


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  As to As(III) is difficult in the field and tedious.
2 intact brain tissue; however, the method was tedious.
3 ands of effectors is sometimes difficult and tedious.
4 n mutations in specific genes or proteins is tedious.
5 ess proteins for their purification is often tedious.
6 ns and HPLC, is extremely time consuming and tedious.
7 r, rendering structure--function correlation tedious.
8 s because the genotyping procedure is rather tedious.
9 volumes measured by edging techniques can be tedious.
10  feeding tube placement can be difficult and tedious.
11 is available; for others, typing methods are tedious.
12  with a perturbed lipid content are slow and tedious.
13 trometry (MS) where it is time-consuming and tedious.
14 onstruction of complex oligosaccharides less tedious, a high level of technical expertise is still ne
15                             Since culture is tedious and also detects nontoxigenic C. difficile, we c
16 etal contamination are often very expensive, tedious and can only be handled by trained personnel.
17 dling 3D cells/hydrogel culture construct is tedious and cellular response is difficult to be quantit
18 ered by the identification of metabolites, a tedious and challenging task.
19  mutagenic compounds in cell-based assays is tedious and costly.
20  from radiometric-based assays that are both tedious and discontinuous.
21 he classical synthesis of these compounds is tedious and does not allow the regioselective introducti
22 process of model specification, avoiding the tedious and error prone task of manually enumerating all
23  the DNA on the level of nucleotides becomes tedious and error prone, requiring a new generation of c
24            Manual creation of these files is tedious and error-prone, and a graphical input tool is d
25 sponse curve for each analyte of interest, a tedious and expensive proposition.
26 irus (HSV)-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes are tedious and indirect.
27 s during the course of an immune response is tedious and indirect.
28 clude at least one such step, although it is tedious and inefficient.
29 urrently designed by a process that involves tedious and laborious filtering of potential candidates
30                                To avoid such tedious and lengthy procedures, vacuum matrix-assisted l
31           However, the resulting protocol is tedious and lengthy, and requires too many user steps to
32 crystal provide complete information but are tedious and limited in applicability.
33 n kinetics, yet current techniques are often tedious and limited in sensitivity.
34 Very often, chemical transformations require tedious and long procedures, which, sometimes, can be av
35                This traditional procedure is tedious and not easily reproducible, especially when wor
36                  However, manual curation is tedious and not readily scalable or standardized.
37 purified CdTe nanoparticle samples, avoiding tedious and often impossible purification and fractionat
38                                      It is a tedious and practically impossible task to visually insp
39 tion of multiple gene fusions are limited by tedious and prolonged experimental protocols, thus limit
40 of these methods are usually time-consuming, tedious and require special or expensive equipment.
41 s-phase and manual Edman sequencing, is very tedious and requires about 10 pmol of pure, labeled glyc
42 nown invariant T cell populations has been a tedious and slow process, identifying them one by one.
43 newborn screening and other applications are tedious and slow, with limited options for automated ana
44                     However, this process is tedious and subject to inter- and intra-reader variabili
45 t manual methodology for image analysis is a tedious and subjective approach, there is clearly a need
46  and by scoring every sample in a screen via tedious and subjective visual inspection.
47  cutoff and scored accordingly, which can be tedious and subjective.
48 counts of organisms in aerial imagery can be tedious and subjective.
49  aide of current software tools, but this is tedious and time consuming for the high marker density d
50 des ago, still mostly practiced by following tedious and time consuming manual processes.
51  of the many known inhibitory compounds is a tedious and time consuming task, yet it can be achieved
52 nium metal for determining D/H ratio is both tedious and time consuming.
53  cells randomly for high producing clones is tedious and time consuming.
54  results within 24h, but they are expensive, tedious and time consuming.
55 e, and most methods to disperse CNTs rely on tedious and time-consuming acid-based oxidation.
56 urified virus preparation without relying on tedious and time-consuming cesium chloride gradient sepa
57 thesis conditions for these materials can be tedious and time-consuming due to the large number of pa
58                                       A once tedious and time-consuming glycan analysis workflow is n
59  small neuronal processes and accelerate the tedious and time-consuming human proofreading effort.
60 s and targets are usually investigated using tedious and time-consuming immunofluorescence imaging.
61 ully automated, and one must rely on manual, tedious and time-consuming manipulation of sequences.
62  prior information, therefore ruling out the tedious and time-consuming process of modeling all the e
63 g such collection and analysis manually is a tedious and time-consuming process.
64                   This system can bypass the tedious and time-consuming steps of conventional protein
65 al identification of catalytic residues is a tedious and time-consuming task, which can be expedited
66 egy should reduce the number of error-prone, tedious and time-consuming weighing procedures required
67                                         This tedious and time-consuming work can be lessened with aut
68 nately, the manual assignment of residues is tedious and time-consuming, and can represent a signific
69 s or automated single-worm tracking would be tedious and time-consuming, but the MWT system allowed r
70 arameterizing CG force fields, which is both tedious and time-consuming, is often necessary.
71  - typical in a macromolecular assembly - is tedious and time-consuming.
72 ted, replenishing the gels after each run is tedious and time-consuming.
73    Analyzing global experimental data can be tedious and time-consuming.
74 and identifying novel genes encoding them is tedious and uncertain without a phenotype in culture.
75 e current methods to detect anti-PEG abs are tedious and usually lack quantification.
76 ng methodologies which tend to be expensive, tedious, and time-consuming for many applications.
77 say could circumvent some of the complex and tedious antigen-adjuvant desorption methods.
78 cology has long relied on animal models in a tedious approach to understanding risk of exposure to an
79 analysis of biological matrices is, however, tedious as well as logistically and financially demandin
80 es into CHARMMing helps automate many of the tedious aspects of constructing a CG Go model.
81 ment of FBA models can be time consuming and tedious because of the difficulty in assembling complete
82  the cloning of viral DNA fragments, and are tedious because of the laborious process of multiple pla
83 id chromatography not only was laborious and tedious but also could introduce uneven losses of molecu
84  been recoded and renumbered can be not only tedious but also quite daunting, in the case of very lar
85 r, reimplementation of these algorithms is a tedious but important task to enable comparison of exist
86 eveloped to enable rapid detection and avoid tedious calibration.
87 tive, which has potentials to facilitate the tedious, cell-specific protocol screening process in cur
88 on-MNFs) traditionally require expensive and tedious chromatographic methods.
89            Currently, this is done through a tedious combination of searches through the literature a
90 h-performance parts, the empirical and often tedious composition rules, and the requirements for subs
91 are incorporated into a single DNA molecule, tedious conjugation procedures required for protein-DNA
92 aenoic acid (EPA) from cell extracts without tedious derivatization, lengthy sample preparation, and
93      The existing standard method requires a tedious, destructive, and costly sample preparation proc
94 ransgenic animals, require careful and often tedious documentation by multiple methodologies.
95 for membrane-associated receptors is often a tedious empirical process.
96  photomorphogenesis field, by replacing many tedious, error-prone manual measurements with a precise,
97 process of prototyping device designs can be tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming.
98 al diagnostic techniques are time consuming, tedious, expensive, less sensitive, and unsuitable for f
99  of multiple breaksites per reaction without tedious fractionation of PCR products by gel electrophor
100  that have been identified typically through tedious functional assays.
101 ly column-purified, eliminating the need for tedious gel purification.
102  lesions, but previous applications involved tedious genetic mapping to pinpoint the causative mutati
103 , it is imperative not to be confined to the tedious growth and cumbersome manipulation of molecular
104 protection and deprotection steps as well as tedious ion-exchange and column chromatographic techniqu
105 branes and living cells without the need for tedious isolation and purification steps.
106                                              Tedious isolation/purification protocols and uncertainty
107  yield and purity and without the need for a tedious isomer separation step.
108 tive and has the potential to circumvent the tedious labeling steps typically required.
109 ing RIAs of large numbers of tubes remains a tedious laboratory chore due to the need to individually
110          Evidently, all these approaches are tedious, labour intensive and inaccurate.
111 ans larval development traditionally require tedious manual observations because larvae must move to
112                       It replaces previously tedious manual protocols to obtain exhaustive informatio
113  oxidative phosphorylation system has been a tedious matter.
114 to typical screening procedures that require tedious method development, because the synthesized libr
115      Fluorescence in situ hybridization is a tedious method for analyzing tissues, and localization o
116        Hydraulic micromanipulation is a very tedious method.
117 st-cell invasion, has traditionally involved tedious microscopic observations of individual parasites
118  relying solely on doping, and thus avoiding tedious modification of side-chain or main-chain structu
119 -layer epitaxial growth without the need for tedious multiple reactions for generating tunable shell
120 ck of commercially available standards or by tedious multistep in-house standard production procedure
121  are difficult to generalize, or necessitate tedious multistep reactions and purification.
122 it is a natural product and does not require tedious multistep synthesis unlike many other chiral aux
123 s and microfibers) can be achieved without a tedious, multistep synthesis of shape-persistent molecul
124 riable, and inevitably errors arise from the tedious nature of the task.
125 urry as an alternative to crude estimates or tedious nonspecific, off-site laboratory analysis.
126 ligand adsorption, and this process requires tedious optimization.
127 fication of circuits that would be extremely tedious or impossible to study with other methods and ca
128 cy and quality of their work by carrying out tedious or repetitive tasks while enabling easy control
129 these complexes in a purified state is often tedious owing to their compositional complexity and the
130  milk thereby eliminating time consuming and tedious pre-treatment procedures of the sample.
131 ls avoided the aggregation of conjugates and tedious preparation time, which were often met in the tr
132 gs such as high cost, high time consumption, tedious pretreatment steps and the requirements for high
133  procedures, such as multistep workflows and tedious procedures.
134 on of bacterial genetic materials requires a tedious process but is associated with a high false posi
135 nzymes, or ribozymes, typically involves the tedious process of collecting and quenching reaction tim
136 al elucidation of protein glycosylation is a tedious process often involving several techniques.
137     Analyzing the data from FISH images is a tedious process that invokes an element of subjectivity.
138 y, conventional serotype identification is a tedious process which can take a week or longer.
139 arameter evaluation can be a time-consuming, tedious process.
140 n of the best column sets is one of the most tedious processes in comprehensive two-dimensional gas c
141 e amounts of starting material, and involves tedious processing of each individual sample.
142 coated membranes requires multiple steps and tedious processing.
143 hemical transformations without the need for tedious protection and deprotection chemistry that is ve
144 c LewisX octasaccharide without the need for tedious protective group manipulation to achieve exact a
145 onal studies involves the time-consuming and tedious purification of a large number of mutant protein
146 ly reported enzymatic methods either require tedious purification steps or use thermostable ligases t
147 ng polymerization in good yields without any tedious purification steps.
148  bypassing the need for elaborate syntheses, tedious purifications, and organic solvents.
149  However, panning rounds are followed by the tedious re-screening of the clones obtained to evaluate
150                         These methods can be tedious; require complex, expensive instrumentation; nec
151 hese ligands, which have confronted long and tedious routes that employ toxic and often difficult to
152 lamines and analytical interferences require tedious sample preparation and long chromatographic runs
153 ique enables rapid quantification freed from tedious sample preparation and shows more than 95% recov
154 s vital to understanding embryogenesis; yet, tedious sample preparation makes it difficult to acquire
155 phisticated analytical instrumentation and a tedious sample preparation method is a challenge for env
156 etection of methylmercury without the use of tedious sample preparation procedures or complex and exp
157  interference in the mass range of interest, tedious sample preparation, and various crystallization
158 vel the complexity of a flat, on first sight tedious SAR.
159             The theory also rationalizes the tedious search required to find good separation conditio
160 und the rim of the dried sample and requires tedious searching of this rim with the laser.
161 s detection with phosphotyrosine antibodies, tedious separation of phosphorylated peptides with phosp
162 of the analyses while obviating the need for tedious sessions of microdissection and collection of ha
163 enying that they can be inherently boring or tedious, something that "vigilance tasks" were intention
164            Unfortunately, time-consuming and tedious specimen processing is an inherent problem which
165                              Eliminating the tedious step of separating the cleared lysate significan
166 the past, they usually suffer from multiple, tedious steps and often result in poor structure control
167 dium, was established in order to circumvent tedious steps from previous methods.
168 etry (MS) technologies that merge all of the tedious steps of the classical methods into a simple, ef
169     Once installed, workflows facilitate the tedious steps required to run rapid intra- and inter-dat
170 sequence-targeted regions, thereby bypassing tedious subcloning steps.
171 However, visual stage determination can be a tedious, subjective and time-consuming task prone to err
172                   The supplemental tests are tedious, subjective, and expensive.
173  are known to have limitations including the tedious synthesis and interdrop molecular transport whic
174  bromine at the C5 position of pyrimidines), tedious synthesis of specialized nucleosides is not requ
175 article labels and avoid the complicated and tedious synthesis process of conventional nanoparticle l
176 IH and RNA polymerase II (pol II) has been a tedious task by conventional chromatography.
177 ve developed a Web server that automates the tedious task of locating such sites in eukaryotic genome
178 ts importance, measuring DNA DSBs is still a tedious task that is normally carried out by gel electro
179 hing M. bovis from M. tuberculosis relies on tedious testing of biochemical parameters, including nat
180  for IgA N- and O-glycosylation analysis are tedious, thus limiting such analyses to small sample siz
181  water, the CO2-H2O equilibration method, is tedious, time consuming, and involves the use of custom-
182 rver performance and may reduce the need for tedious, time-consuming studies with human observers.
183 oligonucleotides for these approaches can be tedious, time-consuming, and may not be practical for la
184                       These measurements are tedious to perform, difficult to replicate, and typicall
185 -derived (SMB) antigen used in this assay is tedious to prepare and has a risk of exposing personnel
186 fic bioactive HS structures a cumbersome and tedious undertaking that requires laborious and careful
187 eling the biochemistry of these compounds is tedious using traditional analyses, which also fall shor
188 orescence under infrared excitation and many tedious washing steps, as the free dye molecules are phy
189       Since experiments for such designs are tedious, we used molecular-dynamics simulations to ident
190 synthesis of these vital components is often tedious, whereas natural enzymes capable of anomeric pho
191 testing enhancer activity in animals remains tedious, with a minority of enhancers having been charac
192 h-end mass spectrometer is not required, and tedious work or deliberate interpretation can be avoided
193 er meet patient expectations, expedites many tedious work processes (such as prescription writing and

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