


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                  There was a tendency for negative epistasis to accompany positive di
2 s conditioning paradigms, there is a general tendency for aged animals to acquire more slowly than yo
3 apsing across age groups, there is a general tendency for animals to acquire trace conditioning more
4                                          The tendency for clamps to adopt a right-handed spiral confo
5 nsit peptides for chloroplast lipids and the tendency for unsaturated MGDG to adopt a hexagonal II ph
6 perate midlatitude regions show a widespread tendency for species to advance their springtime phenolo
7                      We demonstrate that the tendency for a tree species to aggregate, as well as its
8    Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated a tendency for common cancers to aggregate in families.
9             The hydrophobic interaction, the tendency for nonpolar molecules to aggregate in solution
10 r, such studies are hampered by the inherent tendency for polyglutamine to aggregate.
11                                  The reduced tendency for polymer chains to aggregate allows solution
12 indicate that even subtle differences in the tendency for an animal to approach and investigate one o
13 tural heterogeneity within the protein and a tendency for mutant dimers to associate.
14 ells lacking the RecQ-like BLM helicase is a tendency for telomeres to associate.
15 he position of these neighbors influence the tendency for the regulatory unit to assume the on or off
16  independently revealed a highly significant tendency for allele 7 (210 bp) to be preferentially tran
17  implausible possibility is that there is no tendency for amino acid replacements to be spatially clu
18 Southern Europe, but there was a significant tendency for birds to be caught in sex-specific aggregat
19                   In many species there is a tendency for chiasmata to be distributed in favored regi
20  High levels of allelic interactions imply a tendency for chromosomes to be colocalized along their l
21                      Niche conservatism--the tendency for closely related species to be ecologically
22                                We observed a tendency for dexamethasone-upregulated genes to be downr
23         The null hypothesis that there is no tendency for exchangeable amino acids to be assigned to
24                 This research finds that the tendency for higher-income individuals to be less genero
25 lution to the invasion paradox, which is the tendency for highly diverse regions to be more heavily i
26                  There was a non-significant tendency for hours worked to be reduced and for annual i
27                     Overall, there is little tendency for introgression of mtDNA to be harmful.
28 gency of splice-site requirements; (iii) the tendency for introns to be more numerous and longer in r
29 s farther away from bw, there was, indeed, a tendency for it to be less trans-inactivated.
30   This is consistent with Janzen's Rule, the tendency for mountain passes to be effectively "higher"
31 enerating TCR diversity, and the predominant tendency for only functional variable elements to be pre
32          These effects are associated with a tendency for parasite cysts to be more abundant in amygd
33 that packing constraints, solvation, and the tendency for particular amino acids to be used for speci
34 nding melodic contours in musical phrases, a tendency for phrase-final notes to be relatively long, a
35  were not significantly altered, there was a tendency for plasma insulin to be greater (hepatic level
36 l traits onto a phylogeny and quantified the tendency for related species to be similar (phylogenetic
37 sures of statistical correlations there is a tendency for repetitive sequence density to be negativel
38                                          The tendency for rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, to be tied
39 ts components precisely imitate the physical tendency for surfaces to be minimized.
40 ) is established, however, there is a strong tendency for that state to be propagated.
41  with better performance on all tests with a tendency for the associations to be stronger in women th
42 pping was found, and there was no particular tendency for the exons involved to be near large introns
43  to CR among multivisceral allografts with a tendency for the pancreas allograft to be the most susce
44 id insulin sensitivity, although there was a tendency for the patients to be insulin resistant (9.18
45 ime leads to enhanced performance due to the tendency for the reward location to be highly correlated
46                    We observed a significant tendency for the same binding modes to be clustered toge
47 uring the first 15 months of therapy, with a tendency for there to be higher plasma homocysteine in p
48 t other autosomal loci, suggesting a reduced tendency for these LINEs to be disrupted.
49  were apparent for Crs, although there was a tendency for this measure to be both lower at birth and
50    Here, we evaluate the extent to which the tendency for transcription factor binding sites to be cl
51                                  There was a tendency for cyt aa3 to become reduced, but there were n
52 point out, they also counteract a relentless tendency for positive emotions to become boring.
53 tly restrained by a lack of cell source, the tendency for the DPs to become a glial-restricted state,
54                  Four experiments identify a tendency for people to believe that their own lives are
55     In addition, there was a non-significant tendency for statin users to bleed less during laparosco
56 geneity between genomic loci that reflects a tendency for nucleosomes to block Exo1, yet Exo1 also ap
57               Moreover, the model predicts a tendency for OS to break in bands with higher spring num
58            Third, there is a greatly reduced tendency for insulating surfaces to build up excess char
59                                          The tendency for elastic recoil to cause power amplification
60  (-15,567 +/- 3,658 pmol/L, P = 0.05), and a tendency for basal insulin and leptin to change together
61 riation might be phenotypic plasticity - the tendency for phenotypes to change across different envir
62 y increased and decreased, respectively, the tendency for the animal to choose the same target in sub
63 ias for authors to cite recent papers, and a tendency for authors to cite papers cited by papers that
64 e genomic distribution of 26G siRNAs and the tendency for piRNAs to cluster is conserved between C. b
65                                          The tendency for the mutations to cluster around the microtu
66             Linkage disequilibrium (LD), the tendency for alleles of linked loci to co-occur nonrando
67 rtant issue in practical applications is the tendency for adjacent drops to coalesce, and oppositely
68 n a gene causes loss of function, there is a tendency for the second frameshifting indel to compensat
69 ur helical turns, and there is an increasing tendency for the structure to continue for further turns
70 e based on morphological data because of the tendency for parasites to converge on a suite of traits,
71 cinating puzzles in pattern formation is the tendency for granular mixtures to de-mix or segregate.
72 e plantations, the clear lack of any general tendency for plant biodiversity to decline at small scal
73                                  There was a tendency for BMOA to decrease over time (-0.38x10(-2) mm
74 m 560 to 41 micromol/l was associated with a tendency for IMCL-TG to decrease (from 100 to 95 +/- 3%)
75 tation-contraction coupling may underlie the tendency for these animals to develop heart failure foll
76  weight maps to inform the controller of the tendency for models to differ in their ability to accura
77                                          The tendency for viologen radical cations to dimerize has be
78 ponse, while in another 6/19, we uncovered a tendency for duloxetine to diminish it.
79 esis upon loss of CpG DNA methylation, and a tendency for smRNAs to direct strand-specific DNA methyl
80 pendent diversification models confirmed the tendency for lineages with EFNs to display increased rat
81     Overall, these results suggest a general tendency for slab-based organizations to distort retinot
82 t 3-5 y of age predicts a greater subsequent tendency for children to eat under conditions of mild st
83      After intravenous infusion, there was a tendency for the cells to engraft into the hippocampal r
84 ng pulses were applied, although there was a tendency for twin pulses to evoke larger IDAP than a sin
85 However, we observed a significantly greater tendency for later clones to evolve Cit+, indicating tha
86 of labour is also presented, demonstrating a tendency for populations to evolve increasingly unfair d
87 ne administration was also associated with a tendency for animals to exhibit electrocorticographic si
88 gle X-ray scattering analysis shows a strong tendency for the molecules to exist with a strong "face-
89 f parameters suggest that there is a general tendency for microsatellite alleles to expand in size, b
90                                          The tendency for these surfaces to expel water from their vi
91                                              Tendencies for brain regions to express their individual
92 nd a reduced afferent population, there is a tendency for reinnervating axons to fill available synap
93                                   There is a tendency for audiologists to focus on sensory management
94 odel is able to explain not only the general tendency for animal groups to form, but some of the attr
95 lid in general, this relation demonstrates a tendency for chiral molecules to form racemates rather t
96 e cytosine is protonated, there is a greater tendency for each of the oligonucleotides to form some f
97     One of the strongest associations is the tendency for metabolic enzymes to form dihedral complexe
98 hod for native fold recognition based on the tendency for native folds to form hydrophobic cores.
99                                          The tendency for the peptide to form either parallel or anti
100 ns (which follow the Red Queen hypothesis) a tendency for the MARM-C to gain less fitness than the wi
101            The method takes advantage of the tendency for electron capture reactions to generate char
102                         We observed an early tendency for synapses to group together, quickly followe
103 s in absolute size, revealing only a general tendency for all parts to grow together.
104 he phonemic restoration effect refers to the tendency for people to hallucinate a phoneme replaced by
105             In squirrel monkeys, there was a tendency for caudal DL to have stronger connections with
106 The only signal of divergent selection was a tendency for foreign fish to have higher parasite loads
107 cated a slight but statistically significant tendency for GE scans to have lower attenuations than do
108 s within the primate continuum of aging; the tendency for males to have shorter life spans and higher
109  was similar between groups, but there was a tendency for more intervention patients to have a good n
110 on, this organization will be reflected in a tendency for nearby genes to have the same orientation.
111                   There was a nonsignificant tendency for the long-long homozygotes to have greater S
112                                            A tendency for the rarer alleles to have more disrupted ey
113   In different ways, each species defies the tendency for tropical birds to have long-term stable dis
114                                  There was a tendency for Usher syndrome patients to have a higher di
115                            There was a small tendency for younger subjects to have later reflection,
116 gle, vigorously motile cells that display no tendency for head-to-head agglutination and lack affinit
117     A key aspect of cancer metastases is the tendency for specific cancer cells to home to defined su
118       These novel compounds show very strong tendency for aggregation due to hydrogen bonding, especi
119                                  There was a tendency for NRMI 2 to identify past medical histories s
120 ol (P=0.024), a natriuresis (P=0.046), and a tendency for creatinine excretion and clearance to impro
121                                  There was a tendency for room air to improve all measured variables
122 into SM-rich/chol-rich raftlike domains, the tendency for DHA to incorporate into rafts is more than
123 lated, p = 1.68E-17), which coincides with a tendency for serum cholesterol levels to increase in WD-
124 ers) and is consistent with Cope's rule: the tendency for size to increase over geological time.
125 s phenotypic defects, perhaps because of the tendency for P elements to insert 5' of transcription un
126                                         This tendency for HPV18 to integrate early, coupled with the
127  on the broader phenomenon of homophily, the tendency for individuals to interact with similar others
128 , phase separation of chromatin types, and a tendency for open chromatin to lie at the periphery of c
129 in the proximal subfield but caused a strong tendency for astrocytic processes to make up a larger pr
130                                  The natural tendency for humans to make and break relationships is t
131 med similarly, with a marginally significant tendency for LP-BM5-infected animals to make more avoida
132             Optimized refinement reduces the tendency for the model to match noise in a single image,
133 ntion to assortative mating or homogamy, the tendency for sexual species to mate with similar others.
134 e of intragenic recombination coupled with a tendency for genes in the complex to mispair in meiosis.
135  male migration rate (via patrilocality, the tendency for a wife to move into her husband's natal hou
136 NH(4)(+) < K(+) < Cs(+)) correlates with the tendency for cations to occupy double eight-membered rin
137       This pattern of change could reflect a tendency for evolutionary innovations to occur by alteri
138  and potentially explain the tissue-specific tendency for INK4A mutations to occur in melanoma.
139 ables employ different units, resulting in a tendency for local optima to occur on the response surfa
140  mutation and survival; however, there was a tendency for PTEN mutations to occur in older age group
141 tidyl transferase center (PTC), indicating a tendency for structural rotations to occur around the si
142 of onset of the arrhythmia (4.5 months), the tendency for the arrhythmia to occur during REM sleep or
143 ket or void, we find that there is no strong tendency for them to occur on conserved residues.
144 n respiratory-related rhythmic input and the tendency for olfactory structures to oscillate intrinsic
145 ty of nucleic acid template populations, the tendency for elongation to outcompete replication.
146                         There is, however, a tendency for BIA to overestimate percentage body fat, an
147   Regression of the scatterplots indicated a tendency for multidetector CT to overestimate thickness.
148         One example of such inference is the tendency for observers to perceive lighter image regions
149 approximately 70 cells per mm, followed by a tendency for the speed to plateau at high values of flux
150                                            A tendency for diabetic blood cells to plug capillary-size
151 of fetal hemoglobin (HbF), which reduces the tendency for sickle hemoglobin to polymerize, thereby re
152      General linear modeling demonstrated no tendency for increases in serum FABP to precede histolog
153          Across all visual areas, we found a tendency for end-stopped sites to prefer curved over str
154 ck of clear evidence, there is an increasing tendency for guidelines to prefer IGRA over TST in IMIDs
155 experienced by exposed crowns(4,15), and the tendency for bark beetles to preferentially attack large
156  is a less pronounced but nevertheless clear tendency for residues 107-124 to preferentially populate
157                      We demonstrate that the tendency for fishers to primarily share information with
158 ficient data are available and arises from a tendency for accelerated rates of evolution to produce i
159                While much is known about the tendency for recognition to promote cooperation, relativ
160       Here, we test and verify the purported tendency for animal clades to reach their maximum morpho
161 ption in the critically ill, but there was a tendency for the drug to reduce small intestinal lipid a
162                       This correlates with a tendency for these cells to reenter the cell cycle inapp
163  ion damage measurements is the much greater tendency for a diffusing Li adatom to remain locked in p
164                          In this report, the tendency for different anions to remain attached to sele
165   Magnetic domain memory (MDM), that is, the tendency for magnetic domains to repeat the same pattern
166 ature of modern fragmented landscapes, but a tendency for researchers to restrict sampling designs to
167 ported more illnesses, and that there was no tendency for the religiously observant to restrict their
168                         Although there was a tendency for immediate sensitivity to allergen to return
169       These findings may explain in part the tendency for blood pressure to rise after menopause in w
170 magnetic ground states often competes with a tendency for electrons near impurities to screen the loc
171             The "allegiance effect," ie, the tendency for treatments to seem most efficacious in sett
172                  The hydrophobic effect--the tendency for oil and water to segregate--is important in
173  that this arises due to a general increased tendency for bacterial proteins to self-assemble and for
174 ous protein-protein complexes has revealed a tendency for the duplication units to self-associate.
175 served experimentally, there appears to be a tendency for electron-withdrawing X to shift the methyl
176 n of pleiotropic effects demonstrated a high tendency for leprosy susceptibility loci to show associa
177                         SR tasks utilize the tendency for a male to sniff and interact with a novel i
178                                          The tendency for primates to specialize in high-quality, hig
179 rallel beta-sheet was comparable, as was the tendency for the beta-sheets to stack either in parallel
180 symmetry and amplitude increases enhance the tendency for a tethered flagellum to start tugging on it
181 essed in the same tissues, there is a higher tendency for them to target the direct partners of the s
182  of the small bowel is common because of the tendency for cutaneous melanoma to metastasise to the ga
183 ation of stable polarons is dependent on the tendency for deprotonation of the polaron to the imine.
184                   Other studies have shown a tendency for pseudophakic eyes to progress to the wet fo
185  in the left visual field and demonstrated a tendency for saccadic redirection to this area.
186 previously postulated notion that there is a tendency for spermatogenic functions to transfer from au
187 th more electron rich substrates, there is a tendency for these initial cycloadducts to undergo aroma
188 celles was not strong enough to overcome the tendency for the oligocholate to unfold.
189  but also variation among them, as well as a tendency for heritability to vary with mating system, bu
190                            There was a clear tendency for interacquisition variability to vary by ves
191                      The previously observed tendency for some solvents to yield one or the other for

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