


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 = 0.73), with tensile strains largest in the temporal region.
2 right hemisphere activation in the posterior temporal region.
3 early development of sclerosis in the medial temporal region.
4 ced activation in a right posterior superior temporal region.
5 nal anisotropy of lower frontal regions or a temporal region.
6 resection, the majority (12 patients) in the temporal region.
7 izure onset exclusively in the contralateral temporal region.
8 ivity in the prefrontal, centroparietal, and temporal regions.
9 tical areas spanning occipital, parietal and temporal regions.
10  frontal gyrus (IFG) as well as in bilateral temporal regions.
11 ) it projects to lateral and medial anterior temporal regions.
12 were in the prefrontal and anterior superior temporal regions.
13 ates of others, namely medial prefrontal and temporal regions.
14 d activation of left prefrontal and superior temporal regions.
15 with decreased rCBF in prefrontal and medial temporal regions.
16 gages a cortical network of left frontal and temporal regions.
17 althy controls (HC) in the prefrontal and bi-temporal regions.
18 to the memory functions attributed to medial temporal regions.
19 gram tasks increased activity in frontal and temporal regions.
20 ctivity most prominently in left frontal and temporal regions.
21 al frontal, Intraparietal, and ventrolateral temporal regions.
22 ), as well as greater gray matter volumes in temporal regions.
23 [11C]DPA-713 standardized uptake values from temporal regions.
24 ogressors and hypometabolism in AD in medial temporal regions.
25 nd whether they are common across all medial temporal regions.
26 decreased activity in occipital and superior temporal regions.
27 ral frontal, superior parietal, and superior temporal regions.
28 d between the posterior cingulate and medial temporal regions.
29 ionally many higher-order frontoparietal and temporal regions.
30 ic asymmetries that are maximal in posterior temporal regions.
31  superior and inferior than in the nasal and temporal regions.
32 LD compared to HC in the prefrontal and left temporal regions.
33  left inferior frontal and anterior superior temporal regions.
34  superior and inferior than in the nasal and temporal regions.
35 ased brain atrophy rates in the right medial temporal regions.
36 ll networks of neurons) in anterior superior temporal regions.
37 tently shown reduced activity in frontal and temporal regions.
38 al regions and visual sensory (occipital and temporal) regions.
39 ntic processing likely require more anterior temporal regions.10.1093/brain/awx169_video1awx169media1
40 SAL, most severely in posterior parietal and temporal regions (24-40% decrease from PBS+saline).
41 ith TLE than in controls for all ipsilateral temporal regions (27%-42%; P < .05) and in contralateral
42 central region and/or enhancing the anterior temporal region), aiming to encourage recovery or arrest
43 rographical seizure activity recorded in the temporal region and another had a choroid fissure cyst d
44  matter network including the left posterior temporal region and its connections to the middle tempor
45        Young's modulus trended higher in the temporal region and mediolateral direction.
46  identify a link between the affected medial temporal region and memory performance (as measured by a
47 reased correlation between the epileptogenic temporal region and remaining cortex during the interict
48 fficient in the ipsilateral insula, superior temporal region and thalamus.
49  increased its interaction with the auditory temporal region and the inferior parietal lobule in the
50 g cost were predominantly observed in fronto-temporal regions and also significantly predicted the se
51 different entities that are localized to the temporal regions and are not clearly differentiated from
52 erior lateral frontal and posterior superior temporal regions and assessed post hoc in all regions to
53      HDBR resulted in FW increases in fronto-temporal regions and decreases in posterior-parietal reg
54 additional input from posterior parietal and temporal regions and from M1 and MMA.
55 bserved also in right-hemisphere frontal and temporal regions and in the anterior cingulate gyrus.
56  fast transfer of visual signals to anterior temporal regions and neuromodulatory back-projections fr
57 disease characterized by atrophy of anterior temporal regions and progressive loss of semantic memory
58 d a thinner cortex in bilateral, frontal and temporal regions and some thinning in inferior parietal
59 evere hypometabolism was found in the mesial temporal regions and thalami, accentuating a relative si
60 mporary neuroscience indicates that anterior temporal regions and the "ventral" language pathway also
61 ickness in right inferior frontal and middle temporal regions and with radial and mean diffusivity in
62 long the inferior frontal gyrus and inferior temporal regions and, to a lesser degree, in specific ea
63 rcations were placed on the midbrain, medial temporal region, and basal ganglia region.
64 < 0.01), with highest rates occurring in the temporal region, and the lowest rates occurring in the n
65 r the midbrain, 1.27 +/- 0.10 for the medial temporal regions, and 1.11 +/- 0.07 for the striatum.
66  bilateral medial temporal and right lateral temporal regions, and ApoE4- patients showed greater hyp
67 ral prefrontal, lateral parietal, and medial temporal regions, and negative activation (FE>NE) in the
68 ith activation in the right lateral superior temporal region, anterior to primary auditory cortex.
69 parietal cortical integrity while effects in temporal regions appear later and accelerate, leading to
70 Furthermore, posterior perisylvian and basal temporal regions appear to play an integral role in spon
71 gest that the posterior lateral and inferior temporal regions are crucial for word comprehension, ser
72                               These inferior temporal regions are involved in visual face processing.
73 ter anisotropy in the frontal, parietal, and temporal regions as well as in tracts connecting the fro
74 cularly cortical thickness in prefrontal and temporal regions as well as volume and microstructural i
75  dependent on anterolateral and ventral left temporal regions, as suggested by observations on patien
76 tosensory, retrosplenial, visual, motor, and temporal regions, as well as in several subregions.
77 l blood flow was measured over both parietal-temporal regions at three PaCO2 values using xenon-133 c
78 erally (including Broca's area) and superior temporal regions bilaterally (including Wernicke's area)
79 d thicker cortex than those with X(m) in the temporal regions bilaterally, while X(m) individuals sho
80 ontal, anterior/middle cingulate cortex, and temporal regions; Biotype2, intermediate and more locali
81 uronal loss found that anterior and inferior temporal regions bore the brunt of disease across all hi
82  (CFS), which obliterates input into ventral temporal regions, but leaves dorsal stream processes lar
83  ADHD were more prominent in the frontal and temporal regions, but rCBF changes in men with ADHD were
84 ing reduced activity in inferior frontal and temporal regions, but some also finding increased activi
85        These results suggest that a superior temporal region centered in the STS is preferentially in
86 bserved during the ictal state in the medial temporal region, cerebellum, thalamus, insula and putame
87 mes (P < .05 for medial temporal and lateral temporal regions) compared with the A-N+ group (n = 22).
88 sponses were identified in anterior superior temporal regions, consisting of clusters selective for m
89 ppears that both the left temporal and right temporal regions contribute in different proportions to
90 fferences were maximal in ipsilateral mesial temporal regions (corrected P < 0.05).
91  observed, and inferior parietal and lateral temporal regions demonstrated the greatest magnitude (5%
92  imaging, we investigated the role of medial temporal regions during active maintenance of informatio
93 eories positing roles for frontal and medial temporal regions during episodic retrieval and suggest a
94 The involvement of dorsal frontal and medial temporal regions during the encoding of words, namable l
95 ger right than left responses, the posterior temporal region escaped this general pattern, showing fa
96 ed by filter paper-stripping from the bulbar temporal region for mRNA isolation.
97 role of backward projections to the occipito-temporal region for understanding conceptual object prop
98 ortex, particularly in frontal, parietal and temporal regions, for individuals with autism spectrum d
99 sities revealed the sequential activation of temporal regions, from the occipital-temporal junction t
100 ft assays were used to begin to characterize temporal region function at the molecular level.
101                                           In temporal regions, gray matter loss was completely absent
102                                  Outside the temporal region, Group Novel showed relatively increased
103 poralis muscle, the STG, like other inferior temporal regions, has been a challenging target for phys
104 tions of these multiple maps in the superior temporal region have not been determined.
105 nd gray matter volume differences in various temporal regions have been reported in dyslexic subjects
106 ation of the ictal onset zone to the lateral temporal region, highlighting the need for accurate char
107 e of the hippocampus, amygdala, and inferior temporal region (hippocampus: betaTL [SE], 0.08 [0.02],
108                 In contrast, in the superior temporal region, hyperoxia failed to reduce blood volume
109 show differential connectivity with anterior temporal regions implicated in the processing of invaria
110 dings reinforce the importance of the medial temporal region in schizophrenia and are consistent with
111 6 bilaterally symmetric pairs plus a lateral temporal region in the right hemisphere.
112 , striatum, right amygdala, hippocampus, and temporal regions in all 75 participants (p<0.05, whole-b
113 tly correlated with metabolic decline in the temporal regions in APOE4 carriers but not in noncarrier
114  parietal regions and in middle and superior temporal regions in comparison with the healthy subjects
115 ptal CA3 rhythm preceded the oscillations in temporal regions in control conditions, this was reverse
116          Besides the involvement of superior temporal regions in processing complex speech sounds, ev
117 al cortex (PFC), the frontopolar cortex, and temporal regions in subjects with schizophrenia compared
118 nd Abeta-positive groups and in amygdala and temporal regions in the Abeta-positive group.
119 l and in the posterior cingulate and lateral temporal regions in the MDD group.
120 al regions would exert a top-down control on temporal regions in the recruitment of the anterior temp
121  direct support for the role of human medial temporal regions in the representation of different cate
122 ed network of inferior frontal and posterior temporal regions in which symbolic gestures and spoken w
123 ons within the insula, amygdala, frontal and temporal regions in youths with CP as well as inconsiste
124 age areas (inferior frontal gyrus, posterior temporal regions) in such basic composition.
125                Domain-specific activation of temporal regions, in contrast, did not differ between th
126  reduction, predominantly in the frontal and temporal regions, in the schizophrenic patients when com
127 as showed predominant connectivity to medial temporal regions including amygdala and hippocampus.
128 ociated with reductions of FA in frontal and temporal regions including the anterior corpus callosum
129 llidum, anterior cingulate gyrus, and medial temporal regions, including amygdala and hippocampus (cl
130 uctions within the left frontal and inferior temporal regions, indicating that these activity reducti
131 med that BPND was significantly increased in temporal regions, insula and fusiform gyrus, consistent
132 es, which may indicate a dysfunction of left temporal regions involved in phonetic classification.
133              We suggest that the left medial temporal region is not only activated by novel, to-be-le
134 es suggest that activation of these inferior temporal regions is maintained via frontal- and posterio
135 ide direct evidence that left prefrontal and temporal regions jointly promote memory formation for ve
136 or objects enhanced the activity of inferior temporal regions known to be involved in face and object
137 ngular gyrus; semantic memory: left anterior temporal regions; language: left posterior superior temp
138    Combined DTI/MTI deficits in the occipito-temporal region may be an important variable when consid
139 ere damage, we suggest that the right middle temporal regions may be especially important for integra
140  dementia; (iii) the right and left anterior temporal regions may mediate different behavioural funct
141 al networks, with compensatory activation in temporal regions, may thus contribute to deficient old-n
142 torage taking place in higher frequencies in temporal regions might be effectively coordinated by dis
143 al connectivity between occipital and fronto-temporal regions mirror the changes in visuo-cortical re
144 (n = 6), eyelid and orbit (n = 7), orbit and temporal region (n = 7), or diffuse orbit (n = 1).
145 , cingulate, frontal, parietal, insular, and temporal regions), nucleus accumbens core, amygdalohippo
146 lor-selective area in the inferior occipital-temporal region of human visual cortex.
147 epth specificity are prevalent in the medial temporal region of the cerebral cortex.
148  is off the retinal center towards the dorso-temporal region of the retina.
149                             In both taxa the temporal region of the skull is enclosed by bone and the
150 we demonstrated that in affected frontal and temporal regions of AD brains the amount of 12/15-LOX wa
151 eased in pathologically affected frontal and temporal regions of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains comp
152 ated with activation in inferior frontal and temporal regions of both cerebral hemispheres in the tit
153  SERT binding in the basal ganglia or medial temporal regions of interest did not significantly diffe
154 to measure cortical thickness of frontal and temporal regions of interest.
155 lassify language patterns within frontal and temporal regions of interest.
156 their natural target population, fibers from temporal regions of retinae failed to invade areas of gr
157  loss and Lewy-body pathology in the ventral-temporal regions of the brain.
158  selectively prevent extension of axons from temporal regions of the retinae.
159  from the choroid fissure into the nasal and temporal regions of the ventral retina by 70 hpf.
160  neural dysfunction within auditory sensory (temporal) regions, or of increased distractibility, whic
161 ); (b) weighted local efficiency in the left temporal region (P < .05); and (c) weighted clustering c
162 oefficient in the bilateral frontal and left temporal regions (P < .05).
163 teral frontal, right parietal, and bilateral temporal regions (P < .05); (b) weighted local efficienc
164 on of naming sites in anterior and posterior temporal regions (P = 0.03).
165                 Connections originating from temporal regions peaked at alpha frequency, whereas conn
166  are consistent indications that frontal and temporal regions play a crucial role in these disorders.
167 t fractional anisotropy in the left parietal-temporal region positively correlated with the performan
168 d with blood flow increases in a left medial temporal region previously implicated in episodic memory
169 f the heartbeat-evoked potential in the left temporal region reflected the proarrhythmic status of th
170 gions were also observed: a lateral parietal/temporal region related to recollection and a more super
171 l thickness across prefrontal, parietal, and temporal regions relative to community control subjects.
172 linical seizure onset localizing to the left temporal region revealed a significant increase in diffu
173                           Bilateral anterior temporal regions show sensitivity to identity change tha
174         In contrast, prefrontal and anterior temporal regions showed activity reductions to repeated
175                        Prefrontal and medial temporal regions showed greater functional MRI activatio
176 is: F, 3.68; P = .004), with the frontal and temporal regions showing the greatest between-group diff
177        The pattern of findings suggests that temporal regions specialize in processing voices very ea
178 he spreading of atrophy to posterior ventral temporal regions specialized for representing this infor
179 eral prefrontal cortex (DLPF), left superior temporal region (ST), and Broca's area showed sustained
180 chitecture of auditory areas of the superior temporal region (STR) in the human was analyzed in Nissl
181 P = .03) and lateral (beta = -0.08, P = .03) temporal regions, subcortical white matter (beta = -0.13
182 t frontotemporal network (including superior temporal regions surrounding auditory cortex) during lex
183 n increased compensative connectivity of the temporal regions (temporal pole and posterior temporal c
184 ontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, superior temporal region, temporal pole, amygdala, insula, and do
185 eft superior frontal region and right middle temporal region than did NW and obese controls-a pattern
186 oss in the medial temporal lobe and inferior temporal regions than the DLB group.
187 pain usually in the orbital, supraorbital or temporal region that typically last minutes.
188 cted activations in a left hemisphere middle temporal region that was part of the normal sentence rea
189 unfamiliar information in a posterior medial-temporal region that were focused in the parahippocampal
190 remembered information in an anterior medial-temporal region that were focused in the subiculum.
191 e-developing ventrolateral prefrontal-limbic-temporal regions that are known to mediate late-developi
192 ing inferior frontal, parietal, and superior temporal regions that may participate in both the percep
193 nt with this, left mid-fusiform and superior temporal regions that showed reading-related activations
194 ivity with memory load, and mediofrontal and temporal regions that were decreasing.
195                Critically, in prefrontal and temporal regions that were modulated by novelty, the mag
196 e and arcuate fasciculus; from the occipital-temporal region, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus; a
197  including ventral prefrontal cortex, medial temporal regions, the ventral striatal complex, and ante
198 y be functionally related to nearby superior temporal regions thought to be involved in lip-reading a
199 ntified inferior frontal cortex and anterior temporal regions to receive widespread input and middle
200 gions to receive widespread input and middle temporal regions to send widespread output.
201       Connections originating from the right-temporal regions to these areas emerged when newborns li
202 nhanced activation in the posterior occipito-temporal regions (V5), reflecting the greater movement c
203 pect to major sulci and gyri in the superior temporal region varied most in the chimpanzee and human
204 vation profiles, hypertrophy in the anterior temporal region was associated with improving behaviour,
205  to that observed previously when the entire temporal region was deleted.
206 osterior cortical regions; atrophy in medial temporal regions was also observed.
207 rden in the left precuneus/cuneus and medial-temporal regions was associated with increased brain atr
208 eriod activity in the frontal, parietal, and temporal regions was strongly contralateral.
209          In controls, MTR/FA in the occipito-temporal regions were not associated with PS.
210                                        These temporal regions were not atrophic, displayed normal evo
211 ration and FA in bilateral splenium, but not temporal regions were observed within the FASD group.
212  that retinotopic activations in frontal and temporal regions were synchronous, indicating that these
213 ments reliably revealed a posterior superior temporal region (Wernicke's area, traditionally consider
214 t bilateral insular, left frontal, and right temporal regions when compared with responders (all clus
215 e and exhibited similar activation of medial temporal regions when judging nonoverlapping pairs.
216  effects were inverted in the left posterior temporal region, where GMD gain continued up to age 30 a
217 obability were sex specific (eg, in inferior temporal regions, where ASD has different neurobiologica
218 to concepts is situated in posterior lateral temporal regions, whereas additional and deeper levels o
219 ral fronto-striato-thalamic and left lateral temporal regions, whereas genetic risk for bipolar disor
220 rior parietal, and to a lesser extent mesial temporal regions, whereas white matter changes were wide
221 ts, showing that the left posterior inferior temporal region, which has previously been termed the La
222 s early signs of tauopathy, and the inferior temporal region, which is more closely associated with A
223 w a region of hyperperfusion in the anterior temporal region, which often also involves the basal gan
224 ea and the prefrontal, inferior parietal and temporal regions, which were connected through the aslan
225 cits are associated with lesions in anterior temporal regions while verb deficits arise from left inf
226 ced FDG metabolism in posterior parietal and temporal regions, while attentional performance was asso
227 tion in left anterior and posterior superior temporal regions, while environmental sounds enhanced ac
228 d syntactic processes, anterior and inferior temporal regions with lexical retrieval, and posterior t
229 egions with lexical retrieval, and posterior temporal regions with phonological errors and several ot
230  by quadrant (superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal), regions within each quadrant, and distance fr

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