


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pproximately 9 to 10 genes in amniotes, 8 in teleosts).
2 glycinergic neurons in the brain of an adult teleost.
3 biosynthesis of ALA to EPA and DHA in marine teleost.
4 on is compared with those proposed for other teleosts.
5 upeocephala which includes all the remaining teleosts.
6 sue distribution distinct from that found in teleosts.
7 tus), a neopterygian fish closely related to teleosts.
8 fish lacking the whole genome duplication of teleosts.
9 s, most of these genes are not restricted to teleosts.
10 ative pathways for DHA biosynthesis exist in teleosts.
11 erved functions of the melanopsins in marine teleosts.
12 in functions, the only known exception being teleosts.
13 ared with classifications proposed for other teleosts.
14 present in all vertebrate groups, except for teleosts.
15 hed the Sox10 migratory patterns observed in teleosts.
16  retinal specialization is uniquely found in teleosts.
17                  The same may hold for other teleosts.
18 a cutting edge, unlike in any other group of teleosts.
19  includes percomorphs and other spiny-finned teleosts.
20 sspeptin-encoding genes, kiss1 and kiss2, in teleosts.
21  (Opn4x) melanopsins have been duplicated in teleosts.
22  features of both otophysan and nonotophysan teleosts.
23 om polypteriform fishes through sturgeons to teleosts.
24 anized more similarly to that of humans than teleosts.
25 ance, and somatic growth in both mammals and teleosts.
26 node in mammals or Kupffer's vesicle (KV) in teleosts.
27 resent, a unique situation compared to other teleosts.
28 r than an exceptional feature of early crown teleosts.
29 latory mechanisms of LC-PUFA biosynthesis in teleosts.
30 ge prior to the divergence of tetrapods from teleosts.
31 eproductive and nonreproductive functions in teleosts.
32 ppose enhanced phenotypic diversification in teleosts.
33 e for the pineal in background adaptation in teleosts, a unique physiological function for the agouti
34                       Many tetrapods and non-teleost actinopterygians have undergone body elongation
35 we demonstrate that an agouti gene unique to teleosts, agrp2, is specifically expressed in the pineal
36 e frog Xenopus, zebrafish) and multispecies (teleost, amphibian) vertebrate anatomy ontologies.
37 responsible for the regenerative capacity of teleosts, amphibians, and reptiles have fallen into disu
38 xpression of CARTp has been characterized in teleosts, amphibians, and several mammalian species, but
39 frican lineage compared to tilapia and other teleosts, an abundance of non-coding element divergence,
40  of the ventral telencephalic area (Vd), the teleost anatomical homologs of the mammalian amygdala an
41 omosome rearrangements after speciation from teleost ancestor.
42 ocation of this element is conserved between teleost and mammalian Col2a1.
43 , a set of lncRNAs are microsyntenic between teleost and vertebrates, which indicates potential regul
44 a shared developmental stage in Aetheretmon, teleosts and all living actinopterygians.
45                                              Teleosts and amphibians exhibit retinomotor movements, m
46 itional PLIN clade (plin6) that is unique to teleosts and can be traced to the two whole genome dupli
47  fishes (the more extensive clade containing teleosts and holosteans).
48              The Oatp1d subfamily emerged in teleosts and is absent in tetrapods.
49 ellular mechanisms underpinning olfaction in teleosts and mammals are similar despite 430 million yea
50 nes evolved following the diversification of teleosts and mammals from a common ancestor.
51 cific DC-like subtype in nonimmune tissue in teleosts and support the hypothesis of a common origin f
52  or after the late Devonian extinction, when teleosts and tetrapods each diversified in their respect
53 hway represents an alternative route in some teleosts and we identified the presence of putative Delt
54                                           In teleosts, and some others, a stunted tail is eclipsed by
55 /urotensin1 (UCN1/UTS1) in primitive fishes, teleosts, and tetrapods.
56 lium, and in the thalamus and cerebellum, of teleosts appear to have evolved following the separation
57 family expanded in parallel in tetrapods and teleosts ( approximately 9 to 10 genes in amniotes, 8 in
58 t those emerging from studies of both extant teleosts as a whole and their sublineages, which general
59             Background adaptation is used by teleosts as one of a variety of camouflage mechanisms fo
60  in this species and possibly other cyprinid teleosts as well.
61 ary heart field development are conserved in teleosts, as we demonstrate that the transcription facto
62 steus oculatus), whose lineage diverged from teleosts before teleost genome duplication (TGD).
63 ts showed that the gar lineage diverged from teleosts before the TGD and its genome is organized more
64 ceed those of stem-, crown-, and total-group teleosts, belying the living fossil reputation of their
65 icated genome, now helps to bridge human and teleost biology.
66 nd ampullary organs in cartilaginous and non-teleost bony fishes, and indicate that jawed vertebrates
67 ed for hunting by both cartilaginous and non-teleost bony fishes.
68 us on how findings pertaining to immunity in teleost (bony) fish have led to major new insights about
69  The oldest S100 family members are found in teleosts (bony fish).
70 RGCs) are the most abundant macroglia in the teleost brain and have established roles in neurogenesis
71 stribution of the dopaminergic system in the teleost brain and suggest a conserved role of dopamine i
72        Enrichment of gene sets indicative of teleost brain-pituitary-gonadal-hepatic (BPGH) axis func
73 NF involvement in the aging processes of the teleost brain.
74 rgic system has not been well studied in the teleost brain.
75 supporting conserved roles for both genes in teleost brains.
76 e sequence of spotted gar, a fish related to teleosts but lacking a duplicated genome, now helps to b
77 results reveal numerous shared features with teleosts, but also important differences.
78 are highly conserved among distantly related teleosts, but largely missing from marine stickleback du
79 ted in the brain of mammals, amphibians, and teleosts, but the relevant information in avian brain is
80 control of the onset of oocyte maturation in teleosts by estrogens and progestins acting through GPER
81                                        Thus, teleost "calpain-2" is likely not directly orthologous t
82 ed significant insight into the evolution of teleost calpains.
83 ferent Ca(2+)-binding properties between the teleost cardiac (cTnC or TnC1a) and slow-skeletal (ssTnC
84 ia tomentosa, a natural nematode pathogen of teleosts, caused marked increases in eosinophil number w
85 tinize the development and specialization of teleost CD4(+) leukocytes in vivo.
86  by the imaging of intimate contacts between teleost CD4(+) T cells and mononuclear phagocytes.
87 we reveal the conserved subspecialization of teleost CD4(+) T cells in vivo.
88 cis regulatory) undetectable in direct human-teleost comparisons become apparent using gar: functiona
89                          As the first marine teleost demonstrated to have the ability to biosynthesiz
90                           We find that early teleosts do not show enhanced phenotypic evolution relat
91 iological and evolutionary links between non-teleost electroreceptors and hair cells.
92 beta subtypes are critically involved in the teleost estrogenic response, with the ERalpha:ERbeta rat
93 likely resulting from a duplication event in teleost evolution.
94                                Although stem teleosts excel at discovering new body shapes, early cro
95 finned fishes (Actinopterygii), relatives of teleosts, exhibited ancestral scale-covered tails curved
96                    The symmetrical, flexible teleost fish 'tail' has been a prime example of recapitu
97 e found that the kcnh1 gene is duplicated in teleost fish (i.e. kcnh1a and kcnh1b) and that both gene
98  family, we characterized a novel GHR from a teleost fish (rainbow trout).
99  is seen in some homoiotherm species such as teleost fish and urodelian amphibians leading to the hyp
100                                              Teleost fish are among the most ancient vertebrates poss
101                                              Teleost fish are capable of complex behaviors, including
102                                              Teleost fish are exceptional in retaining a rhombomeric
103                                       Marine teleost fish are important carbonate producers in neriti
104                                              Teleost fish are the most primitive bony vertebrates tha
105 taglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) levels rise in teleost fish around the time of ovulation [10, 14, 15].
106 functional implications of jaw protrusion in teleost fish assemblages from shallow coastal seas since
107 mokine receptors have rapidly diversified in teleost fish but their immune functions remain unclear.
108                                              Teleost fish contain two 17A P450s; zebrafish P450 17A1
109                                  Even though teleost fish do not have either of these secondary lymph
110                                              Teleost fish express at least three estrogen receptor (E
111 , Porichthys notatus, is a seasonal breeding teleost fish for which vocal-acoustic communication is e
112                                 By contrast, teleost fish functionally regenerate their retina follow
113                                              Teleost fish grow continuously throughout their lifespan
114                      The lymphatic system in teleost fish has genetic and developmental origins simil
115 ure of the full-length CR4/5 domain from the teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes).
116 brain in the service of reproduction using a teleost fish model system.
117    This constitutes an adaptive mechanism in teleost fish naturally exposed to hypertonic environment
118 s by a unique fauna that includes a group of teleost fish of the sub-order Cottoidei.
119                                         Most teleost fish possess two MSTN paralogues.
120  regulation and antimicrobial response, many teleost fish present multiple copies of hepcidin, most l
121                                       Marine teleost fish produce CaCO3 in their intestine as part of
122                                              Teleost fish provide many models for human disease but p
123                                              Teleost fish rely heavily on their innate immunity for a
124                                              Teleost fish represent the most ancient bony vertebrates
125 ribution of cone photoreceptors in the adult teleost fish retina.
126 SC) and comparisons with a 1.7A structure of teleost fish SC (tSC), an early pIgR ancestor.
127 ng for nocturnal vertebrates, including many teleost fish species that are also highly vocal during p
128 on, we demonstrate in a nocturnally breeding teleost fish that (1) courtship vocalization exhibits an
129                               In conclusion, teleost fish that present two hepcidin types show a degr
130 re for the vertebrate t/PK is conserved from teleost fish to human.
131                                 In contrast, teleost fish v2r genes are intermingled with all other o
132 es including passeriform birds, reptiles and teleost fish whose egg yolk contain phosvitin.
133 er cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aversive stimul
134                    The brain of zebrafish, a teleost fish widely used as vertebrate model, also posse
135 ved from the Mauthner cell in the medulla of teleost fish, although NGC neurons have a wider range of
136                               As in mammals, teleost fish, and amphibians, CARTp-ir terminals and cel
137 etween the representative mammal, amphibian, teleost fish, and basal vertebrate indicate that all of
138  Phylogenetic analysis revealed six Mates in teleost fish, annotated as Mate3-8, which form a distinc
139 ere we analyze the genetic divergence of the teleost fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, among microhabitats
140  plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus), a teleost fish, has two male reproductive morphs that foll
141                    Zebrafish, as a model for teleost fish, have two paralogous troponin C (TnC) genes
142  mutations that arose in an ancestor of most teleost fish, implying that most fish lack effective RNA
143 esence of two Cx36 homologs is restricted to teleost fish, it might also be based on differences in p
144      The three-spined stickleback is a small teleost fish, native to coastal regions of the Northern
145        The present survey was conducted in a teleost fish, Nothobranchius furzeri, because it is an e
146                                           In teleost fish, the immune functions of mannan-binding lec
147  Even though adaptive immunity is present in teleost fish, these species lack lymph nodes and GCs.
148 es a critical link between medical models in teleost fish, to which gar is biologically similar, and
149                                           In teleost fish, two distinct IGF-IR duplicates are conserv
150                                  By studying teleost fish, we find that gene duplication followed by
151 , although P2a.1 is not predicted to form in teleost fish, we find that it forms in the full-length p
152            To study the roles of hepcidin in teleost fish, we have isolated and characterized several
153 uals feeding mainly on small crustaceans and teleost fish, whereas the diet of larger fish included m
154 paralogues (IL-4/13 A and IL-4/13B) exist in teleost fish.
155 g of T cell function and immune responses in teleost fish.
156 of Tnfalpha production in trout, a primitive teleost fish.
157 rtant for maintaining calcium homeostasis in teleost fish.
158 types (named I and II) of TNF-alpha exist in teleost fish.
159 iderably less comparative data available for teleost fish.
160 el for the subdivisions of the subpallium in teleost fish.
161  from primates to early vertebrates, such as teleost fish.
162 s: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and teleost fish.
163 e are 2 igfbp-5 genes in zebrafish and other teleost fish.
164 amide (LPXRFa) motif have been identified in teleost fish.
165 the face and braincase modules of a clade of teleost fishes (Gymnotiformes) and a clade of mammals (C
166 enerative capacity of plants, invertebrates, teleost fishes and amphibians.
167           CRH2 was subsequently lost in both teleost fishes and eutherian mammals but retained in oth
168                            The gills of most teleost fishes are covered by plate-like structures, the
169   Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) of polar marine teleost fishes are widely recognized as an evolutionary
170                                              Teleost fishes comprise approximately half of all living
171                            By contrast, most teleost fishes contain up to eight Hox clusters because
172                                        Crown teleost fishes diversified relatively recently, during t
173  with depth, going from 40 to 261 mmol/kg in teleost fishes from 0 to 4,850 m.
174 activity patterns and behavior predicts that teleost fishes that have a composite axon cap, like that
175                                           In teleost fishes, 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one
176  with 40-42 genes in birds to 66-74 genes in teleost fishes, all NRs had clear homologs in human and
177 m groups as diverse as sharks, rays and stem teleost fishes, and in mysticete whales.
178                                           In teleost fishes, details of the organization of this syst
179  Percomorpha, comprising about 60% of modern teleost fishes, has been described as the "(unresolved)
180 een struck by the extraordinary diversity of teleost fishes, particularly in contrast to their closes
181                                           In teleost fishes, the most species-rich vertebrate group,
182                          By examining extant teleost fishes, we identified a robust morphological pre
183 sensory functions and alters the behavior of teleost fishes.
184  the diversity gill morphologies observed in teleost fishes.
185 ne cell type described for the first time in teleost fishes.
186 s a major CART-containing group in the adult teleost forebrain that may participate in glucose sensin
187 domains and expression levels for duplicated teleost genes often approximate the patterns and levels
188 cry2 and cry3; and following the third-round teleost genome duplication (TGD) and subsequent gene los
189 ting a fish lineage that diverged before the teleost genome duplication (TGD) would provide an outgro
190  whose lineage diverged from teleosts before teleost genome duplication (TGD).
191 vergence of gene paralogues generated in the teleost genome duplication.
192  cavefish, contrast repeat elements to other teleost genomes, identify candidate genes underlying qua
193 hat these regulatory regions, active in both teleost genomes, represent key constrained nodes of the
194 nt, the presence of dendritic cells (DCs) in teleosts has been addressed only briefly, and the identi
195 reveals that the hypothalamus in mammals and teleosts has evolved in a divergent manner: placental ma
196 y of the nonvisual photoreception systems in teleosts has just started to be appreciated, with coloca
197             However, the presence of TEPs in teleosts has only been speculated.
198                                              Teleosts have emerged as important model organisms, yet
199                                              Teleosts have gone to the other extreme; losing tail out
200 ve lost the monoaminergic CSF-c cells, while teleosts have increased their relative number.
201                                         Most teleosts have two kiss genes, kiss1 and kiss2, but their
202 rminus that is conserved in Cx36 and its two teleost homologs appears to interfere with formation of
203  in other vertebrates including the proposed teleost homologs of the mammalian amygdalar complex, hip
204 , runx-1 and c-myb as critical regulators of teleost HSPC.
205           We demonstrate that the effects of teleost IL-6 on naive spleen B cells include proliferati
206 firming this hypothesis, we show that IgT, a teleost immunoglobulin specialized in gut immunity, play
207                        Comparison with other teleosts indicates similar expression of Sox2 and Sox19
208            The extreme range of diversity in teleosts is remarkable, especially, extensive morphologi
209 significant difference between tetrapods and teleosts is that teleosts possess an additional CSF-c ce
210  upper and lower jaw identity in mammals and teleosts--is a primitive feature of the mandibular, hyoi
211 is arrangement was thought to be retained in teleost larva and overgrown, mirroring an ancestral tran
212         An additional WGD experienced in the teleost lineage led to two copies of pax2, each of which
213                    Genome duplication in the teleost lineage raised the possibility that additional J
214 d some evidence for heterogeneity within the teleost lineage.
215  dramatically overestimates ages for derived teleost lineages.
216 e results indicate for the first time that a teleost MAP acts one hand as a regulator that promotes t
217 lso attenuated the stimulatory effect of the teleost maturation-inducing steroid, 17,20beta-dihyroxy-
218 and glutamatergic) synaptic terminals on the teleost Mauthner cell known as "Club endings" constitute
219 ark psmb13, and tap2t and psmb10 outside the teleost MHC), implying distinct immune functions and con
220 of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a valuable teleost model for studying nonvisual photoreception and
221 ematic work highlights the benefits of using teleost models to understand the pronephric glomerulus d
222                       Evidence suggests that teleost MSTN plays a role in the regulation of muscle gr
223 in rainbow trout and that it resembles other teleost mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues.
224  diversification leading to extant groups of teleosts occurred between the late Mesozoic and early Ce
225 ucker Catostomus commersonii is a freshwater teleost often utilized as a resident sentinel.
226                     Catfish represent 12% of teleost or 6.3% of all vertebrate species, and are of en
227 re found among members of the highly derived teleost order Tetraodontiformes, which includes triggerf
228 ell pathologies have been reported from five teleost orders: Pleuronectiformes (flatfish), Perciforme
229                         Mammalian, avian and teleost orthologs of Nanog enabled efficient reprogrammi
230 e strong support for the hypothesis that the teleost PAG is centrally involved in auditory-vocal inte
231                                    Thus, the teleost PAG may have functional subdivisions playing dif
232                             In contrast, the teleost pallium is not well understood and its relation
233  framework of vertebrate calpains, including teleost paralogues.
234 rence between tetrapods and teleosts is that teleosts possess an additional CSF-c cell population aro
235                          Alternatively, some teleosts possess fatty acyl desaturases 2 (Fads2) that e
236                                      Because teleosts possess one of the earliest recognizable adapti
237  tarpons) as the sister lineage of all other teleosts, providing a unique hypothesis on the radiation
238 e duplication, which occurred at the base of teleost radiation.
239 ggesting this feature is likely conserved in teleosts regardless of the type of germ cell development
240 ntogenetic data for the 350-million-year-old teleost relative Aetheretmon overturns this long-held hy
241 eflects low rates of shape evolution in stem teleosts relative to all other neopterygian taxa, rather
242 he identification of a specific DC subset in teleosts remained elusive because of the lack of specifi
243                                     Although teleosts represent about half of all living vertebrates,
244 ion are unclear even in the well-established teleost research model, the zebrafish.
245 ive trajectory observed in some urodeles and teleosts, resulting in the formation of a structurally d
246  physiological environment and establish the teleost retina as an ideal model for studying adult stem
247  aspects of regenerative neurogenesis in the teleost retina.
248          Thus, we hypothesized that, because teleost SALT and gut-associated lymphoid tissue have pro
249                               Interestingly, teleost SALT structurally resembles that of the gut-asso
250 brafish (Danio rerio), two distantly related teleosts separated by an evolutionary distance of 115-20
251 the balance between catabolism and growth in teleost skeletal muscle.
252                Strikingly, we found that the teleost skin mucosa showed key features of mammalian muc
253           Due to its lack of keratinization, teleost skin possesses living epithelial cells in direct
254 he ponli and crb2b genes are conserved among teleost species and that they share sequence motifs that
255                                      In some teleost species another protein kinase, Z-DNA-dependent
256 ds possess all four subgroups, whereas other teleost species have one or more but not all groups.
257                                  As in other teleost species, ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 were robustly expre
258  LPXRFa and LPXRFa-R has not been studied in teleost species, partially because of the lack of fish-s
259  this migrating placode, in this cypriniform teleost species.
260 into two clades bearing the hallmarks of the teleost-specific genome duplication (referred to as 3R).
261 proteome is uncharacterized, and whether the teleost-specific genome duplication (TSGD) influenced co
262                                              Teleost-specific TnC paralogs have not yet been function
263 ression pattern of paralogs generated by the teleost-specific whole genome duplication is overlapping
264  Actinopterygii, and N increased to 2 by the teleost-specific whole genome duplication, but then decr
265 s that were retained as duplicates after the teleost-specific whole-genome duplication 320 million ye
266 eight Hox clusters because of an additional "teleost-specific" genome duplication event.
267 g IgH delta has been found in all species of teleosts studied to date.
268                      Hypothesized drivers of teleost success include innovations in jaw mechanics, re
269 ether with the generalized advantages of the teleost system, makes this model readily adaptable to hi
270                         Here, we report that teleost TAARs evolved a new way to recognize amines in a
271                                          The teleost telencephalon has subpallial and pallial compone
272 ng jawed vertebrates, and review evidence in teleosts that the notochord plays an instructive role in
273 wever, this ability is not shared by another teleost, the medaka.
274                          In both mammals and teleosts, the differentiation of postmeiotic spermatids
275         While both lineages exist already in teleosts, the primordial contributions of FHF and SHF to
276                         In contrast to other teleosts, the sea bass LPXRFa precursor contains only tw
277          It represents an ancient lineage of teleosts: the Osteoglossomorpha.
278 eover, KANK genes were further duplicated in teleosts through the bony-fish specific WGD, while only
279 enomic organization is highly conserved from teleosts to humans.
280 n presentation are remarkably conserved from teleosts to mammals, and indicate that the zebrafish may
281                                  Gar bridges teleosts to tetrapods by illuminating the evolution of i
282  referred to as the "bush at the top" of the teleost tree, and indicates acanthomorphs originated in
283                            Retinal damage in teleosts, unlike mammals, induces robust Muller glia-med
284                                          The teleost v1r-related ora genes are a small, highly conser
285                               In iteroparous teleosts, verifying past spawning history is particularl
286 a of an osteoblast-independent mechanism for teleost vertebral centra formation.
287 alization of CNGA3 protein to stereocilia of teleost vestibular and mammalian cochlear hair cells.
288 ctory type of CNGA3 transcript in a purified teleost vestibular hair cell preparation with immunoloca
289 in protocadherin 15 has been described for a teleost vestibular hair-cell model and mammalian organ o
290 ical amplification and efferent control in a teleost vestibular organ suggests the active motor proce
291 art site of col2a1a among several species of teleosts we identified a small highly conserved sequence
292 potentiate electrical coupling in neurons of teleosts, we have explored whether CaMKII activates mamm
293 vement of tachykinins in the reproduction in teleosts, we identified tac1 and two tac2 (tac2a and tac
294 cidate the prevalence of both pathways among teleosts, we investigated the Delta6 ability towards C24
295 syntenies between seabass LG2 and five other teleosts were identified.
296             Nearly all ray-finned fishes are teleosts, which include most commercially important fish
297 howed distribution patterns similar to other teleosts, which included localization to the lateral tub
298        Sunfish fed mainly on crustaceans and teleosts, with cnidarians comprising only 16% of the con
299 ntage of a repositioning strategy, the small teleost zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a particularly appeal
300 me) map of pallium construction in the adult teleost zebrafish.

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