


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 D5 complex acts as the primary ER-peroxisome tether.
2 ng extremely short (2 nm or less) conductive tethers.
3 ccessive re-attachment of reversibly-binding tethers.
4  are mainly associated with the formation of tethers.
5  signalling ligands from their transmembrane tethers.
6 ules are distributed at the tips of membrane tethers.
7 ose to lactate was significantly higher when tethered.
8 ted when different extracellular ligands are tethered.
9 trikes a balance between filament growth and tethering.
10 ut affecting the function of Sec3 in vesicle tethering.
11 oting membrane fusion in addition to vesicle tethering.
12 n subtelomeric chromatin organization and NE tethering.
13 at (iii) PI(4)P is required during and after tethering.
14 ired for catalytic turnover through covalent tethering.
15 and report a new function for ACBD5 in PO-ER tethering.
16 chment events indicative of multiple binding tethers, (2) vibration amplitudes of adhering bacteria p
17 e substrates can be restored by artificially tethering a region of the substrate, which ultimately be
18 ddition, we demonstrate nucleotide-dependent tethering ability of hGBP1F Furthermore, we report nucle
19                    Similar to other membrane-tethered actin structures, we find proteins localize in
20 via its N-terminal CCP module pair (CCP1/2), tethering active IL-33 within necrotic cells, preventing
21   We found that decreasing Ran-GTP levels or tethering active Ran to the equatorial membrane affects
22                       The intermolecular DNA tethering activity of RecN protein described previously
23  of intermediates; (ii) the alpha-dicarbonyl tether acts as a chromophore enhancer, extending the con
24                 In addition, the mobility of tethered aggrecan drops significantly when the cell coat
25 he length of the extended ectodomain and the tethered agonist of the receptor, but not on its autopro
26  the MLL moiety provided a constitutive PAF1 tether allowing MLL fusions to circumvent H3 competition
27 mbrane protein implicated in ER-mitochondria tethering, also shows reduced expression in Ld-infected
28 inked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for PEG by tethering an anti-PEG antibody (AGP3) via tethers with d
29  alternative strategy for gene activation by tethering an autonomous transcription activation domain
30                                              Tethered and functionally active vacuole-mitochondria in
31                                 These basket-tethered and membrane-tethered proteasomes, which have s
32                         Here, we use genetic tethering and disulfide bonding strategies to construct
33                                        Using tethering and fusion assays combined with HOPS mutants,
34 the vacuolar kinase Yck3, is dispensable for tethering and fusion but can affect tethering if phospho
35 s a common component of MCS involved in both tethering and lipid transfer by binding directly to prot
36 The glycoengineered cells exhibited enhanced tethering and rolling interactions on E-selectin-bearing
37               Rapid membrane fusion requires tethering and Sec1-Munc18 (SM) function to catalyze R-,
38 calable as well as effective for alternative tethers and metal oxide nanoparticles.
39 nistic model for MFN1-mediated mitochondrial tethering, and our results shed light on the molecular b
40 lar contraction (both P<0.001) but a smaller tethering angle (P<0.001) despite a similar leaflet coap
41     Two HOPS subunits bind vacuolar Rabs for tethering, another binds the Qc SNARE, and a fourth HOPS
42                   Cyclization of the amidine-tethered anthranilate then affords 2,3-disubstituted-3H-
43  is apparent with photooxidation using a DNA-tethered anthraquinone.
44 faces affect how B cells internalize surface-tethered antigens.
45 rectly excited acceptor fluorophore on a DNA tether are due to a change of its average position in th
46  but factors involved in WPB-plasma membrane tethering are not known.
47                                          The tethered array of nanoparticles, MnO in this case, bound
48  signaling arrays is mediated by ParP, which tethers arrays to a cell pole anchor, ParC.
49                                 These weakly tethered assemblies, we propose, are built to relay the
50  GAP promotes rather than terminates vesicle tethering at the trans-Golgi.
51 omoallylic carbamates into [4.1.0]-carbamate-tethered aziridines in good yields and with ee values of
52                                     We use a tethered-bead assay to provide real-time visualization o
53 menable to a controlled environment in which tethered bees learn visual stimuli, a result that is imp
54 ing a controlled visual environment in which tethered bees walking on a spherical treadmill learn to
55               "Loop domains" form because of tethering between two loci-almost always bound by CTCF a
56                     Longer and more flexible tethers between the two aryl rings result in faster redu
57                               In addition, N-tethered bicyclic products further transformed into tric
58                                          The tethered binding time is determined by the entropic barr
59 es annealing of microhomologous sequences to tether broken ends.
60 s with other organelles, where membranes are tethered, but not fused.
61      Sensors consist of a GPCR and G protein tethered by an ER/K linker flanked by FRET probes.
62 al substrate-binding domain (SBD), which are tethered by an interdomain linker.
63 in is dislodged from the complex but remains tethered by an intrinsically disordered linker.
64 s in which the individual polymer chains are tethered by one chain end to a solid interface.
65 ing to C2C promotes E-Syt1-mediated membrane tethering by releasing an inhibition that prevents C2E f
66               Alternatively, external vessel tethering can serve the same purpose when the transmural
67 mily adaptor proteins mediate endocytosis by tethering cargo proteins to the myosin VI motor.
68            DNA sliding clamps are rings that tether certain enzymes to DNA.
69                                        IP3Rs tethered close to ER-plasma membrane junctions are licen
70                                  The vesicle-tethering complex exocyst is one of the crucial cell pol
71                        The GARP complex is a tethering complex involved in retrograde transport of en
72 ntact site in human cells held together by a tethering complex of VAPA/B (vesicle-associated membrane
73 ion, our data demonstrate that a multivalent tethering complex uses its two Rab bindings to determine
74 we dissected the lysosomal HOPS complex as a tethering complex with just two binding sites for the Ra
75 ng with the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) tethering complex, a major coordinator of Golgi vesicula
76                    The exocyst, a eukaryotic tethering complex, coregulates targeted exocytosis as an
77 s an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria tether composed of four proteins, three of which contain
78  both extended and coiled conformations, but tethered configurations were not observed.
79 rmation capture techniques, such as Hi-C and tethered conformation capture, can generate chromosomal
80  required for pathway activation in membrane tethered constructs finding that both the DEP and PDZ do
81 ures, leading to a net switch from direct to tethered contacts between the monomeric Abeta and the pr
82 t that the RAM linker is more than a passive tether, contributing local and/or long-range sequence fe
83 larity by clustering progrowth receptors and tethering cytoskeletal machinery necessary for neuronal
84 tably, given the general nature of the silyl-tethered directing group, this method delivers products
85 cules on a surface through complementary DNA tethers directing cells to adhere and spread reversibly
86                Although cohesin functions to tether DNA duplexes, the contribution of its individual
87 y of these platforms rely on thiol groups to tether DNA to gold surfaces, but this method is hindered
88 ound 'closed' state promotes binding to DNA, tethering DNA ends and ATM activation, but prevents nucl
89 this pathway are likely shuttled between two tethered domains to ensure complete methylation.
90  observed these interactions in magnetically tethered Drosophila free to rotate about the yaw axis.
91                                     Directly tethering Drp1 to the MOM bypasses the need for Mff to e
92 ble for canonical signaling only in membrane-tethered Dsh, but not in untethered/normal Dsh.
93 Cdc14 promotes spindle stability and DSB-SPB tethering during DNA repair, and imply that metaphase sp
94 of the exocyst complex that mediates vesicle tethering during exocytosis, directly interacts with the
95 go intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions with tethered electron-poor dienophiles more rapidly and in h
96 obtained by Sonogashira coupling, led to the tethered enoate-substituted furans 14 and 19.
97 a synthetic linker protein that artificially tethers ER and mitochondria also reduces autophagosome f
98 l tail, which is known to provide a flexible tether essential for FtsZ functions in cell division.
99 mophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 3, as a WPB-tethering factor.
100 ontaneous and visually elicited turns during tethered flight.
101 bear a hemiacetal aglycon leaving group that tethers fluorochromes in close proximity, also positioni
102 ethod is based on the intensity changes of a tethered fluorophore, diffusing in the exponentially dec
103               These turns can be measured in tethered flying Drosophila [3, 4, 9], which facilitates
104 aging and electrophysiological recordings in tethered flying Drosophila, we have identified a descend
105 -PEG antibodies on cells via variable-length tethers for cell-based sandwich ELISA, therefore, provid
106 mical processes in the cascade; and (iv) the tether forms an additional heterocyclic moiety, imidazol
107  provided in trans In contrast, artificially tethering full-length viral RNAs or surrogate gag-pol mR
108 e formation of ER-PM junctions and the ER-PM tethering function of extended synaptotagmins E-Syt2 and
109 y are a consequence of their ER-mitochondria tethering function.
110 res, respectively, characterized by flexibly tethered globular domains.
111                        Glycosylations of 4,6-tethered glucosazide donors with a panel of model accept
112 ple directions, allowing them to accommodate tethered guest molecules.
113                                      Several tethers have multiple Rab-binding sites with largely unt
114  is correlated with faster attachment of the tethered head from this vulnerable state.
115 , we provide evidence that attachment of the tethered head is irreversible, suggesting a first passag
116 inetic race occurs between attachment of the tethered head to its next binding site and detachment of
117 teractions with divalent ions can be used to tether headgroups in-plane, decreasing surface hydrophil
118                                              Tethered heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) induced H3K9me3
119 ly and properly recognized within covalently tethered HIV-1 RT-nucleic acid complexes.
120 depends on the recombination enhancer, which tethers HMLalpha near the DSB.
121                   Accordingly, synthetically tethering hnRNPK to Xist RNA lacking XR-PID is sufficien
122                                     However, tethering Hog1 to the plasma membrane did impact on sign
123                                  Strikingly, tethering Hog1 to the plasma membrane did not abrogate s
124 igh-affinity interaction acts as a molecular tether, holding XRCC1 and PNKP together and thereby prom
125                                              Tethering, however, appeared to be unimpaired in all mut
126 buted to establishment of H3K9me3 induced by tethered HP1.
127 uctive strategy using HS-27, a fluorescently-tethered Hsp90 inhibitor, to assay Hsp90 expression on i
128 ls suggesting that gE/gI and US9 function by tethering HSV particles to kinesin microtubule motors.
129 able for tethering and fusion but can affect tethering if phosphorylated.
130              Overall, our results showed how tethering IL2 to its receptor IL2Rbeta eliminates the ne
131 (P(Im); a porphyrin moiety with a covalently tethered imidazole axial "base" donor ligand) has been i
132                                      Genetic tethering impairs HslV binding and degradation, even for
133                          A variety of alkyne-tethered indoles are suitable for this process.
134  large area and micro gold electrode via the tethering interaction of a modified Self-Assembled Monol
135 e these defects, indicating that the peptide tether interferes with HslV interactions.
136 coupled receptor as it utilizes a covalently tethered inverse agonist (11-cis-retinal) as the native
137 of vacuole-mitochondria contact sites, while tethering is mediated by other factors, including Vps39.
138 tra-chromosomal interactions, and centromere tethering is responsible for the inter-chromosomal inter
139 -7-GINS (CMG) helicase binds Pol epsilon and tethers it to the leading strand, and PCNA (proliferatin
140                                The impact of tether length and electron density of both the nucleophi
141 ectron density, alkene substitution pattern, tether length and Lewis base functional groups on the ra
142  expressing anti-PEG antibodies with uniform tether lengths.
143 pecific labeling is achieved by presenting a tethered ligand at the synapses of genetically defined n
144  However, targeting PAR1 with an orthosteric-tethered ligand binding-site antagonist results in bleed
145                               The novel PAR1-tethered ligand exposed by MMP-2 stimulates PAR1-depende
146          Using the characteristic time for a tethered ligand to bind to a surface receptor, we study
147 ar surface of PAR2, preventing access of the tethered ligand to the peptide-binding site.
148 re for a PAR2 antagonist competing against a tethered ligand.
149 nd release from the cell surface of membrane-tethered ligands is an important mechanism of regulating
150 s retained efficacy against both soluble and tethered ligands with lower cLogP values and an increase
151 ion and used it to study vesicle fusion to a tethered lipid bilayer.
152            Pol epsilon contains two flexibly tethered lobes.
153   By recording the flight tones of multiple, tethered, male Ae. aegypti, we test the hypothesis that
154 ogical signaling processes, including simple tethering mechanism, regulating selectivity in pathways,
155 in-binding dynamics through a direct protein-tethering mechanism.
156                                         HOPS-tethered membranes and all four vacuolar SNAREs formed a
157 g intermediates and events: 1) Rab- and HOPS-tethered membranes, 2) a HOPS:R:Qa:Qc trans-complex, 3)
158 omplex in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae tethers membranes through its affinities for the membran
159 ely to cellulose microfibril surfaces and to tether microfibrils into a load-bearing network, thereby
160 hat Bik promotes Bak enrichment at the ER to tether mitochondria for efficient calcium transfer.
161 plasmic reticulum [ER]-cortex anchor), which tethers mitochondria to the ER and plasma membrane.
162 ting, which could serve as a paradigm of the tether model.
163                             The other is the tether model: force is transmitted via a tether to gate
164 sion, contradicting the "trans-repression by tethering" model.
165  as part of the solvation environment of the tethered molecules.
166                               Mucin 4 (MUC4)-tethered mucin is expressed in nasal polyp (NP) epitheli
167      Current evidence suggests that membrane-tethered mucins could mediate corticosteroid efficacy, i
168 norganic system described, and it shows that tethered, multi-step biological pathways can be reconsti
169 e ligand behaved as either a photoswitchable tethered neutral antagonist or inverse agonist.
170                   Cation radicals containing tethered nucleophiles that required endocyclic transitio
171  times more slowly than cation radicals with tethered nucleophiles where a large bond angle can be ac
172  virus-host interaction is important for the tethering of BPV E2 to mitotic chromatin and the stable
173               We speculate that intermittent tethering of claudins to actin may allow for accommodati
174 yst, a conserved protein complex involved in tethering of exocytic vesicles to the plasma membrane, r
175 e DNA-binding-independent mechanism involves tethering of GR to the pro-inflammatory transcription fa
176 RPN subfamily, and is thought to be gated by tethering of its ankyrin repeat domain to microtubules o
177  dependent, we provide evidence that ectopic tethering of JIL-1 and subsequent H3S10 phosphorylation
178                       Further, Cas9-directed tethering of mutant LDB1 to the beta-globin promoter for
179             Furthermore, via pharmacological tethering of proteasomes to chromatin or the plasma memb
180                                              Tethering of the arene to the arylsilane provides not on
181                        We show that membrane-tethering of the Dsh protein is sufficient to induce can
182 entally simple steps: (i) it allows for fast tethering of the photoactive core to the unsaturated pen
183                                          The tethering of the secretory vesicles before membrane fusi
184                                              Tethering of TPP1 to the telomere either via TRF2-TIN2 o
185 olymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPHNs) that are tethered on a chip.
186 n between linoleic acid hydroperoxide (LAHP) tethered on iron oxide nanoparticles (IO NPs) and the re
187 sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine (DOPE) were tethered on thiol monolayers in the absence and presence
188 ations, C-terminal extensions, and ribosomal tethering on the structure and stability of three protei
189 terminus may serve as a flexible scaffold to tether PCNA and RPA at the replication fork, and that po
190  cleavage of the N terminus, which unmasks a tethered peptide ligand that binds and activates the tra
191 d independent of deacetylase activity, Hdac3 tethers peripheral heterochromatin containing lineage-re
192                                Commonly used tethered photoswitchable ligands, however, require solve
193 somes are large, multiprotein complexes that tether plant biomass-degrading enzymes together for impr
194 -consumptive predator-associated cues: plant-tethered predator cadavers and homogenised shoot-sprayed
195                           Thus Munc13-4 is a tethering/priming factor and Ca(2+) sensor for both hete
196           These basket-tethered and membrane-tethered proteasomes, which have similar substrate-proce
197 ctate the spacing, number and composition of tethered protein motors (11-15) .
198  PDZD8 represents a critical ER-mitochondria tethering protein in metazoans.
199 e editing and the construction of doubly DNA-tethered proteins for single-molecule studies.
200 ependent redistribution and clearing of CRY2-tethered proteins within the nucleus.
201 ein do not only showcase the utility of this tethered RCM variant but have also prompted us to sugges
202                As a result, the most complex tethered reaction reported involves only 3 enzymes.
203                                  Traditional tethered recording systems restrict movement and limit t
204 functional SAM containing PEG moieties and a tethered redox thiol, both markers are detectable across
205 that the mechanism by which the VAPB-PTPIP51 tethers regulate autophagy involves their role in mediat
206          Here, we show that the VAPB-PTPIP51 tethers regulate autophagy.
207  suppressed by truncation of Uso1, a vesicle tether required for endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi traffic.
208 hagosome formation, and that this artificial tether rescues the effects of siRNA loss of VAPB or PTPI
209                Sequential lengthening of the tether results in decreased reactivity, which necessitat
210                              A series of new tethered Rh(III)/Cp* complexes containing the N-(p-tolyl
211 ively establish the E,Z-diene part, an ester-tethered ring-closing metathesis/base-induced eliminativ
212 the nature of the substituents on the phenyl tethering ring did not alter the stereochemical outcome
213 bonds regulate the rate by which tumor cells tether, roll, and adhere to vascular walls.
214                                              Tethered Set1 still requires histone H2B ubiquitylation
215                    The ability of cohesin to tether sister chromatids together depends on acetylation
216 ries of haptens with a linker at alternative tethering sites of the boscalid framework, specific anti
217 ly anchored Q-SNAREs were incubated with the tethering/SM protein complex HOPS and the two other solu
218 proton influx through the peptidoglycan (PG)-tethered stator ring MotA/B.
219  that (ii) PI(3)P is required only after the tethering step, and that (iii) PI(4)P is required during
220                                    A 'direct tethering' strategy attaching the Ezh2 methyltransferase
221 as scaffolds that selectively bind cargo and tether substrates to their cognate proteases to promote
222 tification of various proteins necessary for tethering subtelomeric chromatin to the NE and the silen
223    These results were confirmed using a WIG1 tethering system based on the MS2 bacteriophage coat pro
224 nships among these features using an in vivo tethering system in Neurospora crassa Artificial recruit
225 d by the capsid protein pUL25 and the capsid-tethered tegument protein pUL36.
226                    The synthesis of a pyrene-tethered TEMPO derivative (TEMPO=2,2,6,6-tetramethylpipe
227 long ankyrin repeat domain is organized as a tether that can trigger channel gating.
228                             The protein is a tether that generates close contacts between these compa
229 del in which IncV acts as one of the primary tethers that contribute to the formation of ER-inclusion
230 urfaces through multiple, reversibly-binding tethers that detach and successively re-attach, but not
231 e evidence that these ring-shaped assemblies tether the left and right chromosome arms together while
232                    At MCS, specific proteins tether the organelles in close proximity and mediate the
233                       We review factors that tether the two membranes, their properties, and their dy
234 D5) and that this interaction is required to tether the two organelles together, thereby facilitating
235 nds, preventing their growth and dynamically tethering the branched actin network to the WASP-family
236 ficient processing segment can be rescued by tethering the donor near the break.
237 bination at a number of chromosomal sites by tethering the natural Spo11 protein to various DNA-bindi
238  lipoprotein determines periplasmic width by tethering the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer.
239                                              Tethering the redox-active iodophenyl subunit to a tetra
240 ACAGAGA sequence forms a hairpin that weakly tethers the 5' splice site.
241 rdware for such studies, however, physically tethers the experimental animal to an external light sou
242 and weakly to Cho because a different H-bond tethers the ligand to misalign the QA and form weaker in
243                                         TFAM tethers the N-terminal region of mtRNAP to recruit the p
244                     Depending on the site of tethering, the ligand behaved as either a photoswitchabl
245 esviruses, maintain their plasmid genomes by tethering them to cellular chromosomes.
246 nhibited the release of enveloped viruses by tethering them to the plasma membrane of infected cells.
247                  To do this, virus particles tether themselves to dyneins and kinesins that motor alo
248 he tetramethylcyclam (TMC) macrocycle with a tethered thiolate.
249 ngly, an intact CUE1 domain was required for tethering this remodeler to the nucleus.
250 ts neighboring 25 kb region by independently tethering this TF without coincidental ETS1 binding.
251 the tether model: force is transmitted via a tether to gate the channel.
252                   Irradiation of a 1,3-enyne tethered to a 2-pyridone, in the presence of oxygen, lea
253  specificity (Ser/Thr and Tyr) kinase domain tethered to a calmodulin-like domain (CLD) via an autoin
254 gents with substrates containing a 1,3-enyne tethered to a ketone, to give products containing three
255 of programmable DNA-binding ligands flexibly tethered to a small molecule that engages the transcript
256                         alpha-Amino nitriles tethered to alkenes through a urea linkage undergo intra
257  substrates containing a Z-allylic phosphate tethered to an alkyne are described.
258 eptors, and adenosine type 1 receptor (A1R), tethered to Galphas-XL, Galphai2, or Galphaq subunits.
259 re captured along microtubule walls and then tethered to microtubule-ends through a multi-step end-on
260 ere we show a complex reaction of 10 enzymes tethered to nanoparticles.
261 ndividually, we demonstrate that they remain tethered to one another subsequent to internalization, a
262 mechanisms by which regions of the ER become tethered to POs are unknown, in particular in mammalian
263 he reduction potential of the carbazole unit tethered to the aminocatalyst.
264 t the cytosolic Hsc70-SGTA-Hsp105 complex is tethered to the ER membrane, where Hsp105 and SGTA facil
265 rimary alkylamine functionalities covalently tethered to the linkers of IRMOF-74-III results in a mat
266 eton consists of spectrin tetramers that are tethered to the lipid bilayer by ankyrin and by actin-ba
267 Escherichia coli comprises filaments of FtsZ tethered to the membrane by FtsA and ZipA.
268                                    The OM is tethered to the peptidoglycan via the lipoprotein, Lpp.
269 ns were constructed in which Hog1 was either tethered to the plasma membrane or constitutively nuclea
270 sisting of biodegradable polymeric particles tethered to the tumour cell surface via polyethylene gly
271                                Electrostatic tethering to framework aluminum centers limits the volum
272 thetase and folliculin, which regulates mTOR tethering to lysosomal membranes.
273 retained by the mother cell, in part through tethering to mitochondria, while the disaggregase Hsp104
274 GEFs and GAPs promotes or terminates vesicle tethering to organelles, respectively.
275 we have harnessed the power of bioorthogonal tethering to SNAP and CLIP protein tags to create a fami
276 lasma membrane as well as retrograde vesicle tethering to the Golgi.
277  in gene gating to nuclear pores, artificial tethering to the nuclear periphery of a transcribed locu
278 e division proto-ring that provides membrane tethering to the septation FtsZ protein.
279 e findings reveal how relaxation of external tethers to the nuclear envelope and internal chromatin-c
280 cRNAs contain some conversed patterns/motifs tethered together by non-conserved regions.
281    In most cases, many of these proteins are tethered together by synaptic scaffold proteins.
282                        Sister chromatids are tethered together by the cohesin complex from the time t
283 Prior to mitosis, duplicated centrosomes are tethered together, which is thought to prevent mitotic d
284 ar envelope and internal chromatin-chromatin tethers, together with microtubule dynamics, can mobiliz
285 , in which proteolytic release of a membrane-tethered transcription factor (TF) requires both a PPI t
286                      In plants, the membrane-tethered transcription factor bZIP28 and the ribonucleas
287 , is a liver-enriched, endoplasmic reticulum-tethered transcription factor known to regulate the hepa
288 esolution typically requires an animal to be tethered under a microscope, which substantially restric
289             This approach was implemented by tethering vesicles containing a Ca(2+) sensitive fluores
290        Additionally, we demonstrate that TFG tethers vesicles harboring the inner COPII coat, which c
291                                 Artificially tethering viral mRNAs encoding Gag capsid proteins (gag-
292 rete punctate spots in the nucleus, where it tethers viral episomes to cellular chromatin and interac
293 crimination to the treadmill paradigm with a tethered, walking bee was successful as bees exhibited r
294 les for each subtype at the start and end of tethered-walking turns.
295 n autoinhibited state and to couple membrane tethering with lipid transport.
296 by tethering an anti-PEG antibody (AGP3) via tethers with different dimensions on the surface of 293T
297 ively; and in a feed-forward mechanism, LKB1 tethers with p53 and p73 to get recruited to p53-respons
298  of newly deposited species and how they are tethered within the MOF is critical to understanding how
299            We noted that inhibitory residues tethered within the NAD(+)-binding site by an intramolec
300 have found unexpectedly that peptide linkers tethering WW domains in several HECT family members are

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