コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 volution (catagen), and relative quiescence (telogen).
2 gression (catagen), and relative quiescence (telogen).
3 ession (catagen), and relative "quiescence" (telogen).
4 er detectable in follicles at resting stage (telogen).
5 th (anagen), regression (catagen), and rest (telogen).
6 lready entered the subsequent resting phase (telogen).
7 ring anagen and decreases during catagen and telogen.
8 ched-off in catagen to remain absent through telogen.
9 he onset of anagen when the follicles are in telogen.
10 rtens anagen phase, but prolongs catagen and telogen.
11 d in the club hair sheath during catagen and telogen.
12 ollicles during catagen but not in anagen or telogen.
13 r follicles in the control group remained in telogen.
16 hway within the dermal papilla regulates the telogen-anagen follicle transition and suggest that diff
17 g hair follicle generation and regeneration, telogen-anagen reentry, and extra-follicular macro-envir
20 ermis (Ctip2(ep-/-) mice) leads to a shorter telogen and a premature entry into anagen during the sec
21 sitive fibroblasts from neonatal skin, adult telogen and anagen skin and adult skin in which ectopic
24 detected in the secondary hair germ of late telogen and early anagen HFs, suggesting a potential rol
26 ntagonist, caused the hair follicles to exit telogen and enter anagen, thereby initiating hair growth
27 ated by Atoh1 induction during anagen versus telogen and following disruption of Notch signaling by c
28 rsal skin of mice arrested hair follicles in telogen and produced a profound and prolonged inhibition
29 of null skin did not progress from anagen to telogen and scanning electron micrografts revealed wavy,
30 behavior through regression (catagen), rest (telogen), and regeneration (anagen) during postnatal lif
35 Moreover, ablation of Dlx3 expression in the telogen bulge stem cells is associated with a loss of BM
36 TOPGAL expression ceased during catagen and telogen, but reappeared at the start of the postnatal ha
37 n (Dsg)3-/- (knockout) mice lose hair during telogen, but their anagen hairs remain anchored to the f
39 re was an increase in the size of anagen and telogen DP, but the proportion of tdTomato-labeled cells
41 The mean ferritin levels in patients with telogen effluvium (50.1 [33.9, 66.33]) and alopecia area
44 common forms of alopecia in adolescence are telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, and alopecia a
46 xcoriation) mouse skin rescues hair follicle telogen entry and significantly decreases the Wnt10b-med
48 agen hair follicle with weak staining in the telogen follicle and epidermis; iii) epidermal cornifin-
49 nagen hair follicle and weak staining of the telogen follicle and the suprabasal layers of the epider
52 ions form colonies; however, stem cells from telogen follicles formed more total colonies, and more c
53 ng hair follicles and ranged from 2.6% above telogen follicles to 7.0% above early anagen follicles.
55 S-phase cells as the control epidermis above telogen follicles; however, the number of BrdUrd S-phase
57 nduced 99 +/- 4.5% (mean +/- SEM) of resting telogen hair follicles into a proliferative (anagen) sta
59 anisms responsible for re-entry of quiescent telogen hair follicles into the hair-producing anagen st
61 ronic activation of beta-catenin in resting (telogen) hair follicles resulted in changes consistent w
62 air follicle (HF) buds, whereas in postnatal telogen HFs Lhx2(+) cells reside in the stem cell-enrich
63 C1 receptor (MC1-R) gene was undetectable in telogen, increased during hair growth, and, after reachi
64 atenin cycle, thus dividing the conventional telogen into new functional phases: one refractory and t
67 ing pathway and that morphologically typical telogen is not essential for the initiation of a new hai
72 ng ability, and premature hair loss at early telogen phase of the hair cycle, resulting in cyclic alo
74 function has been assumed to be part of the telogen phase, using a laboratory mouse model and newly
77 the outer root sheath results in a shortened telogen-phase length and elevated number of hair follicl
79 CD34KO hair follicles typically remained in telogen rather than transitioning into anagen growth, co
80 od, establishing a growth cycle in 3 phases: telogen (resting), anagen (growth), and catagen (regress
81 r papilla, AP-2alpha was weakly expressed in telogen, significantly upregulated in early anagen, then
83 nds on anagen skin heal faster than those on telogen skin, suggesting that hair cycle stages may infl
85 ode ruby laser exposure, whereas catagen and telogen stage hair follicles were resistant to laser irr
86 in epithelium causes a rapid transition from telogen (the resting phase of the hair follicle cycle) t
90 n stimulate the transition from the resting (telogen) to the growth (anagen) stage of the hair cycle
92 r, it has become increasingly clear that the telogen-to-anagen transition is controlled jointly by at
94 lar pigmentary unit during HF anagen-catagen-telogen transition and may be used for the establishing
95 that Gsdma3 has an important role in catagen-telogen transition by balancing the Wnt signaling pathwa
97 e induction of macrophage apoptosis in early telogen, we identify a novel involvement of macrophages
98 keratin 6-positive (K6) inner bulge cells in telogen, which regulate the quiescence of adjacent hair
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