


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  equivalents of L-terminase (1S-terminase:2L-terminase).
2 ase activity to a level comparable with FL-L-terminase.
3 rminal domain for interacting with the large terminase.
4 onucleolytic activity in the context of FL-L-terminase.
5 med capsids through the actions of the viral terminase.
6 nus and at 5.7 nm from the C terminus of the terminase.
7 al domains required for interaction with the terminase.
8 fic terminase and reduce packaging by lambda-terminase.
9 ocess that requires ATP hydrolysis by lambda terminase.
10 ty shell, prohead, and the packaging enzyme, terminase.
11 he concatemer-cutting endonuclease reside in terminase.
12 )28-pU(L)33 complex to form the likely viral terminase.
13 ical for structure and function of the small terminase.
14 odimeric viral DNA packaging protein, called terminase.
15 basis for a minimal kinetic model for lambda terminase.
16 inase and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) small terminase.
17 binds specifically to the ATPase domain of L-terminase.
18 tor rather than the nuclease activity of the terminase.
19 nd between GFP portal and single dye-labeled terminases.
20 ic S-terminase bound to two equivalents of L-terminase (1S-terminase:2L-terminase).
21  bound to two equivalents of L-terminase (1S-terminase:2L-terminase).
22 A translocation is accomplished by the phage terminase, a powerful molecular motor consisting of larg
23      Genome maturation is carried out by the terminase, a protein complex that mediates both insertio
24 sence or absence of genes coding for a phage terminase (ACICU_02185), a sialic acid synthase (ACICU_0
25                  We further show that lambda terminase adopts a heterogeneous mixture of higher-order
26      Genome maturation is carried out by the terminase, an enzyme complex that mediates both the inse
27 fied in herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) large terminase and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) small termina
28 r the specific endonuclease activity of HK97 terminase and is essential for phage head morphogenesis.
29  cause enhanced DNA packaging by 21-specific terminase and reduce packaging by lambda-terminase.
30                                   The Xfas53 terminase and structural genes are related at a protein
31 reported, revealing the coupling between the terminase and the connector forming a continuous channel
32 ive site, which are conserved in herpesvirus terminases and bear great similarity to the phage T4 gp1
33  data define the N-terminal ATPase center in terminases and show for the first time that subtle defec
34   The packaging machine consists of a "small terminase" and a "large terminase" component.
35  two genes are the two subunits of the HCMV "terminase" and are necessary for cleavage and packaging
36 d (gp23), portal (gp20), motor (gp17, large "terminase"), and regulator (gp16, small terminase), lead
37 8 kDa; small terminase), gp17 (70 kDa; large terminase), and gp20 (61 kDa; dodecameric portal).
38 er of proteins, including the integrase, the terminase, and two major structural proteins.
39 resolution provides the first glimpse of P22 terminase architecture and implies two distinct modes of
40                pUL6 and the associated viral terminase are required for processing of concatemeric vi
41                                              Terminases are enzymes common to complex double-stranded
42                         The structure of the terminase assembled into the complex showed a different
43                                              Terminase assembly at the packaging initiation site is r
44 ite with which a molecular motor, termed the terminase, associates during the DNA packaging reaction.
45 dentify a portal protein domain critical for terminase association with the capsid and suggest that b
46 and C-terminal nuclease domain, suggest that terminase association with the prohead portal and commun
47 inase morphological change, we generated the terminase atomic model based on the crystallographic str
48 ng studies revealed that the N-terminus of L-terminase ATPase domain (residues 1-58) contains a minim
49 l HTH motifs of the Bacillus phage SF6 small terminase bind the packaging regions of SF6 and related
50  domain (residues 1-58) contains a minimal S-terminase binding domain sufficient for stoichiometric a
51  with residues 140-162 of S-terminase, the L-terminase binding domain.
52 eaving a binary complex consisting of lambda terminase bound to the head end of the adjacent genome.
53 predominantly of one copy of the nonameric S-terminase bound to two equivalents of L-terminase (1S-te
54 leavage and packaging functions of the viral terminase, but not for terminase complex assembly.
55 ave determined the structure of the T7 large terminase by electron microscopy.
56 own a decrease in distance from the phage T4 terminase C terminus to portal consistent with a linear
57                    Mutations in the phage T4 terminase C-motif lead to loss of stimulated ATPase and
58 egion showed that all phages had related DNA terminase, C1 repressor and DNA recombinase genes.
59          This supports a model in which ES18 terminase can move substantial distances along the DNA b
60 ifferent functional classes of phage-encoded terminases can usually be predicted from their amino aci
61 taining two 21-bp direct repeats and a major terminase cleavage site in the phage genome.
62 alf of gp17 is thought to be involved in the terminase cleavage.
63                 Thus we postulate that viral terminases cleave DNA by the canonical RuvC-like mechani
64 rst direct visualization of a purified viral terminase complex analyzed in the absence of DNA and pro
65  gp1 in formation of the packaging-competent terminase complex and assembly of the terminase with the
66 unctions of the viral terminase, but not for terminase complex assembly.
67                    The human cytomegalovirus terminase complex cleaves concatemeric genomic DNA into
68  product 20 (gp20, 61 kDa) and an oligomeric terminase complex composed of gp16 (18 kDa) and gp17 (70
69             The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) terminase complex consists of several components acting
70 mass spectrometry revealed that the purified terminase complex consists predominantly of one copy of
71 ication, indicating that drugs targeting the terminase complex could be safe and selective.
72 late time point, similarly to other reported terminase complex inhibitors.
73      The structure of the complete connector-terminase complex is also reported, revealing the coupli
74                              The herpesviral terminase complex is part of the intricate machinery tha
75                               The tripartite terminase complex of herpesviruses assembles in the cyto
76 ds milligram quantities of the S-terminase:L-terminase complex of the Salmonella phage P22.
77                            In vivo assembled terminase complex was affinity-purified and stabilized b
78   One component of the human cytomegalovirus terminase complex, pUL89, provides the endonucleolytic a
79 known about the architecture of an assembled terminase complex.
80 mpered by the inability to purify the intact terminase complex.
81 nitiated through interaction between prohead-terminase complexes and transcription elongation complex
82 aracteristics of proteins that make up viral terminase complexes to identify or design additional ter
83                               In this study, terminase complexes were isolated by tandem-affinity pur
84 n of codons 400 to 420 of U(L)15, encoding a terminase component, was analyzed.
85 consists of a "small terminase" and a "large terminase" component.
86             The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) terminase components (pORF25, pORF30, and pORF45/42) hav
87  conclude that interactions between putative terminase components are tightly linked to successful vi
88  portal protein encoded by UL6, the putative terminase components encoded by UL15, UL 28, and UL33, t
89                             Whether putative terminase components localized in the nucleus or cytopla
90 kaging other than its interaction with other terminase components.
91                                              Terminases comprise essential components of molecular mo
92                         The existence of two terminase conformations and its possible relation to the
93    The docking of the threaded model in both terminase conformations showed that the transition betwe
94                                              Terminases consisting of two to three packaging-related
95                 The data suggest that the T4 terminase consists of at least two functional domains, a
96                                          The terminase contains a large subunit that is thought to cl
97  show that either ATP or ADP is required for terminase cutting at cos, to generate the active, DNA pa
98 ing on "endless" concatemeric DNA in vivo by terminase depends upon interaction with the DNA loaded g
99 th respect to the assembly and function of a terminase DNA-packaging motor are discussed.
100 veals a common scheme for oligomerization of terminase DNA-recognition components, and provides insig
101              The finding that the portal and terminase do eventually interact was supported by the ob
102 ion motors consist of a multimeric packaging terminase docked onto a unique procapsid vertex containi
103                                          The terminase docks onto the portal protein complex embedded
104 establish the function for each of the small terminase domains.
105 scuss the model in relation to proposals for terminase-driven DNA translocation in other phages.
106                                      A novel terminase-driven mechanism is proposed for translocation
107      Many dsDNA viruses encode DNA-packaging terminases, each containing a nuclease domain that resol
108 distinct, it appears that T4 and other phage terminases employ a common catalytic paradigm for phosph
109 revealed that numerous phage and viral large terminases encode a common Walker-B motif in the N-termi
110            These mutant enzymes retained the terminase endonuclease and helicase activities, but had
111 l vertex, and all components of a tripartite terminase enzyme are required to both cleave and package
112                                              Terminase enzyme complexes, which facilitate ATP-driven
113 bda genome into the viral capsid, the lambda terminase enzyme introduces symmetric nicks, 12 bp apart
114                                       As the terminase enzyme packages the genome into the phage caps
115  and U(L)28 are believed to form part of the terminase enzyme, a protein complex essential for the cl
116                           In addition to the terminase enzyme, the packaging chaperone, FI protein (g
117 and herpes viruses require the activity of a terminase enzyme, which is comprised of large and small
118  DNA is packaged into a procapsid shell by a terminase enzyme.
119  preformed procapsid structure, catalyzed by terminase enzymes and fueled by ATP hydrolysis.
120                                              Terminase enzymes are common to both eukaryotic and prok
121                                              Terminase enzymes are common to both prokaryotic and euk
122                                              Terminase enzymes are common to double-stranded DNA (dsD
123                                              Terminase enzymes are responsible for "packaging" of vir
124                                              Terminase enzymes are viral motors that package DNA into
125 to an empty procapsid, and it is likely that terminase enzymes from disparate viruses utilize a commo
126 enomes linked in a head-to-tail fashion, and terminase enzymes perform two essential functions: 1) ex
127                                        Viral terminase enzymes serve as genome packaging motors in ma
128        This work is thus of relevance to all terminase enzymes, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
129 ntains the nuclease and ATPase activities of terminase, exists as a stable monomer with an alpha/beta
130                           In contrast, small terminase exposes a classical NLS at the far C terminus
131 ined by in-drop proteolysis of full-length L-terminase (FL-L-terminase) reveals a central seven-stran
132 a monopartite NLS at the N terminus of large terminase, flanking the ATPase domain, that is conserved
133  Escherichia coli MltG (YceG) as a potential terminase for glycan polymerization that is broadly cons
134    We find that purified, recombinant lambda terminase forms a homogeneous, heterotrimeric structure,
135           The crystal structure of the large terminase from the Geobacillus stearothermophilus bacter
136 different oligomerization states for a small terminase from the T4 family of phages.
137 ed among herpesviruses are also conserved in terminases from DNA bacteriophage.
138 sis reveals that the role of HNH proteins in terminase function is widespread among long-tailed phage
139 y conserved region (region IX) essential for terminase function.
140 uence despite the selective pressure to keep terminase gene products active and localized in the nucl
141                                      The Sf6 terminase genes are unusual.
142 e (HNHE) next to their cohesive end site and terminase genes.
143 cularly permuted genome that begins with the terminase genes.
144 y a variety of factors; Mg, NaCl, ATP, small terminase gp16 and N-terminal ATPase domain.
145 nase motor (gp17), and 11- or 12-meric small terminase (gp16).
146 nuclease activity is modulated by the 'small terminase', gp16, by the N-terminal ATPase domain of gp1
147                              An 18-kDa small terminase, gp16, is also essential, but its role in DNA
148  packaging assay employed purified proheads, terminase (gp17 + gp16), and ATP to encapsidate DNA resi
149 hydrolysis in the pentameric phage T4 large "terminase" (gp17) motor.
150 , present in the C-terminal domain of 'large terminase' gp17, has been defined by mutational, biochem
151 h resides in the C-terminal domain of large 'terminase' gp17, is a weak endonuclease and regulated by
152 ted by gene product 16 (gp16) (18 kDa; small terminase), gp17 (70 kDa; large terminase), and gp20 (61
153 e phage T4 motor, a pentamer of 70-kDa large terminase, gp17, is the fastest and most powerful motor
154 we show that residue K428 of a bacteriophage terminase gp2 nuclease domain mediates binding of the me
155 ucture and regulation of bacteriophage P22 L-terminase (gp2).
156               While the enzymology of lambda-terminase has been well described, the nature of the cat
157                                          The terminases have an ATPase center located in the N termin
158 packaging experiments show that these mutant terminases have lost the ability to discriminate between
159 eneral interest, given the parallels between terminases, helicases, and other motor proteins.
160          We report that the ATPase motors of terminases, helicases, translocating restriction enzymes
161 e defects in virion assembly, and lacked the terminase high-affinity ATPase activity.
162                         Bacteriophage lambda terminase holoenzyme is a hetero-oligomer composed of th
163 results with respect to the two roles of the terminase holoenzyme, DNA maturation and DNA packaging,
164 nal on viral DNA and directs assembly of the terminase holoenzyme.
165 finger domain found in all herpesvirus ORF30 terminase homologs but also identified a novel, highly c
166 ease function of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV terminase) in vitro.
167 wne-infected cultures treated with the viral terminase inhibitor 2-bromo-5,6-dichloro-1-beta-d-ribofu
168 ch that combines treatment with an antiviral terminase inhibitor and purification by a simplified pro
169 rus drugs include viral helicase-primase and terminase inhibitors.
170 s are believed to encode two subunits of the terminase involved in cleavage and packaging of viral ge
171                                          The terminase is a powerful motor that converts ATP hydrolys
172                   Herpes simplex virus (HSV) terminase is an essential component of the molecular mot
173                                      The HSV terminase is believed to consist of the UL15, UL28, and
174                         Bacteriophage lambda terminase is composed of two subunits, gpA and gpNu1, in
175                        During translocation, terminase is docked on the prohead's portal protein.
176 utant UL89 and UL56 proteins, since the HCMV terminase is likely to interact with the portal protein
177 aging of the viral genome, whereas the large terminase is responsible for the ATP-powered translocati
178            One of the functions of the small terminase is to initiate packaging of the viral genome,
179               Phage lambda with the chimeric terminase is unable to form plaques, but pseudorevertant
180 NA packaging enzyme of bacteriophage lambda, terminase, is a heteromultimer composed of a small subun
181  terminase (S-terminase) subunit and a large terminase (L-terminase) subunit, transiently docked at t
182 ocessing nuclease, both located in the large terminase (L-terminase) subunit.
183 em that yields milligram quantities of the S-terminase:L-terminase complex of the Salmonella phage P2
184                    In addition, using active terminases labeled at the N- and C-terminal ends with a
185     We propose a scheme for the roles of P22 terminase large and small subunits in the recruitment an
186 of ectopically expressed and highly purified terminase large and small subunits.
187 ate for interaction with and cleavage by the terminase large subunit prior to DNA translocation into
188 ay structure of the C-terminal domain of the terminase large-subunit pUL15 (pUL15C) from HSV-1.
189 rge "terminase"), and regulator (gp16, small terminase), leading to precise orchestration of the pack
190                                  In HSV, the terminase likely comprises the U(L)15, U(L)28, and U(L)3
191         We show that the activity of gp74 in terminase-mediated cleavage of the phage cos site relies
192         To understand in molecular terms the terminase morphological change, we generated the termina
193  dodecameric portal (gp20), pentameric large terminase motor (gp17), and 11- or 12-meric small termin
194  Here, we present mechanistic studies on the terminase motor from bacteriophage lambda.
195                  Many viruses use a powerful terminase motor to pump their genome inside an empty pro
196 face of the expanded capsid lattice, and the terminase motors tightly package DNA, generating up to a
197 cribed in this study represent the first VZV terminase mutants reported to date.
198 ntercalating dyes arrest packaging, but rare terminase mutations confer resistance.
199 nt herpesviruses to regulate the kinetics of terminase nuclear import, reflecting a mechanism of viru
200              Crystal structures of the large terminase nuclease from the thermophilic bacteriophage G
201                                              Terminase nucleases resemble the RNase H-superfamily nuc
202                                          The terminase of herpes simplex virus (HSV) is composed of t
203 zed the interactions between small and large terminases of T4-related phages.
204   The mechanism by which a ring-shaped small terminase oligomer binds viral DNA has not previously be
205      Packaging with a C-terminal fluorescent terminase on a GFP portal prohead, FRET shows a reductio
206                                Bacteriophage terminases package DNA through the portal ring of a proc
207 etent for high affinity binding to the large terminase packaging protein, and a symmetric ring in the
208 conformation when compared with the isolated terminase pentamer.
209  residue, and that the large subunit of HK97 terminase physically interacts with gp74.
210                                        Viral terminases play essential roles as components of molecul
211 sembly and DNA packaging genes, which encode terminase, portal, scaffold, and coat proteins, are extr
212                                  Remarkably, terminases, portal proteins, and shells of tailed bacter
213                         Bacteriophage lambda terminase possesses a site-specific nuclease activity, a
214 s-driven conformational changes of portal or terminase powering DNA motion.
215 substrate did not remain stably bound by the terminase-prohead.
216 teriophage T4 motor, a pentamer of the large terminase protein (gp17) assembled at the portal vertex
217 rmed between the empty prohead and the large terminase protein (gp17) that can capture and begin pack
218 g of only two components, proheads and large terminase protein (gp17; 70 kDa), is constructed.
219 oteins closely related to coliphage lambda's terminase protein (the large subunit).
220 The crystal structure of a full-length small terminase protein from the Siphoviridae bacteriophage SF
221 rminal ATPase site of bacteriophage T4 large terminase protein gp17 is critically required for DNA pa
222    Previous evidence suggests that the large terminase protein gp17, a key component of the T4 packag
223                                    The small terminase protein is essential for the initial recogniti
224 n phage T4, there is evidence that the large terminase protein, gene product 17 (gp17), assembles int
225                                    The small terminase protein, gp16 (18 kDa), is not only not requir
226                                    The small terminase protein, gp16, inhibited DNA binding, which wa
227 l terminase protein, gpl6 (18kDa), the large terminase protein, gp17 (70kDa), and the dodecameric por
228  The phage T4 motor is composed of the small terminase protein, gpl6 (18kDa), the large terminase pro
229 An essential part of this machine, the large terminase protein, processes viral DNA into constituent
230 tal protein and two non-structural packaging/terminase proteins assembled at the unique portal vertex
231                   Biochemical studies of the terminase proteins have been hampered by the inability t
232               Viral pac site-targeting small terminase proteins possess an unusual architecture in wh
233  activity of the Terminase_1 family of large terminase proteins.
234                     We show that IHF and the terminase protomer cooperatively assemble at the cos sit
235                                   The lambda-terminase protomer is composed of one large catalytic su
236 ion that resembles a "nutcracker" with two L-terminase protomers projecting from the C-termini of an
237 proteolysis of full-length L-terminase (FL-L-terminase) reveals a central seven-stranded beta-sheet c
238 tomers projecting from the C-termini of an S-terminase ring.
239 ows a fold resembling those of bacteriophage terminases, RNase H, integrases, DNA polymerases, and to
240 stranded DNA viruses by a complex of a small terminase (S-terminase) subunit and a large terminase (L
241                                This chimeric terminase's ability to package lambdaDNA is reduced appr
242                                              Terminase's ATPase consists of a classic nucleotide bind
243 ich gpA residues 46 and 84 are important for terminase's high-affinity ATPase activity.
244 ATPase are highly conserved among >200 large terminase sequences analyzed, these may represent common
245   Sixteen T4-family and numerous phage small terminases show CCMs in the corresponding region of the
246 kaging initiation complex assembled from the terminase small subunit and the packaging region on vira
247 DNA-interacting region on Shigella virus Sf6 terminase small subunit gp1, which occupies extended sur
248 aPI interaction, int (integrase) terS (phage terminase small subunit homologue) and pif (phage interf
249 th phage DNA packaging by blocking the phage terminase small subunit.
250 e complexes to identify or design additional terminase-specific compounds.
251                                    The small terminase subunit (gp16) is inhibitory for packaging lin
252 headful packaging mechanism and encode small terminase subunit (TerS) homologs that recognize the SaP
253 nto the interaction between the larger pUL56 terminase subunit and the smaller pUL89 subunit.
254 e probed the mechanism of the phage T4 large terminase subunit gp17 by analyzing linear DNAs that are
255                                    The small terminase subunit has three domains, an N-terminal DNA-b
256 o study the effect of mutations in the large terminase subunit in bacteriophage lambda on packaging m
257        In bacteriophage lambda the catalytic terminase subunit is gpA, which is responsible for matur
258  assemble at the cos site and that the small terminase subunit plays the dominant role in complex ass
259 tein pUL25, the portal protein pUL6, and the terminase subunit pUL33.
260 n, we predicted a classical NLS in the third terminase subunit that is partially conserved among herp
261 que long region 15 (UL15; encoding the large terminase subunit), A374V in UL32 (required for DNA clea
262 only by cos phages, in addition to the large terminase subunit, for cos-site cleavage and melting.
263 eactive residues 46 and 84 of gpA, the large terminase subunit, were studied.
264 y provided by an ATPase present in the large terminase subunit.
265 viruses by a complex of a small terminase (S-terminase) subunit and a large terminase (L-terminase) s
266 -terminase) subunit and a large terminase (L-terminase) subunit, transiently docked at the portal ver
267 ease, both located in the large terminase (L-terminase) subunit.
268 s in elucidating the structure of individual terminase subunits and their domains, little is known ab
269 ell characterized, little is known about the terminase subunits and their molecular mechanism of DNA
270                                     The five terminase subunits assemble in a toroid that encloses a
271  of a dodecameric portal and small and large terminase subunits assembled at the special head-tail co
272 -driven conformational reorganization of the terminase subunits assembled on viral DNA, which is cent
273 ed that both location and potency of NLSs in terminase subunits evolved more rapidly than the rest of
274          We propose that swapping NLSs among terminase subunits is a regulatory mechanism that allows
275 t that both the pU(L)15- and pU(L)28-bearing terminase subunits mediate docking of the terminase with
276 Previous results indicated that the putative terminase subunits of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) enc
277              Bioinformatic analysis of large terminase subunits shows that the different functional c
278 al gene assignments included small and large terminase subunits, capsid and tail genes, an N6-DNA ade
279 n the specific DNA interactions of the small terminase subunits, which have support helix-turn-recogn
280 ts lacking functional 80alpha or SaPI1 small terminase subunits.
281                                    The large terminase (TerL) protein contains both enzymatic activit
282 ts of three components: portal, motor (large terminase; TerL) and regulator (small terminase; TerS).
283 (large terminase; TerL) and regulator (small terminase; TerS).
284 y a virally encoded molecular machine called terminase that consists of two protein components: A DNA
285 ovir is a small-molecule drug targeting HCMV terminase that is currently in phase III clinical trials
286 ith UL15 and UL33 to form a protein complex (terminase) that is presumed to cleave concatemeric DNA i
287 sphohydrolase and endonuclease activities of terminase, the function of gp3 may be to regulate specif
288 etric association with residues 140-162 of S-terminase, the L-terminase binding domain.
289 ture of the portal and its interactions with terminase, the packaging enzyme, are altered, thus signa
290 s a virally encoded molecular machine called terminase to package the viral double-stranded DNA (dsDN
291 y the portal protein, or connector, plus the terminase, which are located at an especial prohead vert
292 erful virally encoded molecular motor called terminase, which comprises large (gp2, 499 residues) and
293 ome by means of a protein complex called the terminase, which is comprised of the HSV-1 UL15, UL28, a
294                         Bacteriophage lambda-terminase, which serves as a prototypical genome packagi
295 tiated by the small subunit of the packaging terminase, which specifically binds to the packaging sig
296                                    The small terminase, which stimulates gp17-ATPase, also stimulates
297  into empty viral procapsids by the phage T4 terminase with high efficiency in vitro.
298 ng terminase subunits mediate docking of the terminase with the portal vertex.
299 petent terminase complex and assembly of the terminase with the portal, in which ring-like protein ol
300                                       lambda-Terminase with the recognition helix of 21 preferentiall

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