


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 efined as enlargement of airspaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of alveo
2 operties of cells contributing to renewal of terminal bronchioles after Clara cell depletion.
3 otein (MIP)-2 in epithelial cells lining the terminal bronchioles and alveolar ducts as well as macro
4   During infection, P. aeruginosa enters the terminal bronchioles and alveoli and comes into contact
5 m tuberculosis is initially deposited in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli, as well as following r
6 crease in DNA synthesis in the epithelium of terminal bronchioles and more proximal airways.
7 ent, CCSP-expressing stem cell population in terminal bronchioles and support the notion that regiosp
8 ways while sparing larger airways as well as terminal bronchioles and the alveolar surface.
9 t in Clara cells of wild-type and COX-1(-/-) terminal bronchioles and was strongly induced 24 hours a
10 nce of elastin, increased muscularization of terminal bronchioles, and inflammation and edema.
11 identifies type II cells, Clara cells in the terminal bronchioles, and putative bronchoalveolar stem
12 icroCT has made it possible to show that the terminal bronchioles are narrowed and destroyed before t
13 ilagenous rings, neuroepithelial bodies, and terminal bronchioles/bronchoalveolar duct junctions.
14  emphysematous tissue destruction, number of terminal bronchioles, infiltrating inflammatory cells, a
15 aged cells) was significantly greater in the terminal bronchioles of CYP2A13/2F1-humanized mice than
16           The coincident localization within terminal bronchioles of EGFR, EGF, and TGF-alpha to grou
17 total number and cross-sectional area of the terminal bronchioles or in alveolar dimensions (mean lin
18 llular mechanisms contributing to renewal of terminal bronchioles remain poorly defined.
19  abundance around small arteries (SMart) and terminal bronchioles (SMtb).
20  rare bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASCs) in terminal bronchioles (TBs).
21     Micro-CT showed that the total number of terminal bronchioles was decreased (2.9/ml [2.6-4.4] vs.
22 ed, and the cross-sectional area of the open terminal bronchioles was reduced (0.093 mm(2) [0.084-0.1
23 t alveolar duct bifurcations and in adjacent terminal bronchioles was significantly reduced in the 12

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