


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  N-methylation of the mature (pseudo)pilin N terminus.
2 ylation of key serine residues in the IRF6 C-terminus.
3 de range of conditions and at either protein terminus.
4 wo conserved Trp(1)-Cys(2) residues at the N terminus.
5  precedes the proteasome-activating carboxyl terminus.
6 d when the needle tip is close to the apical terminus.
7 different charge and length at the protein C-terminus.
8 h a novel dynein interacting site near its C terminus.
9 a plastid transit peptide (PTP) at its amino terminus.
10 ires only the two cysteines closest to the C-terminus.
11 s using an amphipathic helix at its unique N-terminus.
12 top codon with 46 additional codons at the C-terminus.
13  transactivation domain (TAD) of the BMAL1 C terminus.
14 drophobic signal sequence near the protein N terminus.
15 of as few as seven amino acids from the K2 C terminus.
16 d fusing an interacting BH3 peptide to the C terminus.
17 t with faster reverse protonation from the C terminus.
18 on on Ser-1700 and Ser-1928 at the channel C terminus.
19 roteins that interact with the CB1R at the C-terminus.
20 o the flagella in the absence of the IFT46 N-terminus.
21 owth factor receptor at tyrosine 88 in its N-terminus.
22  dependent on the effector function of the N-terminus.
23  TF palmitoylation occurs primarily in the N terminus.
24 isomerization of a single proline near the C-terminus.
25 entified an Snx3 sorting motif in the Neo1 N-terminus.
26 tic domain in the C terminus of A3G to its N terminus.
27 hed to cysteine has been introduced at its N-terminus.
28 t with faster forward deprotonation to the C terminus.
29 n anti-autoinhibitor domain at the extreme C-terminus.
30 d between the glutamate-binding domain and C-terminus.
31 ingle leucine-rich repeat (LRR) within its N-terminus.
32  a buttressing force directly on the glacier terminus.
33  that FBXO32 physically interacts with the N-terminus (1-60 aa) of KLF4 via its C-terminus (228-355 a
34 rylation at threonine-468 of a CB1R distal C-terminus 14-mer peptide reduced CB1R-CRIP1a association.
35 h the N-terminus (1-60 aa) of KLF4 via its C-terminus (228-355 aa) and directly targets KLF4 for ubiq
36 her result leads to DNA damage at the primer terminus (3-end) during the succeeding insertion event.
37    Ubiquitination of GABARAP occurs in the N terminus, a domain associated with ATG8-family-specific
38 ified a nuclear export signal (NES) at the N terminus (AAs 176-192) that contributes to CASZ1 nuclear
39 , we define a critical region at the CASZ1 N terminus (AAs 23-40) that mediates the CASZ1b nuclear lo
40 ings are consistent with a model where the N terminus acts as a lever to support amphetamine-induced
41  Lys-72 as an acetylation site in the ERK1 N terminus, adjacent to Lys-71, which binds to ATP, sugges
42 ingle amino acid in the distal part of the C-terminus affects multiple aspects of NHE3 complex format
43             Our observations show that the N terminus affords the switch between transport modes.
44 ctural alterations that propagate from the N terminus all the way to the C terminus, without destabil
45                                  The N- to C-terminus amide cyclized peptide with one d-amino acid (k
46  of the ligand's ammonium group toward the N-terminus and (B) to the lack of a helical kink upon liga
47 patients impaired the interaction with the C terminus and also affected protein stability.
48 demonstrate that substitutions at both the N-terminus and C-terminus of Cl-amidine result in >100-fol
49                         Mutations near the N-terminus and C-terminus of PZase were associated with Ea
50  single positive charge from the lysine at C-terminus and causes aggregation of citrate anion-stabili
51                   This effect requires the N-terminus and coiled-coil domain (C-C) as mutations withi
52    Casein kinase 2 (CK2) binds to the NHE3 C-terminus and constitutively phosphorylates a downstream
53 zed several variants located in the GluN2B C terminus and found that three variants in patients with
54 (T) residues within the Presenilin 1 (PS1) N-terminus and in the large hydrophilic loop region sugges
55  also permissive communication of the Orai N terminus and loop2 in an isoform-specific manner.
56       Nesprin-2G engaged actin through its N terminus and microtubules through a novel dynein interac
57 M1-specific inhibitors should focus on its N-terminus and predict that other PRMTs may employ similar
58                CXCL11 depends on the ACKR3 N terminus and some extracellular loop (ECL) positions for
59 like CRY circadian regulation on the BMAL1 C terminus and the CLK PAS-B domain and demonstrate the im
60  domain, dynamic flexibility occurs at the N-terminus and the first alpha-helix that connects the Hly
61 e, which leads to the repositioning of the N terminus and transition to an inward-open state.
62 ex with peptides corresponding to the RPN2 C terminus and ubiquitin.
63  at Tyr(334) (in the newly exposed deltaKD N terminus), and this (or an S359A substitution) rescues d
64 tion of helices I-V from ChR1, without its C-terminus, and helices VI-VII from ChR2, is used as a tem
65  modulates the palmitoylation of TF at the N terminus, and palmitoylated TF is preferentially traffic
66 lpha-helix in its aggregation-accelerating N terminus, and semi-rigid polyproline II helices in the p
67 ansport complex A binding to the TULP3/TUB N terminus, and subsequent release into PI(4,5)P2-deficien
68                       Expression of the K2 C terminus as an extension of membrane-anchored P-selectin
69 d, truncated leucine zipper motif near the N terminus as well as a strictly conserved arginine residu
70 ccupied N-linked glycosylation site at the N terminus at position 1 (equivalent to Asp-221 in the Fc
71 nteractions with the CaV2.1 alpha1 subunit C-terminus at the active zone, the role of these interacti
72 ion) "undocks" and repositions the cofilin N terminus away from the filament axis, which compromises
73 Finally, we demonstrated that UL46 via its N terminus binds to STING and, via its C terminus, to TBK1
74                           The helix at the C-terminus binds to the well-known p53-binding pocket in m
75 -CoV S protein fused to the RABV G protein C terminus (BNSP333-S1).
76 r phosphorylation, primarily in the carboxyl terminus but also in the cytoplasmic loops, and subseque
77 However, the humoral response to the PfCSP C terminus (C-PfCSP) is less well characterized.
78 imal syntaxin 1A-binding sequence of Kv2.1 C terminus (C1aB) was first identified via a far-Western p
79                                  The IFT46 C-terminus can assemble into and stabilize IFT-B but does
80 in CAR-DCN was engineered with an extended C-terminus comprised of CAR homing peptide that recognizes
81  duplex nucleic acids in which the 3-OH nick terminus consists of two or more ribonucleotides.
82 n of two acidic sequences within the MRE11 C terminus containing serines 558/561 and 688/689.
83                Peptides mimicking the CB1R C-terminus could bind to both CRIP1a in cell extracts as w
84                         The proximal Kv7.1 C terminus (CT) binds calmodulin (CaM) and phosphatidylino
85 hanous-autoregulatory domain (DAD) and the C terminus (CT) of formins have also been shown to regulat
86 t cognate metal binding to RcnR orders its N terminus, decreases helix 1 flexibility, and induces con
87                These mutations, as well as C terminus deletion (Cox1DeltaC15), reduced binding of Mss
88                     Deletion of the distal N-terminus (Delta2-135) accelerated off-gating current, bu
89  of the last 10 amino acids from the pUL33 C terminus did not affect viral replication or the interac
90 ta20 IFITM2) lacking 20 amino acids at the N terminus differentially restricts X4 and R5 HIV-1.
91 splicing variant missing 90 amino acids at C-terminus does not promote LD fusion or TAG accumulation,
92 action between the channel's intracellular C-terminus domain and the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-
93  change of the GluN1 subunit intracellular C-terminus domain.
94 s) and human BCL9 and B9L to show that the C-terminus downstream of their adaptor elements is crucial
95 and hydrophobic spacer peptide (SP) at its C-terminus early in the maturation process, which is progr
96 evels of EIN2 protein and demonstrate EIN2 C terminus (EIN2-C) is sufficient to rescue the levels of
97  oil to disperse the droplets at the circuit terminus for analysis.
98 configuration, the last 36 residues at the C-terminus form a bundle of five alpha-helices co-linear w
99  by the ubiquitin-proteasome system and an N-terminus fragment remains in the cytoplasm where it asso
100 esult is consistent with the view that the C-terminus functions as a molecular sieve and stabilizer o
101                         In particular, the C terminus functions as a toggle switch, which affects acc
102 ereby restricting it to homologous to E6AP C-terminus (HECT) and RING-in-between-RING (RBR) E3s.
103      In contrast, CIA2A bound to viperin's N terminus in a CIA1-, CIA2B-, and MMS19-independent fashi
104 We present crystal structures of the eVP30 C-terminus in complex with this eNP peptide.
105 ull-length approximately 7-kDa cytoplasmic C terminus in cultured cells and purified from Escherichia
106 en AR retains LBD suggesting a role for AR C-terminus in E2/E3 substrate recognition.
107                       Ordering of the ArfA N-terminus in the second state rearranges RF2 into an exte
108 ombinant domain 1, 1+2 (N terminus), or 4 (C terminus) independently activated myofibroblast differen
109 hold of positive charge in the mutant CALR C terminus influences both binding of mutant CALR to MPL a
110               Phosphor-residues at the amino-terminus instigate an intra-molecular interaction that e
111                      Specifically, the TFG C terminus interacts with Sec23 through a shared interface
112 ons, L290S and A296V, converting the FHR-1 C terminus into that of factor H (FH).
113 n could sterically hinder insertion of the N terminus into the HABP2 protease domain, helping to expl
114 idic residues Asp and Glu near the peptide N-terminus is by far the most prominent among them.
115  that tyrosine (Y382-384) within the P2X7R C-terminus is differentially modulated by repeated morphin
116                                The ARTEMIS C terminus is dispensable for cellular V(D)J recombination
117 clusion, the conserved portion of the Orai N terminus is essential for STIM1, as it fine-tunes the op
118               Our results reveal that POT1 C terminus is essential to prevent initiation of genome in
119 ed C terminus, whereas the surface-exposed N terminus is highly variable, a feature used for identifi
120 the main coupling site for STIM1, the Orai N terminus is indispensable for Orai channel gating.
121 ty of SWR, whereas an acidic region at the N-terminus is required for optimal SWR function.
122 data suggest that polymorphism in the CagA C-terminus is responsible for differential alterations in
123 id residues and an anionic pyranine at the N-terminus is triggered upon addition of a supramolecular
124 ia their amino terminus, whereas the carboxy terminus is unstructured and therefore may better tolera
125 3 has a 20 kDa internally translated small C terminus isoform, GJA1-20k (Gap Junction Protein Alpha 1
126 nded polyglutamine (polyQ) sequence at the N terminus leads to neuronal degeneration both in a cell-a
127 ased to bind to the carrier domain via its C-terminus, locking the carrier in an inhibited state.
128                 We conclude that the IFT46 N-terminus, ODA16, and outer arm dynein interact for IFT o
129  enzyme first removes 10 residues from the N-terminus of a 35-residue substrate.
130 tached the complementary DNA strand to the N-terminus of a protein.
131 d group is attached to a cysteine near the C terminus of a substrate protein by protein farnesyltrans
132 extending from the catalytic domain in the C terminus of A3G to its N terminus.
133  find that location of cysteine at the amino terminus of an alpha-helix, associated with activity in
134 activity produces Cys-sulfinic acid at the N terminus of an ERF-VII peptide, which then undergoes eff
135  interaction assay reveals that the carboxyl terminus of APC interacts with the matrix region of Gag.
136 H3 nucleosome binding CENPC-k motif at the C terminus of Arabidopsis thaliana KNL2, which is conserve
137  peptides and proteins specifically at the C-terminus of aspartic acid and at the N-terminus of cyste
138            We propose a model in which the C-terminus of ATP8A2 consists of an autoinhibitor domain u
139            We investigated the role of the C-terminus of ATP8A2 in its expression, subcellular locali
140 s of immunization with NtCFlg fused to the C-terminus of Bet v 1 inhibited binding of patients' IgE a
141 NtCFlg) was genetically fused to the N- or C-terminus of Bet v 1.
142 ed RII subunits directing the myristylated N terminus of catalytic subunits toward the membrane for r
143                        Fusing GFP onto the C-terminus of CbiK(P) confirmed that the protein is transp
144                        When we replace the C terminus of CCR5 with the C terminus of CXCR4, R5 viruse
145 sitive cysteine and lysine residues within N-terminus of channel protein.
146 ted in the membrane-proximal region of the N terminus of chECL1, suggesting that the binding site of
147 r the addition of IDL (Ile-Asp-Leu) to the C terminus of CHR peptide WQ or MT-WQ, the conjugated pept
148 t substitutions at both the N-terminus and C-terminus of Cl-amidine result in >100-fold increases in
149                        Rare codons at the 5' terminus of coding sequences have been shown to increase
150 we replace the C terminus of CCR5 with the C terminus of CXCR4, R5 viruses become more susceptible to
151 the C-terminus of aspartic acid and at the N-terminus of cysteine.
152  conserved FLV motif was identified in the C-terminus of DLP1, mutation of which significantly reduce
153                                  Thus, the N-terminus of DPPA3 has a significant role in cytoplasmic
154 (KIM) located within the non-catalytic amino terminus of DUSP2.
155               Here we demonstrate that the N terminus of E3 is necessary to inhibit an IFN-primed vir
156 ial proteasomal ATPases, buries the carboxyl terminus of each protomer in the central channel of the
157 we examined the structural dynamics of the C-terminus of EcMscL using site-directed spin labelling el
158           Further, the Endocarpon-specific C-terminus of EpMBF1 was found to participate in stress to
159                                        The N terminus of Ets-1 interacts with a part of the ERK2 D-re
160 eity of signal peptide cleavage at the amino terminus of FGF2, whereas IGF1 displayed homogeneous ami
161 ic spine morphology and interacts with the C terminus of GABAB receptors (GABABRs) to control their c
162 ) DCs, the mutant virus that lacks the amino terminus of gamma134.5 undergoes temporal replication wi
163 ngle chain variable fragment (scFv) at the N-terminus of gD failed to mediate entry, even though the
164 dies reacted with linear epitopes near the N terminus of gH, exhibited strain specificity, and neutra
165                      The extracellular amino terminus of gK has been shown to be important to the abi
166  for the structure and function of the amino terminus of gK.IMPORTANCE We have previously identified
167 some degradation, and fusion of GFP to the C-terminus of hClC-Kb improves protein expression.
168 nce of various modes of interaction of the N-terminus of hDAT in controlling the pathways of release.
169 icity of the PHD domain for the unmodified N terminus of histone H3 and of the BRD domain for H3 acet
170 in, triggering EZH2 degradation through COOH terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP)-mediated ub
171 ry and neurotropic determinants in the amino terminus of HSV-1 glycoprotein K (gK).
172 3-3 protein binding of the cytoplasmic amino-terminus of iRhom2 alter its interaction with mature TAC
173     Our findings indicate that the extreme C terminus of K2 is essential for integrin co-activation a
174  PA specifically and directly binds to the C terminus of KIF5B.
175 ctrophoretic mobility shift assay that the C terminus of KNL2 binds DNA sequence-independently and in
176 es indicate that the 22 amino acids at the C terminus of Loqs-PD, including an FDF-like motif, direct
177 ests that the key binding partners are the C-terminus of LtnA1 and pyrophosphate of lipid II.
178  of alpha1(I) collagen (Trimer-Tag) to the C-terminus of mature human TRAIL leads to a disulfide bond
179                                        The N-terminus of MerA is able to extract the bound Pb(VI) but
180                                        The N-terminus of MLL and MLL-fusions form a complex with lens
181 pan-opioid sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe at the N terminus of most endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs).
182 a a recently identified LEWD domain in the C-terminus of nesprin-1.
183 gnalling by identifying a C2 domain at the N-terminus of Notch ligands, which has both lipid- and rec
184 complementation analyses revealed that the C terminus of OeGLU is essential for the proper assembly o
185 nt virus containing stop codons at the amino terminus of ORF2 does not reactivate from latency in cal
186 ctly conserved arginine residue toward the C terminus of ORF52 play critical roles in its ability to
187                                 The carboxyl terminus of p17 is necessary for interaction with CDK2 a
188 cid mutations and a modified HA tag at the C terminus of PB1, which is sufficient to attenuate the IB
189      In the final transmembrane state, the C terminus of pHLIP gets exposed to the cytoplasm of the t
190 ate that the membrane translocation of the C terminus of pHLIP, the folding step more directly releva
191 es the attachment of the GPI anchor to the C terminus of precursor proteins in the endoplasmic reticu
192 ovalent attachment of myristic acid to the N terminus of proteins in eukaryotic cells.
193     Additionally, our results identify the C terminus of PrP(C) as a new and potentially more druggab
194          Mutations near the N-terminus and C-terminus of PZase were associated with East-Asian and Eu
195  we report that 3E10 directly binds to the N-terminus of RAD51, sequesters RAD51 in the cytoplasm, an
196 identify a polybasic motif in the proximal C terminus of retigabine-sensitive KCNQ channels that cont
197 estin complex, in which the phosphorylated C terminus of rhodopsin forms an extended intermolecular b
198             The zf-MYND-like domain at the N terminus of rice CCR4 and the PXLXP motif of rice CAF1 p
199  revealed that the Mynd-like domain at the N-terminus of rice CCR4 proteins and the PXLXP motif at th
200 lycine and an added GGGGSLPETGG peptide at C-terminus of SCRII, SCRII subunits were conjugated by sor
201       Adding a transmembrane anchor to the N-terminus of Sec17 bypasses this requirement for apolarit
202 ox active cysteine pair C52 and C57 in the N terminus of Sil1 results in the Doa10-dependent ERAD of
203     Fluorescent protein fusions to the amino terminus of small capsid protein VP26 are the most widel
204                  The data suggest that the C terminus of SPI-1 acts as a competitive inhibitor of tar
205  last four amino acids at the newly formed C terminus of SPI-1 matched both the cleavage specificity
206         In vitro studies showed the acidic N-terminus of Swc5 preferentially binds to the H2A-H2B dim
207 how that a unique, conserved domain at the C-terminus of Swc5, called Bucentaur (BCNT), is essential
208 believed to be mediated by both the N- and C-terminus of TDP-43; however, the mechanistic basis of th
209               We propose a model where the C terminus of TF modulates the palmitoylation of TF at the
210 s in the intermembrane space are high, the N-terminus of the amphipathic alpha-helix is bound to a cl
211 on function-1 (AF-1) domain located in the N-terminus of the androgen receptor (AR) is an attractive
212 L36 interacts directly with the regulative N terminus of the Arabidopsis plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPas
213 rgies, arising from addition to the nitrogen terminus of the C horizontal lineN bond.
214            Conserved basic residues at the N terminus of the channel are important for activation by
215  of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the C-terminus of the channel may ameliorate proteasome degrad
216 -bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P2) binds to the N terminus of the channel-distal from the pore-and the hel
217 ry similar to that of the tetramer but the C terminus of the dimer is more flexible.
218  of interaction of both Cy3 and Cy5 with the terminus of the dsRNA is significantly different from th
219                 A disordered region at the N-terminus of the glucocorticoid receptor can fine tune ho
220 gold finger peptides were derived from the C-terminus of the HIV nucleocapsid p7 protein (NCp7-F2) an
221 prior to secretion by the pathogen and the N terminus of the mature effector was found likely to be a
222 tes and occurs co-translationally when the N-terminus of the nascent polypeptide is still attached to
223 ositioning the aromatic units close to the N-terminus of the peptide backbone near the hydrophobic co
224 mon posttranslational modifications at the C terminus of the peptide in vivo to create the pathogenic
225 durans membrane fraction suggests that the N-terminus of the protein interacts with the membrane.
226 e cohesion is mediated by sequences in the N terminus of the protein.
227 t the Salmonella adaptor ClpS binds to the N terminus of the regulatory protein PhoP, resulting in Ph
228 n-I inhibits release by inserting into the C-terminus of the SNARE complex.
229 eoxyribose sugar remnant (3'ddR5p) at the 3'-terminus of the strand break.
230 d to a truncated SNARE complex lacking the C-terminus of the synaptobrevin SNARE motif (SNAREDelta60)
231 ariants (R8272Q, S8381C and N8406K) in the C-terminus of the SYNE1 gene (nesprin-1) were identified i
232  inactive dSpCas9 protein fused to the amino-terminus of the transposase enzyme designed to target th
233            These data demonstrate that the N terminus of the VACV E3 protein prevents DAI-mediated in
234  dynamic dissociation of NHERF1/2 from the C terminus of TRPC5 as a prerequisite for DAG sensitivity.
235 ghts into the impact of damage at the primer terminus on genomic stability and DNA synthesis.
236                 When 8-oxoG is at the primer terminus opposite cytosine, DNA centric changes lead to
237  Treatment with recombinant domain 1, 1+2 (N terminus), or 4 (C terminus) independently activated myo
238 our additional Cys residues in TF's unique C terminus, or all nine Cys residues in TF.
239 t alpha-helix (within the purified soluble C terminus) partitioned into membranes only when its acidi
240           In addition, mice expressing the C terminus phosphonull in ipRGCs reentrain faster to a del
241 king all C-terminal phosphorylation sites (C terminus phosphonull) leads to a prolonged intrinsic lig
242 ate that both the charge and length of the C-terminus play an important role at the stage of initial
243 teins and the PXLXP motif at the rice CAF1 N-terminus play critical roles in OsCCR4-OsCAF1 interactio
244 e the evidence that the negatively charged C-terminus plays a critical role in the regulation of alph
245                       We conclude that the C-terminus plays an important role in the efficient foldin
246        These peptides were extended at the C terminus (POmega) and contained charged amino acids not
247                                Regardless of terminus position, the (125)I-HPEM label provided more t
248                                   The POT1 C-terminus (POT1C) forms a bilobal structure consisting of
249 strates, ADP-ribosylation of the Ub carboxyl terminus precludes ubiquitylation.
250 rees for JM22 and by a focus by F50 on the C terminus rather than the center of the MHC alpha1 helix
251  mechanism by which phosphorylation at the C terminus regulates calcium signaling by tuning the conte
252 , mostly based on their long intracellular C terminus regulating trafficking to the cell membrane, pr
253                Moreover, dissection of the C terminus revealed that palmitoylation was not sufficient
254 sphorylation at four sites within the AQP2 C terminus (Ser(256), Ser(261), Ser(264), and Thr(269)), o
255 y conserved serine residue near the carboxyl terminus (Ser-883 in Xenopus).
256 rnative 3'-end processing, whose divergent C terminus shares the CBD common to all isoforms, but lack
257 we found that the 2nd position towards the N-terminus side of the HA PCS (P2 position) avoided hydrop
258         Meanwhile, charge variation of the C-terminus significantly changed the rate of alpha-synucle
259                                     At its N terminus, SLP-76 has three key tyrosines (Tyr-113, Tyr-1
260  Glacier, Nepal, to aid assessment of future terminus stability.
261 excited state ensemble was an unstructured N-terminus stabilized by non-native contacts in a conforma
262  observed that the last 18 residues of the C terminus ("tail" region) of IN (residues 1-286) determin
263 efers a longer NS domain at the non-reducing terminus than FGF22-FGFR1c2 In addition, FGF22-FGFR1c2 c
264 cine motif housed in the cytoplasmic Slack C terminus that binds AP-2.
265 d nuclear localization signal (NLS) at its C-terminus that binds to importin-beta and is required for
266 ing domain) and a region closer to the amino-terminus that collectively could completely determine th
267 ccumulation of NOTCH2 carrying a truncated C terminus that escapes FBW7-mediated ubiquitination and d
268           One isoform, Orb2A, has a unique N-terminus that has been shown to be important for the for
269 We identify a conserved region in the Ulp2 C terminus that mediates its specificity for rDNA-associat
270 d bulky hydrophobic nature to the AbetapE3 N terminus that might explain the enhanced aggregation pro
271 Key molecular determinants within the Orai N terminus that together with STIM1 maintained the typical
272 rries a polyglutamine stretch close to the C-terminus that triggers a neurodegenerative disease in hu
273                    In addition to the Orai C terminus, the main coupling site for STIM1, the Orai N t
274 metal binding altered flexibility from the N terminus through helix 1 and modulated the RcnR-DNA inte
275 in through a 37-residue domain and the HCN C terminus through the TPR domains.
276  recruits KPAP1 poly(A) polymerase to the 3' terminus, thus leading to pre-mRNA stabilization, or dec
277 its N terminus binds to STING and, via its C terminus, to TBK1.
278 ocated to the plasma membrane, whereas the C-terminus truncated (DeltaC) form localized in the cytopl
279  selective expression of dominant-negative C-terminus-truncated human DISC1 (mutant DISC1) in astrocy
280                     This dependence on the C terminus was also observed in activation of endogenous a
281 pecific dsDNA binding protein Sso7d in the N-terminus was designed.
282 ng membranes: in the absence of Na(+), the N terminus was rapidly digested.
283       Residues 582 to 596 in the DAT carboxy terminus were identified as the primary binding site of
284 APT6, having the (HE)3DANS sequence at the N terminus were produced and site-specifically labeled usi
285 sid proteins bind to capsids via their amino terminus, whereas the carboxy terminus is unstructured a
286 ved sortase A-dependent cell wall-anchored C terminus, whereas the surface-exposed N terminus is high
287 ant far more rapidly when pulling from the N terminus, whereas translocation speed is reduced only mo
288  conserved threonine in the cytosolic AMT1 C terminus, which allosterically inactivates AMT1 trimers.
289  a unique 29-amino acid insertion near the C terminus, which folds as a separate domain in the struct
290 hes to lipid cargoes via a PX motif at its C-terminus, which has nanomolar affinity for bilayers cont
291 face of the beta1AR, but the extracellular N-terminus, which is a target for post-translational modif
292 with drastically different conformation of N-terminus, which is also a key difference between Dark an
293 ssion with a chromosomal bias from origin to terminus, which is associated with a similar general bia
294 epends on a proline-rich sequence near the N terminus, which is unique among HOX genes and highly con
295    This efflux was proposed to rely on the N terminus, which was suggested to adopt different conform
296 lusion of exon 3 generates a unique carboxyl terminus with specific anti-apoptotic functions.
297 T inhibitors, whereas substituting the DAT C terminus with that of SERT affected neither substrate no
298                          Replacing the DAT N terminus with that of SERT had no effect on DA transport
299 ate from the N terminus all the way to the C terminus, without destabilizing the dimeric state.
300                Placement of a label at the C terminus yields the best biodistribution features for bo

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