


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                               The pronounced tendency of cyclization is attributed to a preferred fol
2                                          The tendency of roots on mutant seedlings to accumulate Al w
3                                Likewise, the tendency of a myosin cross-bridge to achieve a force-bea
4 igomer formation correlates with the natural tendency of each variant to acquire beta-sheet structure
5                                   The strong tendency of beta-diketones to act as nucleophilic specie
6 utation rate, possibly contributed to by the tendency of DNA polymerase to add additional non-templat
7       One likely confounding element was the tendency of LcrH to adhere on its own to metal chelation
8 nd core gp120 interactions revealed that the tendency of HIV-1 gp120 to adopt the CD4-bound conformat
9 ormationally averaged in solution but a weak tendency of the CRK "GPGR" residues to adopt a beta-turn
10  the HMG boxes induce the U-turn against the tendency of the DNA to adopt a straighter conformation.
11 s to alanine (C420A and C436A) resulted in a tendency of the protein to adopt a partially closed conf
12 lying the stability of graphene oxide is the tendency of the oxygen functionalities to agglomerate an
13        Whereas numerous reports indicate the tendency of alpha-synuclein to aggregate both in vitro a
14 n pores, providing a rationalization for the tendency of bicelle mixtures to aggregate into perforate
15 e the rate of fibril formation and alter the tendency of fibrils to aggregate.
16                                          The tendency of peptide chains to aggregate is translated in
17 ively, it is essential to avoid the inherent tendency of proteins to aggregate and form potentially h
18 chemical modification agents that reduce the tendency of sickle hemoglobin (HbS) to aggregate represe
19 ease-linked mutations in TDP-43 increase the tendency of TDP-43 to aggregate, leading to a correspond
20                  Pegylation also reduced the tendency of the conjugate to aggregate and reduced the c
21 o wild-type protein, possibly explaining the tendency of the mutant protein to aggregate.
22 nt proteins for degradation and the enhanced tendency of these variants to aggregate if secreted.
23  certain side groups along the molecule, the tendency of two peptides to aggregate can be driven by e
24                                          The tendency of wild-type Parkin to aggregate and form inclu
25 s that actin depletion actually enhances the tendency of microtubules to align with one another.
26          Such spools are only found when the tendency of nearby DNA strands to align locally is accou
27                     In addition to the known tendencies of indistinguishable photons to arrive togeth
28                                         This tendency of S5a to associate with the growing Ub chain c
29                  The key property may be the tendency of the intermediate to associate off pathway to
30 ity of binding sites for P22R depends on the tendency of the central bases to assume the B'-DNA state
31 synaptic inputs to MSO neurons including the tendencies of inhibitory inputs to attenuate in response
32 e been devised to quantify, for example, the tendency of a set of genes to be mutated in a 'mutually
33 riability information), we conclude that the tendency of an amino acid to be buried or exposed is the
34 n absolute energy reference, determining the tendency of an atom to be either a cation or anion in a
35               Countershading, the widespread tendency of animals to be darker on the side that receiv
36                                  We term the tendency of certain types of articles to be published in
37 of free amino acids, and suggest that a high tendency of Cys to be functionally active can considerab
38                                          The tendency of different types of residues to be buried in
39  context analysis demonstrates a significant tendency of essential E. coli genes to be preserved thro
40 more severe pulmonary infections and for the tendency of hospital-acquired pneumonia to be polymicrob
41 ruistic norms can "hitchhike" on the general tendency of internal norms to be personally fitness-enha
42 ntial definition are most important, and the tendency of most potential criteria to be distributed in
43                                 The familial tendency of PBC was found to be less marked than has bee
44 pensity of the binding sites and the overall tendency of regulatory regions to be conserved.
45                                          The tendency of selectively expanding HBV strains to be tran
46 de was not entirely explained by the greater tendency of smokers to be White, drink heavily, have les
47 5) denoting statistical significance and the tendency of such p-values to be more readily publishable
48             This behavior, together with the tendency of the AXH fold to be trapped in local conforma
49 nts of the different groups showed a general tendency of the implants to be positioned facially compa
50 arance by the innate immune response and the tendency of the infections to be polymicrobial.
51                                          The tendency of the polymer chains to be tethered on the out
52     Selective visual attention describes the tendency of visual processing to be confined largely to
53 ow these results can be used to estimate the tendency of BARs to bend membranes in terms of a spatial
54                       Despite the well-known tendency of cellulitis due to beta-hemolytic streptococc
55 g of the bound ligands confirmed the general tendency of small molecules to bind in an extended confo
56 ral studies indicate that a germline-encoded tendency of TCRs to bind MHC molecules contributes to th
57                                          The tendency of the protein to bind nonspecifically to nucle
58        For human tissues, we observed strong tendency of the seal H3 to bind to lung alveoli, which w
59 y is capitalizing on the natural restorative tendencies of ecological systems to build a science of r
60 e deprivation and thus explores the inherent tendency of humans to build communication systems of par
61 ty (LOH) at the Apc locus, combined with the tendency of adenomas to progress to carcinomas, indicate
62 ed both by our current intentions and by the tendency of visually salient items to "catch our eye." A
63 h false-positive results that can, given the tendency of B. pertussis to cause outbreaks, result in u
64  clinical presentation may reflect a greater tendency of plaques with positive remodeling to cause un
65 sisted this cell death, perhaps reducing the tendency of viral infections to cause immune dysfunction
66 ther factors also contribute to the inherent tendency of DNA segments to change over evolutionary tim
67 ects of population substructure, such as the tendency of individuals to choose mates from the same so
68  of piggyback deposition, enhancement of the tendency of adsorbate to cluster can reduce, but not eli
69                                          The tendency of protein molecules to cluster has the effect
70                    It will be shown that the tendency of the metals to cluster into particles makes i
71 e bone microenvironment that can explain the tendency of prostate cancer cells to colonize bone and g
72  This stiffening counterbalances the natural tendency of the DNA template to condense into toroids or
73  can operate only on existing variation, the tendency of ornamental traits to constrain or enable the
74  This modification effectively overcomes the tendency of the Gibbs sampler to converge to different m
75 evel of cooperation, instead of changing the tendency of cooperation in response to cooperation of ot
76                             Durotaxis is the tendency of cells to crawl from soft to stiff matrix, an
77 tinctly different binding phenotypes, with a tendency of increased affinity to DAF, decreased sensiti
78 rinciples calculations to approve the higher tendency of sulfur-rich lead chromates to darken.
79                       On the other hand, the tendency of such mimics to decompose under strong oxidiz
80 o be large, so these results may explain the tendency of large motoneurones to degenerate first in AL
81 e in the length of the strands increases the tendency of a sample to degrade.
82 the open channel state, controls an apparent tendency of the channel to desensitize, most likely, thr
83 nto improvements caused by selection and the tendency of high performance variants to deteriorate bec
84             Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a tendency of AR patients to develop ED (log-rank test, P
85 mucosal immunity, potentially increasing the tendency of CMV-infected hosts to develop colitis.
86  deserves further exploration because of the tendency of infants to develop iron deficiency anemia an
87 arning-disabled patients is due to a greater tendency of schizophrenic patients to develop cognitive
88 rature superconductivity highlight a generic tendency of the cuprates to develop competing electronic
89 he spin chemical potential characterizes the tendency of spins to diffuse.
90                            We suppressed the tendency of Aequorea fluorescent proteins to dimerize an
91  interface is also consistent with the lower tendency of B7-2 to dimerize, as shown by the monomeric
92  to the cooperativity arising from the known tendency of GFP molecules to dimerize through localized
93  Coattraction can counterbalance the natural tendency of cells to disperse via mechanisms such as con
94 he T states of these variants as well as the tendency of the deoxygenated derivatives to dissociate i
95 nds M(SPh)(2) (M = Cr-Ni) support the higher tendency of the iron species to distort its geometry.
96 st antioxidant activity, consistent with the tendency of phenolic acids to donate electrons.
97                         There was a striking tendency of transplants to either bring glucose levels i
98  respiratory origin may lie in the increased tendency of vascular strains to elicit persistent infect
99                      Most surprising was the tendency of males to eliminate one of the five actions,
100 in the force-bearing state may influence the tendency of a regulatory unit to enter the on state.
101 ve been studied in vitro largely because the tendency of Eu(II) to oxidize to Eu(III) has been viewed
102 on of design, which is the universal natural tendency of flow systems to evolve into configurations t
103 o the bacterium in the lung environment, the tendency of isolates to evolve more efficient uptake was
104 intimacy of molecules can be assessed by the tendency of proximal fluorophores to exchange energy.
105       BLM knockout cells showed an increased tendency of sister chromatids to exchange DNA strands an
106                            By exploiting the tendency of artificial neural networks to exhibit consum
107 ns in epithelial cells may contribute to the tendency of these cells to exhibit constitutive low-leve
108 en together, our data demonstrate the innate tendency of an isolated H27 to exist in a dynamic equili
109                                 However, the tendency of imprinted genes to exist in chromosomal clus
110 h genomic imprinting occurs are unknown, the tendency of imprinted genes to exist in chromosomal clus
111                         However, the overall tendency of triplet repeats to expand ceased on differen
112 se tests measure differences in naturalistic tendencies of mice to explore a novel environment and to
113 quantitative immunoblotting methods revealed tendencies of certain cancer types to express particular
114 hat P. brasiliensis infection reinforced the tendency of dectin-1-deficient macrophages to express an
115 ies noted previously within the Fur box, the tendency of Fur to extend into adjacent regions of DNA i
116 t the TMD works with the natural dehydration tendency of PE to facilitate membrane merger.
117  bias in social interactions, defined as the tendency of an individual to favor opinions that match h
118 r for the extent of omnivory, defined as the tendency of species to feed on multiple trophic levels.
119                       We first show that the tendency of cells to follow the INM orientation--a pheno
120 n enhance invasion via contact guidance, the tendency of motile cells to follow alignment.
121                         Determination of the tendencies of amino acids to form alpha-helical and beta
122 polyanionic backbone in diminishing unwanted tendencies of highly functionalized molecules to form "s
123 nd steric effects), which renders the higher tendency of [Al] to form stable [Al]-substrate (intermed
124 taining molecules that readily disregard the tendency of carbon to form four chemical bonds, namely N
125 ctive photoluminescence quenching due to the tendency of chiral enantiomers to form complexes with ga
126 olesterol in phospholipid monolayers and the tendency of cholesterol-rich domains to form in choleste
127 Empirical rules have been established on the tendency of different core sequences to form a certain o
128                                          The tendency of Dmc1 to form unproductive interactions with
129 ificities that also result in a differential tendency of each clone to form dimeric and multimeric im
130                                          The tendency of each PMIP species to form disulfide-linked a
131  of oxidising agents gradually decreased the tendency of gluten proteins to form large gluten aggrega
132                These data indicate a general tendency of HAS isoenzymes to form both homomeric and he
133                                          The tendency of high-valence xenon to form consolidated oxid
134              This broadening arises from the tendency of large protein assemblies to form adducts wit
135          In this report, we investigated the tendency of MGAT2 to form an enzyme complex with DGAT1 a
136 ld Ca(2+), and complex formation hinders the tendency of PDP1c to form a dimer.
137 trations, which would be consistent with the tendency of serpins to form noncovalent polymers.
138                                          The tendency of smooth muscle tropomyosin to form semi-rigid
139 endence of the event characteristics and the tendency of some polymers to form secondary structure.
140                                          The tendency of the adhesion modulation domain to form dimer
141 o the bilayers synergistically increased the tendency of the lipids to form nonbilayer phases with a
142              This mutation also enhanced the tendency of the transmembrane helix to form homotrimers.
143 shows strong matrix effects arising from the tendency of uranium to form strongly bound oxide molecul
144 n results strongly suggest that the observed tendency of wild-type CVN to form domain-swapped dimers
145 s of "design" are expressions of the natural tendency of all flow systems to generate designs that fa
146 s seem to be able to circumvent the inherent tendency of HIV-1 to generate drug-resistant viruses, th
147 indicates that shortening results in a small tendency of globins to group together regardless of thei
148 uate amounts of ribosomes is obscured by the tendency of each gene product to have extraribosomal fun
149 he same approach also disclosed a pronounced tendency of TatE and TatA to hetero-oligomerize.
150                                          The tendency of nuclear Na channels to inactivate produced a
151 rends in body size, such as Cope's Rule, the tendency of body size to increase over time, remain poor
152 triatal patch-matrix than the VGluTs, with a tendency of bouton density to increase from medial to la
153 lis, S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, such as the tendency of FRS to increase from the 5'- to 3'-end of pr
154       The drawback of this, however, was the tendency of particle emissions (sulfate) to increase at
155               This allowed estimation of the tendency of the repeats to increase or decrease and the
156                                    Thus, the tendency of i.n. infection to induce Th17 cells is relat
157 nt of live vaccines has been hampered by the tendency of such strains to induce noncholeric reactogen
158             This occurs despite the observed tendency of HA to inhibit colonization on bare glass sur
159 ctural data are consistent with the observed tendency of hpol eta to insert both dC and dT opposite t
160 ical structure presumably resulting from the tendency of Trp(5) to insert into the membrane.
161 malization mechanism may reflect the natural tendency of the visual system to integrate complex input
162 n Abeta aggregation because of the different tendencies of the osmolytes to interact with the peptide
163                                          The tendency of small molecules, however, to interact with m
164                                     The high tendency of the 3,6 compound to intercalate into differe
165                             Furthermore, the tendency of current probing techniques to interfere with
166 in an asymmetric spherical aggregate and the tendency of the hydrophobic-water interface to keep the
167 ee-way stopcock in the drainage pathway, the tendency of the catheters to kink, and catheter patency
168  onset in consecutive generations due to the tendency of the unstable trinucleotide repeat to lengthe
169 namic process of trafficking may obscure the tendency of CTL to localize in particular regional lymph
170 The aspect ratio of elongated spores and the tendency of some proteins to localize near their poles c
171 in complex proteolytic mixtures utilizes the tendency of collision-activated peptide ions to lose pre
172 ktails can frequently be unstable due to the tendency of one or more components to lose structural in
173 g10 copies per mL (4.45-4.54) in 2002 with a tendency of returning to lower loads thereafter.
174 upancy test (TCOT) based on propinquity, the tendency of freely mobile rodents to maintain close phys
175 boptimal, and none measures propinquity, the tendency of rodents to maintain close physical proximity
176 ncertedness of the transition was due to the tendency of the peptide to maintain the necessary second
177                Here we explain this peculiar tendency of transition-metal atoms to maintain a constan
178  independence is primarily due to the strong tendency of water at room temperature to maintain its hy
179 These results demonstrate that the intrinsic tendency of stem cells to make patterns can be harnessed
180 ceptor (R)beta-/- genotype and minimizes the tendency of compensatory processes to mask the phenotype
181                               Homophily, the tendency of like phenotypes to mate or preferentially as
182       This assembly process is driven by the tendency of multiphase liquid-liquid systems to minimize
183                                          The tendency of long sequences to misfold is perhaps compens
184                  These results highlight the tendency of RNAs to misfold, underscore the roles of CYT
185              These data demonstrate that the tendency of a kinetochore to move poleward is not positi
186 chromosomal loci, and appears to explain the tendency of certain chromosome rearrangements to occur d
187 ond the conserved actin sequence reduced the tendency of the Arp3 cleft to open.
188 ming a single action: caffeine increases the tendency of the release channels to open.
189 eptor-channels depends on both the intrinsic tendency of the unliganded receptor to open and the amou
190                  The combined effects of the tendency of cholesterol to order lipids in the liquid ph
191  Increasing confluence resulted in a greater tendency of cells to organize into epithelial tubes and
192               Complexity originates from the tendency of large dynamical systems to organize themselv
193 ing of the rotational diffusivity showed the tendency of flow to orient SWCNTs of this size to allow
194 se results provide a new explanation for the tendency of the inferior olive to oscillate at 7-12 Hz a
195 e(5)OsSe(8)(CN)(6)](2).32H(2)O; however, the tendency of the 25-electron clusters to oxidize in water
196 how the existence of temporal homophily, the tendency of similar individuals to participate in commun
197 subjects showed "pseudoneglect", the natural tendency of neurologically intact subjects to perceive t
198 al fin and length of the gonopodium) and the tendency of males to perform courtship displays or gonop
199  only 5-10% by area dramatically reduces the tendency of the lipids to phase separate.
200                                  The overall tendency of movers was to go to places that had more phy
201 n explanation is proposed to rationalize the tendency of nitrogen to planarize when attached to the 1
202 lso function in contrast to the pro-survival tendencies of beta-catenin, to potentiate death in cells
203 r drawbacks of the homogeneous system is the tendency of the palladium trifluoroacetate to precipitat
204 he management of sarcoidosis, because of the tendency of this disease to present in so many and diver
205 tion of trial distances, which overcomes the tendency of metrization to produce crushed structures.
206                                          The tendency of prostate cancer to produce osteoblastic bone
207 t-guest approach to investigate the relative tendencies of different amino acids to promote residual
208 predation can undermine each other, with the tendency of the stronger interaction to promote or limit
209                      The previously observed tendency of the CuAAC reaction to provide ditriazoles fr
210                              (1) Examine the tendency of peer-reviewed surgical journals to publish p
211                                 A noteworthy tendency of biosensor technology is likely to push towar
212 racking of receptor targeted proteins is the tendency of iodotyrosine to rapidly diffuse from cells f
213 sphonothioate (1), clarifies the distinctive tendency of aqueous fluoride ions to react with such org
214 ells provide a plausible explanation for the tendency of certain melanoma types to recur locally desp
215 trating aspects of treating psoriasis is the tendency of psoriatic skin lesions to recur after therap
216 lated retention domain overrides the natural tendency of the V2 receptor to recycle and, by preventin
217            This effect corresponded with the tendency of diacylglycerol to reduce the length of the l
218 amework, in which genes are assessed for the tendency of co-expression to reflect shared function.
219  metabolic changes as an explanation for the tendency of weight-reduced persons to regain weight.
220 tment with high-dose corticosteroids, with a tendency of patients to relapse without long-term immuno
221 s of the entire ORF of the p53 gene; (2) the tendency of others to rely upon IHCS to screen tumors pr
222  been defined in inbred mice in order of the tendency of the X chromosome to remain active: Xce(a) <
223              CIS-D also overrides the normal tendency of LDA to remove the more strongly acidic proto
224 ion of newcomers in new productions, and the tendency of incumbents to repeat previous collaborations
225 es, we confirm that host fidelity (i.e., the tendency of an insect to reproduce on the same host spec
226                                          The tendency of organisms to reproduce by cross-fertilizatio
227 with little degradation of ABL, reflects the tendency of lectins to resist biodegradation and implies
228                       We also found that the tendency of NOD mice to resist tolerance induction by co
229                        Conserved synteny-the tendency of neighboring genes to retain their relative p
230 iated ODNs and reflect a surprisingly strong tendency of single-stranded DNA to retain a characterist
231                                          The tendency of species to retain their ancestral niches may
232 he nucleosome surface is facilitated and the tendency of pol II to retreat from barriers is countered
233 difficult to elucidate because of the strong tendency of Abeta to self-aggregate.
234  simple NMR assay was applied to monitor the tendency of compounds to self-aggregate in aqueous media
235 lternative modeling methodology based on the tendency of natural systems to self-organize in temporal
236 zophrenia, and a physiological basis for the tendency of patients with schizophrenia to self-medicate
237                                          The tendency of some peptides to self-associate, especially
238 e drawbacks is to take advantage of the high tendency of such square planar compounds to self-assembl
239 (MW approximately 2.5 kD) either reduced the tendency of these peptides to self-assemble into a pore
240 ranyl materials requires interruption of the tendency of uranyl bipyramids to share equatorial edges
241                                          The tendency of p53-proficient cells to spontaneously evade
242                            This confirms the tendency of both fluorophores to stack on the free end o
243                                   The marked tendency of the guanidinium ions to stack parallel to th
244 and reduced cell protrusions, resulting in a tendency of cells to stay more firmly aggregated, probab
245 confinement can be explained by an increased tendency of hydrophobic aromatic side chains to stay nea
246    This constraint can profoundly affect the tendency of a polypeptide to suffer aggregation and deso
247 se findings are consistent with the observed tendency of Acinetobacter spp. to survive on dry surface
248 nalysis, we present measures for gauging the tendency of a motif to target a given set of genes relat
249         The transformation is limited by the tendency of the intermediate beta-trifluoromethyldihydro
250  paralog-specific inhibitors to overcome the tendency of topoisomerase II-targeting chemotherapeutics
251 conservation in homologous proteins, and its tendency of being exposed to the solvent, soluble, flexi
252         HOCl and HOBr increased the sorption tendency of humic and fulvic acids to the hydrophobic su
253      All three oxidants reduced the sorption tendency of polysaccharides and fatty acids to the hydro
254     All three oxidants enhanced the sorption tendency of proteins to the hydrophobic surface at low d
255  coherent terraces, dictates the segregation tendency of solutes to the interface.
256 hibition of CheA activity that increases the tendency of the bacteria to tumble.
257                            We found that the tendency of CO to undergo dissociation depends criticall
258 rst demonstration that there is an intrinsic tendency of Hb to undergo T-->R2 transition, induced by
259                                 Finally, the tendency of Rb-negative cells to undergo endoreduplicati
260 elimination by 4.8 kcal/mol and also a lower tendency of the carbene 22a to undergo rearrangement by
261 D40(-/-) B cells correlate with an increased tendency of the cells to undergo terminal differentiatio
262 n cleavage in an adjacent CDR2 loop, and the tendency of the newly formed isoAsp to undergo isomeriza
263 ommonly observed instability, i.e., a strong tendency of the NPs to undergo aggregation upon removal
264 n the maximum achievable supersaturation and tendency of the system to undergo liquid-liquid phase se
265 n, and chelation is favored over the natural tendency of this type of substrate to undergo Felkin-Anh
266 rements suggest that the previously reported tendency of the repeat to unpair when supercoiled is pro
267 3 is required for the previously unexplained tendency of DSB density to vary with chromosome size.
268         Eco-HAB allows for assessment of the tendency of mice to voluntarily spend time together in e
269                              Conversely, the tendency of an individual to wait for a larger, delayed
270    Despite evidence pointing to a ubiquitous tendency of human minds to wander, little is known about
271 t." In addition, individuals' reports of the tendency of their minds to wander were correlated with a
272                                          The tendency of resident groups to win contests may help exp

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