コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ty (assessed during re-lengthening following tetanic stimulation).
2 m a persistent presynaptic [Ca2+]i following tetanic stimulation.
3 sticity, or LTP induced by several trains of tetanic stimulation.
4 ppocampus by enhancing synaptic responses to tetanic stimulation.
5 ressions could not be reversed by subsequent tetanic stimulation.
6 of synaptic depression during high-frequency tetanic stimulation.
7 ike endocytosis, depended on the duration of tetanic stimulation.
8 synapses that is dependent on the pattern of tetanic stimulation.
9 ts' appearing in repeatable locations during tetanic stimulation.
10 ose at specific, repeatable locations during tetanic stimulation.
11 TR) function-blocking antiserum, or previous tetanic stimulation.
12 profiles of ARGs in response to LTP-inducing tetanic stimulation.
13 ablished LTP when applied 1, 3, or 5 h after tetanic stimulation.
14 ion from internalized membrane objects after tetanic stimulation.
15 aving synaptic inhibition more intact during tetanic stimulation.
16 omuscular transmission, during and following tetanic stimulation.
17 s containing polyribosomes were larger after tetanic stimulation.
18 thening of the ILCx-BNST synapses after ILCx tetanic stimulation.
19 expressing long-term potentiation induced by tetanic stimulation.
20 air mobilization of synaptic vesicles during tetanic stimulation.
21 gnificantly reduced the effectiveness of the tetanic stimulation.
22 ow-frequency control stimulation or repeated tetanic stimulation.
23 naptic depression after different amounts of tetanic stimulation.
24 h prior to and following 100 or 200 Hz (1 s) tetanic stimulation.
25 ion and endocytosis were slowed by prolonged tetanic stimulation.
26 l, synaptic potentiation induced by a single tetanic stimulation (100 Hz for 1 s) was enhanced after
28 CA1 pyramidal neurons after weak and strong tetanic stimulations (100 Hz, 400 and 1000 msec, respect
29 was significantly increased following brief tetanic stimulation (18.1 +/- 1.6 to 22.3 +/- 2.0 flashe
30 ynaptic potentiation produced by rather mild tetanic stimulation (20 Hz, 2 sec) at Aplysia sensory-mo
31 n (n=11) and paired-pulse enhancement (n=4); tetanic stimulation (25 Hz, 1.0 s) produced sustained (>
39 measure the rate of membrane retrieval after tetanic stimulation, and the amount of membrane transfer
40 be reliably induced by specific patterns of tetanic stimulation, and the level of LTD depends on bot
43 scillations were evoked in the CA1 region by tetanic stimulation at one or two sites simultaneously,
44 on CA1 and that LTD was found in response to tetanic stimulation at the trough of the local theta wav
46 ce TrkB was regulated only by high frequency tetanic stimulation, but not by low frequency stimulatio
47 L-LTP is typically induced by homosynaptic tetanic stimulation; but associative forms of learning a
48 actin/G-actin equilibrium, we show here that tetanic stimulation causes a rapid, persistent shift of
53 hypothesis for the mechanism of PTP is that tetanic stimulation elevates presynaptic calcium that in
55 ed from preganglionic nerve terminals during tetanic stimulation enhanced neuronal excitability and e
56 ts (PBs) stimulation are among the effective tetanic stimulations for induction of long-term potentia
59 were compared after low-frequency control or tetanic stimulation in hippocampal slices from postnatal
60 ed vesicle depletion near active zones after tetanic stimulation in staurosporine-treated preparation
61 ation (L-LTP) induced by either forskolin or tetanic stimulation in the hippocampal mossy fiber and S
62 rical activity in response to high-frequency tetanic stimulation in the hippocampus after head injury
64 genous BDNF promoted the induction of LTP by tetanic stimulation in young (postnatal day 12-13) hippo
69 nist or an endogenous ligand released during tetanic stimulation induced robust rhythms of the subthr
71 ng presynaptic calcium increases produced by tetanic stimulation may activate these isoforms to produ
77 ns on single CA3 pyramidal neurons following tetanic stimulation of individual dentate gyrus granule
83 tion takes place in hippocampal slices after tetanic stimulation of Schaffer collateral synapses.
84 was an attenuation of LTP elicited by either tetanic stimulation of Schaffer collaterals or a pairing
89 tion of EPSP and population spike, following tetanic stimulation of the perforant path, was observed
90 icity, homosynaptic potentiation produced by tetanic stimulation of the presynaptic neuron in Aplysia
92 mporoammonic afferents to CA1 neurons, brief tetanic stimulation of the residual excitatory synapses
96 ssed at Aplysia sensorimotor synapses when a tetanic stimulation of the sensory neurons was paired wi
100 DNF was of the same order as that induced by tetanic stimulation or substitution of the bathing mediu
101 s PKC isozymes in slices subjected to low or tetanic stimulation, or perfused with phorbol esters (PD
103 hat LTP induced by a theta-burst pairing and tetanic stimulation protocols causes the rapid delivery
104 S or TBS gave similar levels of LTP and post tetanic stimulation (PTP), suggesting that the response
105 bility of hippocampal synapses to respond to tetanic stimulation, rather than to a direct modulation
107 riple KO mice, calcium transients induced by tetanic stimulation rely on calcium entry via La(3+)- an
109 stable platelet-activating factor analogue, tetanic stimulation that normally induces long-term syna
110 ot on NMDARs, but, when induced by a form of tetanic stimulation that produced prolonged postsynaptic
112 howed that PBs could be used as an effective tetanic stimulation to study the synaptic plasticity in
113 m potentiation (LTP) induced by one train of tetanic stimulation (TS) in the CA1 region of hippocampa
115 LTP and conventional L-LTP induced by strong tetanic stimulation were completely normal in BDNF-KIV m
120 terminals during and for some minutes after tetanic stimulation, while at the same time the plasma m
121 fter control stimulation to 39% +/- 4% after tetanic stimulation, with a commensurate loss of polyrib
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