


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tudies with hazard ratios in our analyses of temporal changes.
2         Emerging short-chain PFASs showed no temporal changes.
3 wn recently to identify their equilibrium or temporal changes.
4  and less time-consuming means of monitoring temporal changes.
5  that determine foraging niches and possible temporal changes.
6 rength, likely contributed to these observed temporal changes.
7                We presently investigated the temporal changes (1982-2010) in MeO-PBDPB concentrations
8 ncidence of POMI demonstrated no substantial temporal change (2.7% in 2009 to 3.1% in 2014; P = .64 f
9 presence of flow and, second, to measure its temporal change after swim bouts to deduce flow directio
10 e results provide a baseline for determining temporal change and investigations of processes structur
11 nhanced with overlaid time curves to display temporal changes, and novel individual glyphs of state i
12 e in Italy, to identify ketamine spatial and temporal changes, and to confirm the low use of mephedro
13                                              Temporal changes are difficult to assess in Australia an
14 tions for diverticulitis were calculated and temporal changes assessed.
15 essary phenotypic plasticity for adapting to temporal changes at multiple time scales (seconds-to-min
16 ental property of seismogenic zones, and its temporal changes can increase or decrease the likelihood
17 gel properties was demonstrated to introduce temporal changes, creation of arbitrarily shaped feature
18  thyroid carcinoma in zebrafish that reveals temporal changes due to BRAF(V600E).
19                                              Temporal changes fit a model incorporating likely select
20 aded live cells demonstrate both spatial and temporal changes for cytoskeletal populations within the
21                          Regarding potential temporal changes, from 1960 to 2005 the estimated elasti
22                             The direction of temporal change in climatic parameters and in the timing
23                           Endpoints included temporal change in FEV1, severity of ACR, and survival.
24 e associations between both baseline GGT and temporal change in GGT, as well as cardiovascular events
25              However, data linking long-term temporal change in hs-cTnT to outcomes are limited, part
26                We analysed extensive data on temporal change in laying date and clutch size of birds
27                                     However, temporal change in morphological diversity has usually b
28 onstant environment to arbitrary patterns of temporal change in selection coefficients.
29 e climatically sensitive and experience high temporal change in species composition.
30 al-scale vegetation plots, we show that mean temporal change in species diversity over periods of 5-2
31          We evaluate statistical metrics for temporal change in the frequency of individual SNPs, ass
32 re no study has examined if there has been a temporal change in the frequency of inducible myocardial
33 brane lipid composition wherein a spatial or temporal change in the latter can result in a post-assem
34 network, pre-steady-state measurement of the temporal change in the Shh morphogen is a plausible mech
35 ity counterparts, and (iii) characterize the temporal change in the species' functional trait assembl
36                       We have determined the temporal changes in (2)H labeling of body water and amin
37                                              Temporal changes in -volume characteristics provide nove
38 eighborhood foreclosures was associated with temporal changes in 3 objectively measured cardiometabol
39                                          The temporal changes in [(18)F]FDG uptake and corresponding
40                   In this study, we estimate temporal changes in abundance from North American Breedi
41                                  We compared temporal changes in activation biomarkers of coagulation
42                                              Temporal changes in AET receipt (estimating the annual p
43                                              Temporal changes in antibiotic consumption are reflected
44 st-PCI bleeding over time was largely due to temporal changes in antithrombotic strategies.
45                  Secondary outcomes included temporal changes in asthma medication prescriptions, the
46 thout moving and, thus, without experiencing temporal changes in attractant concentration.
47 st make continuous adjustment to account for temporal changes in azimuth caused by Earth's rotation.
48 process and provide unique insights into the temporal changes in bacterial populations throughout les
49              The primary study examined both temporal changes in baseline metal concentrations (19 me
50 xcised tissues using gamma spectroscopy, and temporal changes in biodistribution were assessed using
51 he capacity of statistical models to predict temporal changes in bird populations over a 32-year peri
52                We aimed to determine whether temporal changes in birth weight have occurred amongst 2
53 provide tools to investigate the spatial and temporal changes in blood flow within organs of mice at
54 roposed TGSCCA method is able to capture the temporal changes in brain from longitudinal phenotypes b
55                            We also find that temporal changes in brain size are not associated with a
56 r defibrillation was performed and evaluated temporal changes in bystander interventions and outcomes
57                                The effect of temporal changes in cancer therapy on health status amon
58                    Background: The effect of temporal changes in cancer therapy on health status amon
59 senchymal stromal cells in osteogenesis, and temporal changes in cellular composition.
60                   Ischemia induces extensive temporal changes in cerebral transcriptome that influenc
61                            Identification of temporal changes in chemical structures of process urani
62 n mean annual temperature could help explain temporal changes in CO2 flux.
63 nt strategies for different bird cohorts and temporal changes in connectivity driven by the invasion
64                                      Dynamic temporal changes in contact structure and ranging behavi
65 ups if they exceeded 10% of all children and temporal changes in coverage of +/-10% with greater than
66 s and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions, as well as temporal changes in coverage.
67 ne use and in-depth studies of, for example, temporal changes in crystallographic grain structure non
68 static cancer undergoing systemic treatment, temporal changes in CTC numbers correlated reasonably we
69   Using quantitative proteomics we monitored temporal changes in diGly site abundance in response to
70                                       Hence, temporal changes in disparity dynamics are likely constr
71  gradients of species composition also drive temporal changes in diversity--rarely is tested.
72  identified through quantitative analysis of temporal changes in Dorsal target gene expression from o
73 etabololipidomics of murine lungs identified temporal changes in endogenous maresin 1 (MaR1) during s
74                                              Temporal changes in ex-vivo channel activity and subunit
75 te MNs in an SHH-independent manner and that temporal changes in exposure to patterning factors such
76 hological events in the CNS, we investigated temporal changes in expression levels of ion channels in
77                             A portion of the temporal changes in f H is evidenced by a respiratory in
78                                              Temporal changes in fatty acid levels and misclassificat
79 organismal energy homeostasis in response to temporal changes in feeding and activity or external cha
80             We observed distinct spatial and temporal changes in fluorescence within single cells, re
81 e country- or region-specific information on temporal changes in forest carbon (C) pools to develop a
82 pability of the OPM system to measure spatio-temporal changes in FRET ratio in 3-D in multicellular s
83 s by model fitting of jasplakinolide-induced temporal changes in G-actin concentration.
84 ing the Drosophila wing, we demonstrate that temporal changes in gene expression are accompanied by g
85                                    We define temporal changes in gene expression from disease onset i
86                                 IGF-I caused temporal changes in gene expression that were strongly a
87 ironment necessitate and instigate rapid and temporal changes in gene expression within the cells (os
88 e expression, we profiled the sequential and temporal changes in genome-wide expression that accompan
89                                              Temporal changes in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA
90 ing (RNA-Seq) technology to characterize the temporal changes in global gene expression after contusi
91                                          The temporal changes in goethite morphology could not be com
92                   Warming temperatures cause temporal changes in growing seasons and prey abundance t
93 tory species, such as salmon, where distinct temporal changes in growth and physiology during develop
94 ur, was used to simulate Pan-European spatio-temporal changes in H. contortus infection pressure unde
95        A systematic quantitative analysis of temporal changes in host and viral proteins throughout t
96 , the two viruses demonstrated very distinct temporal changes in host response genes, although both R
97 he probability of occurrence, extent of, and temporal changes in hybridization increased at sites in
98 nsverse aortic constriction (TAC), including temporal changes in hypertrophy, collagen deposition, ca
99                         Striking spatial and temporal changes in immunoexpression of matrix metallopr
100                                              Temporal changes in imprinting were observed for KCNQ1 a
101                                              Temporal changes in infection load were species and life
102 nding of the molecular mechanisms underlying temporal changes in intestinal activity might allow us t
103 lga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and identified temporal changes in intracellular Pb speciation under co
104                             However, because temporal changes in intracellular protein abundances can
105                                              Temporal changes in intratumoral TCR repertoire revealed
106                              We propose that temporal changes in islet autoimmunity seroconversion in
107 of detectable cTn to HF outcomes, as well as temporal changes in its magnitude, and its relationship
108               These results demonstrate that temporal changes in lake characteristics due to increase
109 lative impacts of DNA sequence variation and temporal changes in lifestyle and habitat on the human e
110 le among-site variation, partly explained by temporal changes in light availability (a local driver)
111 es were used to characterize the spatial and temporal changes in lipid composition in lung tissue.
112          Moderate calorie restriction causes temporal changes in liver and skeletal muscle metabolism
113 thms and neural circuits that process spatio-temporal changes in luminance to extract visual motion c
114                   In this study, we combined temporal changes in LV structure (volume) with alteratio
115                                              Temporal changes in macaque antibody responses were anal
116 y to show that quartz can resolve late-stage temporal changes in magmatic delta(18)O values.
117                              How spatial and temporal changes in major histocompatibility complex/pep
118                                      Whether temporal changes in maternal weight affect these risks i
119                                              Temporal changes in MATS coverage underscore the need fo
120                   Our aims were to study the temporal changes in MBF in response to EC transplantatio
121         The intricate cross-talk provided by temporal changes in mediators, hormones, metabolites, ne
122 ed plasma mass spectrometry, to characterize temporal changes in mercury exposure and uptake in wild
123 eabird colonies in the Pacific basin exhibit temporal changes in methylmercury levels consistent with
124                                              Temporal changes in microRNA profile occur at early stag
125  study demonstrates the relationship between temporal changes in microvascular macromolecular flux an
126 y be very useful to reveal important spatial-temporal changes in mitochondrial superoxide production
127                                  Spatial and temporal changes in molecular expression are essential t
128 ivariable Poisson model was used to evaluate temporal changes in mortality rates.
129 d Cox proportional hazards models to examine temporal changes in mortality, readmission, and hospital
130                  We did not find evidence of temporal changes in most aspects of palliative care, fam
131                                              Temporal changes in MR severity and LV end-systolic volu
132 H3K4me3 marks was found to closely match the temporal changes in mRNA abundance; 22% of genes that in
133 erpinning disease or morphogenesis to spatio-temporal changes in nanoscale mechanical properties such
134 es of transcription factors that coordinates temporal changes in neuronal/glial identity with transit
135 ta gene from a poised structure, we measured temporal changes in NF-kappaB and IFN regulatory factor
136                           To investigate the temporal changes in NG2 cell fate, we generated NG2creER
137                              The spatial and temporal changes in NK and NKT cells in lethally infecte
138           We also demonstrate, by monitoring temporal changes in Orm phosphorylation and sphingoid ba
139 or patients with advanced heart failure, but temporal changes in outcomes and associations between fa
140     In the paraventricular nucleus, although temporal changes in oxytocin mRNA expression were simila
141       Conclusions and Relevance: Analyses of temporal changes in PAH care reveal a significant decrea
142            A priori knowledge of spatial and temporal changes in partial pressure of oxygen (oxygenat
143                                We documented temporal changes in partner availability and used a mixe
144 ion, and Doppler shifts were calculated from temporal changes in phase.
145 actions have been well characterized, spatio-temporal changes in phosphosite availability in response
146                                              Temporal changes in phytoplankton biomass are governed b
147 c arrest and meiotic resumption, thus spatio-temporal changes in PKA localisation during development
148                                              Temporal changes in placental function are synchronized
149 datasets are urgently needed to characterize temporal changes in population behaviors, contact networ
150  composition and population differentiation, temporal changes in population were not explained by cor
151 ms may stem from failure to consider dynamic temporal changes in predation risk.
152                A better understanding of the temporal changes in PSMA expression is needed to leverag
153 hat the overall positive correlation between temporal changes in r and r is driven by relatively infr
154 dology for tracking and diagnosing causes of temporal changes in regional-scale aerosol populations i
155 sil and extant mammalian species to test for temporal changes in relative brain size over time.
156 ependence for 4 of 7 antibiotics; background temporal changes in resistance did not explain the tempo
157 124 is important in regulating the intrinsic temporal changes in RGC growth cone sensitivity and sugg
158 reases and these analyses do not account for temporal changes in risk factors.
159 ed cumulative incidence functions to compare temporal changes in risk from predators.
160 ranscription rates determine the majority of temporal changes in RNA levels, but that changes in degr
161 st week after injury and correlated with the temporal changes in S1 extracellular glutamate levels an
162                                              Temporal changes in SAMS scores were associated with cha
163 s non-nested pattern is a combined effect of temporal changes in selection pressure and partial recog
164                                              Temporal changes in serotype distributions are well docu
165                                Stability and temporal changes in size distributions have been observe
166 the robustness of assortative mating against temporal changes in social conditions.
167 ability among individuals and were robust to temporal changes in social conditions.
168 we characterize the response of H. pylori to temporal changes in sodium chloride concentration and sh
169 cm depth from 1955 to 2016, we evaluated the temporal changes in soil C-N-P stoichiometry across subt
170 ghly weathered Ultisols, and more pronounced temporal changes in soil C:N, N:P, and C:P ratios at low
171 potential confounding effects of spatial and temporal changes in soil microbial communities is unknow
172   Our sensitivity analysis suggests that the temporal changes in soil stoichiometry resulted from ele
173                                              Temporal changes in solute concentration are sensed by t
174                                We tested for temporal changes in standardized incidence rates (SIRs)
175 in28a, let-7, IMP1, and HMGA2 thus regulates temporal changes in stem cell properties.
176 pt their sensitivity depending on localized, temporal changes in stimulation levels.
177                                  We examined temporal changes in structural and acoustic parameters i
178 nicity versus spontaneous resolution exhibit temporal changes in T(reg) cell function.
179 induced in the vena cava of BALB/C mice, and temporal changes in T1 relaxation time correlated with t
180 ting newt heart, we show dynamic spatial and temporal changes in tenascin-C, hyaluronic acid, and fib
181 cts of the carbon cycle can be assessed from temporal changes in the (13)C/(12)C ratio of oceanic bic
182 igand transport equations, we calculated the temporal changes in the 3-D ligand concentration field.
183 ensity were all responsible for the observed temporal changes in the abundance of two dominant phytop
184    In this study, we quantified and compared temporal changes in the abundance, taxonomic diversity,
185                               In this study, temporal changes in the airway microbiome before, at the
186            Previous studies investigated the temporal changes in the association over a few discrete
187  health disparities when bias can arise from temporal changes in the bivariate distribution of educat
188  a strong association of SFTS incidence with temporal changes in the climate within the clusters.
189  of cardiovascular diseases, we investigated temporal changes in the composition of atherosclerotic p
190             The objective was to investigate temporal changes in the concentrations of fecal microbio
191  linear regression (ridge regression), using temporal changes in the distributions of gene expression
192 ythms may have evolved to anticipate regular temporal changes in the environment.
193 mutant mice at 5 and 10 weeks of age exhibit temporal changes in the expression of specific Mullerian
194                                              Temporal changes in the extent of phosphorylation in res
195                            Here, we examined temporal changes in the fine-scale population structure
196  scattering measurements were used to follow temporal changes in the fractal dimension of aggregating
197                                    We report temporal changes in the genetic composition of the HBV p
198 evel, little attention has been given to the temporal changes in the geographic patterns of heart dis
199 e that individual delta(34)S records reflect temporal changes in the global sulfur cycle; this assump
200                  Overall, these data suggest temporal changes in the glycosylation of buttermilk prot
201                   In this study, we examined temporal changes in the incidence of primary biliary cir
202 struation would recapitulate the spatial and temporal changes in the inflammatory microenvironment of
203 n, turns are triggered by the integration of temporal changes in the intensity of the stimulus.
204                                              Temporal changes in the malaria test positivity rate (TP
205 ntary exchange with the oceanic crust, or by temporal changes in the marine inventory for elements th
206                                              Temporal changes in the median date of salmon migration
207 thogens in ticks may be dependent in part on temporal changes in the microbial community of the tick
208                             Our results show temporal changes in the miRNA expression during B-cell d
209 tatistical analysis, has been used to unveil temporal changes in the myelin structure of dissected ne
210                                 By assessing temporal changes in the occurrence of these states, we d
211                                 In contrast, temporal changes in the oceanic carbon sink remain poorl
212 t probability of new mutations assuming that temporal changes in the offspring distribution are small
213                              To evaluate for temporal changes in the outcomes of warfarin treatment,
214                                              Temporal changes in the population distribution of age,
215                                              Temporal changes in the proportion of CPMs among women w
216                               In this study, temporal changes in the redox properties of three 0.5 g/
217          Here we explore the implications of temporal changes in the riverine chemical weathering flu
218 bedload and derived suspended load indicates temporal changes in the sediment flux ratio, which imply
219                  The current study addresses temporal changes in the serum lipidome from 4 h to 28 d
220     Overall, the data provide a reference of temporal changes in the serum proteome in healthy childr
221                                              Temporal changes in the site-wide maximum concentrations
222 ed computational modeling to investigate the temporal changes in the spatial distributions of the key
223  virus Y, and describes, at high resolution, temporal changes in the structure of viral populations w
224 otide composition, even if we allow for slow temporal changes in the substitution matrix.
225 is tool should help epidemiologists quantify temporal changes in the transmission intensity of future
226                  Additionally, the impact of temporal changes in the use and restriction of phthalate
227 ur results reveal 63 miRNAs with significant temporal changes in their expression during normal PCD.
228                        It is unknown whether temporal changes in therapy are associated with changes
229                                          The temporal changes in these marks suggest distinct functio
230 opic expression of XCdc6 leads to apoptosis; temporal changes in this protein are critical for proper
231 P < 0.001), whereas WT mice did not show any temporal changes in tracer uptake during the interval of
232 These data indicate that dynamic spatial and temporal changes in traction force and local strain may
233                  METHODS AND We profiled the temporal changes in transcriptome and chromatin accessib
234          To quantify the association between temporal changes in treatment dosing and subsequent neop
235                                              Temporal changes in treatment exposures were not associa
236 15)N) and carbon (delta(13)C) to control for temporal changes in trophic structure and diet.
237                                              Temporal changes in virus prevalence occur, and season m
238 ing tissue to near-infrared (NIR) light, the temporal changes in vitreous concentrations of a biomole
239 d consider the flux of (129)I in response to temporal changes in wetland hydrologic and chemical cond
240 t(1/2) = 20.4 min) as (11)CO(2), we captured temporal changes in whole-plant carbon movement and part
241 of phytoplankton in the lake underwent major temporal changes, in correlation with known climatic eve
242 changes (northward species range shifts) and temporal changes (increases in the total abundances of w
243  isotope compositions may reflect spatial or temporal changes influenced by photochemical processes.
244 nd comparison between plot-scale treatments, temporal change is a significant influence.
245           After Kelch13-C580Y, the strongest temporal change is seen at a SNP in phosphatidylinositol
246 e from a number of Earth systems that abrupt temporal changes known as regime shifts are important, t
247 y of acute kidney injury is gleaned from the temporal change markers of renal injury (urine neutrophi
248 tion, with different causative organisms and temporal changes, might influence this heterogeneity.
249 variable degrees of parietal with or without temporal changes; no case had strikingly focal or asymme
250  technique is powerful in detecting possible temporal change of medium.
251 tance speckle and tested the hypothesis that temporal change of RNFL speckle reveals axonal dynamic a
252  results obtained in this study suggest that temporal change of RNFL speckle reveals structural chang
253  fit to the time course was used to evaluate temporal change of speckle pattern.
254                                    To relate temporal change of speckle to axonal activity, in vitro
255 teins provided new insights into the diverse temporal changes of biological cascades associated with
256 we were for the first time able to trace the temporal changes of cell death during the combination tr
257 individuals exhibited significant (P < 0.05) temporal changes of core clock (PER1, PER2, PER3, CRY2,
258 geneity within the viral populations and the temporal changes of drug-resistant viruses found in this
259 isions regarding cancer therapy are based on temporal changes of EF.
260 rs, and assigns cluster memberships based on temporal changes of gene expressions.
261                                              Temporal changes of H3K4me2, unmethylated CpG, and H2A.Z
262 s significantly associated with the relative temporal changes of hs-cTnT (p < 0.01, corrected for mul
263                      The diverse spectra and temporal changes of HSV drug resistance were determined
264  high-throughput screening system to monitor temporal changes of IP(3) is essential for screening of
265 tation of ligands on Janus particles and the temporal changes of membrane dynamics revealed in this w
266                              Here we studied temporal changes of microbial communities in Tengchong h
267 genomic sequences based on the similarity of temporal changes of multiple epigenomic marks during a c
268              SL-MRI allows quantification of temporal changes of regional MBF in response to EC treat
269 teractions, inferring causality and modeling temporal changes of regulation behaviors.
270  paired samples were available, and assessed temporal changes of routinely available biomarkers, outc
271  this diet shift partially accounted for the temporal changes of summation operatorMeO-PBDPB levels i
272                               Here we report temporal changes of surface wave velocity over a large a
273 ng AD progression, little is known about the temporal changes of tau accumulation in this region.
274 phores that allow simultaneous monitoring of temporal changes of the content and membrane.
275                         The analysis reveals temporal changes of the effective reproductive number th
276 remains unclear what can be learned from the temporal changes of the epigenome.
277                                          The temporal changes of the images enable studies of the vis
278                                    Detecting temporal changes of the medium associated with major ear
279 these methods yield correct inferences about temporal change only under limited conditions.
280 i were identified that showed no significant temporal change or association with leukocyte population
281            This research examined continuous temporal changes (potentially nonlinear) in mortality re
282        Source stability (or easy predictable temporal changes, similar to those observed in the case
283 he results provide an expression analysis of temporal changes that occur in LVN neurons in nonregener
284                                   Similarly, temporal changes to actin-sequestering proteins beta-thy
285                In particular, we studied the temporal changes to chromatin during UV light exposure,
286             However, our knowledge about the temporal changes to the epigenome during fetal brain dev
287                          Here we compare the temporal changes to the intact rhizosphere pore structur
288 t mechanisms of protein-protein interaction; temporal changes under nonequilibrium conditions; locali
289 e Energy Transfer (SM-FRET) assay to monitor temporal changes upon binding of NS5B to surface immobil
290 s in key signaling pathways therefore confer temporal changes upon stem cell self-renewal and tumor s
291                                         This temporal change was statistically significant but not st
292                          The differences and temporal changes we found in causes of blindness and MSV
293                  Individual growth models of temporal change were estimated.
294                               However, these temporal changes were attributable to the increasing com
295 xes to the sediment and the magnitude of the temporal changes were generally much lower in Lake Annec
296                                        These temporal changes were necessary and sufficient to mainta
297                                     However, temporal changes were striking.
298                                              Temporal changes were tested in centers that participate
299 lation (>/=14ng/l) as well as their relative temporal changes were used as continuous variables of in
300 ic inactivity, are particularly sensitive to temporal change, whereas the sustained components of bro

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