


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere fusions and most were tetraploid or near-tetraploid.
2 ted with macrozoospermia and these sperm are tetraploid.
3 nce transcriptome asymmetry in the synthetic tetraploid.
4 resulting in the formation of stable a/alpha tetraploids.
5 rine epithelial cells promotes generation of tetraploids.
6 ewly formed hybrids or to diploidizing (auto)tetraploids.
7 tion genetics and hence breeding programs of tetraploids.
8 tributed to the initial establishment of the tetraploids.
9 (2n=2x=30; O. spinosa and O. intermedia) and tetraploid (2n=4x=60; O. repens and O. maritima) taxa ex
10 es are 'polyploid' such as 'triploid' (3n), 'tetraploid' (4n), 'pentaploid' (5n), and so forth.
11 loidy series consisting of the diploid (2X), tetraploid (4X) and hexaploid (6X) lines and compared th
12 (1x) clone, two diploid (2x) clones, and one tetraploid (4x) clone.
13 versely, the defects of hybrid seeds between tetraploid A. arenosa and diploid A. lyrata were aggrava
14 to form viable hybrid seeds with diploid and tetraploid A. arenosa, associated with the reestablishme
15                         Importantly, natural tetraploid A. lyrata was able to form viable hybrid seed
16 icient cell and nuclear fusion, resulting in tetraploid a/alpha mating products.
17 er (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the tetraploid AB-genome progenitor of domesticated wheat ha
18  the other isolates that were collected from tetraploid (AB genomes) durum wheat and hexaploid (ABD g
19 thern lowland ecotype, composed of primarily tetraploid accessions.
20 ion of nuclear localized cyclin B1 prevented tetraploid accumulation after Skp2 knockdown.
21 confirms the polyploid event that led to the tetraploid ancestor of modern maize.
22 omesticated allotetraploid cottons and their tetraploid and diploid relatives.
23 yping applications, SNPs polymorphic between tetraploid and diploid species were included for use in
24 ns substituted for homologous chromosomes in tetraploid and hexaploid backgrounds.
25 lic characteristics were studied in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes of Atriplex canescens
26  reached highest levels at the last stage of tetraploid and hexaploid grain development, suggesting t
27                                      We grew tetraploid and hexaploid hermaphrodites under different
28 d, on average, 2,705 and 5,351 mutations per tetraploid and hexaploid line, respectively, which resul
29  vegetative tissues and developing grains of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat, suggesting their functio
30 tein-coding regions of 2,735 mutant lines of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat.
31 re formed on most of the chromosomes in both tetraploid and hexaploid wheats.
32 yocytes with 2n diploid DNA content and that tetraploid and octaploid nuclei constitute only a small
33 ypes: a northern upland ecotype, composed of tetraploid and octoploid accessions, and a southern lowl
34 both upland and lowland ecotypes, as well as tetraploid and octoploid genomes.
35                       In coastal California, tetraploids and hexaploids occupy mesic grassland and xe
36 a, exemplifying the long-term persistence of tetraploids and the multiple origins of hexaploids relat
37 or allelic differences between the Gossypium tetraploids and their diploid progenitors.
38 o the relationships between various Brassica tetraploids and their diploid-progenitors at a single-ba
39  metastases are generally aneuploid, but not tetraploid, and are histopathologically similar to the p
40 n comparing homoeologous genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheats.
41 ene loss between the genomes of this ancient tetraploid, and perhaps all tetraploids, is the result o
42 rtex and chick telencephalic derivatives are tetraploid, and that in the mouse ~85% of these neurons
43 groups: (i) putative diploids, (ii) putative tetraploids, and (iii) the hybrid cultivated species S.
44  spp. and Aegilops spp., including diploids, tetraploids, and hexaploids.
45 enotypes containing diploids, triploids, and tetraploids, and the Chilotanum Group of lowland tetrapl
46 r order polyploids than between diploids and tetraploids, and unreduced gametes may facilitate diploi
47 ated genome elimination to convert a natural tetraploid Arabidopsis into a diploid, reducing its ploi
48                           Here, we introduce tetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana as a robust genetic mode
49 e competing pathways modulate DNTF, and that tetraploid Arabidopsis will be a powerful model for eluc
50 signaling or defective autophagy or that are tetraploid are eliminated at the onset of differentiatio
51                                  Two related tetraploids are indicated to have diversified in eastern
52 st frequently wild type in melanoma, and the tetraploid arrest and down-regulation of G2/M regulatory
53 p27(Kip1) or cyclin E1 failed to prevent the tetraploid arrest induced by Skp2 knockdown.
54                                              Tetraploid arrest is dependent on p16INK4a expression, a
55 n, as siRNA suppression of p16INK4a bypasses tetraploid arrest, permitting primary cells to become an
56  and fetuses of tetraploid ESC chimeras were tetraploid as determined by fluorescence activated cell
57 Comparison of genomic sequences from several tetraploid (AtDt) Gossypium species and genotypes with p
58                                       Sorted tetraploid Aurora-B-overexpressing cells promoted signif
59 n fact relative losses against a triploid or tetraploid background.
60 s (BBAA) and ssp. durum (BBAA), an extracted tetraploid (BBAA), and a synthetic tetraploid (S(l) S(l)
61           We propose that successful ancient tetraploids begin as wide crosses between two lines, eac
62 e ES cell with such increased potency into a tetraploid blastocyst gives rise to an entire embryo wit
63  and to late-term embryos when injected into tetraploid blastocysts.
64 s between a wart resistant and a susceptible tetraploid breeding clone was evaluated for resistance t
65 cally viewed as bridges between diploids and tetraploids but rarely as parental genomes of high-level
66                                       In the tetraploid C. arabica, a homoeologous non-reciprocal tra
67  undergone range contractions in contrast to tetraploid C. indicum.
68 ic hyperaccumulating fern Pteris vittata and tetraploid 'C-fern Express' (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
69 trol and aspirin involves the elimination of tetraploid cancer cell precursors.
70 p2 depletion in melanoma cells resulted in a tetraploid cell cycle arrest.
71                                Arrest of the tetraploid cell cycle is therefore potentially a critica
72 r progression, with its initiation linked to tetraploid cell formation.
73 f which underwent mitotic collapse to form a tetraploid cell with extra spindle components.
74  hybridization performed on DNA derived from tetraploid cell-induced tumors indicates amplifications
75 s termed "mitotic slippage," which generates tetraploid cells and limits the effectiveness of antimit
76  gene expression evoked in acute and adapted tetraploid cells and their effect on cell-cycle progress
77                                       Pseudo-tetraploid cells are exceedingly rare in early meiotic p
78                                              Tetraploid cells are frequently found in preneoplastic l
79  pathways that trigger growth suppression in tetraploid cells are not known.
80                               Whether pseudo-tetraploid cells arise early in germ cell development or
81 gent that selectively reduces the fitness of tetraploid cells by slowing down their cell cycle progre
82                           Rare proliferating tetraploid cells can emerge from acute polyploid populat
83                         Genetically unstable tetraploid cells can promote tumorigenesis.
84 multiple centrosomes induces aneuploidy when tetraploid cells continue to cycle.
85 to ensure genomic stability and to eliminate tetraploid cells exist in eukaryotic cells.
86                                     Arrested tetraploid cells finally become senescent, as determined
87                                              Tetraploid cells generated by abnormal cell division are
88 red cells, as well as in naturally occurring tetraploid cells in vivo.
89                Uncontrolled proliferation of tetraploid cells is known to trigger genomic instability
90             Our data support a model whereby tetraploid cells represent a first step in the onset of
91         In the absence of p53 signaling, the tetraploid cells resulting from loss of Nm23-H1 continue
92 on restoration of telomere protection, these tetraploid cells resumed cell division cycles and prolif
93        Transcriptome analysis of these acute tetraploid cells revealed common signatures of activatio
94   Failed cytokinesis in humans can result in tetraploid cells that can become aneuploid and promote c
95                                   Binucleate tetraploid cells that formed after incubation with 4-HNE
96                         Selective killing of tetraploid cells was observed for a series of additional
97 ternation of generations between diploid and tetraploid cells.
98 id cells and restores viability to bub1Delta tetraploid cells.
99 ontaneous cleavage failure in the progeny of tetraploid cells.
100 wed by cytokinesis failure and generation of tetraploid cells.
101 tion and the generation of therapy-resistant tetraploid cells.
102 failure of cytokinesis and the generation of tetraploid cells.
103 h an adapted formula taking into account the tetraploid character of sainfoin.
104 aploids, and the Chilotanum Group of lowland tetraploid Chilean landraces); (ii) S. ajanhuiri (diploi
105  of contributing to traditional germline and tetraploid chimaeras.
106  procedures necessary to produce specialized tetraploid chimeras using tetraploid morula<-->diploid E
107 transgene reproduce the phenotype in ES cell-tetraploid chimeras.
108                                       Stable tetraploid clones could be isolated from Nutlin-3a treat
109        Endoreduplication gave rise to stable tetraploid clones resistant to therapy-induced apoptosis
110 ion analysis of single cell-derived, adapted tetraploid clones showed up-regulation of several p53 ta
111 ated from Nutlin-3a treated cells, and these tetraploid clones were more resistant to ionizing radiat
112 ncy by generating full-term or adult mice in tetraploid complementation assays, raising questions as
113 ort the development of "all-iPS" animals via tetraploid complementation, the most stringent test avai
114                                     Based on tetraploid complementation, we found that ectopic expres
115 measured in mice by chimera contribution and tetraploid complementation.
116 s generating single-EPS-cell-derived mice by tetraploid complementation.
117 ified: quadruplets retaining their ancestral tetraploid condition, semi-quadruplets still reflecting
118                                              Tetraploid cortical neurons (65-80%) express CTIP2, a tr
119                     In contrast, only 20% of tetraploid cortical neurons express calbindin, which is
120 iber genes with a biased distribution in the tetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genome that wa
121 ributes to the superior yield and quality of tetraploid cotton fibers may be explained by accelerated
122 regulating lignin metabolism in domesticated tetraploid cotton fibres.
123 omology between the diploid D genome and the tetraploid cotton genetic map, with only a few minor pos
124                             In this study, a tetraploid cotton genome-wide CRM was constructed from 2
125  singleton SNPs of known genomic location in tetraploid cotton provided unique opportunities to chara
126 estication of these two important cultivated tetraploid cotton species.
127  that subokra is the ancestral leaf shape of tetraploid cotton that gave rise to the okra allele and
128                   A consensus genetic map of tetraploid cotton was constructed using six high-density
129                                           In tetraploid cotton, genes from the progenitor D genome se
130 bling a high density consensus (HDC) map for tetraploid cotton.
131 ing of the genome structure and evolution of tetraploid cotton.
132 butable to D than A subgenome chromosomes of tetraploid cotton.
133 quencing confirmed two cases of gene loss in tetraploid cotton.
134 or identifying locus-specific DNA markers in tetraploid cottons including leading cultivars.
135 the higher fibre productivity and quality of tetraploid cottons than diploid cottons bred for the sam
136 suggesting a dual domestication processes in tetraploid cottons.
137 ced pentaploids exclusively, whereas diploid-tetraploid crosses produced both triploids and tetraploi
138 in tetraploid-hexaploid crosses than diploid-tetraploid crosses, mostly due to substantially higher g
139 G. hirsutum A(t)D(t) (in which 't' indicates tetraploid) cultivar reveals many non-reciprocal DNA exc
140 o SATlotyper on an experimentally haplotyped tetraploid dataset of 12 SNPs, and show that polyHap is
141  of chick retinal projection neurons becomes tetraploid during development, an event prevented by blo
142 of recombinant inbred lines derived from the tetraploid durum wheat variety Langdon crossed with a La
143 cental development and the rescue of IUGR by tetraploid embryo complementation did not restore beta c
144 a-embryonic deficiency is circumvented using tetraploid embryo complementation, cardiac myocyte diffe
145  capacities of chimeras created by injecting tetraploid embryonic stem cells (ESCs) expressing green
146 in the extraembryonic tissues and fetuses of tetraploid ESC chimeras were tetraploid as determined by
147  less GFP cells were found in the fetuses of tetraploid ESC chimeras.
148 d the trophoblast was abnormal in the EBs of tetraploid ESCs compared with diploid ESCs.
149                                 Furthermore, tetraploid ESCs contributed to the development of the pl
150        At 6.5 dpc, 8.0 dpc and 10.5 dpc, the tetraploid ESCs manifested in the same location as the d
151 on and abnormal differentiation potential of tetraploid ESCs might be two of the reasons for their po
152   We further found that the proliferation of tetraploid ESCs was slower than that of diploid ESCs.
153  3.5 days post-coitum (dpc) and 4.5 dpc, the tetraploid ESCs were able to contribute to the inner cel
154 cross (pollinating a diploid "mother" with a tetraploid "father") but repressed in the reciprocal cro
155                                          The tetraploid females have established self-perpetuating cl
156       We show that the relatively widespread tetraploid form of C. indicum expanded its range southwa
157 ess, interspecific gene flow involving their tetraploid forms has been described.
158   In the present study, Nutlin-3a promoted a tetraploid G(1) arrest in multiple p53 wild-type cell li
159  In our previous study, Nutlin-3a promoted a tetraploid G(1) arrest in two p53 wild-type cell lines (
160 e present in both the A- and D-subgenomes in tetraploid G. hirsutum, and increased in abundance in bo
161 man foreskin fibroblasts become senescent in tetraploid G1 after drug- or small interfering RNA (siRN
162 iRNA-mediated knockdown of p21 abrogated the tetraploid G1 arrest and induced killing that was depend
163 hat can be targeted by UCN-01, and second, a tetraploid G1 arrest that can be targeted by siRNA again
164 ter time points, 4N arrested cells assumed a tetraploid G1 state that was characterized by depletion
165 ds--first-generation mutants screened from a tetraploid genetic background--reveal that a 70% fitness
166 referential pairing and the structure of the tetraploid genome and as a step toward identification of
167  to create artificial diploid, triploid, and tetraploid genotypes, and use these to demonstrate that
168 atenin and, importantly, are associated with tetraploid genotypes.
169                                              Tetraploid HCT116 p53(-/-) cells eventually all failed c
170                                              Tetraploid-hexaploid crosses produced pentaploids exclus
171 zygotic isolation was significantly lower in tetraploid-hexaploid crosses than diploid-tetraploid cro
172 ue to substantially higher germination among tetraploid-hexaploid crosses.
173                                    Aneuploid/tetraploid histograms were considered positive for DIA.
174 delete mouse chromosomes 9, 10, 12, or 14 in tetraploid immortalized murine embryonic fibroblasts.
175 loids have a fivefold fitness advantage over tetraploids in dune habitats.
176 traploid crosses produced both triploids and tetraploids in high frequencies.
177 ed, including 9 diploids, 13 triploids and 7 tetraploids, in the Active Germplasm Bank, at Embrapa Ca
178                                              Tetraploid inheritance has two extremes: disomic in allo
179 igenesis in that aneuploidy arises through a tetraploid intermediate and subsequent unequal DNA segre
180 ze its xylose-utilization phenotype, using a tetraploid intermediate, followed by bulk segregant anal
181 of salicylate, repressed the accumulation of tetraploid intestinal epithelial cells in the Apc(Min/+)
182 53, which causes unrestrained propagation of tetraploids into aneuploid cells, further undermines gen
183  modelling suggests that rapid adaptation of tetraploids is driven by higher rates of beneficial muta
184  of this ancient tetraploid, and perhaps all tetraploids, is the result of selection against loss of
185 han ploidy status with multidrug resistance, tetraploid isogenic cells that had arisen from diploid c
186 reads from a GBS library of 48 accessions of tetraploid kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta), GBS-SNP-CROP yi
187 were found for the first time in diploid and tetraploid leaves and anthodia of M. chamomilla L.
188 maintained chromosome numbers at or near the tetraploid level, and the loss and gain of chromosomes f
189 ber-producing diploid ancestor contribute to tetraploid lint fiber genetics gain further support from
190  of eight switchgrass genotypes representing tetraploid lowland and octoploid upland cultivars to ben
191                                 The recently tetraploid luteus group of Mimulus contains five species
192 e treatment sterilized diploid Columbia, the tetraploid M1 plants produced good seed.
193 n developed for either disomic or tetrasomic tetraploids may not be generally applicable, particularl
194 addition, SMT2 allelic mutants also generate tetraploid meiocytes through the ectopic induction of pr
195 alled enlarged tetrad2 (et2), which produces tetraploid meiocytes through the stochastic occurrence o
196 isation between diploid Mimulus guttatus and tetraploid Mimulus luteus, two species that were introdu
197                      'Compositum-Barley' and tetraploid 'Miracle-Wheat' (T. turgidum convar. composit
198  (bh(t)) locus regulating spike branching in tetraploid 'Miracle-Wheat.' Both genes possess orthologs
199 ingly, LOX expression is detected in diploid-tetraploid MKs, but scarce in polyploid MKs.
200 roduce specialized tetraploid chimeras using tetraploid morula<-->diploid ES cell aggregations.
201  the phenotype, we first generated wild-type tetraploid/mutant diploid aggregates that should lead to
202  approximately 5.89 Ma, while the Australian tetraploid N. billardieri, is an independently derived,
203 nge projection neurons as well since ~80% of tetraploid neurons in this structure express calbindin,
204  of both NeuN and CTIP2-positive neocortical tetraploid neurons, thus providing genetic evidence for
205 upport previous taxonomic arguments that the tetraploid O. punctata might be better treated as a sepa
206 ichingeri (C-genome) were the progenitors of tetraploid O. punctata with O. punctata being the patern
207 differentiation between natural diploids and tetraploids of Arabidopsis arenosa, an outcrossing relat
208 ritance of microsatellite markers in natural tetraploids of Rorippa amphibia and R. sylvestris is tet
209                   We have stably transformed tetraploid oilseed rape (Brassica napus) with a CRISPR-C
210                              In these pseudo-tetraploid oocytes, pairing and recombination occur excl
211 analysis of MSCs revealed the development of tetraploid or aneuploid karyotypes in the rhesus cells a
212 less of the ploidy levels involved (diploid, tetraploid or hexaploid).
213 trol and salicylate reduced the formation of tetraploid or higher-order polyploid cells resulting fro
214 nd end-to-end telomere fusions and most were tetraploid or near-tetraploid.
215                                       Larger tetraploid or smaller histone::mCherry pronuclei suppres
216  for engineering lignin biosynthesis in this tetraploid outcrossing species is not straightforward.
217  and in the formation of new species such as tetraploid pasta wheat and hexaploid bread wheat.
218 TRs, which were similar to the variations in tetraploid peanut varieties.
219 size that following a chaotic wide-cross/new tetraploid period, genes acquire their new expression ba
220 Achillea borealis (Asteraceae), a widespread tetraploid plant with localized hexaploid populations.
221 osses between triploid and either diploid or tetraploid plants and karyotyped all surviving individua
222          Transformation of a 2.6-kb TRA into tetraploid plants resulted in a DNTF efficiency of 56%,
223 ermedia (diploid) and O. repens/O. maritima (tetraploid) plants.
224 bone marrow cells were reprogrammed into new tetraploid pluripotent stem cells that successfully diff
225 nd two hexaploid populations each crossed to tetraploid populations spanning the geographic and phylo
226 ing sequence, the heterogenous nature of the tetraploid potato genome contributes to a highly dynamic
227       These methods are applied to analyse a tetraploid potato mapping population of parents and 190
228 s in the diversification of long-day-adapted tetraploid potatoes, showing that extant natural populat
229 loid karyotype are thought to originate from tetraploid precursors, but the cause of tetraploidizatio
230                             We conclude that tetraploid primary cells can become senescent without DN
231                                              Tetraploid primary cells quickly become quiescent, as de
232 he production of haploid spermatids from the tetraploid primary spermatocytes via meiotic cell divisi
233                        Wild emmer wheat, the tetraploid progenitor of domesticated wheat, distributed
234 uires knowledge about the genome of its allo-tetraploid progenitor, wild emmer (T. turgidum ssp.
235 the formation of micronuclei, an increase in tetraploid progeny, and senescence.
236 nt chromosome numbers, including diploid and tetraploid progeny, as well as a swarm of aneuploid prog
237 and unreduced gametes may facilitate diploid-tetraploid reproduction.
238            Examination of mutant embryos and tetraploid rescue experiments reveals that abnormal yolk
239 ng reproductive barriers between diploid and tetraploid Restharrows in Britain, but not within ploidy
240                                  Sections of tetraploid roots showed thickening with enlarged cortex
241 om the diploid species S. squalidus into the tetraploid S. vulgaris.
242 extracted tetraploid (BBAA), and a synthetic tetraploid (S(l) S(l) AA) wheat together with its diploi
243 s show that all of the compounds that induce tetraploid senescence inhibit Aurora kinase B (AURKB).
244 s that our protocol is capable of amplifying tetraploid senescence, which can be observed in only a s
245  loss of a homoeolog in only one of the five tetraploid species (Gossypium mustelinum).
246  hybridization and sequence analysis in five tetraploid species and their ancestral A and D genome di
247 of four self-sustaining clonal lineages of a tetraploid species resulting from fertilization of tripl
248 d chloroplast fragments from all diploid and tetraploid species with the B- and C-genome types in thi
249 ong support for recent hybrid origins of the tetraploid species within the past 100,000-300,000 y fro
250 three independent origins of three BC-genome tetraploid species.
251 and female gamete frequencies is complex for tetraploid species.
252 han one hundred diploid species and a single tetraploid species.
253 type frequencies and pollen compatibility in tetraploid species.
254 f D genome-derived homoeologs in some or all tetraploid species.
255 cum dactyloides (2n = 2x = 36) is an ancient tetraploid species.
256 are similar structural features in different tetraploid species; yet, lncRNAs slightly differ from co
257 here is accumulating evidence of a transient tetraploid state proceeding to aneuploidy in cancer prog
258 ial effects are manifest specifically in the tetraploid strains.
259            Sequence diversity of diploid and tetraploid Stuberosum exceeded any crop resequencing stu
260                                         Both tetraploid subgenomes contribute QTL at largely non-home
261 eservation of HeGCE is asymmetric in the two tetraploid subgenomes.
262 rowth defect of both bub1Delta and sgo1Delta tetraploids, suggesting that these mutants die due to de
263                                          The tetraploid switchgrass genome is approximately 1400 Mbp,
264 sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from two tetraploid switchgrass genotypes, Alamo AP13 and Summer
265 us comparisons between diploid and (usually) tetraploid taxa, we know very little about how elevated
266 ndeed Apc gene editing was less efficient in tetraploid than in diploid hepatocytes.
267 on, suggesting that some carcinomas begin as tetraploid then descend into diploidy accompanied by gen
268     Most of the commercially-grown cotton is tetraploid, thus making it much more difficult to target
269  forward mutagenesis screens, scaling down a tetraploid to lower ploidy levels and swapping of nuclea
270 candidate disease resistance genes, to guide tetraploid transcript assemblies and to detect genetic e
271  G genome, but maintained in the A genome of tetraploid Triticum timopheevii (AG).
272 ot been described so far in polyploid wheat (tetraploid Triticum turgidum and hexaploid Triticum aest
273         Compared with haploids and diploids, tetraploids undergo significantly faster adaptation.
274          Moreover, the de novo assembly of a tetraploid Vigna species (V. reflexo-pilosa var. glabra)
275         Improved photosynthetic functions in tetraploids were also shown by more efficient electron t
276                                     However, tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp., BBAA genome) i
277 ocus in a collection of mutant and wild-type tetraploid wheat accessions revealed that a single amino
278 these methods to six independent M2 lines of tetraploid wheat demonstrated that our bioinformatics pi
279 a significant overestimate of the time since tetraploid wheat formation, which occurred no more than
280      Additionally, several wild relatives of tetraploid wheat have already shown a significant drough
281                                              Tetraploid wheat plants homozygous for loss-of-function
282                                            A tetraploid wheat population segregating for both VRN-A2
283 egion were analysed in 104 accessions of six tetraploid wheat species (Triticum dicoccoides, T. dicoc
284     We sequenced root transcriptome of three tetraploid wheat varieties with varying stress tolerance
285 ut 40% of the variation of toxic epitopes in tetraploid wheat varieties.
286 s of hexaploid wheat, the A and B genomes of tetraploid wheat, and the A, S, and D genomes of the dip
287 abase assembly of the 14 chromosomes of wild tetraploid wheat, as well as analyses of gene content, g
288 tic and physical maps of glaucous and glossy tetraploid wheat, demonstrating entirely different haplo
289 ces from 46 to 193 accessions of diploid and tetraploid wheat, respectively.
290 raploidization between A- and S-subgenome of tetraploid wheat.
291 bution of chloroplast haplotypes of the wild tetraploid wheats and A. speltoides illustrates the poss
292 ssing patterns between synthetic and natural tetraploid wheats, it appears that the shock-induced exp
293 oung inflorescences in wild and domesticated tetraploid wheats, Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (B
294 og expression apparently occurred in natural tetraploid wheats, which led to novel transcriptome asym
295 ied different haplotypes in both diploid and tetraploid wheats.
296 yped region of chromosome from triploids and tetraploids, while for diploids we found polyHap to be m
297         The presented variation in traits of tetraploid willow genotypes provides a basis to use auto
298 n Capsella bursa-pastoris, a recently formed tetraploid with one of the most widespread species distr
299 is in two highly related species, the pseudo-tetraploid Xenopus laevis and diploid Xenopus tropicalis
300  pathways are essential for the viability of tetraploid yeast cells.

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