tectum.
41 , and have specific laminar fates within the tectum.
42 netic gradient during the development of the tectum.
43 ent of the dorsal midbrain, the future optic tectum.
44 ll prey objects, a behavior dependent on the tectum.
45 thmi also project to the contralateral optic tectum.
46  combined input to postsynaptic cells in the tectum.
47 into separate sites in the superficial optic tectum.
48 rane but are dispersed in the dragnet mutant tectum.
49 membrane component lining the surface of the tectum.
50 jecting primarily to the contralateral optic tectum.
51 9, but plays a sustained role in forming the tectum.
52 project nonpreferentially to the thalamus or tectum.
53  countergradients, notably in the retina and tectum.
54 at receives input from the ipsilateral optic tectum.
55 to their correct topographic position in the tectum.
56 evelopment of temporal aspects of MSI in the tectum.
57 lion cell (RGC) axons in the optic tract and tectum.
58 bject size relies on processing in the optic tectum.
59 tween dedicated sensorimotor pathways in the tectum.
60 ighboring inputs in the Xenopus laevis optic tectum.
61 ls, which also send collaterals to the optic tectum.
62 within their target, the superior colliculus/tectum.
63  were labeled from an injection in the optic tectum.
64 ific positions along the laminar axis of the tectum.
65 were observed in the midbrain, including the tectum.
66 8 in neural progenitors of the chicken optic tectum, a layered structure that shares many development
67 information propagates directly to the optic tectum, a structure involved in gaze control and stimulu
68 he intermediate and deep layers of the optic tectum, a structure known to be involved in gaze control
69  is reciprocally interconnected to the optic tectum, a structure known to be involved in the control
70 ponse properties of neurons within the optic tectum, a visual brain area found in all vertebrates.
71 sted whether FMRP knockdown in Xenopus optic tectum affects local protein synthesis in vivo and wheth
72 ventually find their correct location on the tectum, albeit after taking a circuitous path.
73 creasing distances from the eye to the optic tectum along thousands of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) ax
74                             For example, the tectum also had strong mRNA expression within layers 9-1
75 e topographic projection from the eye to the tectum (amphibians and fish)/superior colliculus (birds
76            Together they show that the optic tectum and a pretectal region are two retinorecipient ar
77 ntiation resulted in an underdeveloped optic tectum and a severe reduction in nerve cells.
78 rojecting primarily to the ipsilateral optic tectum and cells in the ventrolateral nucleus isthmi pro
79                 En1 mutants lack most of the tectum and cerebellum and die at birth, whereas En2 muta
80 ment of three distinct brain structures: the tectum and cerebellum dorsally and the tegmentum ventral
81 railed code' is integral to partitioning the tectum and cerebellum into functional domains.
82  Secondary neurogenesis in the retina, optic tectum and cerebellum is impaired and axon tracts within
83 jor role in patterning of dorsal structures (tectum and cerebellum).
84 ed apoptotic cell death in the retina, optic tectum and cerebellum.
85 g of which is essential for the formation of tectum and cerebellum.
86 nal projection to the larval zebrafish optic tectum and examining recipient neuronal populations usin
87 nal projection to the larval zebrafish optic tectum and examining recipient neuronal populations usin
88 nal synapses of spiking neurons in the optic tectum and graded voltage signals transmitted by ribbon
89 re retrogradely labeled from the thalamus or tectum and immunocytochemically identified to determine
90 ells (TGCs) located in layer 13 in the avian tectum and in the lower superficial layers in the mammal
91 lockade altered spike-timing patterns in the tectum and increased correlations between cells that wou
92              In the midbrain, both the optic tectum and lateral mesencephalic nucleus contained numer
93 our retinorecipient layers upon entering the tectum and remain restricted to this layer, despite cont
94 e neural progenitors in the developing optic tectum and reveal that visual experience increases the p
95 bserved expression of Glut1 in the embryonic tectum and specifically rescued by human GLUT1 mRNA.
96 ives nasal axons to extend past the anterior tectum and terminate in posterior regions remains to be
97 set of cells that project to the ipsilateral tectum and the set of cells that project to the contrala
98 hically organized projections from the optic tectum and the visual wulst (hyperpallium).
99 nd in fiber tracts that coursed in the optic tectum and through the mesencephalic and rhombencephalic
100  in the thalamus and pretectum, in the optic tectum and torus semicircularis, in the mesencephalic te
101 udies showed that DON neurons project to the tectum and two different areas in the tegmentum.
102       EphA expression is maximal in anterior tectum (and temporal retina); ephrin-A expression is max
103 tors of this process in the dorsal midbrain (tectum) and anterior hindbrain (cerebellum).
104 ainly the thalamus), project to the midbrain tectum, and are bidirectionally related to the rhombence
105 encephalon, intermediate layers of the optic tectum, and cerebellar valvula.
106 sh embryos induced defects in the eye, optic tectum, and cerebellum; combinatorial suppression of bot
107 n retinal axon arbor complexity in the optic tectum, and expression of a dominant acting mutant Herme
108                              Fish retina and tectum, and fly optic lobe, develop from a partitioned,
109 factory bulbs, caudate-putamen, hippocampus, tectum, and lower brainstem.
110  cerebellum, various cell types of the optic tectum, and mitral/ruffed cells of the olfactory bulb.
111 nd adult antennal lobe, zebrafish retina and tectum, and mouse visual cortex.
112 he dorsal mesencephalon, mainly in the optic tectum, and Pax6 cells were the only cells found in the
113 on of axonal projections to the spinal cord, tectum, and pons.
114 seum et fibrosum superficiale (SGF) in optic tectum, and Purkinje cells in cerebellum.
115 had cases with injections in nBOR, the optic tectum, and the anterior dorsolateral thalamus (the equi
116 ed in the projections to LM, nBOR, the optic tectum, and the anterior dorsolateral thalamus.
117 as only ipsilateral projections to the optic tectum, and these are non-GABAergic.
118 cerebellum's upper rhombic lip and the optic tectum are abnormal in clo.
119 t regions of a dendrite in the tadpole optic tectum are tuned to stimuli in different locations of th
120 y GABAergic input to the contralateral optic tectum arises instead from a nearby tegmental region tha
121 ecipient midbrain regions isolated the optic tectum as an important center processing looming stimuli
122 evaluation system, as well as input from the tectum as the evolutionary basis for salience/novelty de
123 t receive input from the retina and/or optic tectum, as well as in a few nodes in the social behavior
124 cal microscopy to collect images through the tectum at intervals of 2-24 hours over 3 days.
125 projections that fail to innervate the optic tectum at the normal developmental time owing to impaire
126 e in how much tissue was allocated to become tectum at the time of brain regionalization.
127 n mutant decreases terminal branching in the tectum but does not affect long-range navigation to the
128 geting of retinal axons within the zebrafish tectum but serves to restrict arbor size and shape.
129 roles in promoting cell proliferation in the tectum, but lack obvious patterning functions.
130 ing or decreasing endogenous TH signaling in tectum, by combining targeted DIO3 knockdown and methima
131 RGC axons reaching their target in the optic tectum can be repelled by a netrin-1 gradient in vitro,
132                    Recent works suggest that tectum can elaborate gaze reorientation commands on its
133 rocally connected with the ipsilateral optic tectum; cells in nucleus isthmi also project to the cont
134 rea, hypothalamus, thalamus, midbrain, optic tectum, cerebellum, hindbrain, and pituitary.
135 n3a and Pax7 by electroporation in the chick tectum, combined with GFP reporters, we show that Brn3a
136  more extended projection field in the optic tectum compared with control embryos.
137 (SC) and its nonmammalian homolog, the optic tectum, constitute a major node in processing sensory in
138                        In summary, the optic tectum contains non-linear mixed selectivity neurons tha
139  cerebral neocortex, hippocampus, pretectum, tectum, cranial nerve nuclei, and spinal cord.
140 shi1-immunoreactive progenitors in the optic tectum decrease as visual system connections become stro
141                        Laser ablation of the tectum demonstrated that this structure, like the dorsal
142                                      Rather, tectum-derived Slit1, signaling through axonal Robo2, gu
143                                The embryonic tectum displays an anteroposterior gradient in developme
144  (3) mesencephalic sensory structures (optic tectum, dorsal and ventral torus semicircularis); and (4
145              In regions such as the midbrain tectum, dorsal isthmus, and motor nuclei, ASP and GABA i
146 lamus, stratum periventriculare of the optic tectum, dorsal tegmental nucleus, granular regions of th
147 pulation alters the development of the optic tectum dramatically.
148 ses of retinal inputs to the zebrafish optic tectum during development.
149 d superficial inhibitory interneurons in the tectum during looming and propose a model for how tempor
150 ously monitor neuronal activity in the optic tectum during naturalistic behavior.
151    By comparing neural dynamics in the optic tectum during response versus non-response trials, we di
152 orm orderly topographic connections with the tectum, establishing a continuous neural representation
153 e with holes in the pia, and the caudomedial tectum exhibits prominent folds.
154          Radial glia in the developing optic tectum extend highly dynamic filopodial protrusions with
155 ndiffuse brainstem tumors originating at the tectum, focally in the midbrain, dorsal and exophytic to
156 t of cells that project to the contralateral tectum form a visuotopic map in a roughly vertical, tran
157 f the retina to the superior colliculus (SC)/tectum has been an important model used to show that gra
158                                  Whereas the tectum has been investigated in great detail, the pretec
159  its small size and the accessibility of the tectum, has enabled a quick yet robust assessment of mul
160 ents and project tentacle information to the tectum in alignment with vision, illustrating a general
161                                    The optic tectum in birds and its homologue the superior colliculu
162  superior colliculus in mammals or the optic tectum in birds, receives a substantial retinal input an
163 ong the anterior-posterior axis of the optic tectum in both Xenopus and zebrafish, a guidance decisio
164 the cellular level from the larval zebrafish tectum in response to visual stimuli at three closely sp
165 vant size classes, suggesting a role for the tectum in selecting approach or avoidance behaviours bas
166 e septal area, dorsal arcopallium, and optic tectum in sparrow and was essentially undetectable in ze
167 ing TH signaling on development of the optic tectum in stage 46-49 Xenopus laevis tadpoles.
168  4 and NgCAM are expressed in the retina and tectum in suitable locations to interact.
169                                    The optic tectum in the midbrain is the primary region to which re
170 al ganglion cell axons as they grew over the tectum in zebrafish for periods of 10-21 hours and analy
171  hyperconnected neural networks in the optic tectum, increased excitatory and inhibitory synaptic dri
172          Microinjection of netrin-1 into the tectum induced a rapid and transient increase in presyna
173   In Xenopus, BDNF applications in the optic tectum influence retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon branch
174 h as competition, are required for posterior tectum innervation.
175  studies reveal a genetic subdivision of the tectum into its two functional systems and the medial ce
176 rotocadherins partitions the zebrafish optic tectum into radial columns of neurons.
177        Studies suggest that partition of the tectum is controlled by different strengths and duration
178 data indicate that neurogenesis in the optic tectum is critical for recovery of visually-guided behav
179         The second major finding is that the tectum is much smaller in parakeets than in quail at all
180  tuning of DS-RGC axons targeting the mutant tectum is normal.
181                      Because the presumptive tectum is proportionally smaller in zebra finches than q
182                                 On ED12, the tectum is still larger in FGF2-treated embryos than in c
183                  The superior colliculus, or tectum, is a key sensorimotor structure that long predat
184                One of these areas, the optic tectum, is innervated by a subset of RGC axons that resp
185 quired for establishing a distinct posterior tectum, isthmus and cerebellum, but does not play a role
186  larva, where it is maximal in the posterior tectum just anterior to the posterior pole (and in the v
187 ication signals, whereas DC efferents to the tectum modulate sensory control of movement.
188 owever, lateral portions of the FGF2-treated tectum now exhibit volcano-like laminar disturbances tha
189  information from the olfactory bulbs, optic tectum, octavolateral area, and dorsal column nucleus, a
190 is reciprocally connected with the thalamus, tectum, octavolateral area, and habenula.
191          A new study shows the eye and optic tectum of a cave fish consumes approximately 5-17% of th
192  of direction-selective (DS) circuits in the tectum of astray mutant zebrafish in which lamination of
193                        Here we use the optic tectum of awake Xenopus laevis tadpoles to determine how
194 heir presumptive postsynaptic targets in the tectum of chickens (Gallus gallus) with neural tracers a
195                                  By ED7, the tectum of FGF2-treated birds is abnormally thin and has
196 t onto Eph/ephrin expression patterns in the tectum of larval Rana pipiens, as studied by means of in
197                                    The optic tectum of the barn owl contains a map of auditory space.
198 ed Tbeta4 expression in the developing optic tectum of the chicken (Gallus domesticus) and performed
199           The superior colliculus (SC)/optic tectum of the dorsal mesencephalon plays a major role in
200 the optic chiasm, and terminate in the optic tectum of the zebrafish.
201 ecorded from neurons in the developing optic tectum of Xenopus laevis and found that repeated present
202  the temporal dependence of MSI in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis tadpoles is mediated by the net
203 sticity in multisensory neurons in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis tadpoles.
204 ty of local excitatory circuits in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis tadpoles.
205          Increasing BDNF levels in the optic tectum of Xenopus tadpoles significantly increases both
206 atterns of spontaneous activity in the optic tectum of Xenopus tadpoles.
207 isual and mechanosensory inputs in the optic tectum of Xenopus tadpoles.
208                                    The optic tectum of zebrafish is involved in behavioral responses
209 -attached recordings in the developing optic tectum of zebrafish, we found that during a short period
210 representation of the retina was seen in the tectum opticum.
211 olution of layered brain regions such as the tectum or the rhombencephalon.
212       Focal lesions were placed in the optic tectum (OT) and in the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellular
213  neural population activity in the owl optic tectum (OT) categorize stimuli based on their relative s
214                           Although the optic tectum (OT) has been causally implicated in stimulus sel
215 mi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) from the optic tectum (OT) in barn owls by reversibly blocking excitato
216 ntation-contrast-based saliency in the optic tectum (OT) of barn owls.
217 n the responsiveness of neurons in the optic tectum (OT) to visual and auditory stimuli.
218                                    The optic tectum (OT), a midbrain structure implicated in sensorim
219 gain of sensory responses in the owl's optic tectum (OT).
220 ocal, topographic connections with the optic tectum (OT).
221  of the spatial attention network, the optic tectum (OT, superior colliculus in mammals), in awake ba
222                         In avians, the optic tectum (OT; called the superior colliculus in mammals) a
223 pment of specific subtypes of neurons in the tectum, particularly those which contribute tectofugal p
224          Focal ablation of part of the optic tectum prevents the visual avoidance response to moving
225 ow local circuits within the zebrafish optic tectum process visual information.
226  A recent study has shown that the zebrafish tectum processes inputs from the retina tuned to etholog
227 aling in the developing Xenopus laevis optic tectum promotes morphological and functional maturation
228 rganization of infrared signals in the optic tectum prompted us to test the implementation of spatiot
229 e axonal projections from retina to midbrain tectum provides experimenters with a good model for asse
230                 In the adult optic tract and tectum, radial glia and free astroglia coexist.
231 s) form topographic connections in the optic tectum, recreating a two-dimensional map of the visual f
232 plantation reveals that guidance from eye to tectum relies heavily on interactions between axons, inc
233 eloping binocular projections to the Xenopus tectum require visual input in order to establish matchi
234 the sensory transformations performed by the tectum requires identification of the rules that control
235 tectal neuron dendrites in the tadpole optic tectum requires NMDA receptor activity.
236  responses and RFs in the ventral and dorsal tectum, respectively.
237  neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide in the tectum, respectively.
238 dicate that a subset of RGC axons within the tectum responds selectively to features of looming stimu
239 at separate, discrete locations in the optic tectum result in retrograde filling of singly labeled cl
240  roof plate of prosomere 2, pretectum, optic tectum, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord.
241 rable immunoreactivity was seen in the optic tectum, rostral torus semicircularis, central pretectal
242 14) show that the visual cortex controls the tectum's gain precisely and retinotopically, without oth
243 pmental stages examined, suggesting that the tectum's reduced size is due to an evolutionary change i
244 om the superior colliculus (SC), but how the tectum's saccade-related activity turns off OPNs is not
245 vated the preoptic area, hypothalamus, optic tectum, semicircular torus, and caudal midbrain tegmentu
246 ialis, dorsal torus semicircularis and optic tectum showed expression of one or more mAChRs.
247        Microinjection of BDNF into the optic tectum significantly increased synapse number in tectal
248 fore neurogenesis begins, this difference in tectum size cannot be due to evolutionary alterations in
249  the retinotopic map of the barn owl's optic tectum specifically adapt to the common orientation, giv
250 , retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), or the tectum, suggesting that the transcriptional networks con
251 owth cones to form branches within the optic tectum, suggesting that this protein family, and probabl
252      In vertebrates, the pretectum and optic tectum (superior colliculus in mammals) are visuomotor a
253 enous) competitive interactions in the optic tectum (superior colliculus in mammals), which are vital
254                    In vertebrates, the optic tectum (superior colliculus) commands gaze shifts by syn
255 ng on the first several layers-retina, optic tectum (superior colliculus), and lateral geniculate nuc
256  as turning/steering commands from the optic tectum (superior colliculus).
257 ayers of the orofacial region of the lateral tectum (superior colliculus, SC).
258 ebrain, hypothalamus, hippocampus, thalamus, tectum, tegmentum, and lower brain stem).
259  olfactory bulbs/cerebral hemispheres, optic tectum/tegmentum, retina, and pituitary.
260 uditory information is conveyed to the optic tectum (TeO) by a direct projection from the external nu
261                  Retinal inputs to the optic tectum (TeO) triggered by moving stimuli elicit synchron
262  generates an axonal projection to the optic tectum (TeO), LM, GLv, and n.
263  generates an axonal projection to the optic tectum (TeO), LM, GLv, and n. intercalatus thalami (ICT)
264 iprocally connected to the ipsilateral optic tectum (TeO).
265 visual part of the avian midbrain, the optic tectum (TeO, counterpart to mammalian superior colliculu
266 lumba livia) how retinal inputs to the optic tectum (TeO, superior colliculus in mammals), triggered
267 e progenitor pool of cells in the developing tectum that gives rise to neurons and other radial glia.
268 we describe a specific type of neuron in the tectum that, due to its intrinsic structure, likely inte
269 on is found in the olfactory bulb, the optic tectum, the hypothalamus, the cerebellum, and the retina
270 in the hypothalamus, the habenula, the optic tectum, the isthmus, the cranial motor nuclei, and the s
271 ltiple sensory and premotor areas: the optic tectum, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculu
272 uts can thus regulate event-detection within tectum through local inhibition without forebrain contro
273 axons to neighbouring positions in the optic tectum, thus re-establishing a continuous neural represe
274 g the propagation of retinal inputs from the tectum to higher visual areas.
275            We used the layered chicken optic tectum to model cortical development, and induced MCT8 d
276 -labeled neurons in the Xenopus laevis optic tectum to resolve the rapid spatiotemporal response prop
277  long-range retrograde spread from the optic tectum to the retina, resulting in potentiation and depr
278 ions being of particular interest: the optic tectum, torus semicircularis, isthmus, dorsal and medial
279 ercle, prethalamic and thalamic areas, optic tectum, torus semicircularis, mesencephalic tegmentum, i
280 of the retina project independently onto the tectum using different sets of guidance cues to give ris
281 rve terminals were investigated in the optic tectum using extracellular recordings.
282 sterior and medial-lateral axes of the chick tectum using microarray based transcriptional profiling
283 ucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), optic tectum, various tegmental nuclei, locus coeruleus, raphe
284 No evidence of distorted topographies in the tectum was found, i.e., no overrepresentation of the ret
285  neuronal spontaneous activity, input to the tectum was systematically removed.
286 de axons as they navigate to the superficial tectum, we find no evidence that radial glia function as
287  and their postsynaptic targets in the optic tectum, we undertook a forward genetic screen for mutati
288 on cell (RGC) axon arbors in zebrafish optic tectum were imaged in vivo at high temporal and spatial
289 size, and aberrant axonal projections to the tectum were noted.
290  solitary RGCs often extended axons into the tectum, where they branched to form a terminal arbor.
291  axons innervate only the dorsal half of the tectum, where they form a compressed retinotectal map.
292 ion target the most superficial layer in the tectum, whereas ganglion cells carrying information on t
293 fic stainings spread in the retina and optic tectum, whereas retinal Pax6, and Tuj1/SV2 in RGC axons
294 ment of output neurons occurs locally in the tectum, whereas surrounding areas and temporally misalig
295  afferents from neurons in L10a of the optic tectum, which are distributed with a wider interneuronal
296 expressed in a lamina-specific manner in the tectum, which may have other roles in tectal development
297 ic neuronal ensembles in the zebrafish optic tectum, which retains the memory of the time interval (i
298 chors secreted factors at the surface of the tectum, which serve as guidance cues for retinal axons.
299 ON project unilaterally to the contralateral tectum while its posterior neurons project bilaterally t
300                            In the developing tectum, Wnt signaling is mitogenic; however, the mechani

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